
Minecraft: The Supreme Monarch

Hi Read my Novel XD

Saber_Pendragon100 · Videospiele
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"We should head back now Saber" Drake Urged as the woods begin to dark around them.

"Its Okay we still have time" Says Saber with a playful expression

"But--" "You can go back first if you want" "But didn't your brother said that we have to go back before dark" Drake Said with a trembling voice

"Shut it Drake if you want to go back you can go first, besides this is just a game" Said Val


"Just go Drake no one cares"

"Fine I'll go first don't say that i didn't warned you" Drake said

45 minutes past:

"Umm Saber Should we go back now?" Val Says

"What are you chickening out now? LOL" Saber said laughing

"but its alre----"

"Shit what's that?" [as a large zombie appears in front of them]

"Holy mother that's gigantic" Says Val

[Saber Used his Spirit Appraisal]

[Name: Lone Walker]

[Rank: Elite]

[Race: Mutant Zombie]

[Tier: 3]


- Loves to people especially at night

- likes to ambush people at night Beware


1. Blood Claw: Level 2 (86%) {Common}

30 Attack Power - 10 Agility BUFF [For 5 Seconds]

2. Physical Enhancement: Level 1 (67%) {Rare}

[Danger Level: Extremely Dangerous]

(avoid contact as much as possible if not it might lead to death HOST)

"UHHH Shit Run" Shouts Saber while dashing

"Roarrrrrrrrr" growls the zombie

"Fuck Wait" Shouts Val from behind

10 minutes of Chasing & Fighting later:

"Shit we should have gone back" Val Says crying w/o tears

"yeah i know we can't fight that abomination" Saber says

"Cuz if we fight that thing it will be Game Over for us, no re-spawn or whatsoever

DAMN IT!!!!!" Val says frustratingly

The Lone Walker catches up to them they have no choice but to fight

"Fudge how the hell is this zombie running so fast despite its huge build" Val says

"Well Val its game logic so-- FUCK!!!! DUCK" (LOL i don't know if i'm right) Saber


A few Moments Later:

"That was close" Saber says "so bro what's the plan?" Val Said "

"Here's my plan blah blah blah" (LOL)

"Are you sure this would work?" said Val with a worried expression " of course who

do you think i am" Saber Said with a smirk

"You ready?" "Yeah"

"Huhhh i should have listen to drake" Saber murmurs

" Hey big Guy look who's here" Saber shouts

"Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" The Zombie Said (LOL)

Saber's POV

" Hey big Guy look who's here" i said

"Roarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" The Zombie Said

"Shit he's really scary, i hope i come home one piece"


{Status Panel}

[Name: Saber Pendragon]

[Age: 19]

[Race: High Human]

[Divine Blessing: SWORD SAINT]

"Uhhhhh Sword Saint Sick" i said

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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