
Milking Milf: Naruto Hentai [SasukeXKushina]

Naruto Hentai [SasukeXKushina] - Read it at your own risk. Milf moments. https://www.patreon.com/Jin763

Jin_4671 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs


She smiled and shook her head. Of course he knew someone here too. "Ok but I'm definitely gonna return the favor since you've already gotten me good discounts." She told him as she made her way to the dressing room. She had him sit on a small couch the store had set up just outside the fitting rooms.

He sat and waited for a few minutes as Kushina changed and turned when he heard the sound of a door creaking open.

"Well what do you think?" She asked as she did a small pose. Sure enough it ended well above the knees, letting him see a good amount of her wonderful legs. The top part also did a great job of pushing up her breasts making them look more voluptuous than normal.

"Turn around for me." He said without thinking. To his surprise she complied with his request.

She turned back around. "Well. Seeing as how your mouth is still open I'm going to go ahead and say you like it." She said with a triumphant smile. No doubt relishing the reaction she got from him. As she took the time to change back into her normal clothes he still couldn't believe he'd actually ordered her to turn around. She actually did it too without question.

When she came back out the two made their way to the cashier where, true to his word, Kushina got a generous discount.

"Thanks again Sasuke. I'd have probably just left it had you not been here." She said to which he just waved off. "Would you mind if I went with you to your store? Shopping with someone else is more enjoyable than by yourself."

As the duo entered the store Sasuke made a beeline to the pants section, not bothering to stop to look at anything along the way. He scanned the rows until he found the ones he was looking for in his size. Grabbing four he turned only to see the red headed woman barely reaching him.

"You're not going to try them on?" She questioned seeing him make his way to the cashier.

He turned to look at her, confusion clear on his face. "No. They're my size, I know they fit. They're the same ones I always buy." He said leaving the woman to grumble about not knowing how men are ok not trying things on.

After paying, the two walked down the corridors of the mall looking at any interesting stores that caught their attention. "So how long have you been here?" He asked as they exited another store.

Kushina looked up in thought trying to remember when she arrived. "About 40 minutes ago. I was going to leave since nothing really caught my attention. Might just go lay down and read or something for the next couple of hours." She replied with a sigh. She didn't sound too enthusiastic.

"Why didn't Naruto accompany you? Or Minato?" He asked.


Kushina huffed in annoyance "Naruto said he was going out and Minato was sleeping and didn't wake up when I tried to wake him. So I came by myself."

In his head Sasuke was cheering at the two blonds who just seemed to continuously mess up. He opened his mouth to reply but was beaten to it. "Oh I've been wanting to see that movie since I saw the trailer." He followed her line of sight to see a movie trailer playing on one of the many televisions that the mall had.

"You're a fan of scary movies?"

She nodded. "They're kind of funny actually. It takes a lot to scare me and most of these movies have such bad acting that I can't help but want to see them."

"Do you really want to go home and read?"

She looked at him "Not really. I don't have much of a choice though." He didn't ask anything else, instead told her to follow him up stairs to the third floor where the cinema was located. Looking back he noticed her face went from confused to somewhat hopeful with a bit of guilt mixed in.

"You didn't have to do that just because I wanted to watch it." She told him as he handed her one of the tickets he'd just bought.

"I have some time too and it beats going home. So why not enjoy ourselves?" He asked rhetorically as they made their way into the room. They were seated just a little higher than the middle rows. Fortunately for him his luck continued as the seats they found had the cup holder in an upwards position and seemed to be stuck in place.

After silently critiquing every trailer that passed the movie finally began. True to her word Kushina was snickering at what the characters in the movie would do and occasionally whisper to him how stupid they were for doing certain actions. Half way through it though it seemed to pick up enough to quiet her down and have her attention.

Glancing over at her the older woman was completely absorbed in what was going on. Truth be told if he wasn't too busy sneaking glances at her he might have been on edge as well.

Suddenly a loud crash was heard through the speakers of the theater as a body hung in front of the main character in the movie. It actually startled the redhead enough to have her jump and grab onto his arm, her eyes never leaving the screen. He wasn't sure if she realized it was his arm she was burying in her chest and not her husbands but he wasn't complaining.
