
Chapter Ninety

You and Shiro moved quietly through the night, guided by the faint light of the moon. Your steps were purposeful as the two of you approached the looming silhouette of the abandoned building. The darkened structure stood like a silent sentinel against the backdrop of the night, its shattered windows and crumbling façade whispering tales of forgotten memories.

As you neared your destination, Shiro and you exchanged a silent glance, your shared determination notable in the hushed stillness. In the shadows near the building, Gray emerged, his silhouette coming into view. His presence was a stark contrast to the quiet surroundings, a touch of intrigue in the blank canvas of the night.

"It's about time!" Gray harshly whispered.

"We're not that late." Shiro rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Late is still late!" Gray said firmly, his expression somewhere between annoyance and a pouting child.

"It's not like we can just teleport here." Shiro countered, causing Gray's lips to part as he dramatically gestured to you.

"Yes, you can!" He whispered, "That's exactly what you can do!"

"You're being dramatic." Shiro brushed Gray off, stepping past him.

"You stopped for food on the way, didn't you?" Gray accused, walking after you and Shiro.

"We did not-" Shiro replies over his shoulder—you had long tuned your two bickering brothers out. Pushing past the creaking wooden door, you entered a damp, musty room with beams of moonlight piercing the gloom.

As you stepped into the poorly lit room, your keen senses on high alert, a faint sound reached your ears—a soft, almost imperceptible shift of someone stepping on the dirty floor. In a split-second reaction, you instinctively leaped backward, narrowly evading a vicious knife as it sliced through the air where you had just been standing.

"Haha!" A musical voice laughed, your annoyed glare zeroing in on the corner where the mysterious figure stood. "I thought I had you this time, Five!"

"Do you think it's wise to be wearing that?" You questioned, shoving your hands into your jacket pockets as the figure stepped into a beam of light. Their outfit, similar to yours with cargo pants and an oversized jacket, glowed as the number illuminated. "Considering you're supposed to be dead and all."

"Don't you worry-" The figure, known as 'One', smiled beneath her metal mask. "-I'm plenty careful."

"Being just careful won't cut it." Shiro chimed in. "One little slip-up, and it'll be exposed that you're not really dead and that will really fuck things up for us."

"Yeah-" Gray nods, "-we busted our ass so you could fake your death and get out from under Shooter—to help us get out—where the fuck have you been?"

"Hm." One hums, lowering her head to remove her mask. "Five was always the one to be the worrier out of us, but I don't think I recall you two being so pessimistic."

"Well-!" Shiro threw his hands in the air, "-being trapped under a sadistic nutjob for years will do that to a person!"

"I have really missed you three." One removed her mask, revealing a pretty girl with blond bangs framing her face and bright purple eyes.

"Then why did you leave us hanging!?" Gray exclaimed.

"I didn't." One replied, "You know as well as I do, that moving around when you're supposed to be dead isn't actually easy-"

"I don't care about any of this." You stepped forward, cutting the conversation short. "You know where Shooter is gonna be, that's what I care about."

"Always right to the point." One smiled, "Isn't that just like you, Five?"

"Oh, I'm not dropping you bitching out on our deal-" You sternly say, "-I'll deal with you after I deal with Shooter."

"Hm." One chuckled, "That's more like you, always so fearless—so strong." You narrowed your eyes onto One—noticing the black tongue peaking from between her lips.

"I see you haven't laid off the Trigger." You crossed your arms, your disappointment scribbled across your face. The first bullet—One—was never one of the bullets you could pull back from the edge when you got the team sober.

"I heard you had a little run in of your own with it Five." One countered.

"Forced." You shot back, "It wasn't voluntary."

"Tomato, tomahto." One shrugged. "All you need to know is I am being careful, no one knows who the Cobbler is except you three."

"Let's keep it that way." Your gaze is still sharp as you stare onto your former teammate.

"Shooter will be at the docks in Kanidoge next week-" One reveals, "-he has some sort of sale—no idea what it is—but it's big enough to where he needs to climb out from whatever rock he slithered under when you Five, pulled your mask off on live television."

"Yes-" You rolled your eyes, "-I was there, I know what happened. Why don't you know where Shooter is now, and only next week?"

"I only know of the deal going down." One retorts, "That's how I know where Shooter will be, you know how the man is, how cowardly he truly is, not even his right-hand man knows where he's hiding right now."

"Hm." You glanced over at Shiro, wondering how legit this story One was spinning could be, as you turned back to her, you knew you unfortunately had no other leads to go on, and had to trust One's word. Shooter was slippery and didn't like to surface long—this could be the only shot you had for a long time, there was no telling when Shooter would pop up again.

"Are you going to grace us with your presence next week?" Gray wondered.

"Now why would I take a risk like that?" One tilts her head. "I'm supposed to be dead, remember?"

