

Lenny POV

" LENNY WAKE UP" yelled my sister "I'm coming~~~" I hop out of my bed and walk to my wardrobe the air felt .... How do I put this ....it felt dark like something bad was gonna happen ...? I snapped out of my thoughts I started to change I changed into a red hoodie and black leggings kind of ripped with black combot boots I tied the back part of my hair which is black and I left my bangs down which are white . "HURRY UP LEN IM LEAVING SOON" yelled my brother who was younger then me by one year he is 16 I'm 17 God he yells alot he thinks he's so great cause he can drive and I can't ...it's a long story heh 😅 . I looked around my white and red room and found my phone and grabbed my red bag and opened my white door and started skipping down stairs "hi sleepy head " said my mother "I wasn't sleeping hmph" "okie okie scat now sweetie ur going to be late " mom said "yeah hurry lennyy " said my brother . We started walking outside and hopped into his car "hey len u know ur late right?"


UGH he's so stupid some times well at least we don't live to far from the school.


Untill next time my creepers :3