
Chapter Eighty Four

"Did you get my text?"

You craned your neck as Shiro strolled across the roof of the dormitory.

"No-" You replied, turning to gaze back at the view. "-it's downstairs."

"What are you doing up here being a cake topper again?" Shiro sighed taking a seat beside you, holding two longneck beer bottles. "You're looking like an easy target right now."

"U.A. has beefed up their security-" You smirked, glancing at him. "-nothing can get in."

"Isn't that what U.A. said before but Puzzle and your brother still got in?" Shiro retorted, you shrugged. "Why are we up here right now?" Shiro repeats, taking in the calm night, the feel of the cool breeze carrying the light sound of crickets nearby.

You sighed, pulling out a ticket from your cargo pants.

"Hm?" Shiro's curiosity peaked, he snatched it from between your fingers. "Ooo-!" Shiro gazed at the admission ticket to J-world amusement park. "-this is for that fancy event they do on Heroes Day!"

"Yeah." You nod.

"How the hell did you get a ticket?" Shiro questioned, reading the golden ticket in his hand, making sure it was real. "We couldn't even get tickets when we were doing hero work, the event is so popular."

"I was invited."

"By whom?" Shiro laughed.

"Who do you think?" You answered, Shiro turned his head.


You nod.

"How did that shortcake fuck get tickets!?"

"I don't know." You shrug plucking the ticket from Shiro's hand.

"So..." Shiro trailed off, "...are you going?"

"I don't know." You mumbled.

"If not-" Shiro grinned, "-I'll be his date!"

You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you did so.

"I can totally be his type!" Shiro joked, running his tongue over his teeth as he looked out over the courtyard, fireflies dazzled the area with their dance as Shiro's mind trailed off into the past.

...Hours earlier....

Shiro walked into the dorm, returning from the hospital instantly looking around at the dozens of people all chatting away, sitting around looking at magazines.

"Hey man!" Gray walked over, "Where's your brother?"

"He had to pick up his wife-" Shiro furrowed his brows. "-what's going on?"

"Oh-" Gray smiled, gesturing out to the crowd. "-wedding planning!"

"Oh." Shiro nods, eyes finding you sitting on the couch in the middle of your classmates. "Why does everyone need to do it here?"

"Renata wanted (y.n) to help since she's the maid of honor."

"Really?" Shiro's eyebrows rose, "She agreed to that?"

"Yep!" Gray laughed, "There's food in the kitchen." Gray thumbed in the direction of the food.

"Forget about your special day-" Shiro raised his hand, "-lead with the food next time!"

Gray laughed, playfully smacking his shoulder which wasn't placed in a sling.

Shiro happily tips toes over to the food, making himself a hefty plate. He turned, plopping it down on the island, leaning over it he dug in, eyes gazing out into the commission.

Shiro spotted Kana tucked between your legs as you lazily braid her hair while giving one-word answers to Renata.

The seventh bullet smiled, noticing how the kid already loved you.

As Shiro stabbed his fork into the pile of steaming food his eyes glazed over the sea of people, he locked onto Bakugo, who he stiffly tried to keep his place beside you, but Mina jumped in-between you, as did Toru, slowly pushing him out of the way as they chatted up Renata about wedding ideas.

Shiro's chest bounced with his chuckle watching Bakugo get up and do his walk of shame over to the kitchen.

"Sup Blondie." Shiro nods upward.

"What?" Bakugo glared, strolling past the bullet towards the platters of food.

"That was almost painful to watch." Shiro joked, turning while still leaning on the island.

"Hah?" Bakugo scowled.

"You getting your ass steamrolled by your own classmates." Shiro laughed, "How does that feel?"

"Shut up." Bakugo grumped.

"I don't know what happened to you man." Shiro shrugged with his one good shoulder, turning to take another bite. "I thought you had more game than this."

"-the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh nothing-" Shiro waved his fork. "-I just didn't take you for the type to tuck your tail in is all."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Bakugo glared.

"Really?" Shiro cocked his head to the side. "You really have no idea what I'm talking about?" He turned, glancing at you who was still occupied. Shiro was glad to see you interacting with your classmates, it had been days since the Star Festival. As far as your class knew, Aizawa, Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and you only faced off against villains.


