
Miserable Wanderer

A massive nerd dies and gets reincarnated, his excitement gets the best of him. The first words he hear are "Get to work slaves!" When he looks around and sees grotesque figures mining with oversized pickaxes his stomach drops to his colon. [Multiverse fanfic, starting in Warframe.] "Status." [Status displaying] Race: Grineer[100%] Level: 0 Status points Available: 0 Stats: Vitality: 1 Strength: 1 Agility: 1 Intellect: .3 Mastery Rank: 0 [Inventory] Strength Quote. "USELESS DISGUSTING MAGGOT FILTHY WORM WHY ARE YOU BREATHING MY AIR !"-Councilor Vay Hek The cosmos weeps at this mans fortune. A distant "FUCK MY LIFE" can be heard Cover not mine THERE WILL BE MULTIVERSE TRAVEL JUST NOT IN THE TRADITIONAL SENSE.

SoupHarbinger · Videospiele
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85 Chs

COG: 19 : Baleful shadows, a King.


I point my hand towards the inner workings of the city, a thunderous march sounds out as the forgotten clans of locust begin their rebellion against the genocidal queen.

"Control this is Sebastian, pull all gears out of Ephyra immediately."


Anya replies almost instantly, with a shaken up voice.

"Wh-what are you talking about!?"

"I have a plan to end this, call all the gears to Jacinto now or they are all dead!"

"Why should we believe you onyx?"

"You dont have to, but their lives are on your hands."

"Whats your plan?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you Anya."

"Bite me."

"I uh, gathered a horde of rebel locust and we are taking the fight to them."


"Let me reiterate, WHAT THE FUCK!?"

"Look through the security cams, they are moving out now."

"I dont beli-"

Her fast typing stops abruptly and the radio goes silent.

"I, Wh- I dont. Eh. I cant... My god."

"Those years I spent wandering weren't wasted Anya, pull the gears out now."

"O-ok then.."

The radio blips and turns off. Leaving only the sound of ultraviolence in the streets of Ephyra.

Time to find Myrrah.

I put my lancer away and begin a sprint through the streets, hails of gunfire and explosions being fired at and by locusts run by me, the confused locust horde is easily overtaken as their own species begin brutalizing them with extreme intentions.

Grey comes to my side, guarding me from some bullets headed my way, instead they bounce off of the chitinous armor he is wearing.

Myrrah has to be near commanding the assault, I can smell that foul whore from miles away, the distinct smell of salami and rotten catfish wafts through the air, my ghoul senses make me an expert tracker for humans, she is not escaping this time, the queen has to face the music, and lord it is heavy metal.

I dodge and weave past locust, taking my commando knife and slicing as many throats as I can while avoiding gunfire from all directions, my forces move throughout the city like a typhoon, the elite savage snipers repelling around roofs and taking out all the enemy commanders. The savage drones act as frontline meat shields, their horde unmatched as the unaware locust are hit from all sides.


That familiar screech.


Looking for round 2 already asshole?

The locust general stands before me with his chainsaw staff.

I pull my voulge out of my prison pocket and grip it tightly. Qi channels through my body wich begins sweating rapidly from the heat, giving the impression of steam coming off of my skin an aura to be exact. If only I had the demon back then I could wipe the floor with this cheese eating fucker in moments.



Skorges body glows a bright white and the corpses of nearby locust shoot off the ground and stand straight up.

All restrictions are gone, I'm going all out, those years weren't for nothing, I have prepared for this moment everyday since Ibeas defeated.

Pressure spawns on my right shoulder, something holds it tightly, firmly.

"Boy, that metal wall, it's looking quite brittle now is it not?"

"Yes Master it is."

"Hehe, go on boy, crush the wall."


My polearm drops to the floor, my helmet falls off and I peel my armor off, full flexibility is what I need, this pathetic armor wont stop his weapon.

I start shuffling my feet back and forth, hopping up and down, my legs tense up lightly and the Qi courses through me like blood.


My mouth wrenches open forcibly from the pressure of my muscles, I lurch forward towards Skorge, he charges back and lashes at me with the chainsaw staff, I duck under it narrowly.

[10 Renpatsu]

My fists flash against his stomach, blood geisers out of the kantuses mouth, he screams agony as my fists leave dents in his organs. Now backing off clutching his solar plexus Skorge glares at me and his body begins glowing with a faint white light, the wounds puff back up slightly.

"Oh no you dont!"

I charge forward and perform a double leg takedown, now on top of him on the ground I take my fists and begin rendering his face into bug pudding.


He screams in agony as he tries to cover his face but I don't relent, his body slowly slumps and his breathing grows weak with every strike, soon after 10 or so more knuckle sandwiches the breathing stops completely.

Spit shoots out of my mouth and onto the corpse of the war monk.

