

What will happen when the firstborn of the mafia clan Kevin Hart Knight was forced to go out of his safe heaven? What if an extraordinary boy, Vin was fated to meet a not-so-ordinary, Amy? They say, 'Two broken souls fix eachother..' A story of two opposite people who belongs to a totally different world. Feel free to romanticise it. You're gonna love this one. Enjoy. _A.S.Styles^^

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25 Chs

17. Sleeping Kevin Hart

A while back...

Pierette POV:


Everyone shouted in chorus as Vin fainted in front of our eyes.

Jawn was slightly felt guilty and held back while looking at everyone. But he seems to be relaxed when no one blamed him for running after Vin like a hungry panther.

I was sitting on the floor while holding his head a little bit up to support him. But he didn't respond. I should have known better when he told me that he felt dizzy. He didn't even eat or drink anything all day.

I looked up as everyone gathered around us making a circle above us and staring at the figure on the ground in awe. They seemed to making sure if he's really unconscious or is it some kind of his stupid act.

"Back away... Give some space.. he needs oxygen." As I said everyone took just one step back, idiots. That doesn't even make any difference.

Ignoring them all I looked for Rob who was already calling someone.

"Hello Paul? Make a U-turn. We have a situation. Bring the doctor back. Hurry up!!!"

After hanging up Rob looked at me and nodded.

I rubbed Vin's good hand while waiting for the doctor to come back. I was quite worried while looking at his face. He looked tired I can't believe he didn't even survive his first day of college.

I heard everything from Paul about Vin's classes. I was not surprised when he told me that Vin only watch series the whole time in college.

Or should I say that I was surprised when he told me that Vin actually goes to ONE class. As I was busy staring at his face. He looked so calm...

Suddenly a foot came into my vision. I looked up and Third Master Kence was trying to make Young master Vin smell his foot. What the hell!

"Ken what are you doing!? Your foot is not smelly enough to wake him up." Jane said while grabbing his arm.

"In that case.. let me try." Jawn declared and started to remove his shoe without any delay.

"Hey Jawn, didn't I tell you enough about being a gentleman!" Master Klement growled under his breath, looking quite done with Jawn's lunacy.

"Yeah but you didn't mention anything about Vin being dead or my smelly feet!" Jawn started hopping towards Vin and me.

My mouth fell open but thanks to master Klement's strong arms that he held Jawn back and make him sit on a chair forcefully.

"Let me try.." Karl said while turning his neck left and right. I can hear the cracker sounds coming from his bones.


"Master Sinclair!"

"Karl don't!"

"Stay away from Vin!"

"We don't want him dead... not at the moment at least. Hahaha"

Everyone cried out loud together, making Karl rolled his eyes. Last line came from Jawn who was laughing while shaking master Klement's hand back and forth. Master Klement wanted to stop Karl but Jawn held him back, intentionally.

Is it okay to hate your best friend sometimes!?

I unconsciously held young master Vin's hand tightly, while giving a challenging look to Karl.

"Don't you even think about trying." I said in low but forceful voice.

Karl watched me thoughtfully, then raised his hand in the air as if surrendering to me while backing off. He looked at everyone and just smirked. Happy with himself, for sure.

When he sat back on a chair, everyone's shoulders dropped down comically. His mere presence make everyone tensed up.

After watching him settle down I let out a long breath that I didn't even realize I was holding.

"Rob where's Paul?" I asked.

"He's on his way. Let me call him again."

"Please do!"

"Any response from him?" Master Kence asked me sounding bored.

He's your brother damnit.

"No sir." I said shortly.

"That's it. I can't watch him like this anymore." In the blink of an eye Jawn came at the speed of lightening.


"JAWN!" Everyone exclaimed in horror.

Jawn looked closely at Vin's face. He looked quite disappointed when he didn't get any reaction from the later. Only a bright red mark appears on his soft skin.

"Yeah he's out." He declared finally. "I thought he's putting up a show." He grinned at me.

I just looked at him in disbelief he came so fast that I couldn't even get the chance to react or shield Vin from him.

I think because he's my best friend that my reflexes is not that strong near him.

Master Klement rubbed his whole face in exasperation. I am sure he wanted to hit the backside of Jawn's head. He's showing great patience by controlling himself.

"What a smart move!" Little master Kence smiled while sarcastically clapping his hands at his cousin, Jawn.

Jawn jumped up to kick him. He was still wearing only one shoe and kicked him with the naked foot, so the impact was not that great. That kick only cause him to laugh some more at Jawn.

While watching his brother's silliness Jane giggled. In this hall only his teenage brain found all this funny.

