
Mirabel's Room

Growing up as a child to becoming an adult, things happen and changes occur, the unexpected and the unplanned comes up and we make decisions that determine who and what we will become and; how some of the decisions we make become scars that cannot be erased or even wounds that cannot heal up in a lifetime. These are all that add up in Mirabel's Room. Her room describes her life and how the decisions she made determined her future. Find out!

Inspired · Teenager
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23 Chs

Party Gone Wrong

Yeah, so off to the party.

It was my first time going out for a party. I was happy but yet, still felt skeptical about it. I just started to feel odd and the nudge that I had done something wrong became so strong. As we moved farther, I suddenly began to feel uneasy. . .

Probably, it was God telling me to stop going. The feeling was just so strong. Just then, Bryan noticed and asked passionately ; ' Babe, are you fine?.You've been silent all along. What's wrong?'.

I suddenly acted up to show that I was fine.

' I'm fine. Just this weird feeling though, maybe because it's my first time though.' I responded.

So, I just kept ignoring that weird feeling, plus Bryan's caress and soothing love words wouldn't even make me want to change my mind. Moreso, I wanted to experience this love and party life too. I decided to put off all thoughts and continued listening to the solemn music that was playing in the car as we drove off.

It looked like the devil had it all planned and made everything around me irresistible.

Some minutes after, we were already at the Party, which was one of Bryan friend's house. It was an outdoor party and the sight was really giving. I had never been to one, that was actually my first time. But I could tell that they spent a lot .At least, I see it in movies.

As I alighted from the car, I felt so nervous, not knowing what to expect. I had been so unsure of many things even while preparing, if not for Vivian's help; what cloth to wear, how to eat with a guy on the table, how to hold a glass of wine, how to dance and all cos I was to going as someone's babe and I'm supposed to act like one. But I didn't even know how to. I saw a number of ladies extravagantly dressed , posh and elegant. I had sauntered into the party curious, uneasy and just wanted to spend as little time as possible.

' Can I really do this? ' I thought as Bryan held my hands .

As we entered the beautiful lawn, I had asked out of awe ' Bryan, are you sure your friend owns this place. He probably might have made up a story you know?'. I imagined how wealthy the guy must be. . .

' Of course, he is. Just keep watching. You can't understand. . .' He said, trying to stifle a laugh.

I knew there was more to it. But, what could I do? It wasn't my business after all.

I saw girls that looked far older than I was Surprisingly, I was apparently the youngest. Most of the guests were University girls, who were more mature and exposed , definitely above mine. I was just a college graduate, just sixteen. I saw how they carried on with finesse, danced and connected with guys so freely. ' I can't just wait to experience this life too' .I thought. One could easily tell who was with whom. I saw how a guy and a lady held each other tightly and closely as they danced to the music that was playing. That was a big deal for me. I hadn't even done such before. . .

I still sat, staring in awe when a lady approached me and said ' Girl, I hope you know what you're here for?. Go, get your man...' She said jokingly and giggled as she walked away.

' What does she even mean by that? ' what I am here for? '. Of course, I came as someone's babe.' I thought. I just eroded that thought.

I sat down waiting for Bryan who had gone to chat with his guys. He had requested that I followed but that I refused. It would look so awkward. 'How could I possibly face your friends and tell them that I am your babe.' I had retorted.

So, while I sat, I kept to the Chapman and the juices served on the table. I saw how they ate like gluttons and drank like fishes , dancing tirelessly and some were even smoking.

It was a blast party.

With all I had seen, I just couldn't wait to have some of those fun with Bryan, you know, to try new things too. Just then, I felt someone's arms around my neck. He tickled. It was Bryan.

' Oh! Where have you been?' You know I have to leave before 11pm.' I had said.

' Really? That's ridiculous, we haven't even started partying. This is almost 10pm, about an hour left...urghhh .' He growled, disappointed.

But what could I do? I didn't want to get caught.That would be a big trouble. And that, I don't want to go through. I said pitifully.

' Oh...hh. ' He lamented.

Meanwhile, earlier that day, I had imagined how things would unfold at the party; Me dressed gorgeously and sitting together with Bryan, drooling over him, dinning together,.dancing, chatting a lot, while I giggled at his jokes. . . You know, spend time physically which we had hardly gotten chance to. But, unfortunately, it had to be shortlived.

' Okay, no problem. We can still make do with

the few time we have.' He said.' Let me go get the drinks '. He added. He suddenly seemed happy.

He returned with two glasses of wine. I had insisted on taking non alcoholic drinks, it was obviously not a night to get drunk. I had jokingly said. As we both sipped the glass of wine softly, his eyes were fixed on mine carelessly, I knew he wanted to ask for something.

' Hey, what is it? What's up with the stare?'. I asked holding the wine glass firmly.

' Can I ask you for a dance please? .' He asked. I had known Bryan for about three months, but we hadn't been close physically, it was quite difficult. It got me jittery, despite all the many imaginations and rehearsals I had done in my head. I wanted to let it pass, but I didn't also want him to feel bad. At least, he was already hurt with the short time notice we had. Moreso, I suddenly remembered that it was a great chance to be with ' my man ' ,in the words of the lady that approached me..It was a big chance to feel physically loved by a guy. It had all been video calls, chats and all. . .

And then, I nodded with a smile. He was very happy. While he was happy, I was nervous. I hadn't had such. ' I wish Vivian was here '. I thought for a second. At least. . .

All eyes were practically on us, should I say? but It was just my feelings though. As we began to dance, I suddenly began to feel dizzy, clumsy and weak. ' What was happening?'. I couldn't fathom, everything around me started looking blurry.

' Bryan, I don't know why I really feel sleepy, I think we h..a..v e to lea..vee, I swung my head back and forth in barely controllable motions as I stuttered.

' We'll be outta here in few minutes Hun. . .' He said as I heard faintly.

Few minutes later, everything went off.
