
Misadventures of a Thousand Year Old Immortal


wen_lin · Ost
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1 Chs


Hi, this is wen_lin.

Thank you so much for enjoying the novel Misadventures of a Thousand Year Old Immortal!

I've signed a contract with Webnovel for my other novel, A Long Night with Empress Yue, and unfortunately due to real life commitments (I'm a full time student), its impossible for me to work on updating 2 novels at the same time and I'll be discontinuing this novel.

Misadventures of a Thousand Year Old Immortal is a work I've been really self-critical about as I don't feel it meets my standards, and I was surprised to see so many of you enjoying this novel and coming back to read it day after day, and look forward to every update! It really warms my heart to know that my work, which I put my heart and soul into, is appreciated and loved by others.

The "regular releases" this novel has been getting for the past months is actually just my massive stockpile of Misadventures of a Thousand Year Old Immortal, and I actually stopped working on this years ago. I was really hesitant whether to upload this online but I'm glad that I did, and I hope your day became just a bit brighter when you see a new update.

I might edit and publish this novel properly someday (after I've completed A Long Night with Empress Yue), but in the meantime, I have to delete all the existing chapters for consistency as I don't have the time to edit them.

Once again, thank you for supporting Misadventures of a Thousand Year Old Immortal and if you enjoy this, please check out A Long Night with Empress Yue!

[A Long Night with Empress Yue is about a 21st century, independent woman who finds herself transmigrated into the body of an unloved concubine in the fictional Yuan An dynasty.

It's not your typical sob story, weak-to-strong heroine with an over-reliance on her man and has cheats novel, but a really candid story about a woman who's really focused and traverses through the world of this novel. She fails sometimes, she's a bit too stubborn sometimes, but that's all what makes her human.]

Best Regards
