
Miserable Wanderer

A massive nerd dies and gets reincarnated, his excitement gets the best of him. The first words he hear are "Get to work slaves!" When he looks around and sees grotesque figures mining with oversized pickaxes his stomach drops to his colon. [Multiverse fanfic, starting in Warframe.] "Status." [Status displaying] Race: Grineer[100%] Level: 0 Status points Available: 0 Stats: Vitality: 1 Strength: 1 Agility: 1 Intellect: .3 Mastery Rank: 0 [Inventory] Strength Quote. "USELESS DISGUSTING MAGGOT FILTHY WORM WHY ARE YOU BREATHING MY AIR !"-Councilor Vay Hek The cosmos weeps at this mans fortune. A distant "FUCK MY LIFE" can be heard Cover not mine THERE WILL BE MULTIVERSE TRAVEL JUST NOT IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE.

SoupHarbinger · Videospiele
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I sit and scroll through the computer, I decided to spend some of my credits on a little desktop corpus terminal or in human terms a PC, its mostly just corpus stocks and marketplaces.

I have saved up a bunch of credits for one thing in particular, a damn arm. I know cybernetics are highly advanced in this world so a robot arm should be easy to get right?

I have 46,000 credits to my name and from what I have seen so far its not a horrible amount, you can buy a gun or two with that amount and I must say the corpus supra¹ rifle called to me as I almost bought it and lost sight of my objective.

I stop scrolling through the weapons and click with my mouse onto the search bar.

Grineer must be a special type of retard because when I ordered this computer everyone thought I was some type of genius because I could turn it on. Im surprised they didnt break it when they supply dropped it off a damn spaceship.

I hold my breath as I type in 'cybernetic arm'.

| 100+ search results|

I set my price range to 45000

| 20+ search results |

I click show all and a bunch of tabs pop up, the first arm is a basic bitch 3d metal printed steel arm for 12,000 it is a temporary arm for wounded people who cant afford regeneration treatment. That would work for me but I need something very very long term until I can get regen therapy and surgery.

I scroll down to the highest priced item.

| Titanium alloy nano arm

Matches nerves, fully functioning fingers and joints, for those who would sacrifice their arm for a power boost.]

Well I sacrificed my arm at birth if that counts.

I click the left arm option and a price pops up.

| 42,450 Credits, fast shipping.|

Fuck yeah.

The arm is made of black metal and has grey joints, pulsating neon red veins pump through it.

|Purchased, insert buyer details below for delivery, Thanks for purchasing from Warlord Armory|

I continue filling out the info, the next ship that passes through will drop it off.

2 day shipping. Im gonna shit myself before it even gets here.

[2 days of furious waiting later]

A jet engine deafens all the grineer gathered in the courtyard awaiting supplies.

The frozen food is dropped first and is then quickly rushed off.

Then the gun cleaning supplies, the armor repair unit, the robotics, the apple juice and all that happy shit.

Before the ship goes to take off a small crate thuds onto the ground.

It is labeled


Why would they even put that. Those fucking idiots.

A grineer goes to pick it up but I scoop up the crate and push off the soldier.

I look up from my gollum like position and scuttle off.

I slam open the door to my room and slam the door shut.

I punch a hole through the top of the crate with a machete and lift off the top.

A piece of hardened foam covers my coveted item.

I tear off the liners and protectors.

And then it is infront of me, such a beatiful specimen.

A deep black metal arm. Those shiny grey galvanized steel joints. The badass glowing lines running up and down it.

I cut thr fabric off my shirt around my stub.

I sent them exact measurements of my jerkin arm so this should be perfection.

They said it would sting putting it on because it literally attaches itself to your skin and nerver cells, tricking your brain into thinking you have an arm.

I place the arm over my stub and push down a pin in the front index finger knuckle, it locks and welds itself in place and where the met forearm is needles shoot into my arm.

The stinging pain cant stop my gritting smile though.

My actual appendages veins glow for a second as the transfusion happens.

After a few moments and lots of sweat the installation is done.

I hold the metal arm limply in my right hand.

I urge with all my might and soon the fingerd begin flexing as if they were skin and bone all along.

I cant help but let out a hysterical laugh.

In the words of Mr.Armstrong.


Its beauty is immaculate, I can actually hold my axe with 2 hands, I can hold a rifle, I can- well I cant do that it would rip it off and it would be way too cold but thats besides the point!

I go outside and aproach a tree menacingly. The other grineer assumed what had happened and have gathered in the courtyard to see what the first thing I would do was.

I grasp the tree lightly. I say my thanks to mother nature before backing off.

I rear my arm back, orange light bursts from the veins in the forearm of the cybernetic part.

[Strong hit]

I blast my haymaker forward and the tree is bisected by the hit.

Steam rises off my arm and burn marks cover the fallen tree.

The soldiers clap in excitement at my revenge towards mother nature and her dastardly tree.

I clasp my newfound hand over and over, I cant get over this feeling.

I fought tooth and nail to get here, and damn was it worth it.

I pick up the tree and drag it towards the firewood stack. I place it down gently and sit down to rest for a second.

I feel a pat on my shoulder. My lieutenant and the woman from before stand infront of me.

"Lt. Drum, And female."

I greet them, the woman chuckles at the name I made for her.

Lt. Drum sits down next to me and the girl leaves to her watchtower station.

"Sir, with that little show im sure no one will defect now."

I look over to him with a smile.

"Lets hope so Drum, I was getting tired of hearing Kubrows chew."

He chuckles and leaves, once again patting my shoulder.

I begin walking again, even after restoring my arm the excitement quickly turned dull after a few hours because I had lived a life with 2 arms so it just became normal again.

I write up the usual reports and work as usual. Im hoping something would just happen so I dont have to stay in this shithole forever. Maybe once I get my strength recognized enough they would let me do some light bounty hunting, like the grustrag 3 or something.

I lay down to contemplate before I go to bed.



Blurriness floods my mind as a raspy voice fills my head.

"Your murder of the 'RedHand leader' will not go unpunished."

The fuziness disappears softly.

Was that the fucking STALKER²!?

Im in deep now.

Im just gonna sleep it off, hopefully I will just forget about it. Heh

Yeah right.



"You just descended from heaven?"

The elf asks the scantily clad blonde woman infront of her.

"Yes, I am Marika Queen of battle."

A gold aura mists from Marikas eyes.

The female elf is taken aback by this.

"I will register you right away miss Marika, I can tell your a godess."

Several new adventurers stare with their jaws wide with either amazement in the ferocity in her eyes or the dress she is wearing.


Supra: Fast firing Corpus heavy machine gun chambered in hot ass plasma bolts.

Stalker: Intergalactic bounty hunter, has a unique warframe and is controlled by a supernatural being known as 'Hunhow' he completes jobs for contractors who are willing to give great rewards or to simply kill tenno.

Had to tease Stalker.

This is pretty much a filler for Sebastian to get his arm back tbh.

SoupHarbingercreators' thoughts