
Chapter Ten

"(y/n) ..." Shiro breathed, walking over having tracked you when you randomly went off course when ordered to return to FireArms.

"You two should get back." You replied, "Before Shooter realizes you're gone."

"We'll be fine." Gray waved standing beside you, gazing through the tree lining peeking towards the graduation taking place. "What's he gonna do-?" Gray wondered, "-kill us?"

"Why are we here?" Shiro asked the better question, looking from U.A.'s graduation to your masked face. Granted he couldn't see your expression, your stiff body language told him everything he needed to know.

"Yui Kodai-!" Mr. Principle's joyful voice called the student on stage to accept their diploma.

"(y/n)-" Shiro reached out, gripping your shoulder. "-hey." You didn't turn to gaze at him, you didn't even care enough to voice a reply.

"Man-" Gray leaned against a nearby tree, "-you gotta let them go. You're holding onto memories that are eating away at you from the inside out."

"I can't." You simply replied.

"You can't what?" Gray blinked.

"Shutazu Kugutsu-?" Mr. Principle called the next name.

"I can't let them go." You whispered, the memories you clanged to while trapped inside the dark kept you from going insane. Granted they were unwanted and forced from the people you once cherished and would die for; they were light in your darkened hell.

"Mr. Principle-" Midnight whispered, her voice getting captured by the microphone. "-she won't be here, remember...the accident?"

"Oh right-right-!" Mr. Principle nodded. "-ah-ahem... Setsuna Tokage!" He moved to the next name on his list.

"You have too." Shiro softly replied.

"If I do..." You breathed, "...I'll become them."

"Them?" Gray frowned, "Who?"

"My siblings." You finally broke your trans, turning your head to look at Shiro. Silence filled the surrounding, Gray and Shiro looked to one another for advice. Had you really become so broken that false memories of people who didn't care about you were the only thing keeping you together.

"What the fuck?" Shiro breathed, shaking his head, not giving himself another second to ponder the possible reasons you were attacking U.A. as he hopped onto Aizawa's heels following the group as they made their way to the front of the school.

"What is she doing!?" Gray breathed through his lips, dumbstruck upon seeing you facing off against the big three from Class C3-A.

"Tamaki!" Nejire breath hitched, eyes locked onto his figure being thrown backwards. Hearing the light crack of a twig you turned in time to watch Mirio's fist fly past your head. Mirio's bright blue eyes held shock, not understanding how you side stepped his strike. While swirling in confusion you flipped around, using your good leg hitting him square in the chest sending him flying after Tamaki.

You turned, spinning past Nejire's outreached hands, her quirk was slow. Using your elbow with the bleeding bullet wound, you slammed it against her nose, her head flew upward, you boredly watched her eyes water on contact. You didn't let her stumble backwards, taking a hold of her head, you bent her down, slamming your knee against her skull quickly followed by a blow to her lower spine.

"She isn't holding back." Gray breathed watching Nejire fall to her stomach. "Why isn't she holding back?"

Your head snapped sideways, stepping backwards Mirio charged towards you. His sight locked onto his fallen friend, his fist raised, aimed for your mask. You rose a hand, ready to catch the punch but his fist phased through your palm. For a moment Mirio smirked, but quickly dropped the joyful advantage watching his fist go through your head.

"You have a similar quirk?" Mirio blinked, brows pulled together. "Why are you doing this!?"

You ignored his plea by grabbing his outstretched wrist, twisting around him you got his arm tucked under your armpit, applying pressure the crunch from the compression break radiated through your fingers as he involuntarily cried out dropping to the ground clenching his broken arm.

"Mirio!" Sniper jumped into the fight, points and fires his gun.

"You can't shoot at her!" All Might charge forward but was held back by Midnight.

"We can't get involved!" She hissed, grabbing the back of Katsuki's shirt pulling him into her. "Let the other teachers deal with her, we cannot give Eizo Tanuma reason to believe we are covering for her."

"Who the fuck cares what he thinks!?" Katsuki bit, scarlet eyes locked onto you.

"She isn't holding back." Shiro shook his head, "She will kill someone if not stopped."

"How do you think we can stop her?" Mina breathed, watching Sniper's quirk be utterly useless as you turned into wind, his bullets harmless as they flew through you.

"Aizawa-!" Gray's brain clicked, "-use your quirk!"


"Turn off her damn quirks!" Gray shook his head; it was so obvious. "Her leg and arm are still messed up, we can take her down in hand-to-hand combat."

"I can't see any part of her thanks to your guy's battledress." Aizawa replied, "It won't work."

"We need to remove that mask." Midoriya stepped forward, ready to ignore Midnights warning and jump into the fight.

