
Miraculous: Tales of Time

A girl and a boy given magic jewels that make them superheroes. But not all is what it seems. Who knows maybe the love that was 'destined' wasn't what you thought. What if the 'villain' isn't truly evil?

Arin_North · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter One: New Girl



Marinette sat up abruptly, "Yes?"

"Marinette! Your alarm's been going off for fifteen minutes! You're going to be late for your first day back at school!" a woman's voice called.

"Thanks mom!" Mari said as she hurriedly got down from her loft. She decided to wear one of her favorite outfits, which consists of pink genes, wight shirt with floral ascents and a dark grey jacket. The bluenette ran down the stairs while she put her hair into her signature low ponytails.

She promptly sat down at the counter and started making her cereal. "I bet you anything, Chloé will be in my class again." Mari said annoyed.

Her mother glanced at her from the fridge. "Four years in a row? Is that possible?

"Definitely. Lucky me!" she sarcastically mumbled.

"Oh, don't say that! It's a new year, I'm sure it will be great!"

Mari smiles and nods thinking 'maybe it will be a good year!' She set down her bowl a little harder than intended and so doing causes a few things to fall to the floor.

Groaning she picks up what fell and starts to head out, backpack in hand. As she walked through the bakery her parents own, she saw her dad humming a song as he presents a box of macaroons that he had made.

"Dad, these are amazing!"

"Glad you like them." Her dad says with a smile.

"Thanks so much Dad! My class will love them! You are the best!"

"No, we are the best, thanks to your amazing designs." He says showing the designs that covered the box.

Giggling Mari said her farewells and left for school.


Waiting to cross the street, Mari noticed and old man crossing the street too early while a car was coming. She hurriedly pulls him out of the way falling in the process.

"Thank you miss." The old man said gratefully. Looking down he saw that she had dropped her macaroons, a few had spilled out. "Oh! What a disaster."

"Don't worry, I'm no stranger to disasters, besides there are still some left!" She said optimistically and reassuringly, she offered one to the man.

He accepts and with a kind grin says they are delicious. Just then Marinette remembers school.

"Oh no! I'm gonna be late! Uh, have a nice day, sir!" She runs off in the direction of her school.

The man stands there for a bit longer then walks away smiling.


Marinette rushes into the class, barely making it on time. She heads to her usual seat when she is stopped by a specific blonde.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng" Chloé's voice broke whatever peace may have been in the class. "That my seat!"

"But Chloé, this has always been my seat."

"Not anymore! New school, new year, new seats!" Sabrina, a red-haired girl who worships Chloé, said gesturing for her to leave.

"You can go sit by that new girl. I'm sitting here because Adrian's seat is there," she points to the seat in front of them.

"Who's this Adrien?"

Chloé and Sabrina start laughing. "Can you believe that she doesn't know who Adrian is? What rock have you been living under?"

"He's only a famous model!" Sabrina mocked.

"Oui, and I'm his best friend. He adores me. Now go on move!"

The new girl suddenly appeared behind Chloé, "Hey, who elected you Queen of Seats?"

"Oh look! We've got a little do gooder in our class. What are you going to do, newbie? Shoot beams at me with your glasses, four eyes?" Chloé mocked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." The girl snapped back. "Come on" she says leading Marinette to the seat next to her.

Marinette trips almost dropping the macaroons again. "Sorry"

"Chillax, girl. No biggie."

"I wish I could handle Chloé the way you do."

"You mean the way Majestia does." She shows a picture of a female comic book hero. "She says all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. And that girl, Chloé, is evil, and we are the good people. We can't let her get away with it."

"Well that's easier said than done. She likes to make my life miserable."

"That's cause you let her! You just need more confidence."

"Marinette" she introduces as she hands the girl a macaroon.

"Alya" Alya says accepting the treat.