
101 - 107

Chapter 101 - Xia Luan

If Sous Sect is one of the three biggest sects, then the closest city to this very sect is one of the three biggest cities! It was place where Xia Feng's mother, Xia Luan lives. Ever since her son went to the sect, she became flowerist and her small shop had a lot of visitors.

Of course, it was because she was the most beautiful flower here.

"Miss Luan, can I stay here for a while?"

"Oh, Little Wu, did your mother scold you again?"


Smiling at little kid who became one of regular workers here, Xia Luan nodded with her usual, bright smile which could calm down any brat! Even Little Wu who kept getting scolded by his mother because of his wild nature calmed down and worked effectively just like Miss Luan ordered.

From regular customers from any age to the passing by merchants, Xia Luan's shop was indeed crowded by many! And everyone was fine with little brats helping her as this was indeed the gentle and beautiful lady.

Thus, how could she not enter any man's eye?

"Miss Luan, how about you tell me your husband's merchant company name? I will find him and pass down your letter."

The man was clearly trying to find her man and kill him! Then, he would made some bullshit story and slowly but steadily confess his love. Little did he know that the beauty here was cultivator that knew the world very well.

"It's fine, Mr. Marh. I am patient enough to wait for him."

Xia Luan made the story of her merchant husband to have cover in this city. It was just perfect and was easily explaining as to how she had enough money to establish small shop! But the best thing was that those merchants were not directly trying to seduce her.

"Is that so."

Miss Luan was definitely patient as she kept waiting for her son to come back and tell her good news. Since he wasn't here, it meant that he has passed the exam to Sous Sect. Such big sect was taking care of their cultivators so she knew that her son at least needs to be at Nature Realm to leave it.

"Miss Luan, I have done it."

"Mmm, good job, Little Wu. Come here."

The little brat had done his job flawlessly as he has experience in working here. Well, he was only moving flowerpots around, but still!

"Take this tulip and apologize to your mother."

"Yes, thank you, Miss Luan..."

Little Wu was happy that he could apologize to his mother with such nice flower! He worked hard for it so he also felt huge contentment. And Miss Luan herself felt nice as she saw the disappearing back of young boy.

It reminded of her son that should be working hard in the sect! Cultivators from Sous sect definitely had good enough cultivation methods to let him rise... but in the end, Xia Feng was without any status so she was kinda worried that he might try to hasten the pace and hurt himself!

'I can only hope that Feng'er doesn't push himself and hurt his meridians.'

Of course, thinking about her son sooner or later would bring her to the memories that kept making Xia Luan to blush in shame even now. It's obviously the months of living with her son only after the death of her husband.

Being affected by his death, Xia Luan kept making moves on her own son. She still remembers how she kept sleeping with him, rubbing her whole body on his hard muscles... It was memory that was making her explode with huge shame.

'It's because I have lost you, darling... Forgive me...'

Miss Mother had always loved Xia Feng and this love was something warmth and homelike. How could she even bring herself to change it? What would her son think?! She knew that Xia Feng didn't do anything because of the hole in her heart from losing husband.

Thus, she was keen on apologizing for such impudent moves.

After everything had happened, Miss Luan was sure that she wouldn't do such mistake again. As she accepted the death of her husband, it was time to keep living... and who knows... Maybe when her son creates family, she will once again find a love that would accept her.

With bright thoughts, Miss Luan came back to her work! And as the sun was already hiding itself, she heard someone knocking the doors to her small shop.

The small shop of hers was also her home. The ground floor was the shop area while first floor was her home.

"It's closed, please come back-"

She stopped... Of course she would stop as through the windows in the door, Xia Luan could see the face of her own son! Due to Erossu Cultivation, Xia Feng definitely had become better looking than before, but it was no way for mother to mistook her son.



Throwing herself into his embrace, Xia Luan kept rubbing her cheeks on his chest as if trying to spread her own fragnance! But her hand also grasped his own so that she could check his qi. And feeling the strong qi which was already around her realm, Xia Luan opened her eyes wide in shock.

Quite fast cultivation indeed. This is Erossu.

But as she opened those eyes wide in shock, Miss Luan finally noticed that Xia Feng isn't alone.. Well, he had cat on his shoulder, but the most important thing was that he had beauty next to himself. She kept looking at her with warm smile which caused mommy to feel very embarrassed!

'She is definitely older than my Feng'er. Is my son into older women?'

Not like it matters in cultivation world, mother! But Xia Feng is into any type of beauty as every race is his destiny! As long as one is old enough for love, then the destiny strikes! Of course, mother was completely oblivious to this.

"Um, hello. I am Feng'er's mother, pleased to make-"

"What's up with such courtesy, mother? She is my woman, our family."

You are indeed family, already tied by blood.

"That's right..."

Nodding with a bit nervous smile, Miss Luan quickly let the duo enter the house without even letting Xia Xiu to introduce herself. Although the grandma had warm smile, it was simply because she had seen the motherly love of Xia Luan for her son. But as she let go Xia Feng, the nervousness came back as her heart kept pounding.

After all, she is going to drop the bomb soon.

The one who was the most calm here was Xia Feng who was quite pleased with his mother. He had seen her love, motherly one. There was no lust whatsoever which was simply too good. He doesn't want to be replacement for his father and even worse, to let erossu fragnance control her wounded heart.

But since she could resist the fragnance, it meant that mother had accepted her new life already.

Soon, the family sat down by the table! Xia Feng had Xia Xiu next to himself as she was his woman while Miss Luan took the seat in the front. It was the first time her son had brought a woman to their home, so she had to act accordingly.

"Well, let me introduce you. Mother, this is Xia Xiu, my woman and grandma."

Boom! The flowerpots shattered on the ground floor.

"Feng'er! Why are you calling me grandma?!"


While Xia Luan stood up abrubtly, sending the chair all the way back, Xia Xiu let out few fists of anger as she already had forgotten about Xia Feng's voice calling her grandma. But she calmed soon enough as he had told his reasoning.

"We agreed to tell her about our relationship, so grandma is the easiest way to say it without any misunderstanding... Just forgive me this once, Xiu'er."

How affectionate! Xia Luan who saw Xia Feng acting so closely with Xia Xiu had her eyes wide open with blush as she saw him kissing the grandma with tongue rampaging inside. The wet and slippery sounds kept reverberating in her mind even after the incestuous duo stopped their show of affection.

"Is... is it because of me?"

Hadn't she attacked her own son as well? Xia Luan felt like this is her fault and began blaming herself hard with tears flowing down! Since she had made the moves on her own son, he had broken the taboo and done the thing that would make the whole society look at him with disgust.

"Mother... It's simple love. Furthermore, we have done the deed without knowing about ourselves, so you can call it simple affection."

Well, it was one sided at first. Only when Xia Feng felt the warmth of home, he decided to take the Xia Xiu! The warmth that is one of the best types of warmth.

"So it's not your fault at all. I knew you needed man back then, and as your son, it was fine to just sleep together, mother... It's all fine... as long as you accept us."

"I respect your decision, Feng'er..."

Since it was not her fault, Miss Luan quickly calmed down while letting Xia Feng wipe her tears. She had adorable looks right now, so Xia Feng couldn't stop himself from rubbing her hair. It was rather violent and he quickly destroyed the neatly combed hair.

"Thanks, mother. I am planning to spend a little time here before coming back to sect, so let's spend it to our fullest. How about I show my flower? It's quite interesting one."

"Mmm... Show me."

Taking out Laetus Flower, Xia Feng himself felt contentment. The one with yellow tips has grown nicely and the one with blue tips was following quickly! There was also small one in between those two flowers with red tips.

"But, since I don't cultivate earth's qi, it's better for Xiu'er to circulate qi."

"Please, help us, Miss Xiu."

"Oh, please. Let's do it together. The three of us."

And so, the group began enjoying the evening! They held each others hands on the soil while circulating the qi on it! The soil's minerals glittered brightly while the flowers fluttered as if caressed by wind...

Of course, they kept talking while circulating, thus, Xia Feng began with the meeting with Xia Xiu... From the meeting to the destruction of sect!

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-you have destroyed the Earth Hand Sect?! Ah!"

She fainted.


Chapter 102 - Mother has an upgradement in her bottom!

Miss Luan fainted from shock, but quickly recovered as she is cultivator as well! Looking at Xia Feng with disbelief, mother simply couldn't believe the events, but with Xia Xiu being here, everything must be true!

"Feng'er has become so strong... Mother is happy."

In the end, it meant that her son is strong, thus, he will be able to properly protect himself in the future! And before she could turn to face her son, Miss Luan finally realized that she was sitting on his knees, being held tightly by those strong hands.


