
MINE Crush

Eli had a crush on a boy back in high school named Alan. Alan one day comes back to Eli's home town and the two start to hangout again. Eli's feelings for Alan become stronger as they spend time together, but Alan has a new girlfriend which makes Eli kids his feelings like back in high school. But Eli isn't the only one that is Love Sick and Heart Broken. ...

RGC0rp5e · realistisch
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Heather rolled her eyes and continued to talk. I looked at Alan and he smiled at me then looked at Heather. Mike and I left and got in his car. He drove out of the parking lot and headed to my work. 

"Just leave your stuff in here. I'll bring it to your apartment."

"Alright. Thanks, Mike."

"Have a good shift."

I got out and went inside the small pet store then got into uniform. I checked my notifications and saw an update on the killer. It was just a little paragraph saying that the killer was now heading South. I looked at it for a bit, freaked out then shook my head, leaving the back. Mason looked at me and looked concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"The killer was spotted heading this way.."

He sighed then went up to me.

"Don't worry yourself, Eli. Everything is going to be fine, okay?"

I looked at the ground then at him when he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on, say it with me. Everything will be okay."

"Everything will be okay...."

"There we go! Now smile. I don't like seeing you so upset.."

He wiped a bit of my hair behind my ear and I grabbed his wrist stopping him.

"I have a bad feeling, Mason.. It's just this gut feeling that something terrible will happen..."

"Well, that's no good.."

I shook my head and looked to the side a bit.

"Howww about.."

He walked away from me and I looked up at him as he grabbed a kitten then came up to me, giving me it.

"You take a kitten calm down and get your mind off of it?"

I smiled and hugged the kitten.

"You're great, Mason."

"Ohh, it's nothing."

I went over and played with the kitten then continued my shift trying to just ignore the feeling until my shift was over. Mason was gone and I was closing. As I locked the front door I felt eyes on me. I looked around then quickly locked the store doors and started walking back to my apartment as quickly as I could. I ended up just running back because of the eerie feeling and went inside then to the elevator, going up to my apartment. I pulled out my phone to check and see if there was an update but no.. Only a message from a number.

Unknown : yoo it's Alan, don't know if you still

have my number but just wanted to make sure 

you got home safe


I changed the name and went back to my living room, replying.

You : Yep, I did :)


<3 Alan : That's good>

We should definitely hang out again but maybe 

without Heather. We could go see a movie or



You : Sure, that sounds like it would be fun


<3 Alan : Nice! I'm not busy tomorrow or < p>



You : I have to work :(


<3 Alan : Oh, where do you work?< p>


You : At a small pet store 30 minutes away 

walking from my apartment 


<3 Alan : Oh cool. Is it fun working there?< p>


You : Yeah. a bit boring at times but none of the

less fun. Anyways, I'm going to bed. Really tired


<3 Alan : Nice! Well have a good night < p>


You : You too :) 


I went to my kitchen and cooked up some rice with sweet and salty chicken, and some bell peppers on the side. I went to my room with my plate and put it on my bed, while I looked through my books to find one. In short of time I found one about a girl obsessed with a boy to the point she would do anything to be with him. I sat on my bed and read while eating until I was done eating. I put my plate into the sink and got ready for bed. I got undressed into my boxers and turned off my lights and got in bed, putting my phone and book on my nightstand. I plugged in my phone, took off my glasses, putting them on my nightstand and closed my eyes.

* *<3* *< p>


Age: 21

Hair colour: Dark brown

Eye colour: Brown

Height: 6"5"


Age: 21

Hair colour: Black but bleached blonde 

Eye colour: black

Height: 5"5"


Age: 19

Hair colour: Blonde 

Eye colour: Hazel

Height: 5"5"


Age: 20

Hair colour: White

Eye colour: Red

Height: 5"11"

Fun Fact: Alan has been working out every day since 9th grade.

* *

I was jolted awake and looked at Mike's blurry face.


"Shh.. we need to leave.."

He put my glasses on then gave me a shirt and quickly put it on me then grabbed my phone, charger, and messenger bag, putting stuff in it and then put it on his shoulder. 

"What's going on?"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my apartment. We went to the stairwell and I looked around then we stopped. Mike tried to open the emergency door but couldn't.


"Mike, what's going on?.."

He looked at me and smiled.

"Everything is okay. We're going to be okay."