"Ha-!" Shiro laughed throwing his head backwards, "-might has well take a trip to the freaking moon, it'll be easier!"

"Shiro." Aizawa warned.

"We were trained to die before taking off those masks." Gray defended Shiro's uneven actions. "No way she will let one of us remove it."

"Then we don't ask permission." All Might turned to the group behind him knowing he was useless, unable to aid in any way. "Pin her down and take her mask off so Aizawa can erase her quirks, we go from there."

"That's easier said than done." Shiro repeated.

"Get her still." Gray turned to Shiro. "I'll do the rest."

"Yeah-Yeah." Shiro waved, glancing over his shoulder to Katsuki and Midoriya. "You coming?"

"Huh?" Midoriya blinked.

"You think I'm taking her on my own?" Shiro laughed, "Hell no, and I highly doubt your little teachers and those security guard will do the trick."

"Has she really gotten that strong?" Mina wondered, looking back at the fight on the courtyard. Flames circled around you as more security guards and teachers jumped into the mix.

"You have no idea." Gray muttered marching onto the lawn.

Mirio had ducked into the earth to escape the boiled flames, he popped up grabbing a hold of your ankle to stop your march on the school. Your head slowly moved to gaze down at him, a flash of annoyance fills you.

Mirio scrambles to the surface feeling the earth around him being manipulated. You grabbed his unsuspecting hand; you were tired of the little pest bothering you. Spinning him around you raised your foot, slamming it against his femur you heard the bone crack and him gasp in pain. Twisting his remaining intact arm, you pulled until you heard the joint groan in protest before popping from its socket.

"Don't-!" Shiro waved at Nejire who stood ready about to shoot her spiral shockwaves in your direction.

"Mirio-!" She called blood dripped down her face, "-move!" Mirio rolled out of the way using his last remaining limb to scramble over the chard dirt as the yellowed colored quirk spun towards you, who made no movements to duck, dodge or counterattack.

"No!" Katsuki propelled forward but was stopped by Midoriya's tackle. The two turned watching the yellowed energy swirl around, slowly absorbing into your body. Your head lazily tilted in Nejire's direction.

"Move!" Shiro shouted, but she remained rooted, watching lightning the familiar shade of pine green shoot towards her. Nejire screamed as the lightning filled her body, sending her pain receptors into overdrive before she dropped to the ground KO'ed.

"But that's her worst-!" Mina gestured as the guards began to circle you.

"Yeah-" Gray stepped back pulling Mina with him. "-that's not her worst quirk anymore."

"Good to know." Katsuki walked past Gray with Midoriya hugging his side.

"Hey-!" Gray called, "-kid, get back here-"

"I gave you lame Extra's your chance, now it's my turn." Katsuki didn't bother to turn to look at the brunet. "I know the plan, just do your part when it's time."

"Asshole." Gray muttered under his breath under his breath.

"Yeah, that's Bakugo for you." Mina agreed, arms crossed standing beside Gray ready to be support when it came time.

"You're not going?" Mina whispered.

"I have to stay back here." Gray answered, "Plus I don't feel like getting my ass kicked today."

"Surround her." Shiro ordered.

"Don't tell us what to do!" Katsuki bit, his heart pounded faster the closer he got to you. His nerves tingle with anticipation, all the hours he sat beside your empty grave flashed through his mind.

"We have to be a team here Kacchan!" Midoriya lectured.

"Hey Princess-" Katsuki called ignoring Midoriya. "-looks like we are finally gonna have our rematch."

"Are you stupid?" Shiro wondered, looking at the blond.

Your ear twitched hearing the familiar voice, your eyes quickly darted over the black and white screen, your brain ignored Katsuki and everyone else the moment you spotted Shiro your body acted on its own, marching in his direction.

"Hey-!" You ignored Katsuki's voice, only reacted to the stimuli he produced, without even turning your head acknowledging his presence, you raised your hand shooting up a wall of ice around him and Midoriya. Your brain registered Katsuki as a threat, it allowed the ice to seep from the bottom of the walls onto Katsuki's legs.

Katsuki let out a stream of curses, slamming his fist onto the ice.

Midoriya, however, watched with his large doe eyes having been ignored. Your movements weren't how he remembered, they weren't calculated or swift. Your steps were uneven, your hips didn't sway as you walked, you were almost tremulous.

"(y/n)-" Shiro warned as you threw a punch, a blade resting in-between your fingers. "-what is going on with you!?" No reply. "I know you're pissed at us, but this is pushing it a bit!" Once again, he was greeted with no response, only more attempts to injure. "This isn't fair! I can't use my quirk against you!"

Midoriya turned, using his quirk to get over the ice wall leaving Katsuki behind. He dashed to Shiro's aid, trying to get your odd hyperfocus off him and distract you long enough for Gray to do whatever it is he needs to do.