"Are you feeling better now, mother? I can carry you to your bedroom if you want to rest."

"I am fine, let's stay like this for a little longer."

It's been a while since she felt the body of man. How could Miss Luan miss the chance of being held tightly by her son? She laid herself comfortably on his shoulder only to remember about Xia Xiu who was looking at them while still taking care of the flower.


Quite awkward! But she is mother so all fine! Xia Feng himself wasn't touching any private places as he already decided to let his mother choose. If he wants to have him as her man, then he would gladly accept such love from her mother as well.

It's not like she would lose the motherly love in such process.

"So, Feng'er... How long are you planning on staying here?"

"A few months at last. It's not long, but I can visit you frequently now."

"Cultivation takes time, your mother understands. How about you tell me about your cultivation method? I am sure that Sous Sect has better ones."

Xia Luan believed that Xia Feng had cultivated his fathers cultivation method in their house, then he changed it upon entering the prestigous sect. He himself said that he doesn't use earth's qi so she misunderstood as there was no way for Xia Feng to tell her about Erossu... But now...

"It's Erossu Cultivation."


Mother's chin went below as much as it could. The poor mother just learned that her son is indeed special as the cultivation is one of forbidden 'dual-cultivations'. How could her son find it and cultivate?

"Oh, mother! You have passed me your warm heart with father, how could I possibly cultivate evil cultivations? It's cultivation that makes the best use of your bodies and the qi around us."


"Look at Xiu'er. She already hit the Life Cultivation as I helped her break the wall. Your son can pierce the barriers easily."

Oh god! Xia Feng was speaking about Erossu with pride as he believed in himself. He knew that no matter what, he won't abuse it and will only focus on the positive aspects of this cultivation. Without any shame, Xia Feng truly accepted the destiny as he spoke about absorbing power.

'Your mother can imagine how you break the walls.'

Indeed. One need something strong, long and sharp, alright! Then as he spoke about absorbing power, mother also understood how he passed and shares this very absorbed qi. Looking at the lips of Xia Xiu who already had those biting, Xia Luan blushed as she imagined the indecent acts.

"Is.. is it complete cultivation method?"


It must be. The Erossu Book is here, the treasure that can hold goddesses so the cultivation definitely is completed. Xia Feng nodded while looking at Xia Xiu. He wanted his mother to understand that the dual cultivation is good thing, so he began speaking about 'glowing looks' of beauty.

"As gorgeous as she is, Xiu'er also became more charming as she opened herself up thanks to our connection. Those lips always shine no matter what as she keeps... Hah... doing her job as my woman. But the best thing is below here... Your son actually comprehended the mysteries of Erossu Qi, destroying the sect in revenge. One can only say that the timing was perfect."


Why is he speaking about it as if promoting his services. Miss Luan was already blushing so deeply one could think she is going to faint soon. So what about the main target of those words?

'Didn't you say you are going to leave it up to her?!'

Xia Xiu's arm was going up and down as she felt like slapping this erossu cultivator, but she couldn't bring herself to do so as it was reunion of mother and son...

Well, Xia Feng was simply honest right here. It's no good to lie to mother and going in around way would bring only misunderstandings! But feeling the awkwardness of two ladies, Xia Feng changed the subject and asked about mother's life.

"I have sold the resources anonymously, then bought the small shop here. Using the story of being the wife of rich merchant, I made my life easy here... Because of this very status, a lot of people are mostly nice to me."

"No... It's because mother is the gentle and warm lady that can put anyone into serene state with smile alone."

"I guess... you're right, Feng'er."

Xia Feng spoke the truth once again, leaning down to kiss mother's hair which resulted in him opening his eyes wide. Mother was hot as lava right now! Xia Feng felt like blaming his erossu qi, but the reason for her being hot was because mother had her own thoughts, definitely not erossu qi!

"It's getting late, so let's go sleep."

"Yes... I will show you... your room."

And yet another layer of redness appeared on her cheeks as Miss Luan pointed at the room in front of hers. Xia Feng carried his mom to her own room and left her after brief talk between the two. Miss Luan asked about other women to which Xia Feng answered honestly as well.

"You will have a lot of daughters, mother. Erossu Destiny is already intertwined tightly with a lot of beauties."


As Xia Luan saw her son leaving her room, she fell onto her bed strenghtlessly, looking at the ceiling with blank eyes... In her mind, she didn't wish to die before Xia Feng and wanted to see him prosper in every stage of cultivation.

But she has hit the wall in her cultivation and living normal life didn't help her either. But knowing that Xia Feng has complete cultivation method, the son will definitely outlive her, being a strong and healthy cultivator...

And because of that, the tears began flowing down through her cheeks.


SLAP! Hit straight into the stomach! Explosion! Wait, what?

"You came?!"

Xia Xiu was angry at Xia Feng as he was too honest. She immediately pounced herself at him and began slapping, hitting and even used her knee to lightly poke the little brother below as she knew the effects of this beast.

She ain't masochist, the leg won't bend!

"I... It's no good to lie to mother... I am sure you have also told father that 'mother is always right' and so on..."

"Answer my question."

"Yes, I came. Probably because of holding mother all this time."


He acted as if letting his mother decide about her future, but the truth was that Xia Feng himself felt allure towards his mother after tasting the forbidden fruit with grandma! But staying true to himself, he did his best to control this... but one could easily see that few things slipped out from his mouth.

"Not only few, you have literally told everything! Oh, god... This was too embarrassing..."

Xia Xiu should be mother in law for Xia Luan, but now, she can easily be daughter of hers. This strange thought was too strange indeed! She couldn't focus properly and allowed Xia Feng to talk without any interruption... Well, it was also reunion.

"Anyway, it's time to cultivate... I am way more than ready..."

The rod was boosted by two forbbidden fruits, though one had yet to happen.


The living with mother was nice indeed. Furthermore, Xia Xiu and Xia Luan found a common vibe after few days as one was flowerist while other had earth's qi cultivation... Together, they could make their flowers blossom even more with fresh qi...

And right now, they were both making dinner! Xia Feng himself could watch from behind... Their hairs were all black yet Xiu'er had long one, descending straight like waterfall while his mother had one scattered to the sides as if rivers.

"You are looking more at your mother's ass! Hah!"

Old man appears! Erossu!

"Shut up, I already decided to go along with this erossu cultivation, so the comprehension is important. I, myself was in awe when I unleashed those bombs. I am going to thoroughly savor every beauty of my loved ones."

"The absorbing power can absorb any qi. But the stronger qi, the slower absorption power. Furthermore, don't forget about your water's qi coming from Ahrisha. You are getting closer to Life Creation realm, so comprehend some water as well."

It can look like old man is explaining like good teacher without any hidden intentions, but comprehension from Xia Feng is always going to be filled with Erossu! He nodded several times, but Xia Feng was glad he had done it.

He is visiting Ahrisha everyday in his dantian to keep her accompany while poison attacks. Also, he cultivates with her just after his real body rests after the ride with Xia Xiu! But the truth was the he wasn't thinking about the real abilities of Erossu Cultivation.

'I will do it later.'

"Here, Klim. Your share."

Meow! (Translation: Thank you, Mother!)

Slurp! Slurp! Slurp!

The dinner has been served and Miss Luan hadn't forgotten about cat! Oh poor mother... If she knew that this is yet another daughter in law, would she be now petting her back as affectionately as she is now?

"Mother, you remember that bastard who kept asking for letters? I have killed him."

The greedy merchant has been slained.

"Oh, Feng'er... Are you angry at mother for not allowing you to work here?"

The shop of Miss Luan had another beautiful flower, but Xia Feng wasn't allowed to work as mommy wanted to keep her cover!

"I am not... but you really don't want to go to Sous Sect with me?"

Xia Feng planned to visit her frequently here before settling few matters in Sous Sect! Then, he would get home here and live outside the dorms together with his family! But...

"Our first home has been left... and now, I have already created and built a good one here... It would be hard to repeat it in the sect with strong cultivators... Also... mother doesn't want to become your weak point."

As for her wish to live as long as Xia Feng... Mother had her own plans, but there was still a few inward battles with her conscience! Xia Feng could only respect his mother wishes! And as she came back to wash the plates together with Xia Xiu...


He gasped like pig! It was because Xia Feng came back to comprehending the erossu! And as he saw the bottom of his mother... Xia Feng stood up abruptly, taking few steps back!

"Mother has upgradement in her ass!"



Old man laughed with Erossu! It looks like Miss Luan can upgrade the erossu killing technique!

Chapter 103 - Luan'er

The days went on!