He pulled me to the door into the first floor room hall, stopping for a second then opened the door and pulled me into the hall. I looked down at blood, guts, body's everywhere. My eyes filled with tears and I looked up at us going into someone's apartment. Mike let go of me and smashed a window that went outside. Mike looked at me.

"Hop out."


"Eli, we need to go."

I nodded and tears ran down my face as I hopped out the window, cutting the side on my thigh, and arm. I looked at Mike hopping out then he pulled us to his car and we quickly got in then out of the parking lot. I looked at the apartment I used to call home now with smoke coming out of it. 

"The killer got in."

I looked at him putting my bag on my lap and I grabbed it then buckled up.

"Where are we going?


I looked at the cut on my thigh then looked out the window. I went through my bag and grabbed my phone, looking at my no new nonfictions, then looked up at us at Nova's house. We got out and went to the door. Nova opened the door and let us in then hugged Mike. 

"You're okay, thank god.."

She let go of him and put her hands on his cheeks then looked at him. 

"You're not hurt?"

He shook his head. 

"We're fine."

Nova looked at me and hugged me too then let go of me.

"Let's get you boys to bed."

Nova showed us to the guest room we were going to stay in then left the room. I sat on the bed and looked at the ground, rewatching everything then got snapped out by Mike's hand softly touching me. I looked at him.

"We're safe now."

"How long are we going to be here?"

He sighed then looked around and then back at me.

"A while most likely."

I looked down at my lap.

"You don't have to stay here. You could see if you can stay with Joy. I'm sure she'd love to have you stay with her."

"Won't Nova be upset that I don't want to stay here?"

I looked at Mike and he shook his head.

"No, no.. She will understand."


I jumped at my phone start to ring, then grabbed it and answered it

"Eli! Are you okay?! I saw something about an apartment then I saw that it was close to a pet store and realised it was your apartment."

"Yeah. I'm fine.. A little shaken up but I'm fine."

"Do you need a place to stay? You can stay at my house as long as you need."


"Yeah, of course. I want you to be safe and to be able to make sure you're safe."

"I mean.. If you're okay with it."

I felt my cheeks warm and smiled a bit.

"Well, duhh. I love spreading time with you. It would be great having you around."

"Okay, then sure."

"Sweet! I'll pick you up in the morning."

"Okay but...uhh.. Why are you up so late, Alan?"

"I had a bad dream and woke up then saw everything then had to call you to make sure you're safe. And now that I know you are, I can sleep again."

"That's good."

"You should get to bed though."

"I will."

"Good night, Eli. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah! Good night."

He hung up and I put my phone on the nightstand then looked at Mike who was giving me a look.

"What was that about?"

"Alan wanted to know if I was okay and offered to let me stay with him."

"Are you sure your heart can handle seeing him that much?"

"Yeah!... maybe.. I don't know.. I'm going to embarrass myself!!"

I laid down and shoved my face into one of the pillows.

"Ahhh! Why did I say yes!!?"

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

I lifted my head and looked at Mike.

"I'm going to mess everything up..."

"No way now it's bedtime."

I sighed and went under the blankets then Mike did too, and we both went to sleep.

* *<3* *< p>


Alan's little sister

Age: 19

Hair colour: Brown

Eye colour: Brown

Height: 5"2"

Fun Fact: Mike and Alan dislike each other but pretend to be friendly for Eli.

* *

I got up and grabbed my stuff then Mike and I went to eat breakfast Nova made us. We all ate and then Mike and I went out to get me a couple outfits. I tried on all the outfits then put on my favourite outfit. It was black stockings, dark blue jean shorts and a long sleeve black shirt, leaving the mall bathroom and going back to Mike's car. He drove me to my work and dropped me off. I went in and got into my outfit then went to the front and did my normal work routine: Feed the animals, restock, talk to Lily, clean, the normal.

"Hey, Lily?"

I looked at Lily and she looked up from the counter at me and smiled.


"Do you think I can get some time off?'

"Sure. but I hope you don't mind me asking why?"

"A lot is going on right now in my life and it's complicated... I just need sometime.. That's all"

"Take as much time as you need. You've been more of a help and haven't taken much time the whole time you've been here."

"Thank you, Lily."

"No problem."

I smiled then went into the back and grabbed my phone quickly before it stopped ringing, answering it. 

"Hey, Alan."

"What you doing?"

"Finishing up my shift."

"When are you done?"

"At eleven."

"That's late."

"Mhm, but it's how I get paid so it's all good."

"So do you want me to pick you up from there?"

"Sure. If it's not too much to ask."

"Nope. I'll see you soon then."


