
Chapter Sixty Three

"Alright-" Naomasa exhales, rubbing his throbbing forehead, "-let's break for lunch and continue afterwards."

You and Shiro rose from your seats, glancing around at the other officers all scattering through the door Naomasa went to hold open.

You moved to exit the room, Shiro held his phone with Gray on face time.

"With every meeting it feels more and more like they are just scraping my brain." Shiro gestures to his head.

"Are you guys gonna hang up on me?" Gray wonders.

Your eyes lazily flickered over to Naomasa, his posture rigorous as you and Shiro strolled past him, you felt the smirk growing watching as Naomasa's gaze struggled to remain on your masked face and off your ankle, he had a terrible poker face.

"I would never do such a thing." Shiro flashed a grin towards his phone, pulling your attention off Naomasa, you moved down the hallway, feeling the officer's eyes on your back, solidifying a wider grin on your face, loving his uneasiness.

"Mhm!" Gray rolled his eyes, kicked back in the lobby of the pediatric ward. "What fancy lunch do you two have this time?"

"Hey-!" Shiro craned his neck, gazing over his shoulder he watched a few of your classmates walking up. "-(y/n)-" Ochaco hopped over with Momo by her side. "-we wondered where you guys were, it's been days since-"

"Oh-" Shiro smirked, "-you've been thinking 'bout me?"

"I-I mean-!" Ochaco blushed, "-we-we I-I um-!?"

"We are meeting the others down at Lunch Rush, would you two like to join us?" Momo stepped in, pushing her babbling friend behind her.

"Mm..." Shiro glanced at you before turning to the girls. "...enjoy our break in peace before going back to getting drilled in the asshole with no lube or spend it with you..." Gray broke into laughter through the phone. "...yeah, I think I'd take the no lube."

"Why are you so rude!?" Momo huffed with a stomp of her foot.

"Aww-" Shiro leaned down, inches from her face, Momo's sharp eyes widened, heart fluttered. "-are you discovering you're not the center of the world, and no one cares about your money or big tits?"

"Wha-I-I" Momo's face heated, Shiro glanced over his shoulder quickly doing a double take, you had walked halfway down the hallway.

"Hey-!" Shiro spun, "-where you going-!?" He jogged after you, "-I have the food!"


"Welp-!" Shiro announced having settled, sitting back-to-back with you on the roof of U.A. This has been the place the two of you slip away from the prying eyes of the public. Shiro enjoyed this little moment, this was something you only did with the bird brain, he was beginning to feel you open up to him again. Speaking of bird brain, where has the feathery bastard been? "-they surprised me, those little garbage pail kids."

"What?" You furrow your brows, opening the lunch Aizawa made for the two of you.

"They not only saw me shift, but they helped you and Gray get me back...not everyone can do something like that. I mean the shortcake sat beside me watching that entire show and never once flinched when I moved. It is obvious they can handle big kid things like...me...being in my awesome form or a dash of trauma or maybe even...someone having nightmares..."

He felt you tense, Shiro picked around the rice, it had been three days since blondie saw through your armor, and it had been eating away at you ever since, you had been avoiding not only him but everyone from your class. Shiro just did not know if shielding your scars from them was because they were a friend or a foe.

"-aargh-!" You jerked forward, instantly feeling the pair of hands wrapping around your torso, your fight or flight instincts kicked in.

"Hey-!" Shiro's voice jerked your head sideways, he sat on the bed beside you, softly rubbing your arm as your heartrate decreased, layered in a cold sweat you ran a hand through your hair.

"I-I..." Your brain trying to formulate a lie.

"It's ok." Shiro's voice was calm, almost warm, you took in deep breaths, trying to shake away the faded screaming, you leaned into Shiro who wrapped a strong arm around you, holding you tight. "It was just a nightmare...I get them too."

"Don't get me wrong-!" Shiro waved his hand, shooing away the memory, staring at the bright blue sky, enjoying the feel of the missing mask, sad Gray had to hang up and speak to the doctors. "-I don't like all of them, like that invisible one, who did she have to suck off to get here, I mean come on-!"