And as Xia Feng had decided, he began the normal life with his mother and beauty in small house. Other than helping his mother in the shop from shadows, Xia Feng also spent his time with Xia Xiu outside the house.

The commoners had a lot of ways to spend their time and the duo blended rather well to enjoy those! From theatre to shopping, Xia Feng tried a new lifestyle that wasn't really possible for old him! Xia Xiu also enjoyed those and the duo even took Klim to the animal's facility where there was playground for cats!

Meow! (Translation: Damn, newbies. Your milk is all my!)

But the experienced cat stole away all milk to her stomach which resulted in all cats crying out loudly! The customers and the boss became enraged with Klim, thus, Xia Feng had to pay for all loses.

Of course, it wasn't problem, but there must be some punishment...

Pah! Meow! Pah! Meowwwww!


"Damn cat! Embarrassing me in front of all those kids!"

Xia Feng was slapping the cat's butt as if already preparing her for the future! His slaps were obviously drenched in Erossu Touch which was stimulating the erossu qi in cat's little body! She kept quivering each time she felt his plam striking!

Of course, there was also another sound mixed which was human flesh getting slapped as well. It was Xia Xiu who was already on her four! Since both of them decided to spent their time normally like other commoners, they couldn't simply go sleep, right?

So the duo was cultivating in their own way every evening just after dinner with mother! And Xia Xiu knew that Xia Feng comprehended his mystery of erossu from her ass, so each session was indeed from behind.

Not like she mind though.

"Slap harder! This fucking erossu touch is too good! Ah! Yesssssss~~"

Meow! (Translation: I don't want slaps! It feels strange!)

The white cat was on Xia Xiu's slim back as she also has stretched her body like cat. Holding onto bed's rail tightly, Miss Xia had her breasts hanging down like two enticing melons waiting to be eaten.

Those two kept asking for attention as she shouted out everytime Xia Feng slapped her ass! Of course, as he slapped, Xia Feng always let his hand rest atop those buttocks, grasping them tightly as if trying to rip those apart.


"So hot from all those slaps... So damn hot like some kind of tickling bomb~~Hy!"

Xia Feng gasped as if comprehending something! The hand that was resting on her ass tightened even more elicting yet another shot! Of course Xia Feng was raising the strength of his AWE, but it was far from good progress...

"What's up with that gasp?! Have you perhaps failed with your comprehension? Then slap harder for another one! Ohhhhhhh!"

"I guess so. Scream for me, Xiu'er."


Hot grandma was getting intoxicated with the erossu as one can guess. She kept inviting Xia Feng to slap her harder as she shook those mounds enticingly. Xia Feng who felt the sudden increase of his AWE concept nodded with contentment and raised the speed and amount of slaps.

Pah! Pah! Pah!

Those slaps were shaking the whole body of Xia Xiu! And as she let go all her restraints resulting in moaning till the heavens, Klim had to focus even more as she didn't want to fall from Xia Xiu's back! If she fell... then Xia Feng would think that she tried to run away, thus, getting more slaps would be inevitable.

Meow! Meow! Meow! (Translation: Stop! Stop! Slower... No! Shit! I am falling!)

She fell... poor cat fell on her back as those paws went up in adorable way! Her eyes were locked on Xia Feng's face simply to show her adorable sight! It was instinctual move to protect herself from further punishment. As she swung her paws...

Meow... (Translation: No ass?)

"So what?"

Meow! Meow! (Translation: *Wide opened meow* *Blurgh meow*)

Xia Feng struck the tummy of cat with his erossu touch! It didn't do any serious damage at all, only giving slight feeling of pleasure and pain. Maybe he was truly preparing her for future! As Klim meowed in new way she hadn't even herself know, Xia Feng suddenly let her go as he felt this is enough.

"Remember to think about your actions next time. It's not like all milk belongs to you! You can only drink my milk, get it?"

Meow! (Translation: Hmpf! What's up with so haughty tone? I haven't forgotten your crying past! Hmpf!)

"Go and rest in the corner. I have to focus on my cultivation."

Meow! (Translation: *Hmpf meow*)

Klim rolled herself on the bed, then stood up with fast jump! While leaving, she let out cat's tail attack which did no damage at all! It was reminder to prepare some milk for later! Of course, the little cat had problems moving after all those slaps!

"Xiu'er, so which one?"

"Why are you... haaa.. asking if you are going... to penetrate both anyway? Ahhh!"

"Bad grandma~~ Just tell me which one."

"Ass! Fuck the ass first!"

Heavens! Was she getting turned on by the forbidden relationship as well? Truly Xia! And speaking of Xia, Xia Feng grasped her buttocks tightly as usual, then spread those wide exposing the little pink hole waiting to be conquered.

From all those slaps, Xia Xiu has perspired rather highly... Of course, erossu qi had done its job as well preparing this second garden! Xia Feng could easily begin the conquest once more, thus, he settled his weapon just on the entrace.


"As hot as it is... I am sure that insides are way hotter, burning for me already, huh?"

"You fucking know it well, so stop this shitty teasing! Do you really want me to scream how badly I want it?!"

"Yeah, I am pervert and it turns me on, Xiu'er."

Fucking honest. But there is also other reason for that.

"I want your rod deep inside me!"

The warmth of their most private parts was already mixed as Xia Feng's rod kept resting atop her pink hole while waiting for those words. And as he heard them, Xia Feng leaned forward with smirk as the rod began the conquest!

"Ughhhhhh! Mmmmm~~"

One could see easily how this thick and long rod of Erossu Cultivator was slowly entering the burning heaven, spreading her insides for god knows what time. And Xia Feng himself was aroused to the fullest, holding the explosion with his strong will.

"So damn good... Now, tighten for me, Xiu'er!"

Slap! The body of beauty answered the wish of her man as she clenched the rod as much as she could! Of course Xia Feng didn't stop his assault at all. His body kept smashing against meaty ass of his grandma so damn loud one could hear it from other street!

Then, Explosion!


"It doesn't end with one, Xiu'er!"

"I knownnnnnnnn~~"

Pah! Pah! Pah!

Xia Feng was obviously aroused by the body of his grandma, but there was also another factor... As he grabbed the weak body of Xia Xiu who kept experiencing tide after tide, Xia Feng turned their bodies so it would face the doors to their room!

Here, one could see a gap and one eye peeking at them... It was of course Miss Luan who couldn't seal her senses at all! When she saw her son's rod for the first time, she was close to fainting from shcok! Then, the huge amount of white seed and how he could keep going even after few shots without break at all!

It was so shocking and appealing she found it hard to fight her inner thoughts. After all, she had a debate within herself about surrendering to Xia Feng and enter the forbidden relationship... The 'common' conscience was slowly losing each time she felt her son's gaze on her bottom...

While Xia Feng was comprehending, Miss Luan could feel his gaze that was as if finger sliding on her ass!


And now... it looked like her son had enough of those sneaky peeping as he showed the connection between him and his woman thoroughly. Xia Luan could clearly see the huge monster leaving and entering the sacred garden with fast thrusts!

The white seed of her son was also splattering because of such wild movement sending the poor mother on the brink of explosions as even stomach of Xia Xiu was slightly bulged! And as she knew her son's intentions, Xia Luan entered the room with weird walk...

Well, there was something dripping from her juicy garden!

Heavens! There was huge pool below her! Was she there from the very beginning or what?!

"Mother... It's quite naughty to peep at your son and his woman, don't you think so? Or maybe there is more to this peeping?"

Xia Feng also felt allure towards his mother, but respected her, thus, held himself as much as possible. But day after day, his mother kept peeping at this cultivation, so he decided to invite her and have talk while... swinging his waist... against the beauty's bottom...

"Luan... don't look... at my face nowwwwww~~"

Miss Xia and Miss Luan definitely became closer after living together.

"It's fine... Xiu... There is something gathering my attention already..."



As another explosion erupted, Miss Luan bit her lips, then after brief pause, she answered the question of her son honestly.

"Feng'er... it's your mother being greedy... I know that you can help me... to raise my cultivation... and I know that you feel allure towards my body, so, just say no as my intent is clear... I just want to use you to live longer."

"And what's wrong with that? I love you, mother. Use my body as much as you want if that can help your dreams. Also, didn't you say that I feel allure towards your body? That's truth iss it also can make my ability stronger, so we both can help each other."


Xia Feng smiled as he exploded once again. This was the allure of mother being here all right! Then, with his rod leaving the sacred garden, another small explosion rang out as the white seed of Erossu Cultivator rushed out from this very place. This was enough to elicit yet another gasps from both ladies...

"Xiu'er, mother is here so I must settle a few things, you know what I mean."

