
Mistress of Fire

In the world of dragons, werewolves, mages and magic, Ophelia is a slave in the kingdom of Eravia. She was a royal entertainer, until a catastrophe in the palace happened. In the middle of life and death situation, something magical happened to her. She discovered she actually can manipulate fire and has a dragon spirit within her soul. She managed to escape and later on found herself in another kingdom. As she discovers a new path with the goal to know her real identity, she unconsciously entangles her life with a powerful prince, and later on made a deal with him to be his temporary royal bride.

RileyRewis · Fantasie
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141 Chs

How can it be so empty?

"William, are the medical supplies enough?" he asked in the middle of silence.

"There are new ones arriving today, Sir, and it looks like there will be more, so maybe more will be needed in the coming days."

What are they talking about? Why do you need medical supplies? Is there a disaster?

"Tell Demir about it. How about the food? Other necessities?" he asked and I kept on listening since I found the topic interesting and engaging enough. After all it was not just things that need to be treasured.

"We have enough for that, Sir. The problem is, there is a lack of medical staffs. Many are injured and only a few of our nurses and doctors. Those who were called to other provinces, will be able to travel twice because of the typhoon."

"The fuck is wrong with the weather?"

Only then did I understand what they were talking about when we arrived.