
Mirabel's Room

Growing up as a child to becoming an adult, things happen and changes occur, the unexpected and the unplanned comes up and we make decisions that determine who and what we will become and; how some of the decisions we make become scars that cannot be erased or even wounds that cannot heal up in a lifetime. These are all that add up in Mirabel's Room. Her room describes her life and how the decisions she made determined her future. Find out!

Inspired · Teenager
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23 Chs

Along with the day...

Hmmmn.....they say; "life is a book with many pages". Some pages are tattered while some are smooth.My supposed day of joy ending in sadness, you can imagine!. It remains why I don't celebrate my birthday anymore or attend any. I literally scraped that day of the year and month from the calendar. You want to know why right?

It was finally the big day, unravelling the packages and surprises. It was a bright beautiful Saturday morning,more like a weekend party. The sun rose bright and full,the sky was clear and the beautiful birds chirping, it was as if they knew it's my day. I was really prepared for this day.

knock, knock...It was my Ethan,he actually kept to his promise of wishing me first. He came in singing a birthday song with his sonorous voice and a present in his hands, I was really so glad.

Mum really did a lot making the day a memorable one, friends and family came to party. I was so dazed getting to the living room, seeing everywhere colorful, different aroma coming from the kitchen, with lots of gifts on the table. I saw quite a few number of people trooping in.

Happy birthday! Daddy's girl. A guest said

A lot of them like that, and I kept wondering..."all this for me?"

My College mates were not also small in number,we have never had such crowd in our house. It was as though my parents knew something would happen, like they knew it was their last (cries softly).

Some minutes after the in-house party, I decided to follow my friends for the beach party. They had already planned to take me out. We really had fun. It was my first time of going out alone with my friends,dad won't just allow me go out...He'd say, "you're still too young, I can't allow you.'' I'm literally always inside. But,turning Sixteen came with a lot of freedom.

It was getting really late,I needed to go home.I left my friends and headed home. On getting to the house,it was another story.

I was in a haste to get home, I knew I was late and dad must have been worried. I kept running as fast as I could.As I got to the entrance of the gate,my heart raced. I knew I was in trouble.It was Ethan who came to open the door, I felt better. Ethan was holding a mop stick and a dust pan,

"he must have been cleaning all day". I thought

"Ethan, did dad say anything about me?". I quickly asked.

Hmm..big girl,what have you been doing all day?.He replied.

See... I went out to chill with friends, you know naw. I mumbled and giggled.

He held my hands and put his arms around my neck, it's so funny how my brother does that anytime I get myself into trouble, to assure me that I am safe.I knew he would defend me...

Don't worry,I got you!.He said. We kept talking as we were heading into the house, then suddenly,we heard a loud spark "Gboooar...."

It was fire, everything splited in seconds. We were close to the entrance when the fire broke out with force,we both fell to the ground and became unconscious. I couldn't explain it.

Everything went blank.


As I was getting conscious,I opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital, trying to remember what happened but I couldn't.

I saw a nurse walk in, guess she wanted to come check on me when she discovered that I had gained consciousness. She rushed out to inform the doctor that I was already awake.

I just sat up and kept wondering..."only God knows the number of days I had spent,oh! I must have missed school too. I thought

Still yet to unravel what brought me to the hospital.Although,thousands of negative thoughts kept popping in my mind,somehow hoping that one of them was true.Yet,all I could remember was me, heading home from the beach party and seeing Ethan... "There had better be a good explanation for all this."I thought.

What could have happened?