
Chapter Ninety Three

The crisp scent of fall hung in the air as Aizawa, and you approached the grand entrance to All Might's house, you glanced up at the imposing structure, a testament to his larger-than-life presence. Aizawa extended the glass bottle to you just before he pressed the doorbell.

You glanced at the wine bottle—the reason you and Aizawa had to make a 'pit stop' before coming over. "Why bring this again?"

Aizawa smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's customary to bring a gift when you're invited to someone's home."

You raised an eyebrow, skepticism in your voice. "But they invited us, why should we have to fork something over?"

Aizawa chuckled softly. "It's a matter of etiquette, (y.n). It's just what you do to show appreciation for the invitation."

The front door creaked open, revealing a warm and inviting atmosphere inside. Inko brightly grinned upon seeing you—Inko was beginning to worry you weren't going to come.

"(y.n)-!" She stepped aside, "-what are you doing ringing the doorbell, this is your home you can just come on inside!"

You gave a short nod as you stepped past Inko and into the living room where Gray and Shiro already occupied the couch.

"How'd it go?" All Might whispered after dragging Aizawa into the next room, peeking around the corner at you on the couch.

"Good." Aizawa nods, putting his hands into his pockets standing in the kitchen. "Dr. Shuzenji said all her tests came back clean."

"What does that mean?" Inko wondered.

"She thinks it has something to do with (y.n) being injected with Trigger-" Aizawa explained, "-it acted as a booster for her quirks."

"So, you're saying she's fully recovered?" All Might blinked, hope filling him.

Aizawa nodded. "It would appear so."

"That's impossible!" Inko gasped. "She was so badly injured, her leg was crushed, there was a darn hole in her shoulder!"

"It's not totally impossible." Aizawa replied, "When she was drugged up on that stuff, it amplified her quirks and strength, it makes complete sense her healing quirk would have been affected as well."

"Something good did come out of the attack then!" All Might was giddy, watching you roll your eyes at something Shiro said.

There was a quick knock on the front door, turning everyone's heads. All Might and Inko frowned at one another, they weren't expecting anyone else. As All Might took a step the front door burst open!

"Sorry we're late!" Mitsuki laughs, walking into the house with her husband and son trailing behind her.

"What is the Bakugo's doing here?" Inko whispered to All Might who could only shrug, he was just as confused as his wife.

"Who wants chicken!?" Mitsuki offers up the large bucket in her hands.

"Oh yeah-!" Shiro rubs his hands together, "-the fast-track way to my heart!"

Inko's usually warm face was etched with concern as the Bakugos strode into her home without so much as a prior phone call. Her heart raced with thoughts of whether there'd be enough of her meticulously prepared home-cooked dishes to satiate the unexpected guests.

The tantalizing aroma of her signature dishes filled the air, but it was mingled with the distinct scent of takeout chicken that Mitsuki had brought along.

"Who brings takeout to a dinner?" Inko muttered under her breath, watching as you got up from the couch to talk with Mitsuki who happily pulled you into a tight hug. Inko frowned seeing this, you hadn't even said one word to her when you got here, yet you chatted so freely with Mitsuki.

"It'll be fine." All Might wrapped an arm around his wife.

"Tonight, it was supposed to be just us." Inko whispered back, "We are supposed to give her the papers."

"And we will." All Might promises, lightly rubbing her back. "Don't worry so much, tonight is still going to be special."

The dinner atmosphere was warm and inviting, with everyone taking their seats around the table. Delicious aromas from Inko's home-cooked dishes filled the air, promising a delightful meal.

Mitsuki—looking around as everyone ate in silence—with her typical forwardness, broke the silence. "So, kids, what are you planning to do after dinner?"

"We're just going back to the dorms, nothing special." Shiro answered without much enthusiasm.

"Does that include you Izuku?" Inko turned to the greenette. "I thought you had plans tonight with your friends?"

"Um-!" Midoriya jumped, feeling the attention shift onto him. "-I-I might join Kaminari and the others at the new arcade that just opened next to U.A."

