
Chapter Eighty One

Aizawa and you stood facing each other in the dimly lit room, the tension hung heavy in the air.

"Stay where you are, (y.n)." Aizawa's voice remained steady, but a hint of urgency laced his words. Your lips curled upward slightly as you cocked your head to the side. "I can't let you leave this room." Aizawa continued, his determination unwavering.

"You're getting your lines all crossed, Mr. Aizawa." You mocked, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm not trying to go anywhere."

Aizawa fell silent, his red glowing eyes locked onto you, he knew in that moment, you were standing before him with the intent of taking his life—Aizawa's gaze flickered to the firearm resting on your leg.

"I'm a bullet, after all." You called, running your tongue over your teeth. "We are, if anything, true to our word."

Aizawa narrowed his eyes, his gaze fixed on your tense figure. "You can't use your quirks."

"Good." You shrug. "Quirks are messy, and in today's world, they're becoming more...traceable."

Desperation crept into Aizawa's voice as he pleaded. "You have to fight, (y.n)." This wasn't a fight he wanted to take part in.

"I didn't take you for the begging type, Aizawa." You remarked with a sardonic smile. "But then again I guess you do give off a bottom-bitch vibe, so..." You shrugged, your words laced with an unsettling mix of casualness and menace.

With a sudden burst of movement, you lunged forward. Your agile frame springs into action with speed catching Aizawa off guard—you moved as if your injuries had no effect on your body. He managed to evade your initial strike, sidestepping to the right and deflecting your jabbing fists with his forearms.

Aizawa turned, displaying his usual precision, aimed to disarm you of your firearm. With a swift motion, he blocked your punch, smoothly side-stepping while simultaneously snatching your gun from its holster. Surprisingly, you didn't make a move to retrieve it from his grasp. Instead, you extended your fist, sending it crashing against his skull. The force of the blow disoriented Aizawa for a moment, leaving him vulnerable.

Taking full advantage of the opening, you closed the distance between you and Aizawa. In a fluid motion, you took his head in your hands, then drove your knee forcefully upward into his face. The impact jarred Aizawa, causing him to stumble backward, momentarily stunned by the power behind your attack.

As Aizawa staggered backwards, you seized the opportunity to press your advantage. With determination in your eyes, you closed in rapidly, moving in a whirl of deadly precision.

You aimed a swift roundhouse kick towards Aizawa's midsection. He managed to twist his body at the last moment, narrowly avoiding the brunt of the blow. Still using his quirk to erase your power, he lunged forward and landed a solid punch to your chest. The force of the blow knocked the wind out of you, and you stumbled backward, momentarily breathless.

You ignored the dull pain in your chest, you ducked and dodged, skillfully avoiding Aizawa's follow-up strikes.

It quickly became clear to Aizawa as he blocked and countered your strikes this fight was going to be a battle of endurance and willpower. The room echoed with the sounds of your fists meeting in lightning-fast exchanges, with a burst of strength and determination, Aizawa managed to push you back a few steps. Both of you paused for a moment, chests heaving as you assessed each other.

"You're losing your touch old man."

"Old man-?" Aizawa frowned, as the dim lighting cast eerie shadows on the scene. "-you can still fight this, (y.n)-!" Aizawa sounding like a broken record, his voice strained filled with genuine concern. "-don't let Trigger control you."

You locked eyes with him, your gaze devoid of emotion as you engaged in a flurry of rapid punches and kicks against Aizawa.

In a seamless maneuver, you reached into a concealed pocket and produced a hidden blade. Aizawa remained oblivious to its presence until it was too late. In a swift, calculated motion, you sliced the blade across his right eye, causing a gush of blood to spray forth. Aizawa staggered backward, his expression twisted in shock and agony.

Falling to one knee, he clutched his profusely bleeding face, the crimson fluid seeping through his trembling fingers. The room seemed to whirl around him, and he could sense his strength ebbing away.

You turned away from Aizawa, your focus shifting to the capture scarf lying discarded on the ground. Your lips twisted into a smirk as you retrieved it, before walking over to Aizawa. He looked up at you, bloodied, still clutching the right side of his face.

"I love you." Aizawa whispered, his voice barely audible.

Without uttering a word, you moved with lightning speed, ensnaring Aizawa's neck with the capture scarf and commencing the tightening process. Aizawa struggled to breathe, scratching his bloodied fingers against the material as his sight began to distort with dots swirling before his eyes.

Just as it appeared darkness was about to envelop him completely, an unexpected gust of wind forcefully propelled you backward, crashing through the wall and into the adjacent room.

"Mr. Aizawa!" Midoriya gasped, his voice trembling with worry as he dropped to a knee beside his mentor, his hands hovering uncertainly. "What's happening!?"

"We checked the surrounding areas—" Shoto began, stepping into view, but his words faltered as he took in the dire scene before him. His eyes shifted between Midoriya and Aizawa, concern etched across his usually stoic face.

"Todoroki!" Midoriya implored, turning to his classmate. "You have to help him!"

Their urgent conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sound of crumbled drywall shifting nearby. The three of them tensed, their attention sharply redirected toward the source of the noise.

Todoroki swiftly raised his hand, and a surge of fire shot out toward the threat.

"Don't—!" Midoriya gasped, but his warning came too late. The hole in the wall was quickly engulfed in flames, sealing off whatever might have been behind it.

A low, sinister chuckle reverberated throughout the room, causing the two students to exchange concerned glances. The fire, once a fiery red, now twisted and danced into eerie blue flames. Before Midoriya and Todoroki could exchange words, the flames shot forth, racing toward them.

Swiftly, Todoroki sprang into action, positioning himself in front of Aizawa and Midoriya. He conjured a thick wall of ice to intercept the scorching flames. As the flames died down, Midoriya cautiously opened his eyes, witnessing the ice wall transforming into deadly spikes aimed at Todoroki. Reacting quickly, Todoroki summoned his flames, melting the ice spikes, but not before one cut across his arm, ripping through his jacket.

Todoroki's attention snapped forward, his eyes widening in shock as he saw you standing amidst the rubble of the collapsed wall—unbothered Todoroki's fire quirk.

"(y.n)?" Todoroki breathed; his mind filled with a jumble of confused questions. "Did you do this to Mr. Aizawa?"

"She can control his quirks." Midoriya realized, his voice tinged with disbelief. "But how?"

"It's not her fault." Aizawa whispered, his blood forming a small puddle beside him.

"Mr. Aizawa?" Midoriya turned towards him, while Shoto constantly shot ice forward, creating a barrier that kept you separated from them.

"She was injected..." Aizawa began, the pain from his injured eye searing through his skull. "...with a drug."

"A drug?" Midoriya turned to look at you, a sense of dread settling in. "Her eyes...her entire eye is glowing instead of just the rim!"

"You... You can't..." Aizawa tried to speak, but Midoriya stood, his expression a mixture of concern and determination.

"Todoroki-" Midoriya moved to the dual user's side. "-you need to get Mr. Aizawa out of here."

"What?" Todoroki was visibly confused. "I can't leave you-"

"He needs medical attention." Midoriya interrupted, gesturing to their bleeding mentor. "I don't know first aid like you, plus...for some reason (y.n) can take control of any fire or ice you create. You take care of Mr. Aizawa, and I'll stay here and deal with (y.n)."

"I don't like this." Todoroki states. "But you are correct." Todoroki places a hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "Be careful."

The greenette nods with a bright smile. "You too."

The two of them quickly broke apart. Todoroki rushed over to Aizawa, wrapping an arm around the injured teacher and helping him to his feet. Meanwhile, Midoriya braced himself for a potential fight as the ice wall came crashing down. You emerged from the shattered ice, your steps crunching loudly underfoot as Todoroki fled with Aizawa in tow.

"It's just you?" You smirked; your tone laced with dark amusement. "You think that's a smart idea?"

"Mr. Aizawa told me-" Midoriya raised his fists, dropping into a defensive stance. "-you were given a drug that's making you do this—!"

"Nothing is making me do anything." You laughed. "You U.A. people all try to repaint the truth in your bullshit colors to make yourselves feel better."

"What's the truth then, (y.n)?" Midoriya challenged. "You wanted to hurt Mr. Aizawa? You want to hurt me and Todoroki?"

"No." You shook your head, "I don't want to hurt you."

"See-" Midoriya breathed a sigh of relief. "-I knew—"

"I'm going to kill you." You grinned as you stepped closer to the greenette. "Then I'll track down your little teacher and your friend with the hair and kill them too."

"No." Midoriya shook his head, his voice tinged with desperation. "This...this isn't you! This is the drug talking!"

"Now you're just sounding like the broken record your teacher was."

"He's your teacher too!"

"He's not." You replied, "Like how you're not my classmate, or my little friend. You're nothing but a thorn in my side."

In the dimly lit room, tension hung thick in the air as Midoriya knew he had to subdue you, but he also couldn't bring himself to harm you. Despite your current state, he clung to the hope that the real you were buried somewhere beneath the drug's influence. With a determined expression, he carefully considered his next steps.

You made the first move, launching yourself at Midoriya with surprising speed. Your fists were a blur as you aimed a series of punches at him. Midoriya, drawing on his training, managed to block most of your strikes with his forearms. He winced as the force of your blows reverberated through his arms, threatening to overwhelm him.

Gritting his teeth, Midoriya saw an opening. He ducked under one of your punches and lunged forward, attempting to grab hold of you and immobilize your movements. However, you swiftly sidestepped, evading his grasp.

The fight continued with a frenetic energy. Midoriya displayed impressive agility and strategic thinking, avoiding your attacks and searching for opportunities to restrain you without causing harm. But you were no ordinary opponent. As the battle raged on, you taunted Midoriya with your chilling laughter, relishing the torment you were causing him. It was clear that your mind was clouded by the drug, but Midoriya refused to give up on his sister.

Amidst the flurry of blows and dodges, Midoriya noticed a momentary lapse in your guard. Seizing the opportunity, he lunged forward and managed to wrap his arms around you in a tight hold, pinning your arms to your sides.

"Please, (y.n)!" Midoriya all but begged, his voice filled with desperation. "Fight it, you're stronger than this!"

Beneath Midoriya, you felt your blood beginning to congeal like gritty sand. A crooked smile stretched across your face, and a manic laugh escaped your lips. In a swift motion, you slammed your hand against Midoriya's side. The green-haired hero gasped, feeling a sharp blade entering his side.