
MILF Harem Of Legends

Story Droped

EverStone · Fantasie
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109 Chs

The Puppet Master

After finishing her discussion with Amara, Ruby did as she planned and used the Dark Veins scattered across Vale to find a portal to a hell dimension to hunt some devils.

Walking to the green swirling portal in front of her, Ruby jumped into it without a moment's hesitation.

After jumping in, Ruby appeared in a desolate desert full of sand and spewing magma.

The Adventurers Guild often sends adventurers to these Hell Plains to suppress the devils inside and keep them from escaping.

But most of the time, the devils will not wander out of the Hell Plains because they do not want to stray too far from the Devil Lord that rules each of these Hell Plains.

This is precisely Ruby's target. Controlling the Devil Lord will make it a lot easier for Ruby to squeeze this place dry of every resource that it has to offer.

Walking in the heat, Ruby saw devils flee from her presence at every chance they could get.