
Chapter Fifty Eight

"Ugh-!" Sero stretched while lying on the couch. "-it's a good thing, Mr. Aizawa had classes canceled for today because if not, I really don't think I could get up right now."

"I feel that." Sato sighed, "I hurt in places I didn't even know I could!"

"Alright!" Mina happily chirped, walking into the living area followed by Momo and Ochaco. "What do you think!?" The pinkette hopped out of the way, revealing Toru who held freshly cut hair.

"You look great!" Midoriya and Kirishima went to praise.

"Thanks." Toru blushed, rubbing her arm as he moved to sit on the couch. She stole a glance at the blond beside her, leaning back and playing on his phone. "Wh-What do you think, Bakugo?"

"Hah?" Bakugo lazily glanced over, "Think about what?"

"Bakugo!" Mina harshly whispered, slapping his leg. "Say something nice about her hair!"

"Why?" Bakugo frowned, "It's just hair!"

"Say something nice!" Mina towered over the red eyed hero.

"Fine-!" Bakugo growled, snapping around. "-your hair looks fine!"

"Thanks." Toru giggled.

"When's the pizza being delivered?" Momo questioned, taking a seat beside Toru.

"Should be soon." Kirishima replies.

"Ok-!" Ochaco holds her arms out. "-we need to talk about it!"

"It?" Kaminari frowns.

"Toru-!" Ochaco waves. "-we can-we can see you!"

"It's amazing!" Mina added in. "How are you doing with being, you know, visible now?"

"I-I am adjusting." Toru nods, fiddling with her fingers.

"How did this happen?" Midoriya wondered, curious about her quirk.

"Well..." Toru sucked in a breath, heart-pounding feeling Bakugo beside her. "...it happened when (y/n) saved me from those villains."

"You must have been so scared." Jiro spoke up.

"Actually..." Toru continued to fiddle with her fingers, eyes locked to the floor. "...not...really."


"No." Toru shakes her head. "I felt... safe."

"Because (y/n) was there?" Mina guessed, taking a seat at the coffee table in front of her.

"Mm." Toru nods, "I talked with Aizawa and a few other teachers. They seem to believe my emotions play a part in when my quirk turns on and off, so..."

"(y/n) made you feel safe-" Midoriya chewed over this information. "-so, your quirk deactivated, but why now after so many years?"

"I don't know..." Toru muttered; eyes still glued to the floor.

She knew her words were a lie, and she hated the fact she was lying to her friends but...the truth was she never felt so safe in someone's arms as she did with you, and this made her feel embarrassed.

Toru stole a peek at Bakugo, and she wondered if she would feel the same way in his arms -

The front door opened just then, each student furrowed their brows while looking at one another, each bewildered a delivery person would just walk into their dormitory. They jumped to their feet, spinning around in time to watch Shiro, closing the front door standing beside you.

Mina's lips parted in surprise. The moment Todoroki brought his ice dome down, you were rushed off to the hospital in an ambulance, and she and her class had been left once again in the dark.

"(y/n)..." Her name slid off her tongue, watching you turn in her direction.

The class quickly took your appearance in, your cargo pants tucked into your boots you turned, muttering something to Shiro who smirked. You wore a black tank top, revealing the square gauze taped on the front and back of your shoulder, showing the bullet was through and through.

Bakugo's eyes fell on the metal chain tucked into your shirt. What was it?

"Wh-" Midoriya's eyes flickered from you, then to Shiro. "-I...wha-?"

"What are you doing here?" Mina frowned, Atsumi was gone. The threat was over...so why was Shiro here? You didn't need a babysitter anymore, right?

"I was put here." You flatly replied.

"N-Not you (y/n)." Mina quickly clarified, heart skipping. She didn't mean to insult you!

"Well-!" Shiro glanced each student in the face. "-this isn't awkward at all; I feel like a used condom so I'm gonna take over your showers for a bit!"

"How do you know what a used condom feels like?" Kirishima held a puzzled expression.

"So, when these two-" Shiro started but sighed, waving the redhead off. "-you just had to be there."

"O...K...?" The class watched as Shiro began to hobble away, also missing his jacket, Midoriya held a carved frown, eyeing the bandages wrapping his arms.

"Walk it off, Princess." You called, Shiro tended to milk things.

"I would, but you know-!" Shiro smugly turned. "-someone shot me in my fucking leg!"

"You act like you've never shot me." You rolled your eyes. "I've shot you, you've shot me, hell Gray's shot both of us, that's like our therapy, shut the hell up and go shower you smell like a sewer."

"That's because you let me eat one!"

"It's not my fault those are your standards." You snapped back, sleep gawking at your skull.

While Shiro slept in the hospital you took a cold shower before you and Gray were subjected to the debriefing and a mountain of paperwork which probably killed a small forest.

"Ugh!" Shiro stomped off down the halls towards the bathrooms, you observed him until he was out of sight. You circled around, but halted spotting the pairs of gawking eyes glued to your masked face.

Your shoulders tense as you strolled past them, eyes pinned forward ignoring the sting of their gaze digging into your skin as you were lured to the kitchen by Aizawa's tattered promise of leaving food for you.

