
Chapter 3

“Then you gave up.”

“What do you know?” I turned to go. I could still hear the X-Games blaring in the background. I knew the video was getting toward the end of my run. I didn’t want to hear it—didn’t want another reminder of what my life used to be.

“I should really like to see you living up to your potential.”

“What are you, my mother?” I grumbled as I made my way back to flop on my bed.

* * * *

“Going out again,” my landlady called out just before poking her head around the doorway to my room. “There’s a delivery coming this afternoon. Be a dear and sign for it, won’t you?”

“Sure.” Whatever.

She left me alone, and once again life was peaceful—until the bell rang half an hour later

“Coming,” I shouted as I made my way to the entryway.

I opened the door to find a man with floppy hair and a little patch of fuzz under his lower lip. He was standing there with his arm around a snowboard, like it was his girlfriend or something. Jesus, my landlady sent a hippy with a board.