"Shiro." You let out a warning.

"Oh, you know I am right!" Shiro ranted, mouth full of rice. "The fact she hasn't been unalive is nothing short of a fucking miracle-!"

"Do you want this?" You cut him off, Shiro could hear the crinkle from the homemade dessert.

"Fuck yeah!" You tossed it over your shoulder, he caught it with ease.

You gaze out at the view...hearing All Might's words echoing around inside your head.

Maybe...you glanced over your shoulder, Shiro happily munching away...just maybe...this time...maybe the three of you were the victims.

After lunch, Shiro repositioned his mask, grumping under his voice as the two of you returned to the conference room, calling Gray on the way as you did.

You sat in the same seat beside Shiro, repeating the same information, snitching on the same people, it was identical to Eizo and Maeda but at least this time the officers were not staring at you like you were nothing but just a criminal.


By the time Shiro and you were released for the day, it was late, late enough to where when you two stepped into the dorms all the lights were off, and no one was in the living area. You exhaled, feeling the tension straining your muscles as you moved to the island, the skillfully placed bag held food from Aizawa for you and Shiro.

The lazed hero took it upon himself to cook three meals for the two of you knowing you were trapped inside the conference room trying to clear your names all day, leaving little time for frivolous things such as food.

"Looks good." Shiro commented as you pulled the lid off, popping it in the microwave you turned, instantly frowning watching Shiro pour the full container of orange juice down the sink.

"What are you doing?" You sighed, Shiro froze, eyes innocently darting over to you.

"Nothing." He quickly stood upright, blocking the sight of the container.

"Is this going to give me a headache?"

"Nope." Shiro quickly shook his head, the microwave beeped, you glanced at it then back to him.

"Ok." You pulled the steaming food from the machine, grabbed the plastic fork, and walked off, leaving Shiro to do God knows what in the kitchen.

You did not return to your dorm, knowing whenever Shiro finished with whatever havoc he was planning, he would return to your dorm and right now, you just wanted to be alone.

You stepped out into the brisk air, the cool breeze felt refreshing as your eyes glowed their ghostly yellow, slipping onto the roof of the dormitory was easy. You settled down, slowly eating the warm meal as you stared into the starry sky.


"Can't sleep?" You did not turn around hearing him walk over.

You didn't offer a reply, just continued fiddling mindlessly with the blade in your hand.

Bakugo frowned, seeing how you had reverted into your strict schedule Shooter placed you on, he could only imagine when the last time you took your medication was.

"We need to talk." Bakugo stepped closer, hating how unsure he was about how close he could get to you. "Why have you been avoiding everyone?"

"I haven't been." Your voice fluttered his heart. "If you hadn't noticed I'm sitting on pretty thin ice with the HPSC...they are looking for a reason to lock us away."

"I know that-"

"Then why are you bitching about shit that's none of your business?" Your tone cut him deeper than any blade could.

The truth was he did not care how you ignored everyone in the dorms, he only cared how you ignored him. Three damn days of you simply brushing past him as if he were just some damn extra in your way, and that was if he could find you, you had been so wrapped up in clearing your name, the reality of you being a U.A. student had long gone out the window.

"It is my business-" Bakugo stood behind you, "-I busted my ass helping that walking garbage disposal-" Bakugo exclaims, "-only for you two to turn around and act like it was nothing-!"

"Yeah hero-?" You sourly mocked; "-you want a fucking thank you note for doing your job?"

"That's not-" Bakugo sighed, shifting his weight. "-what I meant by that is you can trust me-!"

"I don't trust anyone."

"You trust Shiro and Gray!"

"That's..." You trailed off, breaking eye contact.

"Complicated, I know-!" Bakugo growled, "-everything about you now is fucking complicated."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I-" Bakugo cut himself off, "-tch-" Bakugo glanced around the still night. "-Shiro told me you were out here, something about how you enjoyed the organic air, whatever the fuck that means."