"Mmm, have fun."

Have fun, she said...

Softly putting down the hot beauty, Xia Feng jumped out from the bed all nude. He was glowing from all sweat which outlined those muscles honed from all Erossu! And the closer he got, the more nervous Xia Luan was! Of course, Xia Feng couldn't get very close to her as there was something between them.

Little brother swinging itself with excitement, eager to feel the forbidden, new warmth once more! It was gathering the attention of beautiful mother whose eyes were already mirroring it.

"Mother, do you want to help me get stronger?"

"...Yes, Feng'er. And in exchange, you will help your mother?"

"That's for sure, Luan'er."

Oh, what a nice family... Wait, Luan'er?


It's been a while since she heard her name which was filled with such affection. It was love that has been mixed with motherly and womanly one... Heavens... Miss Mother also didn't wait for Xia Feng to take off her clothes as she untied her clothes by herself! They fell slowly as if exposing every part of her body in slow motion!


"Feng'er also has nice muscles which is rare for most cultivators."

Most cultivators focus on qi, but that truly depends on cultivation method. Also, Xia Feng has body cultivation so the results are obvious. Miss Mother was the first to break the staring contest as she moved forward, but Xia Feng knows that...

"Being healthy is important. I must clean this little brother first."

"Ah, um.. Indeed."

The second garden is truly sacred and demanding garden!

Chapter 104 - Welcome to the club

His mother was all naked in front of him yet he couldn't make a move simply because the rod was not cleaned... If Xia Feng had attacked Xia Xiu's garden, then Miss Luan probably would already feel the rod piercing her own garden, but maybe it's better to take the things slowly?

As Xia Feng thought about it like that, he proudly extended his hand to show his 'talent'.

"Look, mother. The more talented one is, the quicker he can use the abilities from higher realm. As Nature Realm cultivator, I already have this..."

Looking at the hand just like her son told her, Xia Luan had different thing in mind than Xia Feng... Since he has erossu qi, does that mean his touch is more pleasurable? Blushing deeply as the image of her son touching her all over her body flashed through her mind, Xia Luan found out that Xia Feng truly had more abilities than she thought.



The palm of erossu cultivator had water! It wasn't perfect comprehension like Ahrisha who could make the whole body watery, so that no one could penetrate through her, but it was enough to clean the rod...

'My son has even ability to clean his cock... This is... heavens...'

Heavens indeed!

Xia Feng couldn't keep this for long, so he immediately began his job which was like RATATATATA as he slid his hands on his rod. It quickly became glowing, rich in qi exclusive to him! Xia Luan kept rubbing her thighs through the whole process and as she saw his hand leaving his own little brother, her legs grew weak...



And as she fell onto the ground, Xia Feng closed the distance, his rod already an inch before his mother lips... From such distance, it was even more terrifying resulting in Miss Xia taking few breaths in and out.


So how could he not moan softly as well? It was pleasant to see such sight of mother as she still had a small barrier in her mind... Nevertheless, being so close to the deed, Xia Feng himself decided to push forward.

"Luan'er. You will be always my mother, but you are also going to be my woman from now on. This is inevitable and you know this very well... Don't resist those feelings."

"I know this, Feng'er."

Doesn't she want to live long to see her son's happy life? Xia Luan smiled slightly as it could be said that she was doing this for her son, but the fact that she feels allure towards his body also can not be denied.

"Feng'er has grown so big... As your mother, I am really happy."

"There had to be a reason for me to be chosen by Erossu."

"And as woman... I want to eat it whole..."


Such sexy words were spoken with slow and enticing tone that Xia Feng could no longer hold back. He pushed his hips, planting the tip of his weapon on mother's lips! Those red, glistening lips were immediately opened wide as Xia Luan clenched the rod softly.

"Ohhhh, finally..."


And as Xia Feng possess heavenly thrusting, the mother has heavenly sucking as she eagerly sucked the tip of the little brother who just not too long ago had another woman! Xia Feng was delighted to see his mother rolling and dancing atop the rod's tip, letting him feel every part of her slipper and wet mouth garden!

"Mother, you are so sexy right now. Is it because of Xiu'er? You have seen her sucking me off everyday... Ohhhh~~"

It seemed that this was indeed truth as Miss Luan stopped taking small breaks and pressed those slippery lips hard against the glistening tip. Xia Feng groaned out loudly this time and Miss Luan who had her own expierience knew that her son is going to blow the huge load into her mouth soon!

So she pressed even further! Her hard work was clearly rewarded!

"I am coming, mother!"


Explosionnnn! Heavens! Four N means that the load is indeed huge. Xia Luan's cheeks bulged out from the amount of white seed as it simply couldn't be swallowed wholy! However, Xia Feng urged mother to drink as much as she could as it was the first important step.

"We will work hard to break the wall in mother's cultivation."


While mother was drinking the liquid, few streaks of it left her lips adding yet another sexy look as it flowed down her chin! Xia Feng extended his hand to caress those still slightly bulged cheeks as they lightly scorched upon his touch.

"Mother is so cute, how about I move now?"

*Nod* *Aaaaa*

Grasping the little head of beauty beneath himself, Xia Feng slid his rod through her lips and tongue! Using those as soft bed, he answered her heavenly sucking with likewise heavenly thrusts! And going by his own, steady pace, Xia Feng enjoyed the mouth of his mother by himself, feeling the warmth of home.

Well, this is her home, bruh.

"Luan'er... you wanted to swallow my rod whole, right? Let me do it then~~"

Changing between 'mother' and 'Luan'er' was indeed tricky, but very effective! The former was reminding about forbidden fruit which was driving her in the same way it had driven Xia Feng with Xia Xiu while the latter was telling her about her new status.

And those two are exclusive to her only!


While Xia Luan's heart pounded so fast like never before, Xia Feng pushed his rod even further, slowly feeling the throat and more of her mouth garden which was clearly not explored before!

"This time... you will swallow everything, get everything!"

Explosionnnnn! F-five times... Heavens... The heavens are falling down! Xia Feng kept coming for a while, then swiftly left the mouth garden leaving the beauty coughing up! Of course, one look at her intoxinated eyes was enough to know that everything is fine...

Anyway, the beauty was thoroughly roughed up! Her hair got disheveled, sticking onto her skin tightly due to all sweat she had let out during this rather rough, but pleasant treatment! And those eyes were intoxinated for sure, but with addition of few drops of tears, Miss Luan definitely had sexy looks as those liquids kept slowly flowing down across her face.


"Mother... was that enough to break your cultivation's wall?"


The cultivation wall has been broken and both of those incestuous perverts knew this very well, but going with the flow, Xia Feng raised his mother's body tenderly, his hands landing on those buttocks that were already giving him problems with breathing...

It was comprehension... comprehension that was telling him to thoroughly feel the insides of his mother for another mystery! And how could Xia Luan miss it? Although exhausted, she was cultivator and could see and feel her son's reaction without any problems.

"You have been watching my ass all this time... So... fuck my ass, Feng'er... Fuck your mother's ass..."

"I will, this is my specialty, Luan'er... You have likewise seen this, right?"


She indeed has seen how her son had drilled Xia Xiu's ass several times! Being carried like princess, Xia Luan expected to land on soft bed, but instead of soft bed, she has landed on Xia Xiu's hot as fuck body!

"Spread your legs wide, Xiu'er."


The grandma who was laying on the back, spread her legs wide which only made the river of white seed to flow faster from her bottom... The white seed was absorbing the resources that were obviously scattered around the room.

And using the flow of this 'river', the qi was simultaneously flowing up to her insides, feeding her dantian with rich qi! Thus, now we know that cultivators can reach the dantian not only through the mouth like Xia Weiping had done, but also through the ass.

Heavens! Who the fuck created this cultivation system?



The mother landed with her ass pressing against Xiu's juicy garden! Those two bottoms formed truly great view from behind as Xia Feng felt like stuffing his rod between those! And as two ladies had the serve of erossu qi, their bodies unconsciously moved upon their contact...

It was as if they were doing their best to stimulate Xia Feng! And if it was truly their intention, then they had done good job. Xia Feng who saw two lips pressing against each other like kissing, exploded by himself spreading the white rain on two incest ladies!

E-E-E-E-Explosion! Five E's, good shit!

"Luan... Welcome to the club."

"Mmm... Take good care of me, Xiu."

"Ahh, it's kinda reassurring that I am not alone... Now, I know that there is someone alse apart from Xia Feng who will accept me for sure."

"Me too."

The beauties spoke while looking deeply into each other eyes. Their two voluptuous bosom were scratching each other lightly while breathing and as they intertwined their hands, the talk ended resulting in their bodies to quicken the pace of their lovely rubbing.

