
The Kree

Kol was standing near Daisy's unconscious body when Coulson and others turned the corner and came forward.

After noticing the situation, Mack commented in irritative sarcasm, "Yeah... that makes sense! Because why would it be a native walking around here waiting to give us answers.".

"Well, at least we found Daisy!", Jemma spoke with sarcasm.

Noticing their reaction, "What!?", Kol asked, "Don't tell me you know her!", while pointing at her.

"That's Daisy Johnson. She's with us, an agent of SHIELD.", Coulson replied.

After realizing his folly, Kol replied with just one word, "Oh!".

But Mack asked with irritation, "What "Oh"? Why did you knock her out? And why would I carry her? You're the one who did it, she's your burden to carry.".

"Oh Really!? Not that long ago, you knocked out that guy Vergil. At least, my reasoning is justified, while you only did it because he was talking to Coulson.", Kol protested.

"He was standing over him with a gun!", Mack argued back.

"Oh!? Was he now! Was he actually pointing it AT him?", Kol asked sarcastically.

This time, before Mack could reply, Coulson interrupted them, "Guys! Guys! This is getting us nowhere.", then he looked at Mack, and spoke, "Mack, Kol seems pretty good with that spear thingy. Plus he just took down one of the aliens, so you carry Daisy.", then he spoke louder to everyone present.", Let's move people! Hurry! We're burning time here.", and started walking forward.

Yo-Yo commented from the side, "After this, we REALLY need to make a REAL rule about not knocking people out.", then started to follow.

Then Mack picked up Daisy and followed behind with Kol and Simmons.

After a while of walking, Kol asked, "So you guys are with SHIELD huh? I've heard about it. With all the cool gadgets and stuff... don't you have something to scout the perimeter? Like a mini-sonar or something?".

"Nothing like that was on us when we were taken. It all happened so fast, we barely had time to register the situation.", Coulson replied.

"Yeah, not even a hand.", Mack commented from the side with annoying sarcasm.

"What hand?", Kol asked Mack.

"Coulson's hand is just a prosthetic. He happened to not be wearing his state-of-the-art robotic hand on the very day we were kidnapped by Martians.", Mack replied with annoyance.

Hearing this, Kol looked at Coulson's hand with his X-ray vision.

Then he spoke, "This one doesn't look half bad. It can even work as a normal hand. I can't tell the difference.".

But Mack replied with dismissive irritation, "Ah, that's just his civvy hand, without all the cool doodads... It could be so much more useful here, could save our lives!".

Then Yo-Yo asked, "So wait!", while pointing at Coulson's hand, "That one doesn't have the blowtorch or laser gun or mini-sonar or anything?".

Coulson replied, "First of all, I'm not Inspector Gadget. And second of all, the authorities would've confiscated it. Prison's bad enough without being down an appendage.".

But Kol asked, "Wait! I don't get it. Why would you be arrested? Aren't you guys with SHIELD? Shouldn't you be doing the arresting?".

"We were framed by robots.", Yo-Yo replied.

Then Coulson explained, "It was all part of the plan. We were going to present evidence to prove our innocence... Just didn't think... Sigh!".

Then they all sighed at the same time except for Kol and kept walking forward in silence.

"Should've been a hook! At least you can stab things with a hook!", Mack suddenly commented in a loud voice.

But Coulson interjected, "Alright! Alright! I get it. I thought I was gonna get arrested.", in a defensive tone.

Then Kol commented, "I don't think that the authorities would be able to tell the difference between this hand, and that hand. SHIELD tech is pretty cutting edge, in some circles, it's even decades ahead.".

Then Mack commented, "The first rule of boy scouts is always come prepared!", in annoyed sarcasm.

Then Simmons commented, "How are we supposed to prepare for this Mack!", with irritation apparent in her tone.

Mack replied, "I don't know! We gotta be prepared for everything, apparently.", with ridiculing sarcasm.

Then continued, "Look, not a day ago, I was trapped inside a... a computer-generated mind-prison and now... You... You know what! You know what Coulson? I'm out. I'm out. We get through this and I am packing it in.".

"Sorry Mack, you already quit years ago.", Coulson replied.

Mack replied, "Yeah... Well, I didn't quit hard enough. Look, I am not comfortable with the pace at which we deal with new trials and tribulations.".

At this point, Simmons spoke irritatingly, "Believe it or not Mack, this isn't new for me. I've been hurled through space by a monolith before. Best we can do is keep our heads down and apply the scientific method.".

"That's right. And learn what we can about our circumstances.", Coulson spoke in agreement, and continued, "I think Kol has the right idea about some reconnaissance.", then he ordered Yo-Yo, "Yo-Yo, scout up ahead and let us know which direction to take.".

"That's right... I... I'll run ahead and check and see if there're any aliens nearby.", Yo-Yo spoke as if just now realizing it.

But Kol asked skeptically, "You!? How would you do it?".

But instead of replying, Yo-Yo's figure became an after-image in place as she moved forward with super speed.

However, she hadn't even completed her first step when Kol's eyes subconsciously focused. In his perception, Yo-Yo was moving in slow motion.

