
Miserable Wanderer

A massive nerd dies and gets reincarnated, his excitement gets the best of him. The first words he hear are "Get to work slaves!" When he looks around and sees grotesque figures mining with oversized pickaxes his stomach drops to his colon. [Multiverse fanfic, starting in Warframe.] "Status." [Status displaying] Race: Grineer[100%] Level: 0 Status points Available: 0 Stats: Vitality: 1 Strength: 1 Agility: 1 Intellect: .3 Mastery Rank: 0 [Inventory] Strength Quote. "USELESS DISGUSTING MAGGOT FILTHY WORM WHY ARE YOU BREATHING MY AIR !"-Councilor Vay Hek The cosmos weeps at this mans fortune. A distant "FUCK MY LIFE" can be heard Cover not mine THERE WILL BE MULTIVERSE TRAVEL JUST NOT IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE.

SoupHarbinger · Videospiele
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85 Chs


Missiles fly narrowly past our small ship, our radio crackles.


The hologram of a corpus fleet commander screams at us through the holo radio.

I promptly press the mute button.

"Listen Gome, if we help that tenno we will win."

I say, arming the cannons, I click the button labeled 'load'. A few mechanical clicks go off before the ammo counter fills up to 15.

"I think your right, I hate the corpus more than the tenno anyway."

Gome agrees and takes control over the charged artillery while I man the main gun and steering controls.

I open my radio and tune it to the tennos frequency.

"Hello tenno, lets set aside our differences and blast these money loving bastards out of the sky."

I send the message promptly.

After a few minutes of dodging plasma bolts I get a response.

A green emoji lights up.

A simple thumbs up, I guess that means yea?

I fly steadily forward and shoot at some smaller ospreys, they explode on impact.

The corpus send a few subjugation forces after us, a crewship and artillery brigand.

Gome blasts the crewship to bits but not before we take a hit to a rear thruster, the ship slows down considerably.

I dodge away from the slow torpedos from the brigand and shoot back with the gunnery cannons.

The ship pulls back but I chase them and blast off their rear propellers.

The ship begins nose diving and luckily it smashes into another corpus crewship.

I pull up and see that the railjack has already blown up the corpus space station with its big ass gun.


A simple message pops up as the railjack engages the next space station.

"Thats our que to leave, Gome engage the manual thrusters, lets ride."

I finish my sentence and Gome opens a hatch which holds a lever. He pushes it forward into a red line indicator.

The boomhilda takes off towards mars, our next destination.

A few corpus ships trail the tail end of the ship, attempting to hit the rear assembly and make us dead in the air.

I flip the gun around and a backup camera like display shows me the 2 ships.

I aim for the windows and blast them.

The windows pop and a corpus captain is launched into space and turned into an icicle. The ship begins spiralling down.

The second ship zig zags and avoids most of my shots, it manages to damage some of our exhausts.

I nail it on the hull but the bullets bounce off.

Soon boomhilds is moving slowly because of all the damage we've sustained.

I continue shooting but the grineer machinery is no match for the corpus shield, I cant swerve to use artillery because of the damage our thrusters took.

I push all the way to the highest gear and the ship blasts off but the corpus ship can easily keep up.

A few plasma bolts hit the blast doors, rocking the whole ship. Gomes head knocks into the metal plates on the windows and he gets knocked out cold, the manual thrusters turn off and we move at a snails pace.

I expect to be sucked out of the airlock but a blur comes speeding at us.

All I see is the glint of a blade and the corpus ship is split into 30 pieces.

A warframe in an archwing flies past our ship, I couldnt quite I identify what warframe it was but im thankful they came to help.

As I enable auto repair and cruise towards mars Gome comes too.

"Ah. Its already over aye?"

"It was close, if not for those tenno we would be deadmeat."

Gome laughs and puffs his cigarette.

"Just another day."

I get up and open the door to see how Drum is doing.

Wasp sits and and watches him to make sure his neck doesnt stretch too much.

"His vital signature is dropping steadily, we need real help or he will die"

Wasp tells me, she has a low grimace on her face.

"I guess we have no other choice."

I pull up my map and set a coordinate point.

"What are you going to do?"

Wasp asks me, now scared at my statement.

"We will have to stop at a relay."

Wasp looks dumbfounded at my response.

"Only neutral factions and tenno are allowed, they'll kill us!"

Wasp responds frantically, thinking Ive plotted out downfall.

"Well we're not technically affiliated anymore."

I part with these words and enter the command center.

I slap in the coordinates to Maroos bizzare.

Yes, the infamous tenno trade center where scammers are numerous, and also where Varzia Dax¹ lives, named after Maroo the orokin relic dealer who sells her wares there, albeit she just makes tenno get them for her.

It should be safe as the steel meridian² dont have a notable presence there.

A clock displays above the ammo counter.

[3 hours until arrival]

I can rest easy for a second.