Moving their waists in every direction, those two juicy gardens were mixing love juices in most enticing way possible! It was when Xia Feng's white rain descended. And the hot liquid wasn't the only thing coming up with this explosion.

"Ah! Feng'er... is finally going to..."

"Good for you."


Xia Feng's hot hands clasped those buttocks of his mother tightly. He fondled the soft flesh for a while, then pushed her forward, causing the two bosoms to tighly press against each other... Of course, he is going to do it now, so he needed more room. With her ass raised all up, Xia Luan leaned down even more on Xia Xiu resulting in their noses to rub against each other.

"Hey, Xiu... Since your former husband had harem... have you kissed other women?"

"Oh? Are you interested in those lips? As expected of mother of Erossu Cultivator~~"

"What about you? Those lips had just sucked off the forbidden white seed of my son... So?"

"So I want those shiny red erossu lips! Come~~"

... The fuck?

Xia Feng's rough movement on his mother's ass caused the two ladies to slid on each other! The whole bed kept cracking non stop as Xia Feng's rouhgly circled his hands atop her soft and new flesh, comprehending the 'upgradement' while the beauties clearly enjoyed the whole situation to the fullest.

""MmhmnN~~ Haaa~~ Ahhnn!""

Becuase of the erossu qi, their bodies were sensitive indeed. It wasn't the full power of Erossu, but better this than nothing. Then with Xia Feng's comprehension of two forbidden bottoms, he had entered the state of heavenly balls, stage one!

Even though there was no special resources, Xia Feng's gems reproduction went several folds up! Soon, Xia Feng let go his mother's ass for a while, then as if preparing himself, he closed his eyes...

'I kinda get this 'upgradement'.'

Opening those erossu eyes after brief thought, Xia Feng spread the buttocks of his mother widely and quickly enough, his rod passed down the first warmth!


The hot, or rather burning tip felt so new, so nice on her ass that Miss Luan let go the lustful lips of her 'sister' beneath her! Which strangely angered the grandma as she grasped the little head of her new 'sister' and pressed it against her lips strongly! It caught the new to this feeling lady as she flusteredly tried to keep up with the rampaging tongue of Xia Xiu.


Of course, Xia Feng could feel the competition coming from Xia Xiu. She was doing this both for herself and Luan as it would only made the whole threesome better. Still, he went on his own pace. With his claws tightly dug into Miss Luan's waist, Xia Feng weighted his rod on her bottom, entering slowly...

"Ohhhh! UghhhNnnN! My ass~~ Ahhh!"

"Oh, damn it... Just hold for a while, Luan!"

"Ahhhh! So hottttt, much hotter than in mouthhh! W-why?! Mmmm!"

"Now you know the reason he kept looking at your ass..."

The tip was first and as he felt the tight, burning with home like warmth insides... Xia Feng immediately let go his holdings as he sprayed down his seed... The balls were producing at huge speed, so like hell he has to hold up. Spreading the insides of his own mother, Xia Feng had only one thought inside his mind.

"I am home."

And welcome to the club, bruh.

Chapter 105 - I fucken want those lips!

Xia Luan's room suddenly became too dark as even her bed disappeared! She took it with herself to make one, big bed in Xia Feng's room, so that all of them can enjoy the new life... The nights were more wild and since Xia Feng focused on his AWE, he could keep up with two ladies without any problems at all.

His Little Brother was always going limp when two incestuous ladies were too satisfied! Of course as the nights changed, so the days as Xia Feng now either wakes up with Xia Luan or Xia Xiu's bottoms pressing against his sleeping rod...

This time, it was mother who had adorable look while sleeping. The resemblance to Xia Feng was clearly seen, either nose or brows, Xia Feng clearly took everything good from his mother and polished it with his body cultivation technique.


She moaned while sleeping as Xia Feng slowly pushed his pelvis against her bottom, getting as close as possible. His one hand went through her, straight to one of peaks which easily filled his palm with soft material!

As he buried his head in her silky hair and sniffed the pleasant aroma, Xia Feng finally upragded his AWE which also is huge upgradement to his erossu qi!

So what was the comprehension that came from getting mother as his woman?

He, who grasped the utmost forbidden fruit... shall plague everything.

Erossu Killing Technique #3 - AWE focuses on exploding qi! The explosions is both deadly and pleasurable... But in the end, this is simple explosion of qi without any effects other than pleasure of erossu. But now... Xia Feng can use his comprehension of water and make some water bombs for example.

Depending on the situation, it might be very useful. Furthermore, if simple explosion doesn't work on enemy, then he can make surprise water bomb to try to drown his enemy... In the end, such variety is truly superb and Xia Feng was pleased with this outcome.

Of course, he will get more effects with more ladies from Erossu Book...

'Erossu Book... it's not good now...'

Xia Feng has to spent his time with mother! Tightening the grap around her peak, Xia Feng hugged her more as it was fine to lay longer in the bed as it was free day. Xia Xiu who as if felt his affectionate movement, unconsciously hugged Xia Feng's back, her hand tightly wrapped around his waist while one leg was intertwining between his!

In such soft bed, Xia Feng closed his eyes as if going sleeping, but the truth was that he went to his dantian to keep accompany for his water spirit.


Ahrisha's lake.

It was getting bigger, that's for sure. Whether it was jealous or boredom, Ahrisha kept working hard with digging which wasn't really ladylike, but what could she do? She was indeed both jealous and bored.

Xia Feng was spending nice time and she herself didn't want to come out as those chains would bring the huge misunderstanding. Furthermore, the Erossu Book was divine treasure, so it had to stay hidden!

It's fine to talk about reincarnation or complete erossu cultivation, but the book iself couldn't see the light of world! Also, what would others think if they knew that Xia Feng has been chosen by the book that captures and hold the beauties from all realms and planes?

So it was simply fine to not risk and let her live here freely. Xia Feng himself was accompaning her everyday, so it was also nice... He hadn't ignored her and immersed himself in the pleasure of forbidden fruit fully!

Such things easily warmed the heart of small lady! So was it the reason for her digging rather private room deep in her lake? Well, one could say that it was part of the main reason!

It was because of the old man!

"Ahrisha! Ahrisha! HEhehe~~ You will have a sister soon here! HEhhehehe~~"

He was definitely happy! Although Xia Feng progress with book can not rival the other masters, he was keen on opening the whole treasure, so old man became patient. Moreover, Xia Feng had said that he will free every beauty, but one know what is going to happen in the process of applying 'freedom'.

Old man kept laughing as he thought about that! The question was, how much can Xia Feng's heart be cut to share all his love with all those women? The guardian was far from boring with those wild thoughts!

As for Ahrisha... Well, we all know what happened next! She jumped into her lake and began digging the private room. All because the order is random, so who knows what kind of woman might pop out.

She herself doesn't know every beauty from book after all.

That's why, deep underground, the huge hole has been dug out. The world of Xia Feng is limited, so there is only water here, but a lot of space has been dug out so that the duo is going to have a lot of room to have fun.

Soon, Ahrisha felt Xia Feng's soul entering the dantain!

"Xia Feng!"

Like fish, like mermaid, like water spirit! One could think of those while looking at small lady jumping out from the lake! Xia Feng already had arms spread wide, ready to accept the cuddling! Ahrisha didn't expect him this early, so she used this chance to the fullest.

"A bit of cuddling, then we will comprehend qi, alright?"

"Mmm, alright."

Cuddling after hard work of digging and digging? Simply good shit. Ahrisha laid herself comfortably while Xia Feng landed his eyes on the lake. The water here was like representation of his qi and understanding since it's his dantian.

Now, it was shining brightly as he was approaching the Life Creation Realm with big steps! The water also kept glittering on those black streaks that were lightly fluttering beneath his chin! Ahrisha was clearly enjoying this, but Xia Feng had not much time before other ladies wake up.

"Today is my turn to make some breakfast..."

"Ahaha~~ Alright, alright."

Even a bit of cuddling was enough for Ahrisha... After all those years with violent masters, it was enough... She let out pleasant smiles, then on her tip toes, she began lightly jumping atop the water! It was as if the water was solid structure.

Xia Feng was now learning this ability... If he could summon the water on his palm, then the same could be said about his feet. But the problem was the he couldn't stay on the water for more than five seconds!

"Haaa... Let's try."

Although Xia Feng would never get tired of watching Ahrisha jumping atop the water with her naked body, he had a little time! Thus, he, who felt like he realized something stepped forward. And since he was in dantian, the soul had the same appearance like his physical, so Xia Feng was all naked as well.