"That sounds like fun-" Inko went to comment on her sons plans but Mitsuki, always eager for a good time, had another idea. "How about we all go catch a movie?" She grinned, mischief twinkling in her eyes. "It's getting close to Halloween; we should see a scary movie! I know how much you love those Masaru!" Mitsuki playfully elbowed her husband who nervously laughed—he hated those types of movies, but Mitsuki and Katsuki loved them, so he endured the torture.

Before anyone could respond, Inko gently interrupted. She turned her attention to you. "(y.n), dear, would you mind staying back after dinner while everyone goes to the movie? All Might can give you a lift to the dorms afterwards."

Mitsuki raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Inko, why the special treatment? What's so important that you need (y.n) to stay behind and miss out?"

Inko hesitated for a moment, her gaze darting around the room. "It's...an important matter..."

Shiro, who was never one to beat around the bush, interjected. "If it's that important, just tell us."

With her face flushed with embarrassment, Inko stammered, "I-It's a private matter."

Gray chimed in with a sly grin, "Oh, come on! (y.n) is just going to tell us everything once she gets back to the dorms. You might as well spill the beans now and save her the trouble."

Inko was nervous, but she slowly stood and made her way around the table to where you were sitting.

Clearing her throat, she looked you in the eye while taking your hand. "(y.n), when you first came into our lives, I knew right away you were something special, and I was right. You've grown into an amazing hero over the years, and I couldn't be prouder. When I married Toshi, I couldn't help but feel that I missed the chance to become your mother figure, and I wanted to give you adoption papers tonight so I could legally adopt you-"

Just then Mitsuki stood and crossed her arms. "Um-!" She announced spoiling the warm moment Inko was trying to spin. "-I don't agree with any of this! You can't adopt her without asking anyone else out of the blue, I have a right to be her mother too!"

Inko, genuinely puzzled, turned Mitsuki as you slipped your hand away. "In what way do you have a right?"

Mitsuki, with a triumphant grin gestured to Katsuki—who was leaning back in his chair, sitting beside you. "Because (y.n) and Katsuki are dating! Naturally, I have a right since she's dating my son."

The room buzzed with surprise and tension. Midoriya, Inko, and All Might were all left in shock, while Shiro laughed heartily, tossing his head back in amusement. "None of you saw this coming? Really? They were together before Shooter pulled them apart. This is what cheesy romance stories are made of!"

All Might turned to Aizawa. "Did you know about this!?"

Aizawa nodded casually. "I learned of it today, they already know they aren't allowed to be alone in their dorm rooms."

"You got nothing to worry about!" Shiro placed his hands behind his head, "Lucky for you guys you have built in cockblockers!"

"I will shoot you." You turned to your brother; a glare pressed against your features.

Midoriya sitting across from you was completely taken aback, as if he'd been drenched with a bucket of ice-cold water. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of hurt and confusion upon hearing about your relationship with Katsuki. He knows you are his sister by marriage, and he truly cared for you as family. But despite his best efforts to suppress those lingering emotions, the moment you were revealed to the world, old feelings he had tried to bury began to stir up.

Midoriya stared at Katsuki who rolled his eyes as All Might lectured him about not being in the same room alone with you, Midoriya's eyes fell to Katsuki's hand on yours, he could see the connection you and Katsuki shared, one that he yearned to have with you.

Shiro—smiling as he watched Inko and Mitsuki argue back and forth, he felt his pocket vibrating, his attention momentarily drawn away from the lively gathering around him. Slowly, he retrieved the burner phone, his eyes darting back and forth between the people who were engaged in the argument between the two mothers. As he unlocked the device, his gaze zeroed in on the new message from the Cobbler.

"I've brought your order."

A crease formed on Shiro's forehead as he read the enigmatic message. His eyes instinctively sought you out, and there you were, sitting beside Katsuki, sharing a laugh at something he had whispered in your ear. Shiro's frown deepened, and he swiftly stashed the phone back into his pocket.