Then even as she ran forward with super speed, where others hadn't even realized that she was already gone, Kol's gaze was accurately following her.

He could see that she had some sort of super speed ability.

Usually, Kol wasn't a man of many words, yet right now, he was conversing with these people quite a lot.

This wasn't only because this fake persona he was using matched well with such conduct, but in fact, all this pointless argument and snide comments were a form of temptation.

Kol was tempting these people to talk more, and therefore, reveal more about this world, and about themselves.

After watching Yo-Yo's abilities, Kol understood that this world had people with superpowers. Now when the time came, he would use this knowledge to his advantage.

"This is amazing! She has super speed.", Kol spoke in an animated tone.

Then he continued, "Just to clarify though. What about the rest of you guys?".

"No, none of us have any more abilities.", Simmons replied.

"Except for Daisy, whom you knocked out.", Coulson commented.

"Yeah, and let me tell you... She's gonna be pissed when she wakes up.", Mack warned.

But Kol replied in an assertive tone, "Well, she deserves an explanation. You leave that to me. I don't trust any of you to not make the situation worse. Let me talk to her when she wakes up.".

"If you believe you can handle it, then you have the go-ahead from us, but let me just give you a quick advice, it might not go as smoothly as you've planned.", Coulson replied.

Just at this time, Yo-Yo came back.

She came from the front but didn't stop, and instead ran past them, back towards the same position she started running from.

Feeling the gust of wind, the others stopped walking and looked back.

After watching Yo-Yo use her ability, Kol understood that she might have some kind of phycological shadow related to her ability.

She believed that once she started running, then she could only stop if she went back to the same position she started running from, like bouncing back, like a Yo-Yo.

However, this had nothing to do with her ability and was all in her head.

Her ability was just super speed, plain and simple.

After running back, Yo-Yo ran forward towards them with normal human speed, and spoke, "It's clear. There's nothing there. For now."

Then Kol commented in an encouraging tone, "Then let's pick up the pace everybody, c'mon!", and started walking forward.

But Mack commented with irritative sarcasm, "Yeah... easy for you to say.", since he had to also carry Daisy.

After a while of walking, "By the way Kol, why did you knock Daisy out? You never mentioned why.", Simmons asked, in continuation of their previous discussion.

Kol replied, "You should've seen her, she was walking like she owned the place. There was no amount of caution or fear in her footsteps. What was I supposed to think?".

Then continued, "When someone walks like that in a hallway of an alien spaceship where a man-eating monster can jump out anytime, then it's spooky as hell. They're either too naïve to understand the situation or the final boss-type monster in human clothing.".

"And you thought that the second possibility was much more likely?", Jemma asked with a smile.

"Final boss-type monster in human form...", Mack shook his head in a ridiculing manner.

But Coulson agreed with Kol's reasoning, "To be fair, Daisy IS a final boss type, just not a monster... he was just being cautious.", his own reasoning for doing things was usually something along those lines as well.

But Yo-Yo asked, "I don't get it. Did you see ant feelers growing out of her head? Or blue skin? Why didn't you even give her a chance to say anything.".

"Ok, ok... I get it. I was just left behind to fight a man-eating alien all alone, and the adrenaline was still pumping through my veins. So let's not make a big deal out of it.", Kol replied in an accusing, yet defensive tone.

This managed to shut them up.

Then they all continued walking in silence.

But not long after Kol suddenly asked in a serious tone, "Speaking of blue skin... what can you tell me about the Kree? I know they are a race of blue aliens, but the way Vergil mentioned them, it seems they are the ones we are supposed to be saving "humanity" from.".

Mack replied with frustration and sarcasm, "Oh, you have no idea!".

"You know Inhumans?", Yo-Yo asked.

So Kol nodded.

"The Kree are the ones who came to our planet in the past to experiment on people and turn them into the first Inhumans.", Yo-Yo continued.

"And they are a bunch of self-centered, arrogant assholes who see themselves above and beyond everything and everyone else.", Mack spoke in a disparaging tone.

However, Coulson asked, "Kol, if you don't mind me asking, having knowledge about the Kree is not common... let alone knowing they're blue. It's quite specific.".

So Kol replied, "Yeah... I told you I'm a mercenary, but I didn't tell you about my clientele. It's almost disheartening how much those politicians and their family members would reveal to you once they get going.".

"And when I say get going, I mean... always! I'm an easy guy to talk to. By this point, the information that I have... I mean, I've worked with and for all kinds of people, the rich, the influential, even with SHIELD once. Though back then it was still Hydra. So you would be amazed by the secrets that I know.".

Then he asked a few more questions about the Kree and they all continued walking.



Yo-Yo would occasionally scout the area ahead, and like this, Coulson, Kol, and others continued walking.

This went on until Yo-Yo discovered a still burning road flare outside one of the rooms.

So they all went in, and found more dead bodies, along with Malinda May's jacket and some blood nearby.

Coulson picked up the jacket and started inspecting the scene.

"They didn't get to her, did they?", Yo-Yo asked.

Coulson replied, "May would've put up a fight." while looking around, "And they left all the dead bodies here.".

At this point, "Look, it's water reclamation.", Kol spoke while pointing at one of the monitors which had the description written in English for what it was used for.

Then as others came forward to take a look, Kol went forward to operate the interface.

"It's in English.", Jemma commented from the side.

After a while, Kol stopped typing on the keyboard, turned back to look at everyone, and spoke, "They are tracking debris fields called "frozen oceans". They are collecting water from ice in space, which means it's a human colony in space.".

"So unless they all came through the monolith, which is impossible...", Coulson spoke with a contemplating look.

"We are close enough for people to travel here, and collecting ice means they have a spacecraft.", Kol completed his sentence.

"We can go home.", Mack commented from the side.

Then Jemma spoke excitedly, "Not just that... Spacecraft means they have a laser-based rapid-transmission system. If we can find the ship and fly above the debris field, we can send a message to Fitz back on Earth.".

Hearing this, everyone was happy.

But Kol interjected, "It's easier said than done. Look here." while pointing at one of the monitors.

This monitor now only had a few words written on it, "Human access denied.".


Seeing this, everyone was quiet. They all understood the implications behind it.

And just at this time, "Ahh... Oh...', they all heard Daisy's voice.

It looked like she was waking up.

After coming in, Mack had put her unconscious body on the ground, but after she started regaining consciousness, she tried to slowly sit up.

At this time, Kol reminded everyone, "Guys, remember what we discussed.", then went forward to talk to Daisy.

He put a hand on her shoulder and asked, "Daisy, are you alright! How are you feeling?", in a concerned tone.

Daisy was still dizzy but she could still talk, "Umm... It feels like I got hit by a train... in the head... ahh!".

"Can I get you anything? Some water maybe? Are you thirsty.", Kol asked with concern.

Daisy replied while still holding her head, "Umm... Yes. Get me some water.".

"We don't have any.", Kol replied.

Hearing this, Daisy looked up. At this point, she had completely regained consciousness.

"I just asked because it's common courtesy. Didn't think you'd really want some.", Kol explained.

"Is it also good manners to HIT PEOPLE IN THE HEAD!?", Daisy asked accusingly with anger clear in her undertone.

"Daisy, I know how angry you must be feeling right now, but that wasn't me.", Kol spoke appeasingly.

"Yeah... no, that was just somebody who looked EXACTLY LIKE YOU!", Daisy spoke with even more anger.

"Yes!", Kol replied.

"What!", Daisy asked in surprise, "What do you mean?", all her anger now replaced with questions.

"We are trapped inside an alien spacecraft.", Kol answered.

Daisy looked at Coulson for confirmation, who nodded his head and wanted to say more, but Kol cut him off.

"There are aliens here who can shapeshift. They can take on anyone's appearance as long as they get their DNA, usually by drawing blood, or intense physical contact, like a kiss, or something more intimate.", Kol continued.

This statement surprised not only Daisy but also Coulson and others who were taken back, they had no idea what Kol was talking about.

Daisy asked skeptically, "Are you kiddin' me... this is... for real!?".

Kol replied, "Yes! Mack fell prey to their perverse desires. He was peeing on the side when they attacked, didn't even see them coming. They first probed him, then kissed him in the ass.", in an austere tone.

Then continued, "The rest of us, we heard his helpless screams, but we were still fighting for our lives, so we couldn't come to his aid soon enough.", in a sad, guilty tone.

But Daisy looked at Mack with sympathy. She didn't completely believe this nonsense, but with their luck, anything, no matter how ridiculous could be true by this point.

And just in case if it was true, Daisy didn't want to come off as someone indifferent.

On the other hand, while Coulson and others were doing their hardest not to laugh out loud, Mack looked at Daisy's sympathetic gaze onto himself.

He felt confused, irritated, and most of all, shame for something that never even happened.

Then Kol continued, "Poor Mack... now he can't even sit...", but he was interrupted.

By Mack, "HEY!! THIS IS ENOU...", but Mack too was interrupted.

"Boom!!", one of the doors blew open, and three tall blue-skinned Kree barged in.


After coming in, the Kree looked around. They looked confused for some reason. They didn't expect living humans to still be here.

At this point, "Guys, remember! No matter what happens, don't get kissed.", Kol warned loudly.

This managed to wake them up from their daze.

Two Kree started fighting Mack and Yo-Yo who were standing closest to that door, while the third one charged his weapon, and hit it on the roof.


The weapon released an energy blast that created a powerful impact.

This immediately knocked out Coulson and others.

However, it was barely a light breeze for Kol. His hair got a little disarrayed and that was it.

Seeing this unexpected result, the Kree were surprised.

Then Kol spoke with a smile, "That's quite a convenient little trinket you have there." while pointing at their weapons.

Then continued, "I suppose, I should thank you. For knocking them out." while pointing at Coulson and others.

Then continued, "This just leaves you three.", while pointing at them, "To me.", with an evil smirk on his face, "With no one else in between.", "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!".

2925 Words.

_EMI_creators' thoughts