"You get what you deserve, piece of shit."

My body begins rapidly cooling and the exhaustion sets in, I try to steady my breath but it feels like a sumo wrestling is sitting on my lungs.



Myrrah rides atop tempest and begins her villain monologue.

"ARTILLERY!! Kill her."

Siege beasts begin firing at the flying cockroach and tempest, most of the explosive balls dont damage the beast wich rears its mouth open and fires a laser at me, I run into an alley way and as if on que a fireball strikes the inside of the monsters mouth and sends it careening to the ground nearly dead


Myrrah crawls out from under the fallen tempest, blood covering her body.

"Things didnt have to be this way boy, you could have stayed in the hollow, lambency is cured! EVERYTHING COULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT! IT COULD HAVE BEEN MINE! MINE, MY PEOPLE WERE SAVED! Saved.. By your blood.. I- Just kill me and have it over with."

"Are you defeated Myrrah?"

"What do you think, look at me, look at my people, all turned against me."

"Is that a yes?"

Myrrah takes off her helmet, platinum hair flows down her shoulders like a waterfall.




[GAINED RARE SKILL: [Mist Breathing LVL 1]

Desc: Long ago a samurai created this breathing technique to cool ones mind and muscle, but if mastered enough one can even strengthen themselves by breathing air a certain way! ]

Activate [Mist Breathing LVL 1]

My mouth grows cold and my lips instinctively clutch into a closed position, leaving small slits open in the very left and right, a cool breeze washes over my body and my muscles begin relaxing.

"Kill me, do it you- you.."

"What if I dont?"

"Why would you not kill me!? I captured you, forced you to fight, I-"

"It wasnt the first time I was enslaved, and I dont hold grudges against people that dont matter."

Once I leave this world will he frozen in time, my actions fully cause everything to happen in this country.

"What do you think my plan was Myrrah? If I wanted Skorge dead it would have been easy for my squad to mog him down, dont you get it Myrrah, you've been played."

That's right, I used tbis world as a training arc, I forced myself to be captured, I let myself become an estranged wanderer, all for training, I mopped the floor with Skorge without using any of my potent abilities like strong hit, hara kiri, kaioken, I needed to be alone, in the snow, the woods. Where I could train peacefully. Only after some time I began recruiting locust clans to end this stupid war, yet Myrrah thought she had tactically defeated me and saved her species with my blood all on her own. I donated my blood willingly so her species would thrive and attack Ephyra much earlier so I could wrap this up.

"I- Its all... I have been fooled in such a way.. Kill me, I beg you PLEASE I HAVE NOTHING JUST KILL ME!"

I kneel down and put my finger to Myrrahs chin.

"Myrrah, it was all my doing, you were just a girl with a dream of peace, none of this is your fault."

"Y-eh- why.. WHY!"

Tears stream down her face.

"Why? I needed a little training."

"What.. All of this for.. Training.."


"Kill me, now. End my dishonor."


A kantus approaches me from behind, I stand up and face him.

"The queennn? What now?"

He points at the defeated Myrrah.

"Myrrah, where are the anti lambent medications."

"Ukkons lab.."

"I figured."

"Kantus, send some men to clean out Nexus and find that stuff, then this will all be over."

"Yes Keeinng."

"My people.. MY people.. Subjugated by a man... A king.. This is... Never.. Why?"

Myrrah continues muttering to herself in disbelief.

"Myrrah do you know what is missing here?"

She looks up at me, her blue eyes glisten with tears."

"Every king, needs a queen."


She looks at me in disbelief.

[Main Quest complete loaded]

[Abilities reloaded until exit]

My right eye turns black and red once more, my body tweaking out from having my kagune cancelled for so long. My head pierces with pain but mist breathing cools it down.

"Those eyes. What was that."

"None of your business Myrrah, my offer?"

"I.. Dont know.. All my people hate me."

"They do not hate you, they hate your defeat. Your defeat caused their abandonment, but in the end humans were always going to win, Adam Fenix would have never finished his project, you knew this internally but your generals and priests kept pushing you to invade the surface, now with lambency basically dealt with. It all means nothing, lambency gave the locust their will to fight. When I told them there was a cure it's no wonder they turned against you, the one who pushed them to the surface."

Myrrah wipes her eyes and slaps her gloves on the ground.

"I.. I was deceived, and used all my life.. You will just do the same to me."

"No, I will let you continue your rule from my shadow, I will just be a figure head. You can finally lead them to peace, with most of humanity gone and the locust dwindling from war it is time to rebuild, both species far away from each other."

"You.. I have no other choice.. Your blood.. Your plan. You were in morr service in saving my people than I or my generals ever were, I was blind to it all."

Myrrah stands up and swishes her hair back, it creases around her shoulders, she stands still for a moment and then begins stripping her armor off.

