
Midnight Shimmer

Nicole a badass high school grader whom was diagnosed with a brain disease is unknowingly bounded to a vampire hybrid Jake with a lifelong mission of revenge through a curse laid upon by a witch. They have no other option than to love each other despite their differences. Journey with this love birds as they fight for each other through thick and thin with merciless passion that would leave anyone breathless with the three words "meant to be" The only question is, would they keep choosing each other?

ebozojeedith · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter three: Nicole meets Jake

Jo was right, the club was fantastic.

The sound system and hgorde of people reminded me of a time she, Sarah and I used to sneak out to parties at night, have loads of fun and then get grounded afterwards.

It was all worth it cause when Jo left, I and Sarah stopped rebelling, then we went to only hi's and hello's before finally Sarah also left and we stopped seeing each other completely.

So I'ld say Jo… Jo is the life of the party. She dragged me to the dance floor. we swayed, clapped and circled around each other, laughing like a bunch of crazies having fun.

"Jo, this place was kinda too far and packed for a place still in the school environment." I looked around me, noticing different kinds of people of different ages, dressings and dance steps, some odd.

"You're right, it's not in school." She replied and I immediately stopped dancing. "calm down, it was the only happening place for now and besides, it's not far from school, and if things go sideways …" she leaned in closer. "That's what legs are for."

I looked around panting and my head spinning.

"It's just that it's dangerous out here at night, like really dangerous"… the words of the police officer came and everyone seemed to slow down their pace of dancing.

Then my eyes caught sight of a tall figure. Hand on chin, sitting all alone further down the bar, at a dark corner. He was unbelievably and unearthly good looking.

I had never believed a long haired guy would catch my attention, but he did. His hair was thick , rich, ebony, shiny black. Long to his shoulders, he had barbed the sides and packed the rest in a bundle of loose curls.

He had a pale skin coloring, well sculptured cheek bones, and a pointy nose. He wore all black and his appearance spoke of darkness.

He was frightening yet amusing, appealing and alluring to the eyes. And his eyes… they where a hard black like space, and if you look deep, you might see your own reflection. It was darker than ever, He was unimaginably beautiful.

Many ladies of all ages that passed by. Even if they were with their partners, they would turn and take a peek at him. And he looked around intently like he was going to devour any and everything that came his way.

then our eyes locked.


His eyes burned into mine, not taking his eyes of me. Everything else felt hazy and went silent, and the atmosphere became dull.

We went on staring at each other for what seemed like ages. I was stiffened, unable to move, to breath or speak. I could swear that no one else had noticed, from the dim party lights.

I regained a little consciousness and had the urge to escape from this mysterious yet fascinating strangers gaze. When I suddenly thought I heard a whisper, his eyes where calling out to me.

Unable to resist anymore, I took sudden and slow steps. Feeling like I was in a trance, I had lost total control of my body. He then dropped his hand from his chin, adjusting fully toward me.

I started toward him and he didn't budge or move an inch. And as I stepped closer, I thought I could feel him- what he felt. The rage, the hunger, the frustration… it was more beautiful than ever and I wanted to give it all to him.

I was few feet apart and swallowed hard with strong desires. Just then, I accidentally bumped into a waiter passing by and the whole content of tray of drinks spilled all over my Red flowery dress.


I gasped at the cold feeling, that's why I love wearing black, for embarrassing situations like this. Now I looked like a clown from head to toe, looking all colorful with different shades of drinks. I had snapped out of the enchantment, and now millions of eyes stared at me in amazement, some trying to stifle a laugh.

My eyes groped around for Jo, but she was nowhere to be found… she must have left the club already without me.

With tears stinging my eyes, threatening to betray me, like as if I had not been embarrassed enough already. I made a move for the door, bumping into people along the way, I came across Jo's car outside the club. Without thinking I started it and sped off.

I didn't know where I was going, and almost blinded by tears I just kept going ...Why did I have the feeling of betrayal, I mean no one betrayed me. Jo just didn't know what was going on, she must have been dancing with a guy she fancied and forgot about me. I never asked her but she promised to stay with me all through and not to forget she lied to me about the club.

And the guy. I realized startled. What was I thinking? Surely it wasn't normal and I couldn't be the only one imagining the attraction between us and …his eyes.

Just then the car jerked, coughed, spluttered and fell silent. The car glided to a halt. I began to panic. I was in the middle of nowhere, along a quiet, lonely lane.

What was I thinking, I could have stayed back there with Jo or anyone for that matter at least I wouldn't be alone. Now the worst could happen, I could get kidnapped, hurt or what's even worse, get eaten by a wild animal… I could feel the paralyzing rush of adrenalines when I heard a howl of a wolf.

I began to flick the starter and step on the gas aggressively as the words of the cop kept ringing in my head.

"It's just that it's dangerous out here at night, like really dangerous"

My head suddenly jerked up at a flash of a light .That must be a Vehicle coming from behind… I quickly got out, stepping into the freezing night.

"Stop- please stop!." I cried.

And the car screeched to a stop, almost stepping on my foot hadn't I jumped backwards. Two heads popped out and I heaved an enormous sigh.

"For heavens sake, what the heck is this?." Yelled crossly the driver, I shook my head frantically.

"I- I." I stammered through shattering teeth and the other guy just raised a brow. "My car's broken down." I finally said.

"Really?." The driver ridiculously asked smiling at the other guy and the other one smirked back at him. I didn't know what was going on or what they were thinking and I honestly didn't care, all I cared about was for them to help me get the car running.

"Alright, Then." The driver came out of the car and the other guy jumped out the window.

They both had brown hair, the driver had a military haircut and the other had a long, rough, hair fallen to his eye brows. They both wore T-shirts, were tall and their eyes where a strange golden brown. They weren't bad, but weren't nearly as half as good looking as the guy at the club.

"of course, we'll help you." They moved in closer rather slowly.

"Thanks a lot." I said politely.

"But, you'll do something for us in return." The other said smugly.

I had no idea I was stepping back till my back hit the cold metal of the car. I hastily tried to force my way through, but the driver grabbed my arm, squeezing it. I winced.

"I can see how eager you are to come with us." He said calmly.