
Mine to be

ss9898787 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Chp 5


It was midnight.David was asleep with no care in the world.It had been two days since their parents had suggested the marriage.Nothing had happened.No one had taken the initiative to call or message.Not that they had no interest in each other but they both had no time and it had just slipped their mind that they both had each others numbers.

His phone rang.It rang for a while but he ignored it not answering it.It rang the second time and he groaned.He answered his call without seeing the caller id.

"Hello."His voice sounded hoarse as he had just woken up.

"Heeellllllllooooo."The caller sang.David completely confused pulled his phone to see who it was but it was an unknown number.

"Hello! Who's this?"He asked more awake now.He sat up straighter to hear the caller speak.

"Hellllllllloooooooooo lovvvvvv."She sang again but suddenly David heard something fall and a laugh. "Opppssieeeee."He hung up thinking it was another one of Jake's tricks to get him into a relationship.

He shook his head and decided to resume his sleep but his phone rang once again making him groan in irritation.He looked at the caller id and recognised the digits as the last call.

"Hello."He answered.

"Helllllooooo Davidd."The caller sang drunkly.

"Who's this?"He asked again hoping to get an answer this time.

"Jess..ica."She stuttered.David widened his eyes in shock.Why would she call him drunk this late.

"Jessica?Where are you?"He was more awake now and all the more confused.

"I am..."She paused. "I don't know."She sheepishly admitted.

"Please give your phone to someone."He requested so that she would listen.

"Ok."She agreed quickly and gave her phone to the bartender.He looked at her confused but took her phone anyways.

"Hello."The bartender answered.

"Hey please can you tell what club this is?"David asked.

The Bartender told him the name of the club and David thanked him.He returned the phone to Jessica and got back to his work.He got dressed whilst on the call.He quickly got in the car still hearing her blabber.He asked her not to hang up so he would make sure she was safe.It didn't take him long to reach as the roads were clear.

He entered the club without any hassle and strained his neck to spot her. "Jess where are you?"He shouted so that she could hear him over the call.The music in the club was too loud for him to hear anything let alone a drunk like Jessica.

He hung up on her and ran towards the bar as he spotted her.He slid in the seat beside her and tapped on her hand.She gave him an annoyed look as he had disturbed her drinking session but as soon as she saw who it was the annoyed expression disappeared.

David was extremely confused.Why was she out here late at night alone and most importantly why was she drunk on a week day.He had a lot of questions for her but those could wait.

"Come on lets leave.I'll get you home."He got up and waited for her to get up but she didn't budge. "Come on its late.I'm sure your parents must be worry."He tried to lure her.

"Nope."She said popping the 'p' and then pouted making David smile. "I don't want to go home."She commanded folding her hands. "You understand?"She flicked his nose catching him off guard.

"Ok ok."He raised his hands in surrender trying hard to control his laughter. "Lets go somewhere else."He forwarded his hand and she took it after a little contemplation making him sigh in relief.

He pulled her through the crowd making sure nobody takes any advantage of her condition.After making her sit in the car he sat in the drivers seat and looked at her.

She was looking like a cute little girl.Pouting whenever she thought of something or when someone denied her of something.He first needed to get her a little sober so he took her to a nearest store to get some lemonade.

"Don't leave the car please.I'll be back in a few minutes."He told her and left the car.Just to be sure he locked the doors.He jogged to the store and got a lemonade.Though the store manager recognised him he didn't really say anything which David was thankful for.He paid really quickly and out he went towards his car.

He sat in the car and forwarded the lemonade towards her. "Here,drink this."She nodded in a no and pushed his hand behind. "If you drink this I will give you anything you want."He tried bribing her.Her eyes twinkled like any school girl and a wide smile danced on her lips.

"What will you give me?"She asked with wide eyes.

"Anything you ask for."He promised sincerely.

She took the bottle from his hands and downed it without further complaints though she scrunched her nose in between due to its taste.She cleared her mouth with the back of her hands and gave a wide toothed smile to David.He couldn't hold back and pulled her cheeks lightly. "You are sooo cute." She puffed her cheeks and narrowed her eyes at him and he quickly pulled his hands back. "What do you want now tell me."He said looking at her.She shook her head in a no. "What do you want then?"David asked.

"Nothin."She answered.

"Why were you drunk on a weekday that to all alone?"David asked the question he was meaning to ask for a while now.

She shrugged. "I just came in for one drink but I don't know when that one drink turned to several drinks."She giggled and David sighed in relief as there was no serious reason but he knew she was lying.

"Lets get you home then."He said and turned his ignition but was stopped by her.He looked at her raising his brow.

"Lets just wait here.It is soo peaceful here."She said looking at the vacant roads.Her words were a lot clearer now thanks to the lemonade.David looked at her and then took a glance at the road.

"Ok."He agreed.

They both sat in silence letting the peace take over them.They could hear the music in the club blasting,the sky was filled with stars.Even though the noise was a little disturbing they couldn't help but feel a little calm.

"Jessica."David called her name.She hummed hinting that he can continue. "Will you mind telling me the real reason for drinking."He asked looking at her.He could notice her expressions changing.She had gotten nervous.Her hands were fiddling with each other and she was unknowingly biting her lips. "Its okay.Relax.I just wanted to make sure you were okay.If you are not comfortable its fine."He touched her hand and squeezed it in assurance.

She turned to face him to only find him looking at her.She felt nervous and shy under his gaze. "Its fine.Now that you know I lied to you I might as well tell you the real reason for getting drunk."She said and David nodded.

"Since the day I have met you it has been nearly impossible for me to get you out of my thoughts.The first time we met at that party I thought you were rude and arrogant like other rich kids but then when we met again my whole perspective changed.You seemed nice.I thought things would stop there but then we met again and now our parents have suggested our marriage.I actually came here to have one drink so that I could tell you all this but that one drink didn't give me that confidence and I ended up getting drunk.I know it sounds extremely cliche and horrible but thats the truth.I understand if you don't feel the same way.I just wanted to confess I couldn't keep things within me."She confessed everything honestly.She didn't dare look up at his face but she felt a burning gaze and she glanced at him.She felt as if his eyes was staring at her soul,she visibly shuddered and averted her gaze.

"I am glad you feel the same about me because frankly speaking I couldn't shake you out of my thoughts as well.It is like every time I would want to forget you my brain would just come up with more thoughts about you."She looked at him with doe eyes.She sure was surprised to hear him say that.They both knew it wasn't love but they both were happy and content that the opposite person reciprocated their feelings. "You know a yes for the proposal could have sufficed."He teased her hinting that she didn't have to get drunk.

"But I wanted you to know what I felt and also I am not in a hurry to get married.I would love to get to know you."She sincerely said.

David squeezed her hand and said. "I am glad you chose to tell me first."She smiled.

It wasn't an open exhibition or communication of love but it was a start of something.There was no 'I love yous' said or any kisses shared it was just two souls expressing their fondness towards each other but it still managed to make their hearts dance.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.I hope the story is going on in its correct pace.It is not too fast or too slow.

Love love,

Your Writer.

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