"I don't know what happened to you while we were under Shooter-" Shiro began, "-because you always seemed like the rough around the edges type who always bulldozed their way to whatever they put their mind too."

"I'm still-"

"Watching you with (y.n) is like watching Bami try to walk." Shiro smirked, "It's pitiful, what the hell happened?"

"I-I don't want..." Bakugo trained off; heart fluttered as his scarlet eyes locked onto you. "...tch, I'm not having this conversation with you."

"You do know (y.n) is a lot of things, but fragile isn't one of them." Shiro kicks himself off the island. "You walking on eggshells around her, trying to control your demeanor is going to leave her drier than the Sahara Desert."

"-the fuck!?"

"You're short-tempered, overconfident arrogant bullshit is what attracted her in the first place-" Shiro looked off to the side. "-holy shit Shadow Jack fucked her up."

"Screw you!" Bakugo scowled.

"I'm joking!" Shiro laughed, "Mostly..."

"You got a point to all this?" Bakugo crossed his arms.

"My point is-" Shiro stepped closer to him. "-you pussy footing around her, will push her in a different direction, probably one with feathers."

"So, she does have a thing for that bird?" Bakugo questioned.

"No idea." Shiro replied, "Who my sister wants to bang is not something I enjoy thinking about."

"I don't want to be what triggers her..." Bakugo breathed. "...and makes her relapse."

"You can't make (y.n) do anything-" Shiro says, "-the truth of the matter is, it doesn't matter how long any of us go without getting a hit of it, a piece of us will always crave Trigger, that's just the reality you're going to have to accept."


"I know you don't understand." Shiro's face drops all amusement. "You never will, you grew up and live under this sheltered life and that's fine, just don't look down on us and act like we can't handle our shit, because we can."

"But she-"

"If (y.n) really wanted to get another hit of Trigger, she can easily remove that tracker on her ankle and slip into The Deep without any of us knowing, focus on the fact she hasn't."

"I-" Bakugo sighed; "-I don't know-"

"I know you don't." Shiro picked up his plate. "That's why I'm telling you, you're welcome."

"You think she's fine?" Bakugo gazed over Shiro's shoulder at you.

"She's about as good as she can be." Shiro decides to say, about to turn but stops, looking back over to Bakugo. "You know, for the past few years (y.n) had to make quick split life or death decisions, she basically led the Seven Bullets, keeping us all alive the best she could."

Shiro walks past Bakugo opening the fridge to retrieve a beer.

"You gotta stop asking her what she wants or needs-" Shiro looked into Bakugo's eyes. "-and fucking tell her. When she's cold and tells you to fuck off, she's really saying I like you. It's (y.n) talk and you need to learn the language."

"You going to share or-?" Your voice pulled Shiro out of this head, he snapped around.

"Wh-What?" Shiro sheepishly grins. You gestured to the bottles in his hand.

"Oh!" He hands one of the beers to you, before twisting his open. "So, you gonna go?"


"To the thing with Bambi."

"Probably not." You sighed, taking a long drink, the cold liquid was a welcome sensation trailing down your throat. Shiro tightly nods. "How's the shoulder?"

"Doctor says I'll be good to go in a few weeks."

You nod.

"Since the event is all for heroes, and will be crawling with heroes-" Shiro talks out loud, "-will you need Aizawa or All Might to shadow if you go?"

"No." You answer while taking another drink, holding up the envelope the tickets came in. "There's a pass for me to go off U.A. grounds without a babysitter."

"How the hell did he pull that off...?" Shiro wondered to himself, shaking his head. "...a day of free food and being out from under the microscope sounds like a good time."

"Then you go." You replied, Shiro shook his head.

"Deals in your name, not mine." Shiro smirked, "I think you should go."

"Not really my thing." You shrugged.

"So?" Shiro laughed, "When has that ever stopped one of us?"

"What was the text you sent me?" You changed the subject, Shiro's face dropped taking in a deep breath as he did so.

"I got a message." Shiro takes a drink, "We meet our cobbler tomorrow night."

"What!?" You shot your head around. "Why didn't you lead with that?"

"I was getting to it." Shiro defended.

"What did they say?"

"They uh..." Shiro swallowed the lump in his throat. "...they found Shooter..."