"At least someone else is trying..." A chilled sarcastic voice hit my eardrum.

I looked up at Karl angrily, our eyes met. He tried to make an innocent face at me, but I know him better... Hell with his innocence! He's definitely trying to messing with me.

"What!!" Karl hold his chin up "..I was talking to Jane. Right Janny?"

Karl looked at his left side where little Jane was still giggling. After hearing her own name from Karl she seems to forgot how to breath. Her face was showing the shades of pink, red.... Purple?

Watching her condition little master Kence had to limped towards her. He lightly patted his own hand behind Jane's small back, that make her relaxed a bit.



Jane tried to look back at Karl but didn't dare to.. master Ken make her sit on another chair. Frankly speaking he makes sure to sat her down quite far away from Karl.

Karl seems to enjoy all this. I had a sudden urge to hit the back of his head.

If only I could snatch his stupid smirk from him and tie it to a rock before throw it as far as I can... from above a high cliff into the river.

He caught me glaring at him and then he just ... smiled.


I melted.

Damn him!

He's not that bad after all.




Doctor came and left.

After doctor left. Rob, Paul and I heaved young master to his bedroom. Vin was still unconscious.

The reason why he fainted was exhaustion and fatigue. I can't believe he overdid himself.

Now he was laying on his bed unconscious while a needle is attached to the back of his good hand, and a thin tube is going all the way up to an IV bottle.

We didn't realize that his condition was this serious. I'm not being sarcastic it's just true.

Young master Vin is an energetic creature. Even the best guards can't compete against his activeness. He can run around all day screaming, shouting, throwing tantrum and kicks, or simply watching series or singing karaoke without getting tired. He doesn't even sweat at all in days.

"What exactly he did in college to end up like this?" Third master Kence asked looking serious for once. Both Rob and Paul looked down.

I think I know the reason, Vin definitely ordered them pre hand to shut their mouths up.

After looking at their reactions little master Kence decided to let it go, he didn't ask any further questions after that.

"Robert come to my office later, I want to talk to you." Master Klement said while looking at the sleeping Vin.

"Yes master." Rob said shortly.

Both Rob and Paul left the room.

"I see... he's breathing fine. Let's go Klem." Jawn looked at Vin from head to toe then decided to leave too. Before leaving he patted my shoulder a little. I just smile at him. I know he's worried about Vin too. But he never know how to show affection towards his family and friends.

Little master Ken took Jane's hand and left without saying anything. Not that it's matter anyways...

Now only me and young master left in this huge room. I sat near his pillow on the bed. I don't want to imagine his reaction after waking up and see a freaking needle attached to his hand.

I took a deep breath - in and out.

There's still a faint red mark on his face, thanks to bloody Jawn.

If Vin became aware of the slap. He would not leave Jawn alone until he took his revenge. That would be a great headache for every one.

I didn't realize that I was smiling till I heard a voice.. I stopped smiling at once.


Even though I have heard him, I didn't look at his face. I have to be strong.

"If you're here to take me.... I'm not leaving.."

Karl stood on the doorstep but didn't said anything. Then he walked towards me. I held my breath a little. Please don't force me... Please don't force me...

He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"How's he doing?"

"Huh??" I looked at him surprised.

"Is he doing fine?"

Woah well that was unexpected. Karl was asking for Vin's well being! I had a sudden urge to place my hand on his forehead to check if he has a fever or not.

"Don't look at me like that. I know you want to stay with him." He tried to smile.

"Only because he's...." I started to explain, in case this psycho guy feels jealous or something.

"I know.. Pier" He didn't let me finish. Well if he knows then I don't have to explain myself..

He took his hand away from my shoulder leaving his heat behind. He then left the room, leaving ne with Vin.


Karl's POV:

I came outside the mansion just to take some air. I am trying...

I took a deep breath filling the fresh air in my lungs.

I'm trying to fit in.. for Pier. I know how important the crazy brother is in her life. She's close to the people in Knight villa. Even she's friends with the people who works here.


I kicked a pebble for no reason. I rubbed my temple for a few seconds just to calm myself down. Then I finger combed my hair. Now I felt better. I was wandering in the garden area when I saw a tall figure.

"Hey Paul!" I walked towards him.

Maybe I startled him because he shouted in a manly voice while rubbing his chest where his heart supposed to be.

Seriously!? I didn't even did anything this time.

"Am I disturbing you?" I tried to be polite for once.

"Nnnn...no mas... Master Ka.. Sinclair.." He was  stuttering in his deep voice. I felt annoyed as he didn't even know how to address me.

