
This is all you have?

Of course, Hikaru didn't believe Siluop's words, he kept him alive because he was interested in the way the people of this world fought.

That's right, normally Hikaru only relied on his skills, items or talents to fight. However, when he saw Siluop's fighting style, he became intrigued by it.

Although Silutop was not strong, he seemed to have a lot of magic cards. Although those cards were mostly disposable cards, they were used a lot by Silutop.

Because of that, he wanted to see how Silutop would fight him in the end, whether someone who was standing at the top of this world, someone who had reached level 99 would possess tremendous power.

Silutop knew that he couldn't negotiate with Hikaru, the only way for him to survive this was to fight.

Silutop had suppressed his fear at this point, his fighting spirit also surged like that of a tsunami. He took out three cards and swung them into the sky.