"That sounds like a cop out." Shiro crossed his arms, staring intently at One.

"Or an easy way to not deal with Shooter and make us do all the hard work!" Gray exclaims.

"That's what I just said." Shiro turned to him.

"Huh?" Gray frowned, "No you didn't."

"Yes, I did!" Shiro scoffs, "That's what a cop out means!"

"No, it's not!" Gray shouts.

"Then what does it mean then-!?" Shiro shouts back. "-huh!?"

You turned towards One—a lovely smile rested on her lips as she watched the two bickers back and forth, she has truly missed this...

"You staying out of trouble?" You asked, turning her purple eyes onto you, her smile grows wider as she nods.

"I am." She promises, you opened your mouth, but she already knew what you were going to say—she holds a hand up. "I'm working on getting sober, I promise. You know how hard it is to get clean."

You close your mouth shut; lips pressed in a tight line as you studied her face. Every part of you wanted to believe her words, but something inside you just kept screaming, tasting the sweetened lies she was trying to feed you—instead, you gave a short nod. This wasn't the place nor the time to pick a fight with her.

"We have to get back." You comment. "Before anyone realizes we are gone."

"They will have you all on leashes?"

"Not very tight ones." You replied, turning to Shiro and Gray who were still in the middle of their argument.

"I wish you'd have the burner phone." One spoke up as you turned to the exit. You looked over your shoulder. "We could probably start talking more."

"I can't." You replied. "I have to many eyes on me to have it, that's why Shiro carries it."

"I know." One sighed, "A girl can wish, right?"

"Yeah." You nod, turning on your heel.

"I miss talking to my little sister." Something about One's words didn't settle well in your stomach, your shoulders tensed as you glanced towards her—giving a short nod—before walking over to the two boys, gripping the backs of their jackets and dragging them to the exit door.

"Ow-!" Gray protested as the door slammed shut behind the three of you. "-why are you dragging me around like I'm a rag doll!?"

"We need to get back and get those trackers on before anyone notices us gone." You placed a hand on your hip. "Or did you forget our every movement was being tracked?"

"Well..." Gray trailed off, scratching his shoulder, he had forgotten they were on a time crunch.

"Get home Gray." You sighed pitching the bridge of your nose. "Text the burner when you are."

"Yeah-Yeah." Gray waved you off, but quickly did a double take spotting your glowing yellow eyes. "So, you are using The Deep to get back!"

"Yeah-" You turned, "-Why wouldn't I?"

Gray shot Shiro a dirty look before muttering under his breath and stomping off.

"You think we should give him a ride?" Shiro wondered, you shook your head.

"No, we need to get back." You replied, "There's to many people in the dorms to be gone long, plus we have All Might and Aizawa checking in on us."

"Not to mention lover boy-"

"Fuck off!" You snapped.

"Oh, come on!" Shiro laughed following you to the nearby shadow, large enough to fit the two of you.

"I swear to God, I will make you walk home!" You threatened.

"You won't do that, you need me!" Shiro protested.


In the soft glow of morning light, Katsuki slowly opened his eyes. He looked down, smiling as he found you tucked into his side, head resting gently on his chest. He didn't know how long he watched your steady breathing, the soft rise and fall of your chest, it was all so comforting to him.

Unable to resist Katsuki leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head, his heart fluttering in his chest as he lightly brushed the loose strands out of your face.

With a smile, he was careful not to wake you as he slipped out of the bed, tiptoeing out of the room avoiding Shiro who snored on the cot nearby. Katsuki—in his good mood—decided to use his knack for cooking and prepare a hearty breakfast for everyone. Eggs, bacon, toast, and a fresh pot of coffee were on the menu. As he moved about the kitchen, the aroma of sizzling bacon filled the air.

Soon, the smell began to drift upstairs into the bedrooms, rousing the aspiring heroes from their slumber.

"Who's cooking so early?" Kirishima yawned, rubbing his sore shoulder as he entered the kitchen. "Bakugo?" The red head blinked spotting the blond, the morning sunlight spilling over his figure. Katsuki's concentration was solely on the food, his strong and capable hands deftly maneuvering pans and ingredients.

"About time you guys start waking up." Katsuki replies, eyes never leaving the sizzling bacon in the pan.

"Huh?" Kirishima tilts his head, confused until Todoroki and Midoriya step beside the sharp toothed hero. "Oh-!" He chuckles, "-good morning, guys!"

"Morning Kirishima." Midoriya nods, "Kacchan, your cooking, willingly?"

"Yeah-?" Katsuki glared over his shoulder. "-what of it?"

"I-I just mean it's so thoughtful of you-!" Midoriya nervously laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "-that's all!"

"This is a onetime thing-" Katsuki points his spatula. "-don't get used to it!"

"What's with the spatula?" Shiro yawned as he entered the kitchen. "I have been missing morning spankings this whole time!?"