I hung up and put my phone down and went to leave but met eyes with Lily. She smirked at me then crossed her arms. 

"Does someone have a boyfriend?~"

"What? No. I wish he was though.."

"Oh, damn. Alright then. Well uhh then.. Get back to work?"

"Hehe, I am I am."


We both went back to the front and I did the rest of my shift in only like an hour and a half so I had to do more stuff until my shift was over. The door to the pet store opened and Alan came in dripping with water. I walked up to him and said goodbye to lily. We both walked out and I put my arms up to try and keep myself somewhat dry.


I looked at Alan and he put his sweater on me and put the hood on me. I felt my face get warm and he smiled at me.

"You look better in that than me."

I looked to the side and put my arms in the sleeves, smiling. We got to his car and got in, buckling up and leaving.

"Do you work this late every night?"

"Mhm. It sucks though because I have to walk home and it's creepy. Yesterday I ended up running home because I felt like something was watching me and it freaked me out.."

"That's no fun."

"No but I guess I won't need to walk for a while."

"Not after what happened, no."

"That and I have time off."


"Mhm! It's exciting! I haven't had time off since Christmas last year."

"Oh wow, that was a while ago."

"Yeah but I only work as such because my boss needs the help. Other than me we only have four others that work there and two of us only work from three to eleven. Other than my boss that swaps from both When needed or she just feels like it."

I shrugged then looked down at Alan's sweater. The sleeves were black along with the hood, strings, pockets, and the bottom stretchy band and where the main part of the sweater was white and the stretchy bands on the end of the sleeves. We soon got to Alan's house and got out of his car. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door and quickly unlocked it, pulling me inside. He let go of me and closed the door, locking it. I looked around at the big fancy house.

"I can show you the guest room."

He walked forward and I followed him. We got to the room and I walked in.

"Wow, It's so nice in here."

"Eh, It's not the best but you know. It works."

I turned to him and smiled.

"I'm going to go quickly, take a shower then I'll make you some dinner because you have to be hungry. Also, you can use some of my clothes so you're not stuck in wet clothes. I'll bring them down for you quickly."


He stretched his arms then walked out of the room. I sat on the bed and listened to my heartbeat racing in my ears. I pulled the sides of the hood to my nose and smelt it, falling back onto the bed.

"It smells so much like him~"

I pulled his sweater to my mouth, covering it and giggled into it. I put my arms onto my chest and laid there till Alan walked in, making me sit up and look at him. He was shirtless holding a small pile of clothes.

"Here you go."

He handed them to me. I slowly grabbed them and looked down at his ripped chest and arms, feeling my face burn up. I looked away quickly and covered my face with the pile of clothes,

"Th-Th.. Ahh, THANK YOU! AH! I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell!"

I closed my eyes tightly and felt myself die of embarrassment.

"It's fine."

I felt his hand on my head and him gently rubbing it, making me look up at the smiling man. His face went surprised and he put his hand on my forehead.

"Are you feeling okay? Your face is really red."

I nodded my head and looked to the side.

"I just- I um g-get reeeally... Embarrassed quickly."

He put his hand under my chin and lifted up my face to look at him.

"Does this embarrassment make you not look at me?"

He leaned down and I leaned back a bit.

"I- well I- umm-"

He put his other hand down on the bed beside my hip and lifted up my chin more. I put my hands behind myself to keep myself up, as he leaned forward more.



He stood up and put his hand to his mouth laughing into it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm joking. It's fine if you look away from me."

He walked over to the door and waved bye to me then closed the door. I sat there, frozen, then stood up and looked at the clothes. I got undressed and put on the clothes, the pants being too big for me. His shirt went down to the middle of my thighs. I sat down and thought about what to do, about the pants. 

"My boxers are like shorts. I can't just walk around his house in his shirt and my boxers though. I'll just... make It work."

I paused for a second then got really warm realising I was in Alan's shirt, also half naked, in his house. I flopped onto the bed on my stomach and hid my face in the pillow. I lifted my head up and smelt Alan's scent on the pillow. I hugged the pillow.

"I wonder if he slept in here. The pillow smells just like him."

I smiled and turned on my back still hugging the pillow as I smelled it.

"His scent smells so good, I love it!"

I kicked my legs in the air then sat up and crossed my legs, tightly hugging the pillow. I closed my eyes and smiled then sat up, hugging it tightly. 

"I love him... But he... loves her. That bitch doesn't deserve him. She doesn't deserve any of this. I hate Heather. Why does she get the man I love? Why can't I have him? I hate her!"

