
I would never hurt you.

Okay before we start a new chapter. I would like to thank you for the constructive criticism. I know it's a bit strange. But thanks to this, I saw, or rather I take it to heart.

About of this chapter, thanks to your suggestion, I will make some

changes. I will divide the text into what the MC thinks and what the MC and its surroundings do. Actions performed by MC and its environment will be used without any "* # -". However, his thoughts and thoughts will begin and end with "*". And this should help you to understand history more easily. And now I invite you to read the chapter.



Then Michael sank his fangs into the neck of the fallen monster. After a relatively long time, the blood from the beast's body begins to slowly disappear blood. And since the creature was of considerable size, the amount of blood that Michael had to consume was relatively much larger than that of an ordinary man. A lot more blood really.

And after a longer amount of time, when Michael finished drinking the last drops of monster blood. Literally, when he took his mouth from the monster's neck, the front door of the old cinema opened with a rather loud sound.

It is not difficult to guess who entered the ruins of the old cinema with a bang.

As soon as Michael slightly looked up in the direction from which the noise came. He saw a group of four people he knew very well. And at that moment he remembered what and how it looked in the original story. Despite the fact that Michał was sure he had arrived at the monster's hideout earlier than it had in the original story. He did not take into account the fact that as a result of the monster's devilish aura released excessively. The surrounding devils, as well as other supernatural creatures, could sense the excessively released devil energy. The resulting fight between Michael and the monster.

In contrast, Michael's aura as True Vampire. Which differs from representatives of this genre in the world of DXD. It is difficult to feel he over a greater distance. Unless he releases a large amount of his vampire energy on purpose or through anger. Then it will be possible to sense him from a distance. However, if you don't do him, you can feel its energies when you are in its immediate surroundings.

No one else appeared at the door. Like people who have become something special during life Michael. And Yuto also came.

Rias Gremory appeared in the doorway, along with her peerage. But when they entered, the view they saw, it froze them in place. Nobody could say a word. Because despite the fact that they knew about the supernatural nature of Michael. This view exceeded their imaginations. And Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Yuto stared in disbelief. And waited for further developments.

And when Michael raised his head slowly, pulling his mouth from the monster's neck. Exposing your face to them. from which corners of the mouth, flows a small stream of fresh blood.

*I really have no idea what to do now. Apparently possessed of the maximum number of the intelligentsia, it is not able to cure me of being a moron. Hehe ... There is no cure for that, I think.

I was a little too filmed for new functions in the system and for all the statistics I got from absorbing this monster. But if I play it right, I can get out of this situation with even more profit. I just have to play it properly, as in chess.*

Then Michael wiped the blood from his mouth and slowly left the monster's body. He did not absorb the monster body, because at that moment he was busy with something completely different. And he didn't want to show them that either. Because it can be more unfavorable than useful. He, with every step made towards the Rias peerage, they made them involuntarily backward slowly.

Rias, Akeno and Koneko have draw near him over the past month. Mainly Rias and Akeno who devoted the most time to him every day and got to know him well enough that they called him their friend. Even Koneko, who was shy at first, even though she tried not to show it. Over time, she more and more often joined Michael while he was sitting alone or in the company of Rias and Akeno during breaks between lessons.

And when it came to Yuto, he didn't have any opinion about him, he knows except that he was some sort of Vampire. And that he doesn't mind devils.

And he and the rest guess that he already knows who they are because even the weakest supernatural beings are able to sense whether someone has the energy of the devil or unicorn. Only that the devil's aura is much easier to sense and sketch than the unicorn or vampire aura. Who are harder to recognize.

And that's why this view made such an impression on them. Not because they didn't see the blood or the corpse. And this is because the person they liked and considered nice and friendly. And even more interesting, now he showed them the different nature of his person.

(Michael)-Rias ... Like this ... Maybe we'll eat something?

*What am I talking about? The vampire says to a group of girls, maybe we'll eat something. I'm starting to seriously doubt my intelligence.*(Michael did not consider Yuto in this thought)

Yutto, standing at the side of the word, took the sword out of its sheath and prepared to attack. Like everyone else, they were ready to attack. The Rias group saw this as a sign of hostility and launched an attack. And they began to attack according to one of their strategies. Koneko as a tower is characterized by the high defense and an extremely high strength index. And it was she who first went directly to Michael. While Michael stood motionless and watched the whole situation. Complaining internally about his stupidity, he didn't even shirk when Koneko. Performing a kick in Michael's right shoulder, he sends him a few meters to the right. Until he discharges on the wall and after less than a second from the impact he gets up and only gets rid of dust from his arms.

Koneko doesn't give him time to react and then runs over to him and starts punching him all over his body. However, despite receiving large injuries and broken several bones. Michael stands still and lets himself be punched by Koneko. The rest of the people did not continue the attack, she just looked shocked at Michael that he did not even dodge blows. Which would kill an ordinary man on the spot.

Rias, Akeno, and Yuto look at the situation, standing still, not knowing how to remedy.

Only when Koneko because of a one-sided fight lasting about four minutes. Or rather, using Michael's body as a punching bag. It slows down the pace of blows and a bit tired and sweaty. At some point, she stops attacking and looks at the nicely dented body of Michael in a few places, and then at his face. Which, despite him injuries, he smiles at her. Confused, she asks.

(Koneko)-Why are you not defending yourself?

Michael laughed at her words. A hand that began to slowly regenerate and return to its original state. Fracture equipment by Koneko. There was only one fracture so recovery did not last long. And he said and then patted her head

(Michael)-Stupid. I'd rather die than hurt you anyway. Hehe...

Koneko looked at him with her beautiful eyes and when she understood what he said. She looked into his eyes again, then hugged him and, beginning with an apology, began to cry hard.

Michael didn't push her away, quite the opposite. Using the right hand that has already returned is full of strength, he will return a nice gesture. Stroking her head and telling her that nothing happened.

Next, still holding Koneko in his arms, he looked at the shocked rest of the company. And he said.

(Michael)-Then maybe we can sit down and talk. Because I don't want to be misunderstood again.-And he makes an innocent expression.

(Rias)-Hehe...Let's talk well ... And it's good that you are still yourself.

Michael who has almost recovered, together with Koneko in her arms. He followed Rias's group and then. He and the Rias stepped out of the ruins of the old cinema and headed for the place where Rias opened the teleportation circle. And next. And the whole group teleported to the Rias peerage headquarters.

The chapter has been revised. Because I corrected the mistakes that I was able to see. However, I took the time to do so, so you appreciate it by giving this chapter a comment and a stone of power.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts