

He became an Agent to a special Operation. After the higher Ups discovered his dad was behind illegal business, he was put undercover to investigate his own Father and Arrest him on Spot. Meanwhile his romance girlfriend who was in the same Unit Agent was putted undercover to investigate both her boyfriend and his father_in_law and Arrest them both on Spot.

milliyfah · TV
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7 Chs


"Okay thank you very much Mr and Mrs. Smith, thank you for what you did to me all those years am so greatful to you" A young man around 19 was giving his thanks to his friend's parents.

"It's okay Milan remember that you always have a place here in our family, now that you have graduated your studies, what do you plan on doing next?"

"Come on Aunty, I haven't thought of that yet but I want to go to special forces and become an agent you know me" They were having fun while taking his graduation pictures.

"Besides where is Liam he was here a moment ago"

"Don't worry uncle, I will go get him" Milan walked away as he was searching for Liam's where abouts he found him standing at the on the stage staring on the hall inside the college.

"Hey Liam, what is going on? Uncle and Aunty are looking for you bro"

"Am here to reconsider, I can't believe we have finished Milan, this college has so many memories, this hall remember the first time you and I met as strangers we had a fight, wow I can't believe all of that are just going to perish away" Milan gave him a hand on a shoulder.

"Relax Liam, you and I are together right? We are brothers now" Milan was cheering him up.

"When are you leaving to go back to your hometown?"

"I talked to my parents in and parden my self for today, seems dad is on the vication too from work so they said they will pick me up tomorrow morning"

"Am so happy for you Milan, your father is Rich man who owns a great compang in Miami you just fenished college am sure your father will have a great place for you in his company"

"Let me tell you a secret of my own, I really don't have any desires of working in a company brother"

"And where will you be going to work Hillmi?"

"I have a place, my dream I have to fetch it, now is my time, come on Liam we have to go"

Tonight that day they were in the club celebrating their gradutaion with their fellow friends all toegther, they sang, drank and danced the whole night they were free from the world now. The other day morning Liam was the first to wake up he saw a car approaching to his home from the window.

"Oh…. shit!! Shit shit shit.... Hey Hillmi!!! Wake up your parents are here come on" The car stopped by the house Hillmi's parents were welcomed inside the house.

"Hello Mr and Mrs, Smith hello" Hillmi's mother was a very charming and cheering woman she went to hug them both. Her name was Winy Milan. And his father's name was Milan Aboud he was a hot tempered father to his son always but a very rich man from Mexico.

"Now where are the boys"

"Liam Hillmi come on you have to come down now" They were coming from the stairs Liam went greet them both.

"What a handsome young man youv'e grown where is Hillmi"

"On his way aunt" Hillmi showed up along with his bags his eyes were dizzy and half open.

"Mom you are here" Winy went to hug her.

"Oh my my son" she gave him a nice kiss on a fore head.

"How have you been wow you look handsome" Hillmi was hugging his mother he saw his father standing behind his mother looking at him.

"Oh You came too"

"Ofcourse he came who do you think he is"

"Thought you would be busy caring all by yourself"

"Hillmi stop it, this is not home and you shall behave like a son to his father"

"Am tired, going to pack my bags in the car" Hillmi carried his bags and walked out passed his father without a proper greetings and left them inside the house. Sometimes later they were getting ready to leave Hillmi said his goodbyes and he was sitting at the back of the car with his mother.

"Bro May We Meet Again"

"We will Liam I promise" The car started Milan was driving the car Hillmi was laying his head on his mother's shoulder.

"Where did you slept last night?"

"I was out with friends mom, drinking and some stuffs"

"Drinking what are you? An alcoholic? You bastard"

"Leave the kid alone Winy, am sure he is old enough to take care of himself now"

"Why have you come to fetch me dad?"

"What do you mean?, you are my son you graduated your lessons I have come to take you"

"Don't act like you care, we both know that you don't care about me at all" Hillmi opened the window and lay his head beside it to receive a fresh air.

"When reach home, your father has arranged a place for you to the company, you are going to be a Managing director of the Milan Corporation" Winy was telling his soon the good news but Hillmi tended to reject it.

"No mom, I have some stuffs I need to study first"

"What do you mean? You have already completed your studies Hillmi?"

"I have this dream of mine I need to grant, so I have few months to study first then I will be ready to work"

"We will talk about this at home Hillmi" They were able to get of the country and ready to return back in Mexico.