"Wh-What!?" Kirishima and Midoriya jumped back.

"Get your damn mind out of the gutter!" Katsuki rolled his scarlet orbs. "Perverted morons." He muttered under his breath.

"I'm glad you're feeling better Shiro." Todoroki comments, seeing how the Bullet was back to his old ways.

"Thanks." Shiro grinned, "I'm feeling better every day!"

"Do you have meetings today or will you and (y.n) be attending classes with us?" Midoriya wondered.

"Well-" Shiro sighed plopping down. "-with everything that has happened, Naomasa has decided to give us some time away from the conference room—at least until we heal up."

"So that means you'll be in class with us today?" Todoroki questions.

"Yep!" Shiro leaned back in his chair, "That being said, someone needs to wake (y.n), because that is something I will not do!"

"Tch-" Katsuki rolled his eyes, "-I'll wake her up, I have to get something from upstairs anyway, I'll wake her when I'm done here."

"Fantastic-!" As Shiro laughed, more class members began to trickle into the kitchen, beckoned by the smell of fresh food. "-our tribute has been chosen, what's for breakfast?"

Kirishima glanced around, slowly stepping away as Ochaco happily greeted Midoriya and Toru glued herself to Katsuki's side as he served up eggs and toast. Shiro smirked, sipping on the steaming mug of coffee watching Kirishima step around the corner of the kitchen disappearing from sight. "It's going to be an interesting day."

Kirishima sprang out of the elevator, briskly pacing down the hallway. Rounding the corner, he inadvertently collided with a figure, sending them both to the ground. Quickly scrambling to his feet, Kirishima rushed to the person's side.

"I'm so sorry, (y.n)!" He exclaimed, extending a hand to help them up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." You replied, getting back on your feet.

"How's your head? Your arm? Your leg?" Kirishima fretted; his concern evident.

"If I'm still breathing, I'm fucking fine!" You snapped, pushing his hands away from you.

"Right..." Kirishima mumbled, nervously looking around.

"Is there something you need?" You inquired sharply; your irritation evident especially after Shiro's morning alarm debacle—fucking Shiro—setting an alarm and putting it right next to your head, you were on the hunt for him.

"I was just coming to wake you up." Kirishima explained with a painted-on smile.

"Mission accomplished, I'm awake." You replied, crossing your arms. "Anything else, because at the moment there's someone I need to kill."

"I... can't tell if you're joking or not." Kirishima admitted.

"Take a wild guess." You mumbled, moving past him.

"Um." Kirishima cleared his throat, "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Your muscles tensed at those words, memories of Kaminari's conversation at Todoroki's birthday party flooding your mind.

"I'm busy." You replied.

"But..." Kirishima began to protest, taking a few steps to follow you. You let out a deep sigh and turned to face him.

"No." You say firmly.

"No?" Kirishima frowned.

"I'm not as dense as people think."

"What?" Confusion crept across Kirishima's face. "But I—"

"You don't know me."

"I do-!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"You only know the curated version I let you see." You stared blankly at him. "The truth is, you know nothing about me, so, the answer is no, Kirishima. Don't repeat the same mistake your friend did—look where that got him."

"(y.n)-!" Kirishima called after you as you began to walk away, "-but he knows you!?"

Your steps halted, and memories of his piercing crimson eyes flashed in your mind. You lowered your gaze to the floor. "Yeah..." You admitted. "...he does."

"That's...that's just bullshit!" Kirishima exclaimed. "You're only saying that because you haven't let anyone else in yet!"

"I—" You began to respond.

"What's going on here?" Katsuki rounded the corner, causing you to glance over lazily and Kirishima to look up with wide, innocent eyes.

"Nothing." You shrugged. Katsuki narrowed his gaze and approached, his fingers lightly brushing over the yellow bruise around your eye.

"You need to eat before class, breakfast is ready downstairs."

You responded with a nonchalant shrug.

"And there's coffee, too." Katsuki added with a smirk, noticing the spark of interest in your eyes at the mention of the magic word. Without a second thought, you moved past him, not once glancing back at Kirishima, and headed for the kitchen.

"Uh, h-hey Bakugo..." Kirishima nervously grinned.

"I thought I made it clear I'm the one in charge of waking her up." Katsuki retorted, turning and jamming his hands into his shorts, his trademark scowl overtaking his handsome features.

"You were busy with cooking for everyone!" Kirishima quickly defended, "I thought I was doing you a favor-"

"I don't need any favors done for me." Katsuki interrupted; his sharp gaze fixed on the redhead. "We don't have much time before class, you should change and get down for breakfast before everything's gone." Katsuki turned on his heel walking away.

"Yeah... thanks." Kirishima mumbled as Katsuki disappeared around the corner, leaving him feeling deflated, his heart heavy with wet cement.


Aww poor Kirishima 🥺