
Miraculous: Tales of Time

A girl and a boy given magic jewels that make them superheroes. But not all is what it seems. Who knows maybe the love that was 'destined' wasn't what you thought. What if the 'villain' isn't truly evil?

Arin_North · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: The wish

Running on the sidewalk, satchel slung over one shoulder, the boy knew he was almost there. He was breathing heavily from the run, his golden blonde hair getting in his eyes. A grin spread across his face as the school came into view. It was a real smile not that fake stuff he did for his father. He stopped at the steps to Collège Françoise Dupont.

"Adrien, please reconsider! You know what your father wants!" A women's voice sounded behind him.

Turning, he sees Nathalie and his bodyguard. Thinking: 'am I really going to do this? Yes.' He says: "Nathalie, this is what I want! Can't I have this?"

Out of the corner of his eye he sees and elderly man who had fallen and was struggling to get his cane. Without hesitation he quickly helped him, forgetting for a moment those trying to stop him.

"Thank you, young man." The man said. He didn't appear to be in bad shape, so Adrien turned back to the school.

With his path blocked by his bodyguard, Adrien says defeatedly "I just want to go to school like everybody else. What's so wrong with that?" He sighs "Please don't tell my father about this."

The two escort Adrien to a limousine and drive off. The Man watches this all happen.


"Who was the first president of the 5th French Republic?" Nathalie asked looking at her tablet, which Adrien had never seen her without.

"Everyone thinks it was Gaulle, but it was actually René Coty before the first elections." Adrien said with despair still in his voice.

"Excellent, Adrien."

The door opened to reveal Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father.

"Give me a minute, would you, Nathalie?" He spoke.

"Yes sir." Nathalie left, leaving an uneasy feeling.

"You are NOT going to school. I already told you that."

"But Father!" Adrien stands, realizing this might be his only chance to—

"Everything you need is right here, where I can keep an eye on you!" Mr. Agreste interrupted. "I will not have you outside in that dangerous world."

"It's not dangerous! I'm always stuck in here by myself. Why can't I go to school and make friends just like everyone else!?"

"Because you are not like everybody else. You are my son! I will not tolerate your behaver." Mr. Agreste said not to allow Adrien any further questions. He left, sending Nathalie back in.

She looked at him with sadness. "We can leave it there for today, if you have—"

Adrien didn't hear what she was saying as he ran to his room. His eyes hurt, but guys aren't supposed to cry, so he didn't.