I dug my nails into the pillow and scrunched my nose, making an angry face. I clenched my teeth together.

"I hate her! I hate her! I hate her!!"

I gripped the pillow tighter and shoved my face into it and screamed, muffling it. My heart started to feel like it was being stabbed hundreds of times and I started crying.

"He loves her..."

I put my knees up to my chest, dropping the pillow beside myself and hugged my legs. I cried into my knees, feeling myself get sadder the more I thought about them together. I sat there in silence until the door opened, making me look at the wet haired man. 

"Foods- Are you okay?"

I wiped my eyes and looked to the side, feeling him sit on the bed beside me. I nodded and squeezed my hand so I wouldn't cry.

"Eli... What's wrong?"

His deep voice went really soothing, almost like a nice lullaby. I looked at him and fake smiled.

"Just scared, that's all, no need to worry."

"Eli, lyings not good. What's actually wrong?"

"Well... There's this person I like and have liked for a really long time, and I came to find out that they are dating someone... Meaning, I'll-I'll."

I looked down and felt the tears drip onto my knees.

"Never be able to be with them, and It's like no matter how much time has passed, how much I try to get rid of my feelings I can't."

I heard him sigh and then felt him hug me, making my eyes widen and my heart start racing.

"I hear you... But in my case it was a bit different." 

He let go of me and I looked at him.

"I'm sure things will work out for you."

He looked down at my legs and I tried to hide them.

"Pants didn't fit?"

I shook my head and looked down at the bed.

"I can call Mike tomorrow and get him to bring me my bag. I have like two outfits."

"No, no. don't worry about it. I'll just go out and buy you some clothes tomorrow."

"You really don't need to."

"But I want to, now let's go eat before it gets cold."

I nodded and watched him get up, putting out his hand for me. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I let go of him and stood up straight.


We went to the kitchen and I sat down, looking at the plate of food. I grabbed the fork and took a bite.

"Is it good?"

My eyes lit up and I looked at him nodding my head. He smiled and ate his food. The room was silent until the silence was broken.

"So what happened to the relationship you were in last time I saw you?"

"Uhh... that ended badly.. Very badly."

"Oh.. I'm sorry to hear."

"It's all good. It was years ago now soo it's all good. He got moved to a different town."

"Was it that bad of a break up?"

"Yeah, heh.. He went a little.. Shit!! You didn't hear that!"

"What? That you said he?"

"I didn't mean.. Ehh! I'm sorry! I meant to say.. sh-she.."

He made a sad face. 

"It's okay if you like boys, Eli."

"It.. Is?"

"Of course. You can't choose who you're attracted to. And as long as you're happy I don't care who you love."

"You're not mad or grossed out?"

"Haha, of course not. Heather may be homophobic but I sure as hell aren't."

I smiled.

"So, do you just like guys?"

I paused for a second then nodded.

"Yeah. That's.. Fine.. Right?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

"Because.. I'm a gross fag.."

"Hey, don't call yourself names. Or at least not names to put yourself down.. I don't like it.."

"I'm sorry.."

"And yes it's fine. I don't care. Really. Stop overthinking it."


He got up and grabbed our empty plates then went to the kitchen. I sat there then got up and held my own hands, playing with my fingers.

"Eli.. Look at me."

I turned and looked at Alan now in front of me. He put his hand on my cheek. I stared at him and froze. My body heated up and I heard my heartbeat in my ears. 

"Never talk down about yourself. You're amazing and one of if not the best person i've ever met. I honestly don't care if you're into guys."

I looked away and closed my eyes, dying of flusteredness. He patted my head then walked away. I looked at him waving.

"Anyways, I'm going to bed. You should too."

I nodded and went with him out of the kitchen then stopped at the guest room door.

"Goodnight, Eli."


He went up stairs and I quickly went into the guest room, closing the door then pressed against it, breathing heavily. I covered my face with one of my hands then looked into the mirror from the door at my red face. I then shook my head, turned the lights off, and got onto the bed, staring at the blanket then up at his sweater and grabbed it. I stared at it then hugged it and laid down with it. 

"You embarrass me so much..! Why do you have to be so nice?"

I bared my face into his sweater and put it in between my legs, closing my eyes.

"Alan.. I want you to love me."

* *<3* *< p>

Fun Fact: Mike and Eli have known each other since Middle school.

