
Chapter Sixty Nine

"What took so long?" Gray groans, leaning on you as gravity pushed on him. "Did you take a shit or something?"

"You and I both know if I was taking a shit-" Shiro retorts. "-I would be a lot longer than what I was."

"He has a point." You nod as the three of you start your way to the conference room. "So, what took so long?"

"I had to find the thing." Shiro shakes the bottle. "Bubblegum moved it."

"You're hungry again, aren't you?"

"A little yeah." Shiro replies. "Why do you ask?"

"You categorize them by food when hungry." You point out.

"Oh, you're paying attention to what I call them?" Shiro pokes. "Why's that, hm?"

"Shut up." You remark, pulling a folded-up piece of paper from your pocket. "Which one of you put this in my jacket?"

"Hm?" Shiro plucked it from your fingers before opening it, you glanced around the empty campus.

"A flyer?" Gray frowned at the crumbled-up paper.

"It's for the Star Festival this weekend." You glanced at them, pointing to the bottom, a scribbled 'Do' rested on the bottom.

"This isn't my handwriting-" Shiro shakes his head, handing it over to Gray. "-it's not that shitty."

"Mm." You pondered his comment.

"Oh, shut up!" Shiro bit. "It's too early for your bullshit!"

"This might have been me." Gray yawned, "It looks like my shitty writing, but I don't remember doing it, or why I'd slip it into your pocket."

"Maybe you really wanted to go, and didn't want to forget?" Shiro suggested.

"I mean..." Gray struggled to recall anything past the food stand, it was all just...a void. "...maybe...maybe I wanted to ask you guys something and drunk me thought this was the best way to do it."

"Ask us what?" You turned, hands resting in your pockets as Shiro opened the door for you to the main school building.

"Maybe I have been thinking...you know...about..." Gray muttered, playing with the hem of his jacket.

"Spit it out or shut up." You stepped onto the elevator.

"I was thinking about it's time for you two to meet Renata...and my daughter, Kana." Gray nervously smiles, tearing his gaze away from his feet.

"Oh, the kids doing better?"

"Yeah." Gray grins, "Much!"

"Good, hm." Shiro hummed. "I mean, your best man should probably meet your wife before the wedding."

"I didn't ask you to be my best man."

"Well, who else is it gonna be?" Shiro places a hand on his hip, "You don't have any other friends!"

"That is rude!" Gray points.

"I could bring my brother." Shiro suggested, the two slowly turned to you, who boredly waited for the door to open.

After a moment of silence, you glanced over, quickly doing a double take, you saw they were staring at you.

"What?" You ask, stepping off the elevator.

"Is this, ok?" Shiro questioned.

"Is what ok?"

"You really need to pay attention to the conversations going on around you." Gray sighed.

"You don't need my permission to invite anyone to the festival." You speak. "It's open to the public-"

"(y.n)-" Shiro says, "-you know why..."

"Yeah-" You say with a nod, "-I guess I'll bring mine too."


You turned.

"You know I was adopted." You remind them.

"So..." Shiro glanced at Gray. "...that is a thing you're going with? Because you have not really said anything about it since we came back so we didn't know..." He trailed off.

"Yeah." You nod. "I'll invite them both."

"Ok then." Gray clapped, "We are all bringing our families together to meet for the first time at the school festival this weekend!"

"Yeah..." Shiro hummed following you to the conference room. "...what's the worst that can happen?"


"Of course you were leaked a fucking video-!" Shiro flops back into his chair. "-fuck me in my little red hole!"

"Why's it red?" Gray slowly turns away from the window.

"Don't distract me!" Shiro puts a hand up, "How moronic are you fucking halfwits!?" Shiro stands, "You yourself Naomasa said, when you raided Shooter's agency, everything was wiped clean!"

"So how can a video be leaked now?" You crossed your arms over your chest.

Four dawdling days deliberately took its sweet time passing by; the entire time you were locked inside a monotonous routine of waking up, having limited freedom for half an hour before having to trudge your way back to the conference room, where you were cross-questioned, cross-examined, and catechized until your brain grew numb.

By the time you returned to the dorms, everyone was fast asleep—and it was not for lack of trying on their part, you walked into Bakugo and Mina sleeping on the couches a few times. A quick shower and a cold meal before you went off to bed to wash, rinse and repeat.

"Come on-!" Shiro's voice pulled you out of your thoughts. "-we all know it's Shooter's ass trying to distract you people from doing your damn job and finding the real threat who is running around free!"

"Seven-" Naomasa sighed, stepping in front of his partner while his team of four stood behind him. "-it's not so simple-"

"Of course it is!" Shiro snarled, "We have been on a literal leash for years because of that sadistic fuck, and now we're stuck fighting for our lives again!"

"Show them the video." Naomasa instructed his partner, Shiro and you exchanged agitated glances, the three remaining bullets were beginning to burn out, and the will to keep on fighting was growing thin.

The partner whose name you never cared to learn turned his laptop around, quickly clicking play, the screen lit up.

A lousy unfocused video flickered on the screen of the loading docks downtown, you tilt your head, five bodies moved around on screen, no audio was present, you leaned forward, granted the picture was cloudy, it did not mask the brightly painted numbers on your bullet uniforms.

On the video it appeared to have been an altercation with one of the men loading something on the truck. You bit your tongue clearly spotting the '5', '7', '3', and '4'.

"Shit." Shiro muttered under his breath as Gray pushed the man down, who instantly held his hands up defensibly, almost begging as Shiro raised his gun, firing two rounds into the man's chest.

Four was seen shaking her hands, gesturing to the man then at Shiro.

You pulled your lips into a thin line, watching Shiro argue with four, behind the two the man struggled to crawl away, you walked up behind him. Pulling your gun from its holster you pointed, firing three rounds mercilessly into his back.

"I couldn't believe it until I seen it for myself." Naomasa cleared his throat, closing the laptop.

The three of you remained silent.

"Would anyone like to start?" Naomasa waved to the computer, you glanced at Shiro and Gray, no one said a word causing Naomasa to sigh. "The point of these meetings is to prove you three are the victims-"

"We are!" Shiro expresses.

"This doesn't paint that picture-" Naomasa sternly replies. "-and you three not explaining yourselves will turn this into another nail in your coffins."

"We don't remember anything about that." Shiro motioned to the computer.

"Really?" Naomasa retorts, "You don't remember why you three killed a man in cold blood?"

Shiro shrugged, you glanced out the darkened window, his scarlet eyes flashed through your mind, it had been days since you last spoke to him.

"Just tell me what you do remember then!" Naomasa rubbed his face as Shiro continued to argue, claiming to have no idea what the video was about.

It was a drug deal, Shooter was screaming in your ear, he wanted the money and the drugs, he didn't care how you did it, he just wanted you to return with them both and if you didn't...you swallowed the lump in your throat, struggling to push away the iron-soaked memory, ignoring how many bodies you buried that day.