Leaning forward, he picked up his cup of beer, fingers gripping it tightly. His gaze remained fixed on you, taking in the sight of you playfully nudging Katsuki's shoulder, your laughter echoing through the tense air.

Shiro took a long, deliberate drink, his thoughts churning as he considered the message from the Cobbler. The urge to respond tugged at him, but he resisted it. The first bullet could wait, at least for a few more hours. Tonight, Shiro was determined to put you first.

He wanted this to be a normal night for you, a chance to relax and be with the people who loved you. Shiro had seen you bear the weight of being Five, the burdens that came with it, but tonight, he intended to give you a break. So, when his phone buzzed for a second time, he simply took another sip, his eyes never leaving you as he silently resolved to ensure that you had the kind of evening you deserved.

You sighed, tired of hearing the bickering.

"Why do people keep talking about me like I'm not here?" You called over the voices, the two mothers turned.

"(y.n)..." Inko breathed, "...I just wanted-"

"Bombard me with adoption papers even though we haven't shared more than three sentences?" You questioned with a tilt of your head.

"I-I just wanted to be closer with you!" Inko exclaims.

"Then invite me to fucking lunch." You scoff, "Not throw a pile of paperwork at me as if that'd magically make you my mother."

"But you have Toshi's name-"

"So what?" You narrowed your gaze, "That doesn't entitle a relationship to you, I also have his name-" You nod your head to Aizawa, "-you don't see his side chick throwing papers at me."

"You have a girlfriend?" Shiro turned. "And you've said nothing to me!"

Aizawa rolled his eyes. "I think that is enough for one night, you three-" Shiro points to you and your two brothers. "-get your things, I'm taking you back-"

"You can't leave now!" Mitsuki spun around. "This conversation isn't over!"

"It is now." Aizawa stated, "This is clearly a topic you three need to discuss in private and not in front of these kids. You taking your emotions out on (y.n) while she's still in recovery is childish."

"You said she was recovered!" Inko frowned.

"Physically yes-" Aizawa nods, "-mentally and emotionally, no. She's been through hell and back more times than I care to know about, you dumping this onto her without having a proper conversation with the other adult figures in her life—me for example—is blindsiding all of us, I understand Mitsuki's reaction, however she could have reacted in a better way-"

"It's like I'm not even here." You leaned back in the chair, crossing your arms. Katsuki smirked, placing a hand on your thigh, sliding it down to your knee.

"You wanna go home?" He asked, you turned to your boyfriend and nodded.


Shiro let out a deep sigh, removing his jacket as he followed you into your dorm room.

"That went well." Shiro mumbled as he flicked on the light. You could almost hear All Might's lecture brewing in the distance for how you spoke to Inko, and you didn't even want to think about how Midoriya was feeling right now.

"You're late."

Shiro and you spun around, your hand instantly going for your gun—only to see One was kicked back on your bed.

"What the fuck?" You growled, untensing as you closed and locked the door. "Is Shooter moving early or-?"

"You didn't tell her?" One turned to Shiro who tossed his jacket on his cot.

"Tell me what?" You narrowed your gaze onto One.

"I'm not here because of Shooter." One sat up, removing her mask.

"How did you get in here?" You questioned.

"How did I sneak into U.A. and into your room?" One reiterates, "What, like it's hard?"

Shiro shot you a smug knowing look, causing you to shoot him an annoyed expression.

"Why are you here?" You sighed rubbing your temple, a headache growing in the back of your head.

"I just thought you'd wanna know is all." One innocently replied, lazily crossing her legs.

"Know about what?" You exhaled, feeling the tension in the back of your shoulder causing it to burn.

A leer grin extended over One's face. "About the upcoming sell."

"What sell?" Shiro pulled his brows together.

"I heard through the grapevine that a few of U.A.'s students are up for sell-" One answered, "-and you better hurry, it's a fire sell, and everything must go."