

Chapter 37 The Despair of Mortal People

What? !

As soon as these words came out, almost everyone present subconsciously raised their heads to look at the sky, their pupils constricted immediately, and saw a terrifying scene they would never forget in their lifetime.

An unbelievably vast boulder fell from the sky, whistling, tearing through the endless air flow, and carrying a roaring sound, it was extremely terrifying.

In just a split second, endless shadows enveloped an area with a radius of hundreds of miles. The air was filled with a burning smell and smell, and there was an extremely suppressed power.

At this moment, their hearts were half cold.

"God damn meteorite, it's a fucking mountain, bullshit meteorite, where did it come from?" an extraordinary warrior cursed, almost going crazy with fright.

To be honest, it is not that he has never seen meteorites outside the sky. The so-called meteorites can be large or small, but no matter how big the meteorite is, it is only the size of a person, or the size of dozens of people.

But the meteorite in front of him is beyond imagination, at least five thousand feet high, and the size of the other side is already comparable to a city with a population of tens of millions.

Just like a city, a huge boulder from a mountain range fell from the sky and hit their heads. There is nothing more desperate than this.

"Run, run away, if such a big rock falls down, we will definitely die."

Another extraordinary warrior shouted heart-piercingly.

Although he claims to be an extraordinary warrior, far superior to ordinary people, and possesses extraordinary power, enough to sweep thousands of armies and be invincible, but facing this mountain-like stone, he also feels extremely desperate.

This is simply not a disaster that human beings can resist.

Natural disaster, this is definitely a natural disaster!

"Escape? How to escape? Even at the speed of our extraordinary warriors, it is impossible to escape the falling range of the meteorite." The other extraordinary warrior was already desperate, his face ashen.

Although the speed of the extraordinary warrior is indeed very fast, it is not so fast that it can span the entire super city in an instant, but this vast boulder in the sky has such a huge volume.

From a certain city story, this is a whole huge city, or a huge mountain range falling down, trying to smash all of them to death, leaving no one behind.

Although they seem to have tens of millions of elite troops now, it is nothing to face this kind of natural disaster.

At this moment, he was extremely desperate. Even though he was an extraordinary warrior, he was still so powerless in the face of this natural disaster-like power, and he was simply helpless.

And this is the so-called time when manpower is limited.

"God's punishment, this must be God's punishment."

Another extraordinary warrior began to shout heart-piercingly: "There must be an ancient god protecting the Tang Kingdom, that's why he summoned a huge stone to wipe out us all. We are finished, completely finished."

At this moment, he suddenly understood.

It is absolutely impossible for such a huge stone of destruction to appear for no reason. After all, even if such a huge stone like a mountain does fall, it is impossible to just hit their heads instead of other people's heads.

There is no doubt that this must be the action of the ancient gods behind the Tang Kingdom, summoning a huge stone to destroy all the blasphemers of the gods, and beheaded here.

"God's punishment?! Are you kidding me, is this small country really protected by a god?"

"Do you still need to ask? Even the World Extinct Stone has been summoned, what else is impossible?"

"There is no doubt that this Tang country must be protected by the ancient gods. If we attack Tang country, we are blaspheming the gods."

"It's over, it's over, we're completely over, and the blasphemer must die."

"How could such a ridiculous thing happen? We are an empire with a population of over 10 billion, and the famous Land of Thunder has wiped out dozens of countries. Is it because we offended the ancient gods that we are about to perish?"

"This is the power of the gods. The power of the gods is so powerful that ordinary people cannot fathom it."

Many generals and soldiers of the Kingdom of Thunder were extremely desperate. Seeing the heinously huge rock in the sky, they had completely lost all their courage.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing.

It's like the human beings on the Xuanhuang star suddenly encountered a meteorite that was comparable to the size of Beijing falling from the sky. I'm afraid the only thing they can do is pray.

It was a huge meteorite that could not be destroyed by a nuclear bomb.

Once it falls down, it is equivalent to the destruction of the earth in the Jurassic century 60 million years ago, causing the arrival of the entire earth's ice age and the extinction of countless dinosaurs.

Facing such Tianwei, they were helpless.

So they can't do anything.

This is a natural disaster, the power of nature, panic and unpredictable.


At this moment, the Lord of the Kingdom of Thunder let out a loud shout, holding Thor's Hammer in his hand, and furiously said, "What natural disasters, what divine punishments, what ancient gods, who thought they summoned a huge rock to kill me, the god of thunder in the world, It's simply wishful thinking, to watch me smash this so-called Stone of Extinction into pieces with one blow."

Countless purple thunderbolts erupted from him, roaring, and the entire sky was shrouded in dark clouds, with crackling sounds.

It seems that at this moment, he has transformed into the God of Thunder and wielded the power of Thunder.