The rod was standing strong from all this dancing, but like before, the time ain't right! It's training now, yes, it's training!

Gathering the water's qi on his toe, Xia Feng lightly touched the water's surface which was solid.. But for how long? Xia Feng was good in circulating qi which was helping him in comprehension, but even water spirits had problems with moving atop the water.

Only young water spirits though.

"Oh, nice~~"

But there was compliment coming out from Ahrisha's mouth! Since Xia Feng who focused deeply on his feet could stay on the water without much problems, she had to compliment him! But it was still the mere beginning! First, water was calm, so he indeed could stay, then what about moving? He, who had problems with staying atop the water for sure will fall!

Of course, Ahrisha who knew about Erossu had a good plan to make him do his best...

"Come, here... Xiaaaaa Feeeeng~~ If you do, I will suck all your 'soul' juices in one minute~~"

Xia Feng boasted about his mother's heavenly sucking to Ahrisha at the very same day! And one can guess what happened next! The water beauty refused to suck his rod and Xia Feng has been reduced to other parts of body to cultivate with her.

Speaking about cultivation, Ahrisha had come back to Life Creation Realm! Good shit.

Anyway, Xia Feng truly wanted to compare those two sucking techniques at the same day! He had mother eagerly answering his wishes, but it couldn't be said the same about Ahrisha! And it's not like he would lower himself to use those Erossu Chains!

So hearing such tempting words... there was simply no way for Xia Feng to not try hard! His whole aura changed as if he became hero from tales! Is he going to save a princess? Nah, he is going for lady cus he wants some heavy blowjob!


"I am going... for you, Ahrishaaaa!"

Roaring as if she was some kind of last boss, Xia Feng stepped forward! The melodious laugh of water spirit couldn't reach his ears as Xia Feng had resolution as deep as his killing intent! Seriously, how good she is?


Xia Feng could feel the solid structure which obviously made him bloom with smiles, however...


It was only for five seconds which could be said that it was the old record of his! As his body was slowly sinking into the water... the sudden change appeared! Holy shit! It was... it was! Heavens!

I fucken want those lips!


It was little brother! Standing strong as if supporting the whole kingdom of hero, as if holding the whole humanity on his tip, the rod of Erossu cultivator stopped the fall of his as it touched the water strongly. Not sinking into the water, the little brother was fighting bravely for his reward.

Truly a divine weapon... Truly a rod that can pierce the heavens!


"I can't say how much I am impressed."

"X-Xia Feng? The deal was that you have to come here by foot!"

"Oh... really? I don't fucken care... You must suck my litthe brother off after such performance... And I can assure you that the white liquid will be like never before!"

Erossu Tip Explosion!

Using his technique on the rod, Xia Feng had sent himself up... Using his little brother, Xia Feng flew all the way to Ahrisha like fucking hero he is... Of course, the greatest hero is the little brother who had better comprehension of water! That's the divine cultivation right here!

"Ah, fuck... I don't care anymore..."

As Xia Feng smashed his body into Ahrisha, the duo quickly sunk into the water! Here, the little brother appeared before her eyes as if by himself! Seeing the trembling, full of vines rod hoping for some good sucking, Ahrisha had to comply!

"Mmmm! Pah!"

Sliding those glittering like water lips, Ahrisha's head moved up and down quickly which already made Xia Feng groan and groan like horny motherfucker. Oh, he is now motherfucker indeed. But her hands didn't stay idly as she grasped those devilish gems that can truly fuck up anyone! Clenching her lips along with those hands, Ahrisha made Xia Feng to sent his load down her throat upon her wish.



"Hellish sucking..."

"Fuck! Isn't it the same then?!"

Slap! Oh, no! The little brother!

It looked like the answer wasn't satisfactory as Ahrisha slapped the hard like steel brother away! Xia Feng rolled his body in the water to properly face the beauty who had just drunk down a huge amount of his white seed.

It was going to her dantian in form of purified and rich qi, but Xia Feng could make the effects more better with his hands. Furthermore, her tummy is her weak point as well, so as Xia Feng utilized his Erossu Touch here, Ahrisha let out huge moan as she could feel the hot qi gathering around this area.

"Aaaah! Not fairrr~~"

"Feel me from inside and outside, Ahrisha~~ I will be likewise quick."

Oh, he was aiming for tide!

Chapter 106 - Passing down the erossu technique

"Ohhhhhhh! Mmmm! Stop! Stop! Mmmm!"

Ahrisha kept coming in tides as Xia Feng focused on her tummy while his hot white energy was deeply planted in her stomach! One press was enough to make her come a little, so what happen if he press it tightly with his Erossu Qi focused as much as possible?

"Ohhhhhhhh goddddddd~~"

Looks like she calls her god louder, that's what happens! Anyway, Ahrisha kept feeling extreme pleasure untill Xia Feng truly had to go to at least make simple and fast breakfast.

"Thanks for a little training, Ahrisha. See you tonight~~"

"Mmm... see... you..."


Opening his eyes, Xia Feng immediately saw the very same eyes looking at him with slight smile... And as if awakened by the activities in his dantian, the little brother was also proudly hard, but this time, he was sandwiched by two warm thighs belonging to his mother!

"Mother, why are you smiling like that?"

"Isn't it obvious? Because my Feng'er is handsome yet cute gentleman."

"Hmm, then why are you sandwiching my little brother?"

"Because... I am your woman."

Xia Feng laughed to the honest mother as his hand pressed her soft body against his pelivs even more. Of course, up above, Xia Feng also made a move joining his lips with Xia Luan as the answer was indeed good answer!


And after several sessions of affectionate kissing, Miss Luan already became accustomed to this and her heart pounded hard as she conveyed her own feelings through this connection as well! Immersing was rather easy in this forbidden kissing, but Xia Feng ain't bad man as he hadn't forgotten about beauty behind him.

With his Erossu Touch utilized to the fullest limit possible, Xia Feng threw his hand back to caress Xia Xiu's hips to send her shivers of pleasure down! It's was clearly effective as the beauty flinched adorably while bringing herself closer to her man.

Everyone was trying to melt into each other. Truly Xia!

"Well, I still have to make breakfast..."

"Okay... make something quick... Hmmm, scrambled eggs?"

"O, that's good. Wait a bit, Luan'er."

Kissing both his mother and grandma on their foreheads, Xia Feng left the room and went to prepare the dinner. Of course, befor he left, he peeked at his mother who grasped the hand of sleeping Xia Xiu.

Poh! Egg breaks!

"Old man."

Old man appears! Erossu!

"What's up, young man?!"

The old man still had his good mood, so he popped out immediately and asked with bright smile across his face. Even thousands kicks into his face wouldn't be able to erase such smile... Anyway, the old man appeared and he took the chair by the table.

"Is there erossu technique that can be passed down for my women?"

"Oh? Why?"

"I am sure that Xiu'er will stay here with mother, that's why."

Although she hadn't told him that, Xia Feng knew that the both ladies became much closer as they entered the incestuous relationship and supported each other highly. There was situation where Xia Xiu went out and bought some clothes with hat that could hide mother's face properly and stuff... Anyway, there were few dates with three of them.

"Hohhh~~ Hah! I am sure that most of your women won't even want to live with you anyway."

"Oi, that's sounds as If I am someone bad to live with!"

"Yeah? Then what about your former harem? Honestly, you should know that it's impossible. So-"

"They are fluffy."


Old man looked at Xia Feng with dead eyes... It was rare as this old man usually either goes full 'Erossu! Erossu!' or full information mode that is useful... Of course, information is regarding the erossu and its cultivation, but it's useful nonetheless.

"Even fluffy women would find it awkward to live with someone they don't know? And it's clearly impossible to like everyone."

"So I really have to do it like in my past life..."

"And how was your home in past life?"

In his past life, Xia Feng had huge territory as one of most influential people along his father... His home was one, huge castle while around, he had his wives mansions spread like flower's petals... Of course, his castle was filled with maids and other personel! However, unlike other masters, Xia Feng had no intention of touching those as he simply couldn't think of them as 'sex partners' because of those hungry and egoistic wives!

So poor maids couldn't get benefits like other maids from different masters resulting in them becoming quite unique maids! And yes, they were indeed unique as they had to clean a lot of roads that were linking the mansions of their missess as Xia Feng... was puking a lot with impurities...

And we already know why he had a lot of those impurities.

"That's it. Give them home where they can always come back to and feel comfortable. Do I really have to teach you about those? Heh, I can tell you about some erossu toys-"


"HAH! You should know that woman with hot qi won't live in the same house with woman of cold qi unless their cultivations are from the same origin."


