
Chapter 1: Getting ready!

In the land of Minecraft, there was a boy named Steve. Steve loves his dog pet so much like his village. Steve names him "Marco" and Marco licks him on his face.

Steve lives in a village called "Taiga Village" which villagers lives in a forest village with a lot of old rocks/stones around them. The Villagers there, are also called "Taiga Villagers" and they were known for hunting. There are 4 roles. Hunters. Also called as "Attackers", hunting down lambs/sheeps and having a sharper eyes, which they can see predators or hostiles that easy. Cookeries, preparing foods for visitors and members of Taiga Village. Protectors. Also called as Defenders, protects the village at all cost even they know they will die protecting their beloved village or risking their lives for a village. Last but not least, Healers. Also called as "Support/s" , heals down an injured villagers/members of the Taiga Village. Taiga Village has a perfect role due to "Attack-Defense-Support" also known as "Hunter-Protector-Healers".

But, how does a role works for them? Leaders picks someone who's worthy to have a role for their village. For example, You have a tough physical body. You'll go with Protector. You know how to heal someone using medicines, etc. You'll go with Healers.

But, when Leaders saw Steve and Steve tries to work with them. They don't know where they could place steve in one of the four ranks for their village. Because, Steve have all types of skills *All four of the roles they had* But instead, they made another one. They called it "Elites" which when someone can do Hunting and Defending or higher, they could go on Elites. Steve is also worthy to get the title and he accepts it.

Steve is now hunting with his dog to gather coal for cookeries and find a sheep to cook. He got 2 of the lambs and grab 1 sack of Coal by mining it. Until he saw something. Green skin with ripped clothes, called "Zombie". He was going to get the sword from his back but then, a cave spider is already behind him and about to attack. But luckily, Marco the dog, saves him from a spider and Steve quickly get the sword from his back to slash a zombie.

As he quickly run to his beloved village and suddenly saw a random person, let's just say, a Visitor. Green t shirt with leather pants and an orange hair. Meet Alex, a navigator who's ready to find some secrets in every Biome or a Structure, always holding a compass (because she loves it) and lives from a plains village. Plains village is also called as "The originality of all Villages" which Villagers also loves farming and fishing. There is a friendly stone in that village called "The Iron Golem" who's risking it's life to protect the village. Tougher, that monsters cannot even beat it. And, he is also friendly! So, next time you meet him or her, be nice and friendly.

Alex saw Steve in shock. That he can see her potential. She greets him and Marco the dog.

Alex: Oh, hey!! Greetings!! >_<

Steve: Uh, hello?

Alex: What's wrong??

Steve: Nothing, I just saw you here and met you for the first time. Sorry, I am not that comfortable when talking to a girl or meeting someone for the first time, ya know!

Alex: Pfft, it is fine! Do not worry about it! I am friendly by the way!

Steve: Uh, okay...

Alex: Uh, do you know where I can rest or rent a house for, a little bit of emeralds

Let me explain, Emeralds are super rare that you can only get it on a mountain or some cave. Every villagers loves emeralds on every village.

Steve: Uh, you can stay with my house! As long as you want!

Alex: Oh, uh, thanks? I guess?

Steve: *thinks: She's weird tho, maybe she was just surprised that someone let her live as long as she wants on a house*

Alex: By any chance, do you want to explore with me finding some secrets?

Alex: I've been traveling across the world for 3 years and got so many secrets around them. Like, pyramids, where you can see some Hieroglyphs. Anything you can imagine!

Steve: I want to, join to your journey!

Alex: Get ready, Steve!!