
Chapter Twenty Nine

"Alright-!" Endeavor's baritone voice called as he took charge. Shoto shivered hearing his father, not knowing this was where he scrambled off to so early this morning. "-everyone gets hooked up, we need to always have communication with each other! This is a large place-" He went on, Class C1-A ogled the hustling lobby of the popular hotel. People were dashing around the heroes in preparation for tonight.

"I didn't know Endeavor would be here." Ochaco whispered.

"I didn't either." Shoto muttered wishing he could have stayed back with Mr. Aizawa.

"Students-!" Endeavor waved over, "-get in line!"

"For what?" Midoriya wondered but was pushed into the line of heroes.

"Each person needs to get a radio and earpiece-" Endeavor explained, "-we are not going to have any mess up today!"

"Your dad is the lead hero on this mission?" Jiro groaned at his authoritarian manor.

"He is the number one hero." Shoto sighed. "It's annoying."

After everyone was hooked up with each other, the U.A. students waited to be told what to do next.

"This place is amazing." Sato looked around at all the shiny surfaces.

"Yes-!" Aoyama agrees twirling. "-this place is almost as sparkling as me!"

"Everyone quiet down-!" Endeavor barked out, "-each hero will have three of the U.A. students, when you hear your name move to your hero who will raise their arm. The event is getting ready to be staffed and guests to be brought in-" Endeavor looked to the sheet in his hand. "-this is the time-of-day villains will try to sneak in and we need to make sure that doesn't happen, understand?"

"Yes sir!"

"Alright, the first group will be with...Edgeshot. Ojiro Mashirao, Denki Kaminari and Momo Yaoyorozu."

"Nice!" Kaminari bounced following Ojiro towards the hero.

"Next-" Endeavor read off, "-Eijiro Kirishima, Ochaco Uraraka and Hanta Sero you're with Crust."

"Aw-" Kirishima turned to Bakugo; he hated leaving his best friend.

"Go Shitty Hair-" Bakugo nodded, "-and you better not make us look bad!"

"You got it!" Kirishima flashed a goofy grin before jogging over to the pro-hero. Ochaco glanced over to Midoriya, sad she wasn't placed on the same team as him.

"Next will be Izuku Midoriya, Rikido Sato, Mezo Shoji you three are with Gunhead." Endeavor more so ordered, "Yuga Aoyama, Koji Koda, Toru Hagakure you are going to be with Lady Nagant."

"Sweet." Toru clapped, happy to be placed with a female hero.

"Next will be Tsuyu Asui, Tenya Ida, Camie Utsushimi will be placed with Clair Voyance."

"Who?" Tsu turned to Ida who shrugged spotting a blond woman standing off to the side raise her hand.

"Mina Ashido, Kyoka Jiro and Minoru Mineta are going to be with Five-"

"Five!?" Mina gasped, heart dropping, turning her head to see you step forward, raising your arm.

You wore your new bullet uniform but this time you sported a new mask like your old bullets uniform.

"(y/n) is here?" Jiro frowned, "How is she a hero-?"

Bakugo's chest bubbled, why wasn't he placed with you? His eyes locked onto your masked face.

Why were you wearing that thing!?

"The rest will be with me." Endeavor finished. "Your heroes know where they must be, so listen to them and if anything goes wrong, call us immediately-" Endeavor ranted on, as Mina stepped by your side her heart fluttered and it was like she forgot how to breathe! "-you're all excused."

Mina's head spun, seeing everyone quickly scatter, it was a mad house! A sturdy hand gripped her arm pulling Mina down the hallway away from the lobby of the hotel.

Mina's wide eyes darted to the hand which led to you.

"Where are we going?" Mineta wondered.

"There is a total of fifty-two floors in this hotel-" You shockingly reply. "-The police are taking the first seven which leaves the rest to us. The remaining floors are divided and assigned to the heroes here.

"Which floors do we have to worry about?" Jiro questioned.

"Thirty-seven to Forty-two."

"Why do we have to be on the top floors!?" Mineta cried, "I hate heights!"

"That's a lot of ground to cover." Jiro mumbled.

"Not really." You countered, "We got the easy part."

"How easy is being miles above the ground!?" Mineta pointed, "What if something happens!?"

"The first ten floors were cleared and shut down-" You found when wearing your mask, you felt more like Five, more like the hero you tried to be. "-and the rooms on the next three levels don't have any guests so no one should be up this high."

"Oh." Jiro frowned. "Were you assigned this because...your...."

"Because I am in recovery." You nod, glancing over to Mina who remained oddly silent.

"How are you here right now as a hero?" Mineta rudely butted in, earning a tight scowl from Mina, who snapped from her gaze to return a glare at the stout boy.

"Because in our eyes-" A deep voice turned your group around. "-she is still a hero-" Hawks smiled walking over, hands in his pockets. "-and a damn good one at that."

"Hawks?" Mineta stared up, stars filling his eyes. Jiro blushed, quickly adverting her eyes to the floor.

"I do however agree that she shouldn't be here, since her status has been grounded-"

"Grounded?" Jiro tilted her head, thinking of when her parents grounded her for missing curfew one too many times when hanging out with the gang.

