
Here in Valyria We Have Volcano and Stones

Chapter 51

Hi guys from now on I will be implementing this.






MC -100,000,000,069,420

From Now on I will do this




to indicate which World I am. When the OC CHARACTER TALKS

Current Age: 17

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With that done the venture to Valyria starts becoming more treacherous.

Valyria, also called Old Valyria, is a ruined city in Essos. It is a long-dead city of wonderment, and was once the capital of a great empire called the Valyrian Freehold. It was destroyed by a cataclysmic event known as the Doom of Valyria a century before Aegon's Landing.

Valyria was on the Valyrian peninsula, which extended into the Summer Sea. The Doom of Valyria shattered the peninsula, separating the city of Valyria from the Lands of the Long Summer by the Smoking Sea. The city of Valyria is at the center of the largest surviving island, surrounded by cliffs where the island has broken away from the mainland. Valyria was connected by dragon roads to surrounding cities, such as Tyria. Which is my destination for the location of the Staff of Magnus will most likely be at the Main Place of the House Belial. Tyria is a ruined city in Essos. It lies across the Smoking Sea from Oros and is connected by Valyrian road to the city of Valyria, which lies to the south of the island.

Tyria was founded by the Valyrian Freehold. Although rich and glorious, it did not have self-rule and was instead governed by men and women sent from Valyria to rule in the name of the Freehold.

The ruins of Tyria are still inhabited to some extent after the Doom of Valyria, although it is not clear whether by descendants of its original inhabitants. The few stories told of these latter-day dwellers tend towards the malign. It is located at the near cent of Valyria.

The name "Valyria" is applied to several different locations and is used interchangeably, which can risk confusion. For clarity the word is used in the following ways:

The Valyrian Freehold: the formal name of the great Valyrian realm, which at its height stretched from Pentos to Meereen. Valyria was neither a kingdom nor an empire: theoretically, all of the freeborn landholders ("free-holders") had equal say in government. In practice, this meant that it was essentially an oligarchy run by the wealthy noble families (there was no single emperor or king).

The Valyrian Peninsula: the large, wide headland extending south from Essos into the Summer Sea, the heartland of the Valyrian Freehold and the location of the city of Valyria. Partially destroyed in the Doom, with many islands formed and low-lying areas flooded.

The City of Valyria: the former capital city of the Valyrian Freehold, located in the middle of the Valyrian Peninsula. Often called "Old Valyria" after its destruction in the Doom.

The Doom of Valyria: the volcanic catastrophe which destroyed Old Valyria four centuries ago, and devastated much of the surrounding territory. Most of the Valyrian Peninsula has never recovered.

Mark currently ventures the The Smoking Sea is a body of water located immediately to the south of the Valyrian Peninsula, on the south coast of Essos. It is part of the ocean known as the Summer Sea. Formed by the Doom of Valyria, the Smoking Sea separates the numerous islands that were formerly part of Valyria from one another and the mainland to the north.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels the Smoking Sea is ill-omened. Its waters are said to bubble and let off foul vapors and mists which can kill sailors outright. The Smoking Sea is a recent phenomenon, formed four hundred years ago during the Doom of Valyria when the peninsula was shattered by a massive series of volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

The Smoking Sea is considered cursed and haunted. Most sailors refuse to sail its waters, instead circumnavigating Valyria by taking a wide detour out to sea.

Now how did Mark manage to survive the still remaining dangerous smog well the Spell Chain of [ Bubble ] and [ Slime ] which incases whoever or whatever in a bubble which is safe to breath but if punctured it will pop. And if added with the [ Levitation ] spell it can make the boat not touch the boiling temperatures and acidic waters.

When he finally manage to land at Tyria he was shock that it is filled to the brim with Stone Men.