It would be nice to join the steel meridian but with the stalker on my back I doubt they would want anything to do with me and the their ally Red Veil³ would see me as an asset to be purged.

When you think about it the Warframe universe is completely fucked if you arent a tenno who can answer every enemy by mowing them down.

Welp, I got 3 hours to nappy.




I open my eyes from my nap and a red planet invades my sight.

A thick film of atmospheric gas pushes against the ship as we approach the relay, wich despite the surroundings is perfectly shiny.

Gome looks on with a curious anticipation as I open the landing gear and hover down onto the pad.

My expectations come true as 3 guards approach the ship with rifles, even a tenno in a Hydroid⁴ warframe helps them, he has 2 lex primes out pointed straight at the ship.

I slide open the door and walk out with my arms up.

A guard approaches me.

"State your purpose grineer"

"We have desserted our post, one of my friends is hurt and I didnt know where to go."

The guard keeps his rifle raised.

"I recognize your armor, your a high ranking commander, what are you scheming!"

He loads a bullet into his gun and clicks the safety off.

Tentacles grasp me and hold me up into the air. The hyroid releases his hands and 2 more tentacles bring me to my knees.

"Even if what your saying is true we have no reason to trust you."


What a coincidence.

A red railjack parks in the drydock next to me.

I just have to hold them until one of those tenno gets over here and helps me.

"I know it seems suspicious but you have to believe me!"

The hydroid remains still as a red glow comes off of it, a man with red hair and an eyepatch comes out, he has light stubble but still looks young.

He charges some void energy in his hand and comes up to me.

"Ive seen commanders like you torture my friends mercilessly, even if you are innocent you deserve to die for staining my eyes with that putrid armor."

The black irises of the tenno grow colder as he holds his hand above my head, ready to fry my brain.

Not heeding my orders Wasp exits the ship and a laser finds itself on the tennos head.

"Kill him and your dead ten-no!"

Wasp cocks her vectus in anticipation.

"Quite a looker for a female grineer hehe. But your all dead now."

The tentacles on me begin squishing me and a let out pained grunts.

"Die you piece o-"


A voice calls out.

"What he says is the truth, I traced that ship and its been sitting in a warehouse for 13 years, they most definitely stole it, and looking at the oldest damage on it the corpus shot at it before it even entered space."

A young man with light grey hair leans up against his warframe Ash⁵, he looks considerably young maybe 17, but has the eyes of a true assassin.

"Who are you to order me Varin?"

The red headed hot blooded tenno replies.

"He helped me fight the corpus, so I say his crew deserved free repairs and drinks on me."

The red headed tenno grits his teeth.

"You escape today, filthy grineer."

The red headed tenno storms off to his lander.

The tentacles loosen and Wasp lowers her gun.

The boy known as Varin snaps his fingers and 2 more warframes hiding in the shadows emerge, one being Loki⁶ and the other Octavia⁷

2 more tenno emerge from the warframes.

A boy with green hair and brown eyes, seemingly the youngest tenno in the group and the other a petite woman with bright pink hair and white highlights, she has a piercing gaze with her blue eyes. She also wears a set of headphones. She doesnt seem all too intrigued like the boys.

"The green horn is Deta, and the girl is Catara, who are you?"

We shake hands and I introduce myself.

"I am Raxx, the woman is Wasp, I have 2 others in my crew, Gome our heavy gunner and Drum who is injured."

Varin nods.

"Well lets get your wounded buddy to med bay, I need to stock up on medical supplies for my engineer, he's still on the railjack because of a bullet wound, mr.Greenhorn thought he was a corpus and shot him."

I cant help but smile as the one called Deta bashfully scratches his head and turns away.

"After that we should meet up at the bar, there we can talk some more, see you soon."

As he speaks his voice becomes distorted as his warframe envelops his body, his crew follows suit and they dash off for medical supplies.

Gome comes out and carries Drum on his back.

Wasp stands beside me.

"Well, lets take him to medbay then talk some business with those tenno."


1. Varzia Dax: One of the last Dax, an ancient warrior clan. She sells very rare items infrequently only showing up in the tennos greatest time of need.

2. Steel meridian: Grineer desserter faction who want to bring peace to galaxy and support those who have been harmed by the grand grineer army, they have a strong sense of justice and will kill their enemies without remorse to protect the innocent.

3. Red Veil: A cult faction of tenno and assassins who want only to rid the galaxy of corruption through any means, even eugenics and genocide.

4. Hydroid: The tentacle warframe, thats all you need to know.

5. Ash: The ninja warframe, known for its armor stripping kunai and ethereal clone attacks.

6. Loki: The basic stealth warframe, can go invisible and use illusions.

7. Octavia: The battle maestress, using music to annihilate her foes and buff her teammates, one of the strongest warframes.


Chapterly song suggestion: Ghosts: August Burns Red.

Im like a crackfiend but for power stones.

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