You did not respond, you observed him from the corner of your eye but didn't move when he took a seat beside you. Silence softly painted itself around the two of you, Bakugo enjoyed this still moment.

"I can take it you know-" Bakugo proclaimed unexpectedly, causing you to look over. "-whatever you have to throw at me-" Bakugo reached out slowly, testing the waters as he cupped the side of your face. "-no matter what it may be..." He brushed his thumb over the black medical mask. "...I can take it..."

You flickered your gaze into his scarlet eyes, they seemed to glow against the night sky.

"I will make damn sure I keep my promises to you." Bakugo exhaled while examining your face.


"I will protect you-" Bakugo's eyes fell to your mask as his thumb continued to lightly brush over it. "-even if that means from yourself...no matter how long or how many times I have to remind you, I'll show you how beautiful this world can be."

You searched his eyes, eyebrows pulled together.

"You need me to be strong for you-" Bakugo leaned in. "-I can do that too-" Bakugo breathed, slowly looping a finger around the string of the mask. "-I'll always be your back up."

"Bak-" His name slipped out of your lips; body frozen.

"You don't call me that." Bakugo fluttered his eyes closed while pulling the hated material out of the way he leaned in—

"Wow-!" An obnoxious voice caused the two of you to jump, your hands flew up to your mask, pushing it firmly back into place as you leaned away from the blond. "-just look at that sky!" Shiro walked over, hands on his hips, staring up into the night. "Absolutely beautiful!"

"What are you doing here!?" Bakugo snapped.

"What?" Shiro blinked innocently, cocking his head to the side. "Am I interrupting something?" Bakugo and Shiro glared at one another, only for Shiro to break contact and do a squat.

Bakugo frowned, puzzled. "What the-?" Bakugo was taken back for a moment.

"Man, these are comfy!" Shiro exclaimed, doing lunges a few feet from where you sat. "Do you have any others you can spare?"

"Spare?" Bakugo blinked, looking from the twisted grin on Shiro's face to his cargo pants. "Are you wearing my fucking boxers!?" The blond jumped up.

"They are so comfy!"

"How the hell did you get into my room!?"

"Dude-" Shiro placed a hand on his hip. "-you leave the door unlocked, it's as easy as me just walking in-"

"Why did you steal my underwear!?"

"I didn't have any!"

"That isn't a reason to just invade my room!"

"Why not?" Shiro cracks a smile, gesturing to you. "I'm sure if (y/n) needed let's say...a spare shirt, you wouldn't have any problem giving her one."

"A shirt and boxers are two different things!"

"No, it's not-" Shiro waved, "-it's all spider shit."

"How many times were you hit on the head?" Bakugo growled, fingers flexing.

"Quite a few!" Shiro laughed heartly, "Aw you're mad, I promise I won't tell everyone how most of your underwear drawer is All Might theme-"

"Shut the hell up!" Bakugo points, "I swear I'll blast you off this damn roof!"

"Oh, please do-" Shiro held out his hands, "-it's been a while since I have had a good blasting-" He winked at the blonde, who instantly blushed.

"And with that I'm out." You say slowly standing.

"Don't think you're getting out of this-" Shiro points, "-why the hell are you up here, you're looking like a damn cake topper, you still have that bounty on your head."

"I'll take my chances." You mutter with an eye roll.

"Let's go, no more roof for you." Shiro wraps an arm around your shoulders, he cranes his neck and sticks a tongue out at Bakugo. "Let's go rummage through Shortcakes closet I need a new pair of-"

"You're not getting another pair of my boxers!" Bakugo snaps, quickly catching up to your free side.

"You can have these ones back!" Shiro gestures.

"I-I don't want those ones back!"

"You have soap and water what's the problem!?"

"The problem is you wore them!"

You sighed, throwing your head back as you gazed into the star filled sky, wondering if you could get away with pushing the two off the roof.

Their deaths could be considered natural...

...because gravity is natural...right?