
Emily's death

Emily watches you from afar. She watches you walk away from her, she watches every step you take. Although, for some reason she can't bring herself to even glance at you. She has so many things that she could say that would allow you to stay, but she can't find her voice.....she can't go after you. Because...she's...just...too...weak.

Emily's body was aching. With every rain drop that pounced onto her pale skin she felt as if she was being stabbed. She wanted to cry out and scream at you, simply because you left without letting her explain...again. Although this time you didn't come back...she knew he wouldn't be back. She started to grow angry inside and kept thinking about what she wanted to say to you....

[Emily's thoughts...]

"I hate you! I hate you for walking away from this, from us! I hate you for always somehow getting you way! I hate myself from trusting and even loving you!! I hate you for every step you take, I hate everything about you. You don't know how bad you're hurting me. I hate you gir the words you said to me. I hate you for using my insecurities and weaknesses against me. I hate you for not only leaving me but taking my soul with you and leaving me brokenhearted...."

She was crying now...she couldn't move and it was becoming hard for her to breath...it was as if the earth itself had fallen on her chest. As much as she hated it she mustered up the courage to call out to you, but when she finally managed to open her mouth the only thing that came out was air. Emily reached out and started waving at him...until her vision started to blur....

Jason continues to walk away. He understands that what he's doing is wrong but he doesn't care; he doesn't want to care...he can't care...he won't allow himself to do such a thing. Jason is mentally screaming at his legs to stop moving and to turn back around so he can run back to his lover and caress her into his arms, but his legs seem to have a mind of their own at the moment. The worst moment.

What a monster ????!!!

Ava_Janellecreators' thoughts