"It's a simple hero term-" Hawks waved; "-it just means she isn't supposed to be doing any hero work and resting."

"What are you doing here?" You sighed.

"Just thought I'd swing by-" Hawks grinned, "-heard about the big event and thought I'd see what's up. I tried to call you, but I guess you still didn't get your phone back."

"We're not getting those phones back." You commented.

"Why?" Mineta bit his nail.

"Because they are bugged."


"Yeah-" You turned to him; "-so Shooter could listen in."

"Oh..." Mineta scratched his head.

"Why don't you three go check out the rooms?" Hawks suggested with a painted smile. "But stay together, ok?"

The three turned to you who nodded approving for them to go.

"We need to get you a phone." Hawks turned after watching the kids scurry into a room.

"What for?" You frowned.

"So, we can talk of course!" Hawks lightly joked.

"No thank you-"

"Hey-" Hawks caught your wrist before you could walk away, following the students. "-what's up?"


"I can tell something isn't right with you-" Hawk's lazed expression hardened. "-and don't try to lie to me, I know you Five, something is different about you."

"Aren't you on some super annoying assignment right now?" You flatly countered.

"I was—still am, I just thought-" Hawks laughs waivered, causing your eyes to sharpen on his expression. "-hey, don't change the subject!"

"I-" You sighed, pulling your wrist from Hawks grasp, slowly you touched the side of your mask. "-they took the color..."

"Color?" Hawks blinked, trying to piece together what you just said. "Color...as in... like Shooter's mask, you can't see color?"

Before he could push you any further, a squeaking sound stopped Hawks from talking, the U.A. students walked back out into the hall as you turned around to see a server pushing a food cart.

"Hey man-" Hawks shoved his hands back into his pocket. "-you can't be up here. I'm pretty sure the party is a few floors below us-" Hawks was cut off by a banging sound echoing through the empty halls.

"Whose banging on a locker?" Mineta wondered, trying to put a comforting label on what he was hearing.

"A hotel like this wouldn't have lockers on this kind of floor." Jiro muttered, looking around the nicely decorated hallway. You turned to the server in time to watch him pull a loaded AR-15 rifle from the bottom of the food cart.

Your arms flew out before your brain could register what it was doing. Grabbing Mina and Jiro, pulling them into you as you stomped your foot, tired ice danced to life before your eyes, using a hand you maneuvered the trail to shape its way in front of your group.

The bullets impaled the ice, barely stopping the destructive path.

"Nice save." Hawks praised, glancing at you then the server. "I'm going to need to speak to your manager about your behavior-" He was cut off by the semi-automatic weapon rapidly firing.

The server sprayed the bullets in any direction as he slowly receded, his mind locked on getting down the hall, up the staircase and then you wouldn't be his problem anymore.

You watched the imposter duck around the corner followed by the echo of brisk footsteps.

"Watch them." You ordered, using your stronger leg to kick you into a run.

"Five-!" Hawks went to protest but were left behind as you ran around the corner following the villains' tracks. You ran down the hallways, eyes darted to each closed-door half expecting someone to pop out. Reaching the end of the hall, you quickly backtracked, hopping behind the corner as bullets rain.

You peeked, hearing hushed voices and a door open. You saw three people shoving each other into the stairwell.

A brawny man turned, feeling eyes on his back. His rounded head shot around; his blood-shot eyes and predatory gaze didn't faze you as you marched your way towards the thickset man. However, you stopped in your tracks hearing him beginning to hack something up.

"Shit-!" You cursed, spinning on your heel as you bolted where you had just come from. Molten lava spewed from his mouth submerging the staircase entrance.

"Five-!?" Hawks came running up behind as you watched the lava slowly begin to sweep throughout the hallway. "-are you whoa-" Hawks blinked seeing the burning floor. "-what happened here?"

"The Tekitou Twins." You muttered.

"Who?" Mina frowned, not having heard that name before.

"We need to move." You declared.

"Who were those guys!?" Mineta waved his arms, wanting to be in the loop.

"A set of brothers who caused a lot of trouble." Hawk informed the U.A. students who followed you down the hall. "But I didn't know those two got out of prison?"

"Why do we need to move?" Jiro asked, "They are gone, we should go get Endeavor-" You tuned her out, trying your walkie but was met with static.

"You can't get a hold of anyone?" Hawks questioned.

"Yeah." You replied. "They must be jamming our signals."

"Then the other heroes should know something is up." Hawks thought out loud. "I wonder how they got out of jail, last I heard they each had three life sentences."

"It doesn't matter now-" You changed topics, "-we don't have long, we need to get off this floor."

"What don't we have long for?" Jiro asked as she blindly followed you and Hawks.

"One of the Tekitou Twins has a seeking ability-" You turned, "-he can sense other quirk users."


"And the other has telepathy and will relay our whereabouts and send someone to deal with us."

"Deal with us...how?" Mineta wondered, you looked down half wondering how he got this far in the U.A. hero course.

"Death is usually their go to." You bluntly retorted.

"What!?" Mineta instantly cried, "We-We need to go-!" He scurried around.

"So, no using quirks-" You instructed, "-got that?" You looked to Hawks.

"What?" The feathered hero blinked. "Why are you looking at me?"

"You know why." You rolled your eyes.