A pair of rough overbearing hands pushed you, Shiro and Midoriya, against the ground.

"Ah!" Shiro grunted, his injuries burned at the pressure. "Gray you dick!"

"I'm sorry!" Gray shouted back; "I panicked!" Arm raised pointed to the small group who was being pushed into the ground by an invisible force.

All Might and Aizawa stood behind him, both pondering what was happening.

"You can control gravity?" All Might wondered.

"Areas of it." Gray nodded, "But it hurts like a bitch to be trapped inside so..."

"That's why you needed her to be still?"

"And alone." Gray nodded, "It's hard to capture a moving target. And trying to get (y/n) is kind of like trying to catch a flying plane with a butterfly net."

"Neat." All Might looked back to Shiro who struggled to raise his arms.

"Come on!" Mina impatiently bounced on her feet, they were so close!

"Oh, you wanna trade places!?" Shiro snapped sounding out of breath. Mina smirked, seeing where you got most of your sarcasm from.

Katsuki's blood boiled watching Midoriya's hands touch you, holding you from pushing Shiro away. He was the one who should be next to you, gripping you tightly not fucking Deku. Again, he left out something important, and what's more...Midoriya was the first one to touch you, to be next to you, not him.

Once again, he failed, maybe if Deku had been the one by your side during the battle with the League of villains, maybe your life would have been different... Mina ran over to Katsuki, hoping to use her quirk to free him.

To Gray's dismay you slowly began to push yourself up, ignoring Midoriya who struggled to keep a grip on you.

"Gray!" Shiro shouted, gritting his teeth, his arm felt like they had knifes slicing through their tendons as he tried to remove your mask. Midoriya gripped your arms harder, leaving fingerprints.

"Get it off!" Gray yelled, "She is fighting me!"

"No shit!" Shiro snapped, "Fucking how!?"

"I don't know!"

Shiro cursed under his breath as his fingers wrapped around the rim of your mask. Your limbs thrashed against Midoriya who gripped your jacket, holding you against him as Shiro successfully pulled your mask, instantly Aizawa's eyes glowed locking onto you. The moment Gray noticed the red eyes, he released his quirk.

"Oh, thank God." Shiro breathed dropping to the ground, welcoming the feel of the grass on his face. Aizawa, Midnight and Sniper rushed over, they dropped beside Midoriya helping restrain you who remained fighting against the greenettes grip.

"What the hell?" All Might furrowed his brows, gazing down onto your sweet face. Your eyes were so sharp they sliced through All Might has you ignored his presence; you were still locked onto Shiro.

"I know those eyes-" Shiro narrowed onto the orange color swirling around inside your orbs. "-and I know the villain attached to the quirk." Shiro turned to Gray.

"Care to explain further." Aizawa never removed his hard eyes from you, his chest twisted watching your deadpan face.

"I forget his name, but some backwoods villain Shooter knew, he had a mind control quirk which left the victims eyes like this."

"This was all because of a quirk?" Sniper breathed; his left eye swollen as he held your arm.

"Makes sense." Gray replied. "Explains why she is here, attacking people."

"She wasn't attacking just anyone." Sniper glared down onto you. "Once you two-" He pointed with his head over to Gray and Shiro, "-all her focus went to you."

"Hm." Shiro hummed, looking down at your foreign face, he wasn't used to seeing it. Hell, he wasn't used to seeing his own damn face.

"How do we break the hold?" Aizawa questioned, feeling the desperate need to blink.

"He can't be far." Shiro turned to the woods. "There is a distance restriction, so either we kick his ass, and he releases his hold over her, or we get (y/n) pretty fucking far from the villain."

"How far?"

"I don't really know."

"Are you kidding me!?" Midnight bit, why was nothing ever easy!?

"Go with the first option." Aizawa ordered leaving no room for debate, Mina and Katsuki jogged over having freed his legs by slowly melting your ice with Mina's acid. "I don't know how long I can hold her."

"Let's go." Sniper nodded, pointing out Mina, Midoriya, Midnight, a few security guards and Shiro to follow him and hunt the villain inside the forest.

"Right." Mina tightly nodded, she glanced at Midoriya and then down to you who continued to struggle.

"Stay here gray." Shiro pointed to the brunet.

"But-" He wanted to help.

"If Aizawa can't hold her, it falls onto you to keep her at this school." Shiro reasoned, "You know as well as I do, if Shooter thinks his plan will fail, he will pull her out. We may not be able to find her again."

"What plan?" Mina asked.

"Don't know..." Shiro replied swiveling towards the tree lining, wondering if he was here now watching them. "...but Shooter always has a plan."