
Chapter Twenty Seven

Bakugo shifted in his desk again, arms crossed over his broad chest his left leg rapidly bounced, displaying his irritation as he glared at the innocent clock hanging on the wall.

"What's his problem?" Sero nodded over to Bakugo who had a cloud of dark aura radiating from him.

"Hm-?" Kaminari turned as he bit into his anpan. "-isn't that just his face?"

Mina rolled her eyes from listening to the two, she looked at Bakugo then at the clock, understanding the disquietude Bakugo was in. It was almost time and yet still no Mr. Aizawa.

It's been a few days since Puzzle broke her way into the school, and no one was allowed to see you in the hospital so now everyday they wait for Aizawa to see if you were tagging along with him. The past few days they have been let down, having no idea where you were and Aizawa was never any help, just relaying the fact you were stable.

Mina yawns rubbing her face, sleep ran from her these days. The door opened as her mouth was wide open, she turned seeing Mr. Aizawa enter, he gave his careless half-asleep wave greeting them as he did each morning. After a moment though, you walked into the room almost causing Mina to choke on the air.

Lazily you closed the door behind you slowly making your way to your desk. You felt their magnetized gaze scorching the side of your face as you took your seat.

"Alright-" Aizawa sighed, quickly getting the class started pulling out papers containing the classes test. Students groaned in protest as Aizawa handed them out to each student. You leaned back in your desk chair, granted you had the last few days to lay in a hospital bed and sleep, you still felt like you had been run over by a truck.

You could feel the tensity rolling off the backs of the students, each huddled over their desks scribbling away. Aizawa crawled into his famous yellow sleeping bag while the peaceful silence had you dozing in and out of consciousness.

A rapid knock on the door caused Aizawa and you to open your eyes. The two of you glanced at each other. You hadn't gotten a tag reassigning you to another hero.

Aizawa reluctantly untangled himself slowly making his way to the door, pulling it open he felt confused.

"Naomasa?" Aizawa furrowed his brows.

"Hello." Naomasa waved, "May I please speak with Five?" Aizawa glanced over his shoulder to you sitting at your desk.

"She hasn't been released to another-"

"Oh, I know." Naomasa smiled, "I'm not here to take her anywhere, I just need to speak with her for a moment." The class's eyes fell to your half-covered face, watching you lift yourself with your one good leg. Bakugo's eyes narrowed seeing your slight limp, as you pass into the hall, Aizawa and you exchanged looks. Purposefully you left the door slightly cracked open.

Aizawa stood with his back against the door, arms crossed.

"Mr.-?" Toru went to question, but all the lazed hero did was place a finger over his lips, telling the class to remain silent.

"What's this about?" You broke the odd tension between Naomasa and you. The class could faintly hear your voice, sending chills along their skin.

"Do you recall the Ansatsusha clan?" Naomasa randomly asked out of the blue.

"Uh-" You tried to remember where the familiar name came from. "-yeah...they were a drug gang we took down a few years ago. Why?"

The Ansatsusha clan were a dangerous bunch, killing anyone who stood in their way. Hero, police, other drug gangs, innocent people, they even killed people inside their own organization, it didn't matter to them. They terrorized the south until the Seven Bullets jumped on their trail.

"Because we have reason to believe they are back."

"No-" You shook your head, "-that's impossible." You crossed your arms, shoulders groaning in protest as you did. "We took down all their leaders, burned down their hideouts and labs. We left them in crumbles."

"It seems-" Naomasa sighed. "-that someone has taken charge of the Ansatsusha Clan."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"These past few months I have been trying to track them down, but they leave no trace. I want to know how you and your team found them."

"We...followed the drugs." You answered. "We posed as buyers, found a bottom tier seller and followed the ladder until we found a large distributor for the clan. We were able to flip him for a deal and he told us everything we needed to know."

"There are no records of this ever happening."

"Yeah-" You nod, "-that was the deal, he wanted to vanish."

"Do you have an idea of where he is?" Naomasa stepped forward, "Or maybe what name he was given to go by?"


"I need to speak with him-"

"No." You instantly shook your head, "No way."


"You just talking to him could get him killed."

"I know-" Naomasa calmly stated, "-I know the risks Five, but I know how to do my job too. Please, this group is rapidly growing into the powerhouse they used to be."

You sucked in a breath, licking your lips glancing around the hallway before holding out your hand. Naomasa stared at it for a long moment.

"Oh!" Naomasa quickly realized, digging into his jacket pocket for his notepad and pen. Naomasa knew even the walls had ears and you wouldn't willingly say the man's name out loud.

You never knew who was listening.

"If you fuck this up-" You warned, eyes flickering to his face as the pen rested against the paper. "-I will find and kick your ass."

"Of course, Five." Naomasa nervously smiled as you scribbled down the name you knew. "Do you think...he possibly flipped back?"

