
Chapter 10

“Miss Baxter?”

“Just for tonight, though. And you’re sleeping in the wet spot. It was your doing after all.”

“Yes, Miss Baxter.” I sighed and snuggled in.

* * * *

“Frittata?” Miss Baxter asked as I wandered into the kitchen, still wearing my sleep shirt. She was so casual about it, as if nothing between us had changed.

“Um,” I said. “About last night—”

“I’m sorry, dear, it was inappropriate.” The corners of her mouth began their familiar downward journey, but the frown didn’t seem to be directed at me this time.

“I was—um—I was actually going to say…Well, I mean you’re really inventive and all, making me ask you before I—” I felt my face flushing. Was she really going to make me say it out loud?

“Not inventive, Anise. Cruel.”

“Maybe.” I shivered at the memory of last night. “But it still got me pretty damn hot.”

“I know.”

“You know?”

“Yes, my dear, I know.” Miss Baxter drew a long breath. “I know exactly what makes people tick, sexually speaking.”