The Stone Men are people severely afflicted with greyscale. They are called "Stone Men" because of how the disease makes their skin dead, hard and cracked like stone. Greyscale is a disease that can leave flesh stiff and dead, and the skin cracked and flaking, mottled black and grey and stone-like to the touch. Greyscale is one of the many virulent diseases common in Sothoryos. Cold, damp climates like the Iron Islands and Dragonstone are also prone to the disease, and it is a danger for those traveling down the Rhoyne through the Sorrows.

Greyscale generally affects children, especially in cold damp climates. The afflicted flesh stiffens, calcifies, and cracks. The victims are disfigured, but also rendered immune to the fatal form of greyscale, or the rare swift epidemic form of the disease known as grey plague.[3] The free folk consider people who survive greyscale unclean, and prefer to euthanize them, rather than take the chance that they may live to infect others.

The mortal form of greyscale begins by affecting the extremities, noticeable only by a blackened fingertip or loss of sensation. As numbness creeps up a person's arms or legs, the flesh stiffens and grows cold, and the victim's skin will turn grey, resembling stone.

Stone Men are often shunned from society; exiled to the ruins of cities in Essos such as Old Valyria.

In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, the Stone Men do not dwell in the ruins of Valyria - in fact it is said there is no living creature in the peninsula - but on "the Sorrows", a portion of the Rhoyne stretching from Dagger Lake to beyond the ruins of the Rhoynar city of Chroyane. Driven mad by the disease, the Stone Men tend to attack vessels sailing through the Sorrows, thus contributing to spreading the disease whenever a survivor becomes infected.

It is said that most Stone Men are actually harmless, indeed pathetic: "feeble creatures, clumsy, lumbering, witless." The novels do mention that "near the end, they all go mad", at which they become dangerous and attack other people. Many of them don't attack travelers out of hatred, but simply out of hunger to steal their supplies. The Free Cities sporadically dump food supplies to the ruins containing Stone Men (Volantis sends ships about three times a year), but often they deliver more Stone Men than food.

The Stone Men are said to be led by the legendary Shrouded Lord, a mysterious figure about whom many contradictory legends are told. Also known as His Grey Grace and the Prince of Sorrows, he is said to rule over the mists of Sorrows and to spread greyscale through the grey kiss, although he doesn't bestow his kiss lightly. The Shrouded Lord is said to be Prince Garin, who led the last stand of the Rhoynar against the Valyrian Freehold and cursed them after being defeated, risen from the underwater ruins of Chroyane. The Shrouded Lord is also said to have been a statue at first, until a "grey woman" from the fog kissed life to it with lips as cold as ice. The more realistic story about the Shrouded Lord is that there have been numerous ones, and when one dies another Stone Man takes his place; the current Shrouded Lord being a corsair from the Basilisk Isles.

In the novels Tyrion's boat is attacked by Stone Men while making its way through the ruins of Chroyane on the Rhoyne, but the TV series condensed this to occur when he is traveling through the ruins of Valyria. In the novels Tyrion's ship didn't pass directly through the Smoking Sea, instead going the long way around, as he could see the ominous glow of Valyria's fires on the distant horizon.

In The World of Ice and Fire book it is stated that there are rumors of men still living among the ruins of Valyria and of its neighbors Oros and Tyria - who might, similarly, be stone men pushed to live on the abandoned fringes of civilization - but these rumors are unconfirmed in the novels. This might imply there are some in "Valyria" - in the sense of the overall Valyrian heartland in the southern half of the Valyrian Peninsula, though Old Valyria itself is considered very dangerous for anything living.

And just like what he did to the Mobs at the Minecraft world when he first manage to get the Netherite Armor. He equips the Ancestral Armor and Weapons followed with the new one. Thalek The Almighty Hammer in his left arm and in his Right is the Axe Peacemaker. The Bow is at the back and the Swords Morning Star and Omen are simple floating around him. But first he summoned three Modified Ferrous Wroughtnaut and all of the Barakoana Band Deck out on all Netherite Armor. To test all the capabilities of the Skills. After all this is a perfect time to practice Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū.

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