"No." You instantly replied, closing the note pad and handing it back to him. "From what I saw that man genuinely wanted to get clean and start a new life. I don't think he is back in the game, and I don't think he can give you what you're looking for."

"That may be-" Naomasa agreed, "-but it's a place to start. It's more than what I had on my way here this morning."


"Thank you Five." Naomasa bowed before turning to leave.

"You're not telling me to go with you?" You frowned, confused. Naomasa smiled, looking at your furrowed face.

"You have done more than enough Five."

"But if they really are making a comeback-"

"Don't worry-" Naomasa reinsured. "-let me and my team worry about the Ansatsusha Clan. You rest up and I'll keep you updated on what I find."

You nod in response, watching Naomasa turn and take his leave with his new lead tightly in his hand. Standing in front of C1-A you felt an uneasy feeling creep its way into your stomach.

Slowly you turned to reenter the classroom, instantly you felt a sense of warmth. Looking up from gazing at the floor, you saw Aizawa holding a hidden concern Naomasa wouldn't be gone for long.

"Time's almost up." Aizawa called out to the class.

"Huh!?" Horror colored Kaminari's face "How!?" He rapidly began filling in random bubbles on his test. You moved to your seat, leaning against the back rest gazing out the window at all the foreign colors, wondering why Naomasa came to you of all people and not Gray or Shiro.


The sun was warm against your exposed skin as Class C1-A trained outside.

Bakugo and Kaminari were up against each other, causing a scene with their cacophonous insults flowing back and forth. Aizawa noted how you stood beside him, and not yards away avoiding the class like they held the bubonic plague.

Aizawa softly smiled, seeing you had your eyes closed and was soaking up the sun reminding him of his cat at home. Did you trust him enough to let your guard down like this?

A short high-pitched beeping stung your ears causing you to open your eyes. You gazed down at your belt, where the pager rested. You and Aizawa glanced at one another, he held a deep frown, you were supposed to be on leave, recovering. Why had you been given off to another hero?

"Hey-!" A chipper voice causes you to cringe. You and Aizawa turned, seeing a massive man dressed in a purple tight body suit running towards the class.

"Oh-" You groaned, "-not this guy."

"Hey-!" Slidin' Go repeated with another enthusiastic wave. "-it's been years Five!" His deep chuckle caught the students' attention. "How have you been!?"

You held a blank glare as you looked up at him.

"What?" Slidin' Go blinked, "Are you still mad?" He fiddled with his fingers. "Why are you still mad!?"

"You blew an eight-month sting." You stalely replied,

"I said sorry!" Slidin' Go defended, "I didn't think I would blow our cover-"

"You showed up in this fucking monstrosity-!" You snapped gesturing to his hero costume, "-of course the fucking villains would know we were heroes-!"

"Who's the clown?" Bakugo wondered walking over.

"I think his name is Slidin' Go?" Mina muttered back watching the show.

"Hey-" Katsuki turned, "-nerd."

"Wh-What!?" Midoriya jumped.

"Who is that?"

"Wha-Wha would I-"

"You're the one with the hero fetish." Bakugo rolled his red eyes, "Who is that."

"W-Well he is Slidin' Go."

"We already know that."

"I actually don't know much about him." Midoriya muttered, peeking over Bakugo's shoulder as Slidin' Go continued to babble your ear off. "His quirk allows him to slide across any surface without problem."

"Hah!?" Bakugo turned, "What kind of quirk is that!?"

"What are you doing here?" Aizawa ended the chattering from Slidin' Go, "(y/n) is in recovery."

"(y/n)?" Slidin' Go blinked, confused for a moment. You could see the light bulb click inside his head. "Oh, Five-!" He laughed; "-I forget that's your real name!"

"What do you want?" You rolled your eyes.

"I don't know about being in recovery-" Slidin' Go scratched his cheek. "-I was just told to come over and pick you up for patrol."

"You need me for a patrol shift?" You hated patrol shifts, most times they were boring and there was a lot of walking.

"That's what they said!" Slidin' Go laughed off your annoyed expression.

"Fine." You huffed.

"(y/n)-" Aizawa shook his head, pulling you a few feet from Slidin' Go. "-I don't think this is a good idea. You heard what your doctor said-"

"It's a patrol shift." You shrugged, "It's the middle of the day, they probably don't want Slidin' Go patrolling alone because he's about as sharp as a marble."

Aizawa smirked, noticing how you spoke more to him.

"Come on slip n slide." You called.

"I told you that isn't my hero's name!" Slidin' Go whined following you off the field. Class C1-A watched as you left with the pro hero in tow.

"Should she be going?" Mina worriedly asked Aizawa, who turned to his class.

"She will be fine." Aizawa reinsured. "It's a simple patrol shift, in the middle of the day-" He quoted you. "-I'm sure she will be back by the end of lunch."