* *

I opened my eyes to the bright sun and turned onto my side, bearing my face into the blankets. I slowly sat up and grabbed my glasses then looked around until my eyes adjusted to the light. I yawned and looked over at the nightstand with a note on it. I grabbed the note and read it. The note was from Alan and it said: "I'm quickly going to the store. I should be back in an hour or two and if the doorbell rings you don't need to answer it. That's all, see you in a bit.". I looked over at my ringing phone and grabbed it, looking at the caller. I answered and put the phone to my ear.

"Mike, what's up?"

"How was your night over at Alan's? Did you make it without getting all red and blushy?"

I went silent then looked to the side.

"Noo.. I didn't. But it was good.. Uhh, Alan knows I'm gay now. I didn't mean to tell him though but I was talking about Seth and said he, so he found out."

"Oh? Is he fine with it?"

"Yeah, he made sure I knew he was. I got freaked out that I messed up our friendship but he reassured me that it was fine."

"That's good. Where is he now?"


"Soo, he left you alone in his house."

"Yeah, but only because I was sleeping."

"Ahh, you slept in, huh?"

"I don't sleep enough, okay? I'm always tired."

"Maybe if you ask Alan he'll let you sleep in the same bed as him."

"WHAT!? N-no way! I'm not going to ask him to sleep in the same bed as me!"

I heard the door open and I looked over at Alan, raising his eyebrow and two bags in his hand. My face felt like it was about to melt, like ice on fire.

"Ask who, what?" 

"Oh shit... Is that Alan?"

"N-nothing! Mike w-was- He-he umm."

"Bahaha, Sorry fam about what's happening but gtg."

"MIKE, you can't just-"

The call ended and I looked at my phone then up at Alan, who was still looking confused.

"Well you see... Umm I- Umm... hah."

I dropped my phone and quickly grabbed a pillow and shoved my face into it. My heart felt like it was going to rip through my chest at how fast it was going. 

"I got you clothes and some candy."

I looked up from the pillow and put my knees to my chest, facing him. He put the two bags beside me and beant down so he was at eye level.

"Can you tell me what you were going to say?"

I pulled the pillow down and felt my breath become a bit shaky.

"Mike was bugging me to ask you i-if I could sleep in the same bed as you because I need more sleep and I told him I wasn't going to ask you then you came in and I freaked out because you surprised me and-and..."

I took a deep breath, catching it after the long ongoing sentence.

"And now I'm embarrassed because I-I... H-holy shit- I'm sorry! I-i don't k-know why I-"

"Eli. Eli, it's fine. No need to get all worked up about it."

He put his hand on my neck and pressed down on a spot, making my nerves calm down immediately. He looked into my eyes and smiled softly at me.

"You should try on your clothes."

He got up and headed to the door, closing it behind him once out. I got up and looked into the bags. One was filled with clothes and the other was somewhat filled with clothes, with a lollipop, bubblegum, hard candy and pocky on top of it. I tried on the clothes then put on my favourite outfit out of them. I walked out of the room and walked towards the sound of a tv. I walked over to the couch and sat down beside Alan, making him look at me. He looked me up and down then sat up straight. 

"You look good in that."

"Aah, t-thank you."

"Did they all fit properly?"


He smiled then turned his body to me.

"How are you doing after everything?"

"Fine.. I'm still in a bit of shock. There was blood everywhere and peoples bodies all over the ground. It was.. Unreal. I would have been dead if Mike didn't get us out.."

"Well, I'm very glad you're not dead but that would definitely leave someone in shock."

I nodded and looked to the side.

"What mike said.. It was a joke! I don't want to make you uncomfy by thinking I'm trying to sleep with you."

I quickly looked at him.

"I mean like sleeping in the same bed as you, not with you!! I'm not- I uuhh I-I!"

I covered my face with my shirt trying to hide.

"Oh god... I'm sorry..."

"Hahaha, you're so funny, Eli. I know what you meant but I mean if you want to spend the night in my bed, go for it. I wouldn't mind."

I looked out from my shirt but showed only my eyes. He smiled then sat back and looked at the tv.

"Leon's coming over by the way. Thought I'd let you know."

"Leon? Isn't he famous now?"

"Mhm, he's a singer. Though I've never listened to his music, I support him."

I let my shirt drop and sat on my knees.

"Why haven't you?"

"My parents. They think he's sinful so I can't listen to it."


"Yeah.. They do control a lot of my life. But I guess that's parents for you."

"It doesn't sound fun. They should let you have freedom, how else are you supposed to live life to the fullest?"