"I surrender, take me into your care."

Her gauntlets fall, then her cuirass and then finally her leg armor.

She approaches me and her breath grows heavy as her face nears mine.

"Im sorry "

She whispers lowly and then embraces me, her large motherly mounds press into my body.

"I knew it from the start, I knew something was wrong since I saw you. Those nights I spoke to you alone, sat by your fetters.. I should have released you but I was blinded, taken by greed and the mutterings of my generals who had agendas above mine.. I'm sorry.. For it all."

"Myrrah, ha.. It means nothing to me. You dont understand at all."

I have been alive nearly 80 something years at this pont I could give less than a fuck at this point.

I had to acquire my childhood waifu no matter the costs. I had to get her from out of the undertow of those who influenced her and kept her malice burning in her heart.

I was peeling her away from the started, from every spoken word.

Why does one need rizz when you can simply save the woman you want from the darkness around her. That's an Albert Einstein quote.


Myrrah buries her head in my shoulder.

"And so the king is united and the locust are one."

An armored kantus stands firmly, heading the horde of savage locusts.


"Sebastian this is Anya, my readings are saying gunfire has ceased what happened?!"

"Anya, I have acquired a girlfriend for the first time ever."

"What does that have to do with anything."

I pick the radio up from my belt and sigh.

"Uh you won't like who it is."

"Sebastian... Dont even.."

"Its uh.. Myrrah "



She promptly hangs up..


Listen fellow men, if you want to acquire a waifu simply gaslight her into thinking you are evil and then slowly perform actions in the shadows to subconsciously woo her, then confront her and she will come crawling to you like a succubus that's been chained to a wall for 300 years.




She lifts her head up and her breath coolly coats my neck.


Her lips hit mine, I have never kissed before what do I do!?!??!?!

This is sudden I have only known this woman for 7 years!

This is lewd and inappropriate!

My lips gnash in strange directions and my tongue flails wildly.

She holds onto me and let's go of my mouth.

"You are bad at this."

Before I can speak she continues.

"I love it."

"Nwhowe ish noz tdhzhe riche tiem Murra"

My squelched voice barely escapes my mouth as she continues spilling saliva all over me.


I pull her neck back and she stares at me, her eyes cloudy.


"Another time."

She coughs and backs off from me.

I turn and stare into the horde of locust stirring around.


I raise my hand and the locust scream and cheer, throwing their weapons.


A king raven swoops over the horde wich immediately stops their celebration and siege beasts ready.


The raven lands next to the tempest corpse, the door slides open and 3 figures emerge.

Anya, Hoffman and an onyx guard.

They stare at me silently, Myrrah stands next to me and gives them the thousand yard stare.

"Onyx sergeant, what is going on."

Hoffman marches towards me.

"I ended it sir."

"Ended? War never ends!"

"It has today."

Hoffman stands to an abrupt stop.

"The locust are done, what pushed them to the surface has been dealt with, and their generals are all dead. Myrrah has defected to my side with all these savage locust clans, together we will move across the world and start our own civilization."

Hoffman's jaw drops open and his eyes go wide.

Anya drops her tablet and falls to her knees.

"Your telling me it's over? Over over."

"Yes sir."

"Dear god. Dear god.. How will we know you wont attack us?"

"Hoffman.. You know the answer to that, I could have attacked you with my horde and ended humanity."

"Hes right.. Its over sir."

Anya walks up, her legs shaking heavily.

"So what now?"

"We rebuild, re populate, then go our separate ways, I am sure your top scientists like Adam Fenix know about lambency, the locust scientists found a cure for it, I will send it as a peace offering and then contact should be limited."

"This.. Its all a dream."

Hoffman pinches the shit out of his arm, nearly drawing blood.

"Damn son. Well.. Damm.. This is it huh.. Peace after all. And so quick, all because of you."

"Not because of me Hoffman, because of theose who sacrificed themselves in my wake, those who protected me and humanity this long and those who worked tirelessly to find solutions."

Hoffman raises his hand and salutes me.

"Get out of my sight Sergeant, and dont let me see you ever again."

I smile wryly.

"Yes sir."

Myrrah nudges me and whispers into my ear.

"Let's get out of here, let's go some place nice and. 'repopulate' "


That sounds scary..

I suppose I could spend a few days extra in this world...



Oh hey viewers! Have you read my new fic Dungeon: Spartan law, where you get to see what danmachi is like through the eyes of an MC that doesnt have a horny or retard brain? Where more of the world is explored? Maybe consider checking it out as I'm uploading on it between these chapters.

Also were you all expecting the twist? It's been hinted at in every chapter, and at this point you should all know our little MC has always been a had manipulative from the start.


Chapterly song suggestion: Raining Blood - Slayer