If he continued to talk like this... Well it's definitely gonna take longer.

Patience Karl patience..

He is Pier's friend you can't flip on him.

"Well I wanted to talk to you."

"Mmmm.... me!?" His eyes widen in shock as if I was holding a gun on his head.

"About this morning.. did you talk to Robert about the... Girl?" I tried not to narrow my eyes. Pier said when I did that people get nervous.

"Nnn... not yet." He awkwardly look at me as if contemplating if he makes the mistake or not.

"Okay.... Did you see her again? After Pier and I left.."

"Nnn... no mas... Sir."

"Has my cousin mentioned about her... to any one of you?"

"Nnn... not at all. I even waited for him to ask Rob about spying on her. But strangely he didn't even mentioned her."

So he can speak normal... Maybe he just get nervous around me.

"Really??" I was a little amused to know that.

Has my crazy cousin trying to hide her? From his bodyguards.... and family? Should I talk to Pier about that...!

"Wh... What do you want me to do now?" He asked.

I was slightly surprised to hear that.

"Are you going to do as I asked?" I can't help but ask.

He was silent for a good minute. Maybe trying to... decide!

"Yes Sir.. Mr. Sinclair!" He said in resolution without any stutter.

A guy who thinks before speaking... I like him. A smile appear on my face.

"Did I said something wrong?" Paul asked nervously.

"Not that I noticed.." I tilted my face a little. "...but I would like to know why.."


"Why would you take MY orders?"

"With all respect.. but I'm not taking orders from you." I raised an eyebrow ".. it's just that... Pier is like a sister to me. And you both are together now.. so in a way you are part of my family too.. I respect you but I care more about Pier. You can ask for my assistance anytime.. well not just me Rob's too. He has same thoughts as me... Right Rob?"

I heard light foot steps behind me. Robert? When did he came? I didn't notice him coming at all. Impressive!

"What were you doing there?" I inquired out of habit.

"... giving you both some space.." Rob always use listed and selective words. I like that about him...

Pier told me once that he talks more in their chat group. His sentences are longer when he texts. Weird guy!

"I'm glad to know what you think of me Paul." Should I confess or not!?

"Truth is that Pier talks about you guys all the time... a lot actually. To the extent that gives me a headache..." Paul smiled and Rob set his spectacles a little.

"...and from what I've heard from her, you both are really good and skilled.... What I observed personally was that you are both nice to her. Even now... when she becomes the part of my family. And that makes me happy."

I gave them both a moment to register what I just confessed.

"Thank you boys." I smiled at them, trying my best to be friendly. And they just stared at me to the point... that almost makes me self-conscious. They're as weird as my Pier. No wonder they are friends. Haha.

"Okay now let's talk business." I brought them out of their trances. They both composed themselves at once.

"Rob you can ask Paul for the details later. Let's cut to the point.... We saw your young master with a girl.." Rob's eyes widen for just a fraction of second. Paul just nodded confirming what I just said.

"And my first cousin seems to be interested in her. Rob I want you to check her background." He nodded after getting my point.

"Do we need to follow her around after college?" Paul asked.

"Not necessarily.. But Rob, I'll let you know the name and her major later. Paul has already seen her today so he can provide you some pictures of her. After that you can do your thing. Hack in college system and get her information."

Rob just nodded without questioning anything. This guy's like a robot. A nerd robot.

"One more thing... don't tell anyone about this..."

"What about Pier?" Paul asked lowering his voice.

"As if you wouldn't tell her..." I said making him choked on air. I glanced at Rob. Did he just rolled his eyes?

"But seriously we wouldn't want to cause any problems for...the girl. We just wanted to know about her basic details. Check if she's from the family of our competitors or enemies. Check if someone asked her to approach Vin on purpose. I hope you get my point cause I don't want to imagine anything worse. But it's best to be careful."

"Who are WE?" Rob asked for the first time, making me stop a little.

Paul elbowed his side.

"Only Pier and I... and Paul. But now I'm including you too. Right pau8?" I smirked.

"Yes Mr. Sinclair." He nodded signalling Rob something.

"We need to find out about her before anyone else takes notice. Well Pier and I can do that alone... but you guys are also close to Vin and cares about him..."

"Wh...what if she's from enemy's side?" Paul asked dramatically.

"We'll informed the clan leader immediately and also let your young master know about her."

"What if she's clear?" Rob asked calmly.

"We'll leave her alone.... But if crazy cousin manage to bring her inside 'our world' ... then we'll protect her. After all the heart of the eldest son of Knight is important and worth protecting. Right!?"

I smiled at the thought of my crazy cousin with someone.