After skimming through the kitchen, you discovered the two black takeout boxes stashed in the microwave. You popped one opened, smirking at the pasta before sticking it into the microwave.

You tapped your fingers on the counter waiting for the dinner bell, after a moment you furrowed your brows feeling something on your back, craning to look over your shoulder you jolted, noting the seven people standing behind you.

You fully turned to face them.

"(y/n)-!" Mina held a brightful grin. "-you're here, how-how are you feeling!?"

"You're not wearing your sling." Kirishima pointed to your arm.

"How come you're not wearing your jacket?" Midoriya wondered with a tilt of his head.

"Why do you have a necklace on-?" Kaminari gestured; "-you don't seem like the jewelry type-"

"What is this-!?" You snapped, the weight of the day taking hold. "-fucking eye spy on (y/n) day!?"

"We were just about to watch a movie-" Mina points behind her, "-you wanna join us? We have pizza on the way-"

"No." You flatly interrupt.

"But we have food coming-"

"No." You repeat glancing to the time left of the microwave.


"We just spend the last twelve hours being mind fucked-" You bit, "-the answer is no, I'm going to sleep."

"But (y/n)..." Mina's bubble eyes teared, you huffed, storming past her brushing Bakugo's arm as you slipped past the overbearing group and made your way to your dorm room.

"I think you made her mad." Kaminari broke the silence.

"You think!?" Mina lashed out, stomping over to the couch, plopping down.

"It's ok-" Kirishima went to comfort. "-she's just tired-"

Bakugo slowly moved to the microwave, opening it before the beep signaled the food was done as his classmates all shuttered to the couch, huddling around under their rainclouds waiting for the pizza to arrive, he dipped around the corner in the direction of the rooms.

You took a deep breath, feeling the quiet space around you offering comfort as you stabilized yourself. Walking to the two-person table, you pulled your gun from the holster, disassembling and cleaning your weapon was a simple task you welcomed, it aided in clearing your mind.

A quick knock on the door caused your body to twist painfully.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." You growled, ripping the door open only to be met with a chest. You blinked, furrowed your brows then looked up. Bakugo was staring down at you with an amused smirk resting on those plump lips, an arm leaned on the top of the door frame.

"You forgot something." He held the takeout in his other hand.

"Thanks." You mutter, reaching out to take it but Bakugo pulled it back, earning a sharp glare from you.

"You can eat this in my room." Bakugo pushes himself off the doorframe.

"Huh?" You blink watching him move to the door next to yours.

"We have a show to watch." Bakugo replies, lightly wiggling the box, coaxing you into his room. He felt borderline creepy, like he was luring a child into his van with a piece of candy, but it was working. You had stepped out of your room and was slowly following him.

"That's mine."

"I don't know." Bakugo grinned, "I found it in the microwave, someone just left it there."

"You know damn well that's mine."

"I don't know." He chuckled, "Finders keepers, and I'm kinda hungry so..."

"I will-" You calmy say, "-quite literally kick your ass if you don't-"

"If I don't what?" Bakugo leaned forward; face hovered just inches from yours.

"I-I um..." You swallow.

"What's going on here?" An unsupple tone twists Bakugo's face into his famous scowl, he glared over your head as Shiro walked over, hair damp from his shower, wearing only his cargo pants.

"We are gonna watch a show." You reply, turning to look at Shiro.

"A show?" Shiro repeated, eyes darting from you then to Bakugo, suspicion swirling in his gaze. "How fun." Shiro smirks, "You won't mind if I join then."

"I-" Bakugo went to deny the uninvited guest, but Shiro shoved past the two of you and walked right into Bakugo's bedroom.

"Who lives in here-?" Shiro's voice called from the room. "-an OCD neat freak? Someone needs to get laid!"

"I do." Bakugo followed you into the warm room.

"Hm." Shiro studied the organized room as you settled on his bed, boots hanging over to the edge. Bakugo narrowed onto this behavior, annoyed you were still following your old schedule, following those old damn rules drilled into your skull. Bakugo locked his jaw, unsure of what to say with Shiro being present so he settled on sitting beside you after grabbing the remote to his TV.

"I suppose it's not the worst room here."

"Have you been just going into people's rooms?" You wondered.

"No." Shiro turned, "It might have taken me a few tries to get the right room though." You rolled your eyes knowing damn well he snooped on purpose. Shiro frowned, looking from Bakugo who sat a little too close then to you.

"Let me just-" Shiro smushes his way in-between you and Bakugo, the blond shoots him an annoyed scowl as he's forced to move away from you. "-so comfy!"

Shiro beams, looking at you and then to Bakugo who's biting so hard on his jaw in order to not tare this man apart, he presses play and tosses the remote, crossing his arms over his chest in a huff.

Bakugo didn't understand the relationship between you and Shiro, he didn't want to step where he wasn't welcomed and piss you off. While in Deika City, you did call Shiro your brother, you were willing to take a bullet for him.

As the first episode ended, Bakugo finally looked over. The blond quickly jumped, seeing Shiro had been observing him. You had fallen asleep within the first scene, head resting on Shiro's shoulder Bakugo swallowed, eyes flickering up to Shiro, who hadn't removed his smoldering gaze. The explosive blond quickly realized that for the first time, he was basically alone with Shiro, without you to reel him in.
