
Chapter Sixteen

You floated in a warm pool of dead sleep; darkness blessed you with the gift of no nightmare. A strong hand gripped your free shoulder stirring your core; your eyes snapped open with the intent to break the object touching you. As sleep cleared you recognized Aizawa sitting on your bedside gripping your wrist, stopping it from swinging.

"Breakfast is ready." Aizawa replied, lightly letting go of you as he exited the room. You slowly sat up; face scrunched in pain as you gripped your shoulder. Your eyes trailed to the door; you almost broke his arm, yet he brushed it off like it was a normal Tuesday.

Kicking off the suffocating blanket Aizawa annoyingly placed on you, you wondered your way to the bathroom for a quick pee and some dental hygiene. However, the allure of the shower was too strong to pass up, you hopped in once the water steamed.

At first, the mantellic feel of the water hitting your skin stole your breath. You struggled to suck air into your lungs as you used your arm to hold yourself up. Your body screamed; one leg was dusted in bruises from being crushed. Your shoulder felt as if the water was acid crying from the shower head above you, but you did not care. A hot shower was rare and too far in-between, so you stole this moment, leaning against the wall you closed your eyes and allowed your aching muscles to ease.

The concept of time vanished as you stood under the shower head. When you opened your eyes, the water drew cool, and you then remembered Aizawa was waiting for you and was now running late for this damn meeting.

You could not find a singular fuck to give as you stepped out of the shower, dried of, and redressed into your bullet uniform.

"(y/n)." Aizawa rose from the couch, closing the book he had been reading last night. "You look refreshed."

You did not reply, just stood in the hallway waiting to be told what to do.

"I put your breakfast in a to go box." Aizawa went on grabbing his keys, you got breakfast? You tried to remember the last time you had a meal before sundown. "We need to start heading to the school-"

Your eyebrow rose, why would you be headed back to U.A.? You did not ask your questions, just followed Aizawa out the door and into the car. He handed over a warm take-out container as if you would eat it as he turned on the car.

Aizawa slowed to a stop before parking in front of the school. You gazed out the window never believing you would ever return here after the day Shooter sent his man to collect you.

"(y/n)?" Aizawa's voice pulled your eyes to him, he was standing outside the car leaning downward watching. "You ok?"

His concern irritated you, you felt it in your blood pressure.

Your response to him was opening the car door, gently pulling yourself from your seat. You ignore your aching body by habit. The sling your shoulder rested in annoyed you as the anklet scratched at your skin. The two of you didn't get far before being greeted by the police to escort you in.

You rolled your eyes, they acted like you were the big bad wolf coming to huff and puff and blow the school down, but the truth of the matter was you didn't give half a fuck about this place. It could burn or remain standing in all its hypocrisy it didn't bother you.

The familiar flash of dyed red peeking from the side of the building caught your attention. You didn't so much as tilt your head in their direction, ignoring them you allowed the police to walk you to the conference room on the second floor.

Your stride slowed as old memories flooded your mind. You stared at class 1-A's door slowly walking by. You never thought you'd ever be back here, this hallway holding the moment your world collapse beneath your feet, the star of your nightmares for so many years.

"(y/n)?" Aizawa asked, you turned at the foreign sound of your name painting a blank expression on your face. "Are you..." Aizawa looked to the door quickly understanding what was happening. "...what happened here-?" Aizawa needed to know, no one knew what you were told, he could still clearly recall the camera footage. You stood in front of the door unmoving, it had to be where you heard whatever that imposture was talking about.

You didn't respond lost in trying to not drown in the pain of your neglected memory, you only moved forward never allowing your eyes to glance in the direction of that door.

"(y/n)-" Aizawa called, he needed to know.

"We need to get moving." The officer butted in, "We are already running late."

"Yeah-Yeah." Aizawa sighed, promising himself he wouldn't chicken out later and confront you on this topic.