"And whether they are fluffy or not, it won't change anything."


Once the old man begins his talk, it's truly hard to stop him! Hevaens, he had more?!

"And although your white seed can make their bodies hot as fuck, your liquid will eventually assimilate with their bodies, boosting their cultivation while disappearing. Hah!"

So while women with opposite kind of qi can have the fun with Xia Feng at the same time, it was impossible to make them comfortable in the same house outside the bed. Xia Feng knew that his thoughts were naive, but all those women were nice, so he kinda wanted them all in the same house...

'I am one man in the end.'

He is one man with several beauties! It would be better to give one or two beauties a pleasant night instead of going for some orgy. Xia Feng nodded and decided on his next move. Of course, it was time to come back to initial question.

"So, about technique."

"I can pass down one technique, but I don't know whether you will be able to write it down."

It's the same with cultivation methods. One might know the content, but still not be able to cultivate it! The talent and disposition is also what highly matters in cultivation realms filled with various techniques and methods.

"I have done it in the past... But I don't have materials to write it down..."

Special paper is needed for scroll and ink! Paper and ink must be able to hold and withstand qi while also have the ability to convey the hidden meanings and comprehensions of cultivator who writes his own cultivation method.

It's the same for techniques.

"No, no. All you need is your white energy and woman's body. White liquid acts as ink while woman's body is paper."


Heavens, this is truly erossu! Xia Feng who already ended preparing the breakfast, called out two beauties as he served his scrambled eggs on the table... Meanwhile, the old man completed passing down his method by his mind alone.

Such feat is possible at least in Soul Creation Realm.

"Klim, milk."

Meow! Meow! (Translation: Xia Feng always washes away the hate with milk! That's why I love you.)

How simple. But Klim had her own reasons to hate Xia Feng as he slapped her again for many times as she simply couldn't stop her instincts of cat! She is cat, he should understand that! Anyway, the hate has been washed away with milk.

While beauties were enjoying the breakfast and talking about today's plans, Xia Feng had recollected his mind with the technique that came out from the erossu cultivation... The old man truly had access to few techniques as he has experience with other masters, so Xia Feng wasn't surprised by this.

It would pop out sooner or later during his road of cultivation anyway. The old man was also reluctant because cultivators without experience would find it hard to accept technique that was from higher realms, but Xia Feng isn't reincarnator for show.

"Oh, that's nice! Let's go tonight then."

"Yes~~ I like the way he acts... as if he truly was some strong cultivator! Haha~~"

The beauties were talking about theatre's spectatle and were indeed eager to go! As they asked Xia Feng about his opinion, he brightly answered that he is also looking forward to go there... Well, for him, it's more circus than theatre though.

"But it begins in the evening, right? So before that, we all three have to do something very important."

The duo looked at him with curious expressions as Xia Feng sounded very serious. Also, it was rare for him to sound this way, so the tinge of worry also greeted those curious eyes... Of course, it all went away as he spoke his next words.

"I know that you have just dressed up, but take off all your clothes and lie on the table."

"So early? That is indeed rare."

"Feng'er... You sound so serious, just tell your mother what you want."

"Everything goes around erossu in my case."


We already know...

Nothing could be done to Xia Feng who wanted to keep mysterious. Complying to his request, the beauties slowly took down their casual clothes exposing ther naked bodies in full view. Then, crawling atop the table, they impatiently laid themselves on their backs!

While Xia Xiu had her legs lightly spread, Xia Luan was completely opposite, tightly pressing her legs as her eyes were looking straight into Xia Feng's. And as this sight was already tempting, and would force any man to jump between those two ladies, Xia Feng knew that there is much better sight to behold.

"Hug each other... like you usually do."

Xia Feng himself sat down on chair's back so that he could have good view from above... Anyway, the beauties hearing his request turned to the side at the same time after their eyes rested enough on Xia Feng's face.

"Xia... what do you think our Feng'er wants?"

"How the hell can we know? No one can read the mind of this erossu cultivator."


The beauties laughed which was just perfect! They hugged themselves immediately after this brief talk and their bodies pressed against each other in the best way possible... Their black hairs formed together something akin to soft, blank blanket while those peaks became the softest pillow in the words as they fought for freedom between each other...

And as they bumped their foreheads, their eyes went back to Xia Feng as if trying to invite him to lie on this very pillow! But he ain't doing this to rest... He is passing down the technique, alright!

"Yeah... look at me..."

With little brother released, Xia Feng immediately went into the action... It was time to prepare the ink! Heavens! The RATATATTA was so damn fast and loud as Xia Feng kept rubbing his rod as if doing his best to quickly release his seed on their bodies!

Heavens! One could easily guess why! He wants to sully their bodies as the allure to jump in was this immense! RATATA! RATAATAAAAAAAA EXPLOSION!


"Don't lick it."


Xia Feng aimed his rod and release so that the white energy would flow down from their little heads in specific way! Of course, as he aimed at their heads, there was no way for their bodies to be fully drenched in white seed.



They already got more sensitive! Anyway, Xia Feng now made the white energy flow down from their breasts all the way down to the juicy gardens! Of course... it ain't end... RATATATATTAT Explosion!

Heavens! So fast, so decisive! Those aspects are aspects of talented cultivator, alright! Xia Feng kept his eyes on his white seed flowing down on those long legs and as he confirmed that everything went in a way it had to, the eyes of his changed the target.

"It's the first time they have something passed down through their minds, so it will take a while."

Correct! Xia Xiu and Xia Luan had blank eyes as they were learning about new technique that came from Xia Feng's cultivation... And they could only use this technique as they had tasted and planted his erossu qi in their bodies. Furthermore, there was also other factor.

"Erossu Love Nectar... I am sure that ladies from erossu book hate this technique."

"Yes, they do. A lot of them were forced to use this in order to keep up with the growing strength of their master. There are a lot of favourite ones in the harem after all. Also, most of masters used it to torture them as-"

"Shut up."

The other factor was that the erossu love nectar could be only used when one was thinking about Erossu Cultivator in the most pleasant way possible... The masters were forcing the women to think about them in such way as they clearly knew about their feelings...

Furthermore... as they thought about them in such way, their minds were getting corrupted. It was something different from simple 'slave' mark... Anyway, Xia Feng knew about feelings of his women, so this effect was non existent in their cases. He had made sure to check it, that's why he was quite silent during the breakfast.

Of course, the effects and other things from former masters related to the erossu cultivation disappear except chains and suppressed cultivation.

Chapter 107 - Back in Sous Sect! The destiny strikes again!

Erossu Love Nectar!

The technique that makes the women of Erossu Cultivator to release a love juices that have the same effects like his white seed. Meaning that they can absorb the qi from resources in the best way possible! Of course, the effects are worse and they can not pass it down to anyone!

The purification also gets worse, but that's just temporary replecement for his own white seed, so it's all understandable... It works rather in simple way. The lady has to release a tide after tide by herself while thinking about her 'love', thus, the link in form of juicy flow of liquid is formed! Staining the resources is needed as well if they want to absorb those which is another deficit.

And with this link formed, the lady release out the pleasure while the purified qi goes into her dantian through the garden... Thus, we have another way to reach the dantian... Seriously, who the fuck created this cultivation system?


"I will do my best to send you some resources... Maybe Klim will be the one doing this."

Xia Feng had gotten a few more storage rings from Earth Hand Sect elders and patriach... Their resources were quite high as even now, Xia Feng had a few filled rings of those earth qi stones and so on.

The soil was also utilized to perfection as the Laetus Flower already had four flowers around!

Meow? Meow! (Translation: Me? I am so small, it will take a lot of time!)

You will grow up, lass.

"So, Xiu'er, take care of mother."


While Xia Xiu got surprised by Xia Feng knowing about her intentions, Xia Luan quickly stood up with white energy all over her to hug her son. Well, the meaning of those words was obvious - her son is going to leave son, so not caring about all of this, she jumped into his embrace!

"Feng'er, you must come everytime you break through, alright?"

"I know, mother... Otherwise, you would die from loneliness."

Smiling brightly at his mother, Xia Feng sent her into another state of ecstasy just from smiling alone! She gently lowered her head, burying it into his body to sniff out that pleasant fragnance which is mix of his own and special cultivation method.

"You knew?"

"Yeah, that's because I am not only looking at those forbidden peeks of yours."

"Hah, you idiot... Do you have to mix everything with erossu?"

"I do~~ Who knows? Maybe another technique will pop out as I enter the sudden comprehension?"


The both ladies laughed out happily and Xia Xiu also joined into the embrace, even though she knew that Xia Feng might feel uncomfortable by having his own white energy on his clothes... But since Xia Luan had done it, why should she care?

