
C1. Tired Of Others.

With every drop of sweat I produce, my magic seems to get less and less, "Hurry up and do it again, your mother isn't paying me to watch you slump over and breathe heavily. You have to survive your awakening to become the best witch of the coven". I look up at my instructor and I wish I could crack his skull open, "I'm doing my best and if that isn't enough than I advise you to tell my whack job of a mother that she's got the wrong witch". I heard the crack before I felt the pain, the bastard went and whipped me as punishment, I swear one day when I'm a fully fledged witch with all my powers, I'm gonna break his fingers, heal them and break them again and carry on the cycle until he understands women emotions. My god if this is how cranky I am normally, he seriously doesn't want to be around me when the time of the month comes around.

It's the end of practice and I'm walking back with sweat, blood and tears, when I hear a crackly noise that I know of so well, "Oh if it isn't little miss Princess, what troubles you today? I know you're so delicate so I thought you might need minor protection." A girl named Hailey Price threw her familiar at me, he was a little goblin in the shape of a kitten, I can still hear their obnoxious laughs in my ear. I threw her familiar on the ground and hexed it which made the bitch hit the floor and start choking, the only problem with familiars is that once your blood bound to it whatever she feels the familiar feels and vice versa. I'm glad I haven't got one yet. I walk past slowly and stop next to her writhing body, "Hurts doesn't it?" I don't say another word and keeps walking until I arrive home. The head butler was waiting for me at the door with a disapproving scowl on his face, my word gets out fast. "Would you explain to me Ma'am why it was a good idea to hex another witch, your mother is most displeased." I sigh and throw my stuff on the floor whilst maids picks up after me "She teased me and well she needs to know who not to mess with and definitely needs to protect her familiar better". The butler said no more and walks away to organise the house now that he's got an answer.

I almost got to the majestic wooden staircase when I heard my mother calling me, "Adrinaaaaaaa", I let my head hang loose and give myself pause, why me? Why does she insist on being in my life 24 hours of each day, maybe I want to study, maybe I want to sleep. I sigh and walk towards my mother's irritating voice, she turns to me in anger "Do you have any idea how hard it is to be Queen of a coven?" I sit my ass down knowing this is gonna be a long lecture, "I have raised you, given you everything I could give you, shown you resources and taught you magic two years earlier than most witches are introduced to magic and still you sit there and defy me? What is your game Princess Adrina Spellbook." I stare at her flawless make up and her flawless complexion and her flawless fashion and I just want to burn her wardrobe. I don't really know what's wrong with me maybe I'm just sick of feeling trapped, I'm sick of the title 'Princess' I don't want my mother has given me I just want to leave.... That gives me an idea, "listen mum, I don't want to be here, I don't want to be royalty, I don't even want to be best. I just want to be me and me is not good enough for you. I want to leave"

Hi everyone, I appreciate everyone who supports me, I would like to hear some suggestions for the next chapter which I will start to begin tomorrow. Please let me know your thoughts about this chapter too. Thank you for reading it really makes me happy to see people enjoy my imagination.

~LC~ (My real initials!)

YukiYamoracreators' thoughts