
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir

Miraculous Ladybug but with Luka Couffaine as Chat Noir. I am planning on making more chapters for this, just don't know when I'll get there.

C_E_W · TV
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14 Chs

Origins (5)

Marinette stood in the kitchen watching the news program about the latest stone victims.

At her intake in breath, her dad walked up behind her and placed a comforting hand that covered the entire part of her upper arm. "I know it's scary sweety, but don't worry, we've got two superheroes looking out for Paris. And the best way of helping them is to show them that we're not scared because we trust them."

"But what if Ladybug fails?"

Her father didn't even pause at her question. "Then, I'd come and save you. Superbaker to the rescue!" He said with conviction, trying to ease her worries.

Marinette giggled at her father's silliness. "Thanks Superdad!" She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

She ran up the stairs to her room. She grabbed her purse from the desk and with newfound determination, she grabbed the Miraculous from her dresser and placed them in her purse.

* * * *

"You off to school?"

"Yeah." Julika looked at him with one golden brown eye, the other hidden by her hair. "You eat a lot of cheese."

Luka laughed. "So." He new the real reason for the the increase of cheese in their household and it wasn't because he had a newfound liking of the stuff. It just happened to be the only stuff that his kwami ate.

Back in his room, he laid down on the bed.

"Did you get it?" Plagg flew over to him, practically drooling.

He handed the little guy his breakfast. "I can't believe you already ate two weeks worth of Camembert in two days."

Plagg swallowed the cheese down in one gulp. "I can't help it. It's so tasty."

"Do you think I could find the akuma."

Plagg rubbed away the crumbs around his mouth, even though Luka was pretty sure that weren't any. "Not a chance. Your best to wait for the original akumatized victim to become angry again. And when he does,a key sure that you guys don't mess it up this time."

Luka covered his eyes with his arm. He was sure Plagg was right. It would be better to wait and save their strength. And his pocket. For being such a little guy, his kwami could sure eat alot, especially after a transformation.

* * * *

"Ladyblog: bringing you all the coolest news about the coolest superhero, Ladyblog." Alya showed Marinette the awesome website that she had created.

"How awesome is that?" Alya placed the phone in her hand for a better view of the contents on the screen. "Check out the number of views since I posted the video."

Marinette stopped in her tracks. She couldn't understand her friends enthusiasm or why she even would like Ladybug in the first place. "But why do you trust Ladybug so much? All these stone beings..."

"She's gonna handle them." Alya radiated with the confidence for her new superhero.

Marinette couldn't help but to voice her inner fears. "But what if she's not really cut out to be a superhero like everyone thinks she is?"

"What are you talking about girl? Oh, wait." Alya leaned in close, her face just inches apart from Marinette's. "I know what this is about."

Marinette gasped. There was no way that Alya could have found out that she was Ladybug, could she?

Her mind raced with lightening speed as she tried gathering her thoughts. She needed to find a plausible explanation and a believable lie just in case Alya called her out.

"You're scared, but don't be." At Alya's words, Marinette's racing heart slowed down glad that she hadn't been discovered. "I've seen her with my own two eyes girl, Ladybug is a true superheroine. She's gonna protect us all. I believe in her."

Alya's words comforted her. Marinette was right about this. Alya would make a great superhero, she would know what to do.

On their way to class, they saw a group of their classmates surrounding Ivan.

Chloe walked toward the group and leaned against a pole. "Once a monster, always a monster." She sneered.

Ivan glared at. Getting up, he marched of in anger.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Chloe called after him.

* * * *

The window in Hawk Moth's lair opened.

"Yes, feel the burn of those words. Lose your temper Ivan. Your Akuma awaits you." Hawk Moth lift his cain. The akuma floated around in the glass top, ready to be realeased.

* * * *

Alya balled her fists and walked up to Chloe. "How could you say that to Ivan. You're the real Stoneheart."

As always when faced with something resembling the truth, Chloe replied back sarcastically. "So I'm the one who broke Sabrina's dad's arm, am I? Just because your footage of those lame super heroes was shown on TV, doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty."

Chloe blew on the piece of bubble gum that was in her mouth. She blew till it popped in Alya's face.

"You little..."

Chloe feigned mock horror. "Look out, she's angry. She's going to split her underwear and turn into a huge muscly monster."

With not knowing how to retort, Alya stomped off back to Marinette's side.

"Hey Chloe." A blonde boy that Marinette had never seen before stood in the entryway of the school.

Chloe had an instant and dramatic change of character. "Adrikins, you came!" She ran to the stranger and wrapped her arms around him.

The other students looked to see what had Chloe in such a good mood. At seeing the boy, they ran to him and surrounded him.

Disinterested, Marinette left everyone and decided to look for Ivan. She didn't want to risk him giving in to those bad emotions and turning into Stoneheart again.

She walked in the general direction that she had seen him flee to. Sitting on the floor in the locker room listening to music was where she found him.

Marinette placed her hand on his leg. At her touch, he took off his headphones. They sat there in silence for a few seconds.

"You know, you should tell Myléne how you feel."

Ivan avoided eye contact and became shy all of a sudden. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Come on, I saw the way that you look at her." Marinette kept her voice positive. She wanted to help her friend and to make sure that he didn't feel any more of those negative emotions.

Surprised at her words, he looked at her before turning his eyes downward, a scowl falling over his features. "No, no negative emotions Ivan." He glared at her when she placed both hands on his arm. Quickly removing them, she continued on. "What I mean is....be positive. I'm sure Myléne has feelings for you too."

Leaning in close, she whispered in his ear. "Go talk to her."

Ivan blew through his lips. "I'm know good with words anyway."

"Who needs words." Marinette scrambled through her mind, trying to think of something romantic that Myléne might prefer. "You could draw her a picture, send her flowers..."

"I could write her a song?" He asked, his voice hopeful as he looked at her expectantly.

"That's a great idea. What girl wouldn't want a love song written especially for her?" Go for it Ivan, and stay positive."

* * * *

Hawk Moth stood in his layer, fully transformed by the moth miraculous.

The anger poured out, rolling off of him in waves. He slammed his cain down against the marble floor.

"The negative emotions, their fading." He snarled.

* * * *

Luka pulled out his laptop and logged in. It was the best time if any to do his classes.

It felt great to take his classes online. Better than having to attend school or have his mom attempt to teach him.

"Watcha doing?" Plagg floated over, looking at his computer. Plagg really was like a cat with that never ending curiosity.

Luka smiled and angled the computer for a better view. "Classes. Don't have to go to school this way."

"Really!" Plagg flew around him. "That's great. Teach me how to use that."

Luka nodded. It would probably be a good idea to have something here to keep him entertained.

"Do like cat toys or anything?"

"What do you think I am?" Plagg sounded exasperated.

"Sorry. Thought I could find you something. For boredom." He shrugged his shoulders, still having a hard time trying to talk to his kwami. This was why he didn't go to school, he lacked a voice. It was to hard for him to talk to people. That's why he played his guitar, it was a form of communication.

"I love them!" Plagg bounced up and down, almost hitting the ceiling."

"We'll get some when I'm done." He turned his focus onto the online board, the course work for this week already loaded.


* * * *