"Haaa... I guess we must take bath."



Xia Feng spent a little more time with his family, then it was finally time to come back to the sect! The mission has been done, so he must report it and he was already out from sect for a very long time, so it would be better to show signs of life!

"Feng'er... remember about our promise."

"I know, Luan'er."

Hugging his mother, Xia Feng left one deep kiss, then turned his attention to Xia Xiu! As they both melted into each other, Xia Feng immediately opened his mouth.

"I already had one dude trying to kill me in the sect... I don't know what might happen in the future, so be prepared for escape... Use your earth's qi to make the emergency escape in the basement."

"I know... don't worry. But if the mere nature realms dare to attack us, then I will kill them all."

"Hah, that's for sure, Xiu'er. Just keep in an eye around and don't fall to deep into commoner lifestyle... I know you have taken liking to theatres..."

"I won't... I won't..."

The answer was quite weak, so Xia Feng had grasped the buttocks tightly which quickly made the beauty surrender! Xia Luan then came back with homemade cake that warmed the heart of Erossu Cultivator to the fullest.

"Thanks... Then, I am off. Klim! Where are you?!"

Meow... (Translation: I am here, I am here.)

The idea of being courier kinda both scared and annoyed here! Anyway, cat popped out immediately as Xia Feng called which meant that he hadn't forgotten about her! Since he had not missed her absence, cat knew that she is important!

It felt good for her!

"Take care, Feng'er."

"And keep control over that erossu seed~~"

"Yeah, yeah. Unlike destiny, I have full control over this."

Not really, bruh.

Xia Feng waved his hand till he disappeared from the sight of the beauties.. Of course, he had used the backdoor of their home so it wasn't really long! Patting the head of Klim, Xia Feng began speaking about Sous Sect for her.

"This damn erossu destiny always brings some beauties for me... Not like I mind though."

You don't mind? You?

"You are quite lucky, Klim. As my cat, you will meet every beauty of mine as my shoulder is your home..."

Meow... (Translation: Oh, god...)

"Hmmm, what did you say? Perverts? It's not like they are full perverts. I mean, every beauty has some perversion. Look, even you."

Meow... Meow? (Translation: What are you talking about? Wait, am I pervert?)

"Haha~~ You yourself don't know, but when you lick milk, not matter whether cold or my, you always swing that cat butt of your~~"

Meow! (Translation: *Shocked meow*)

Klim's cat eyes let out few drops of tears as she realized that she has become pervert! Although the hot milk of Xia Feng is nice and drinking it feels natural, the movement of her butt while drinking was just too perverted!

Well, Klim has definitely a different approach to perversion! Drinking the seed is good, because it feels good, but how could she swing her butt while licking milk?! Won't Xia Feng attack her like he does to Xia Xiu?!

Meow... (Translation: I am pervert... that enjoys being slapped...)

Not yet, lass.

As Klim became quiet out of sudden, Xia Feng had more leisure to pat her head which was fluffy indeed. After rather long walk for few days, Xia Feng finally could see the main gates to Sous Sect! Those guards were at late stage of life creation realm which was enough to be patriach in lesser sects!

Quite strong, one would say!



The guardian asked for token of identity! Xia Feng also passed the mission's scroll along with it, so the guardians quickly lost their caution and then asked rather important question.

"What took you so long to come back?"

"Oh, well~~ I am from commoner side... So I enjoyed the landscape of our beautiful world for the first time. Also, there were few lucky ladies to fall into my embrace, so I took a while to let them feel the awesomeness of true man."

The guardians hearing such boastful words took a good look at Xia Feng! They see a lot of young people passing through the gates everyday, so there was no way for them to remember his former self!

But now, they could properly see the rather handsome young man not even getting a bit intimidated by their presence! Since they couldn't recognize him, it meant that he has grown up tremendously on his mission!

"Indeed lucky. I am sure that they are still feeling the awesomeness of yours."

"That's right, that's right! We have seen a lot of young men, but the aura you give off for sure is enough to attract many ladies. Such awesomeness."

One mission was enough to hone him to such extent! The guardians decided to shower Xia Feng with compliments as he might get quite influential in the future! It's mere words, but those mere words might as well bring them fortune in the future.

"Hahaha~~ I know this very well. Of course, the same can be said about you two, gentlemen. Such cultivation is indeed impressive, but if you focused more on your right arms meridians, then the effects of your cultivation would be much better. Try asking your superiors for some cleaning water~~"

"Ehh? Um, well, alright..."

"We will remember that..."

Xia Feng smiled as he could discern their main problems with his naked eye! Anyway, getting few more connections in such simple way isn't bad.. Of course, that's only when they listen to his words. But it seemed like they are indeed going to listen to his words as one could easily see how shocked they were from those words alone.

So shocked that Xia Feng easily could take his token of identity and mission's scroll back.

"Then, have a nice day."

""Yes, likewise...""


"The first thing is to pass down this mission's scroll, then slowly meet up with my lovely beauties."

Xia Feng is man, alright! He knows what is the most important, thus, he took the tour to the mission's department which was in quite prestigous area! Here, he saw a lot of young people who were taking their first missions...

Of course, compared to old him, they were smiling and quite impatient to start a new journey!

"Hello! Are you for new mission or to report your status?"

"I just came back from mission, Miss."

"Oh, then please give me the mission's scroll."

The destiny sure is working already. The lady that took the scroll was the same lady that had seen his traumatized side... Of course she remembered the name of his as it was very unusual appearance! That's why, when she saw 'Wok City' in the scroll along with this very name, she gasped in shock and took another look at Xia Feng!

"Ah... it's you..."

He changed so much! From traumatized and weak looking young man to quite handsome man which had confident smile that could hung on his face for eternity! The miss couldn't believe in such quick metamorphosis!

"Yes, it's indeed me... Miss Receptionist, honestly speaking, I am truly sorry for everything that happened back then."

"No, it's fine... I am sure that you had a lot of difficulties back then. Someone without status and good support must work very hard."

There was quite long que behind him yet Xia Feng could care less about those fools. And the same was for the lady behind the window as she read the mission's scroll without hurrying at all. Her eyes were peeking at Xia Feng who was looking at her likewise without any shame whatsoever!

Those receptionists ladies had the office clothes that exposed quite a lot of their flesh! Xia Feng who was staying by the winder easily could look at her peak's valley as she sat down on her chair elegantly. Her skirt was also short so there was truly a lot to see and everyone could satisfy their fetishes by looking at her while waiting.

Such effects were indeed working as young men were eager to come her along with the bountiful rewards from missions.

"Mister Xia... There are few mistakes in the scroll."

"Oh? Really?"

"Yes, that's why, please follow me."

Bowing to the young man who were standing in the que behind Xia Feng, Miss Receptionist quickly invited Xia Feng to enter her workplace! Passing through the desk, they entered the room used for small brakes for the workers here...

Of course, it was all empty here.

"Miss, I don't think there was any mistake here."

"There wasn't any mistake... but..."

The miss receptionist spoke slowly, then she took down her top clothes in a flash! One could think that it was already well-trained move of hers! Anyway, Xia Feng wasn't truly the old self... He, who accepted the destiny, approached the miss with his smile growing wider.

"Oh, so miss feels guilty for sending me so far away?"

"Yes... I should've taken your state into consideration, but what have I done was send you as far as possible... I am sure that you had a lot of problems along the way, that's why, it's my job to repay for all inconveniences"

"Then, I am in your care."

"Mmm. Please, look at me."

The miss nodded brightly, then took his hand by herself. Using his strong and hard hand to massage her peaks, miss receptionist truly had skills to make him hard with this very movement alone! She let him feel the softness and warmth of her peaks, then, guided his hand drenched in erossu all the way down to her juicy garden...

"Haaa.. Haaa.... HnnNN!"

"Missy, your body truly feels nice... If your repayment will go for too long, then I am sorry, but... you won't be able to escape my grasp..."

"Hannnn~~ Then... I will personally take care of all your missions!"

"That's quite tempting..."


Xia Feng stretched and folded his finger non stop in her juicy garden which was enough to let her come few times! She has never felt such nice hands and Miss Receptionist already could felt how good the body of Xia Feng is from having her breasts cupped by those hands.

"Oh! OhhhH! Oh! Nnnn!"

"Nice reaction right here, Missy. Since the destiny has brought us here, I am willing to take you if you are free... If you are, then tell me... your name."

Oh, god! There are no longer any brakes!

"Bu Yuni! Oh, here! Here~~ Mhmm!"

He, who grasped the utmost forbidden fruit shall plague everything!
