
Miracle Doctor Baby

She, the world's chief doctor of the 21st century, the legendary overlord of the medical world, was killed and her soul transmigrated… She, the useless miss of the Windcloud Empire, was ugly, silly, and obsessed! She died in her own sister and fiancé's hands… When she reopened her eyes again, she had the soul of the strong but the body of the weak… When she became her, her fate would be rewritten and a miracle would appear… This was a story of a two-faced person meeting another two-faced person. With pure hearts, they would end up together.

Tasteless Rice · Allgemein
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840 Chs

25. The one who has money is the grandpa.

Mo Jiuli looked at the human-shaped monster on the ground for a moment. She was not a good person, nor did she have the heart of a compassionate Bodhisattva who likes to save people. But for the human-shaped monster on the ground, in addition to a trace of curiosity, there was also a trace of inexplicable emotion that even she herself couldn't understand...

A feeling of not wanting to see this person die before her. Thinking about it, Mo Jiuli's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, not understanding where this strange feeling came from. Was it from herself, or from this body...

Could it be that this human-shaped monster on the ground was someone the original owner of this body knew? If that was the case, then she would save him...

In her past life and this life, Mo Jiuli did things according to her heart. Perhaps it was because she had always been alone. She didn't need to care about other people's opinions and thoughts...

Just follow her own mood...

Seeing her mother's expression, Mo Baobao knew it was not good. Was her mother going to save this dying monster? Seeing the motionless human-shaped monster on the ground, Mo Baobao's little face began to hurt...

She felt sorry for the medicinal materials! Her mother had really been too wasteful lately...

Mo Jiuli noticed a sour, annoying aura flowing around her and knew that her precious daughter had discovered her intention to save someone and began to feel sorry for the medicinal materials...

Alas, in her previous life, she was a world-famous divine doctor who had never worked hard for money. In her Swiss bank accounts in the modern world, her US dollars and Euros could probably buy an entire country with leftovers...

Although she was not extravagant, she never considered saving money. She didn't look at prices or brands for anything, only if she liked it, and as long as she liked it, she bought it...

After transmigrating to this world in this life, although she was initially trash, her life in the Heavenly Book Space didn't require her to worry about money either...

As long as it could be considered worry-free living, Mo Jiuli really couldn't understand how her baby daughter was so miserly. Who on earth did she pick this personality trait up from...

If Mo Jiuli knew that Mo Baobao loved money so much because she saw tons of books in the Heavenly Book Space, Mo Jiuli would confiscate all the books Baobao hadn't read and prohibit her from reading them...

Mo Baobao had been playing with Little Book since she was a child. Little Book was the artifact spirit of the Heavenly Book, with no hobbies other than collecting and reading various books. Naturally, Mo Baobao was influenced by this and constantly absorbed the idea that reading books was good and that they expanded one's knowledge...

As a result, Mo Baobao would love to roll around in the piles of books in the space whenever she had nothing to do. Moreover, because of her youth and extreme intelligence, she learned quickly and easily understood the books...

In addition to the countless books in the Heavenly Book Space, Mo Baobao found it very interesting to read various types of books...

In this way, after a few years, Mo Baobao had read countless books unrelated to what Mo Jiuli made her read. As a result, the little genius Mo Baobao learned early on how to manage a household and gather wealth...

Except for her own mother and Little Book, she was a complete tightwad towards others who tried to take advantage of her...

According to the little girl's concept, money might not be omnipotent, but having no money was absolutely unacceptable! Money can make ghosts work, those who have money are grandfathers, and those without are grandsons...

So, anyone who gave her money was a good person, and anyone who wanted to waste her money was a bad person...

Of course, Mo Baobao believed that as long as she understood this deep principle, it didn't matter if her mother didn't. Her mother was too wasteful and didn't need to know so much...

After all, the financial power of their family was in her hands...

Therefore, since her mother had decided to save this human-shaped monster on the ground, he would obviously start wasting their money in the following time, which made him a bad person. Thus, Mo Baobao looked at this lump on the ground with great displeasure...

"Cough cough, Baobao, let your mother try to save him..." Mo Jiuli said helplessly to her daughter.

She actually wanted to ask: "Baobao, are we really poor?"

Mo Baobao glanced at her clearly clueless mother who didn't know what being wasteful was and did not speak with a huff...

"Cough cough, Baobao, mom promises to give you some elixirs to auction when we get to the Imperial Capital, how about that?" Mo Jiuli offered a bait.

"Really?" Mo Baobao asked suspiciously when she heard this.

"Yes, really!"

"Then give me what grade of elixir?" The little guy started bargaining.

"Fourth-grade one..." Mo Jiuli rubbed her temples.

"No, sixth-grade! Otherwise..." Mo Baobao glanced at the monster on the ground, making her intentions clear.

"Ah, all right! Sixth-grade..." Mo Jiuli compromised.

"Deal..." Mo Baobao smiled sweetly right away.

The elixirs refined by her mother are priceless. Starting two years ago, they occasionally sold some at auctions, and each time they made a killing, so much that her hands were numb from counting money...

Unfortunately, her mother was lazy! She also said that good things shouldn't be sold all the time, so her mother hadn't refined any elixirs to auction for a long time. As for her, she can also refine elixirs, but her elixirs are all poisonous...

She doesn't know how to refine non-toxic elixirs, and even if she sold poisonous ones, they wouldn't be worth much...

In this continent, elixirs are generally second or third-grade, and fourth-grade elixirs are already very rare. Fifth and sixth-grade elixirs are seen once in decades...

She really didn't know what was so good about this human-shaped monster on the ground. To save him, her mother actually agreed to refine a sixth-grade elixir for her to sell. Anyway, as long as there was money to be made, her mother could save whoever she wanted...

Otherwise, even if she didn't agree, her mother wouldn't change her mind...

Mo Jiuli glanced at the human-shaped monster on the ground and thought about the Beast Clan that had left earlier. She felt it was better to leave this place first...

After all, who could guarantee that those Beast Clan members wouldn't suddenly turn back...

But looking at the one on the ground, she couldn't carry him with her. Finally, she let out a soft sigh, and with a thought, took the one on the ground and the little girl next to her into her space...

Mo Baobao entered the space and naturally disappeared again...

Mo Jiuli put the unconscious certain someone directly on the ground, then got a big bathtub, filled it with water, and threw the person in...

Her movements were not gentle at all, even somewhat rough. Helpless, who would let Mo Jiuli feel somewhat helpless and dissatisfied with her desire to save this person...