Once inside the conference room by instinct your eyes scanned over the room, Gray and Shiro were seated at a large oval table. Police officers stood around the room as if they could do anything if needed. Aizawa moved past you, taking a seat, his eyes narrowed seeing All Might was sitting at the table. All Might flashed an overconfident grin seated next to Naomasa who chatted with Mr. Principal.

"It's about time." Officer Maeda crossed his arms over his chest.

"Traffic was bad." Aizawa lazily replied.

"Yeah right!" Officer Maeda popped off, already getting on Aizawa and All Might's nerves. You locked eyes with Shiro and Gray, all three of you wore your medical masks and bore your battledress.

You ignored the open seat in the middle of them. All Might brightly smiled, patting the seat beside him. It felt more like lunch time in high school trying to decide where to sit. Plopping down beside Aizawa and an empty seat, All Might frowned slowly turning to face Officer Maeda trying to hide his hurt and disappointment.

"Ahem-" Officer Maeda cleared his throat, "-since we are starting late-" He glared over to your direction causing an eye roll from you. "-we better get down to business."

"We wanted to interview you three individually-" The officer beside Maeda spoke, "-but we had a feeling one of you wouldn't answer our questions." You could feel his words jabbing you, leaning back in the chair you decided to allow the insult to roll off your back...for now.

"Yes." Officer Maeda agrees with an approving nod, "We figured this would be the easiest way since someone won't cooperate-"

"You wanna watch how you fucking talk to her?" Shiro wondered, leaning back in his chair glaring over to the two in charge of this half-assed meeting.

"We weren't pointing out-"

"It's pretty fucking obvious who you were targeting." Gray agreed.

"Frankly-" Officer Maeda rose, chest puffed out. "-I don't need to watch my tone here. I am not the one on trial-"

"Officer-" Principal warned. "-this is not why we are all here."

"We're here as a gesture of good faith-" Shiro leaned forward, "-we don't have to put up with this bullshit."

"If you haven't noticed by now-" Officer Maeda pressed his hands on the cool table leaning forward, holding a cocky grin on his face. "-you don't have much of a choice in the matter. Your surrounded by highly trained officers-"

"You really think your mall cops could do a damn thing against one of us?" Gray darkly smirked.

"You're really cocky with your abilities-" Officer Maeda went on, your eyes locked onto him, studying every move he made.

"It's not cocky if it's true-" Shiro smirked, as he did it clicked inside your head. Officer Maeda was baiting your group, hoping you'd incriminate yourselves.

"Why are we here?" Your voice cut through Aizawa and All Might.

"Huh?" Officer Maeda blinked blindsided, not having expected to hear your voice.

"I assume you need us to do your job and connect some dots that you can't figure out." You replied, "So tell us what it is so we can get this over with."

Officer Maeda held your gaze, his baiting of your two teammates was ruined and he knew that you knew what he was trying to do.


Three hours, forty-two minutes later, felt like twelve hours locked inside a conference room with an overly entitled paper pusher looking for his next fifteen minutes of fame. It was clear from all the constant questioning; they were trying to pin every unsolved case file onto you and your team.

You may not like them, but there was no way you were going to let Shiro, and Gray go down as escape goats for this twat bucket.

Shiro groaned, running his hands through his hair as Officer Maeda repeated the same question twelve different ways trying to get a different outcome. You leaned your head on your hand drifting in and out of it but from the corner of your eye, you watched Gray tap Shiro's shoulder then pointed towards the north wall.

"Hang on." Shiro cut Officer Maeda off, hopping to his feet heading to the door.

"Wait a moment-" Officer Maeda called, "-you can't just leave-!"

"Let's trust him." Naomasa suggested with a careless wave.

"Are you insane!?" Officer Maeda snapped.

"Just do it." Naomasa sighed, rubbing the side of his head.

"Go with him!" Officer Maeda waved to officers who quickly ran after Shiro. A foggy silence muffled the room, taking the blissful moment you glanced over to All Might who swapped whispers with Naomasa. You expected to feel something, maybe a sting from the scar on your heart where he stabbed you, but you were just comfortably numb.