
Might Guy:Beginning and End

There stood Madara, looking over the allied forces of the shinobi alliance

"such a disappointment" as Madara once again came to the realization that no matter the era no one was his opponent, only hashirama ever made me feel truly alive, and now, even he cannot sadiate my lust for battle.

"I cannot comprhend why you bugs ever beleived you were capable enough to try and stop me"

as Madara raised his hand to finish of the pests once and for all, the shinobi alliance saw a unique sight causing their eyes to widen.

A man in a green spandex, with bright orange leg warmers, with his foot firmly planted in the face of the man who was about to reap their lives


the next thing Madara realized he was flying across the battlefield until he smashed into a mountain at a speed many could barely comprhend. And at that moment only one thought came to Madara. Mabye this man may finally give me a challange


Several hours later, the battlefield lay in tatters, the previous mountain Madara crashed into destroyed, and the entire landscape changed permanently. Two men were before each other, one floating above the other like a God but with a manical grin permantly plastered on his face, while the other clearly on his deathbed. his spandex half gone, and his body slowly falling apart. No words had been said between the two after the spandex wearing ninja began to release a blood red vapour, and fought Madara to an equal.

Madara couldnt believe it, this strange looking ninja, with no chakra with to his name, had actually fought him, Madara Uchiha, to a stand still. He may not have lasted long, but he had still accomplished something, no other ninja across the elemental nations had done in decades. Made Madara appriciate a battle again. Even those pathetic 5 kages couldnt achieve this. As Madara watched this once powerful shinobi slowly leave the boundries of this world, he couldnt help but ask

"What is your name, my Rival"

As soon as he mentioned the word rival, the mans once dead eyes burst with a blinding light and hsi dying crippled body stood up, proud and straight

"Haha it seems I will be unable to tell Kakashi, I have another eternal rival"

The man seemed to forget the state his body was in, he pointed at Madara and yelled

"My name is Might Guy, and with the last ounce of my strength, I will show you the POWER OF YOUTH". His body flew with a speed even Madara couldnt react to as his fist connected to Madaras face, sending him deep into the ground creating a crater miles long, however even this was unable to stop Madara for more than a couple of seconds.

Madara got back up and prepard to return the punch, however as he got closer, he could see that the mans eyses no longer contained that dazzaling light, and his body held no breath left, but even then he stood tall looking down on Madara in the crater.

Madara walked up to the fallen shinobi and spoke

"Might Guy, our time was short, but you truly were a man I am proud to call an eternal rival. I hope to see you in the next life, my rival.


Darkenss was all Guy felt for along time after. He would frequently think back to the battle and the future of the elementa nations, but he knew his sacrafice would be worth it, he held complet faith in the next generation.

He knew Naruto would defeat Madara, of that he had no doubt, and he was sure Lee would be there to assist him. He had taught lee all he knew, his ideology, his legacy, and he was confident he would continiue to bring YOUTH!!! to the people he would meet. The boy made hime feel like a proud farther, and his only regret was that he wouldnt be there to see how far he could go.

What he didnt realise was he had unconciously shouted Youth outloud across the void, and disturbed the slumber of an ancient being. This wasnt the first time he had yelled youth into the void and ruined this beings sleep, and the being was sure it wasnt going to be the last and so in a fit of anger, it acted. It wasnt even sure how it was possible for the sould to scream, sound didnt travel though the void, but somehow this feeble soul was able to, but after eons of time had gone by, the being had learnt not to care, he simply picked up the sould and threw it out of the void into one of the many spacial rifts littering the void.

Guy was thrown from his thoughts as he fel himself being picked up and thrown like a kunai into a seering light. The light blinded him for a few seconds before all returned to darkness, however this darkenss was diffrent, it held a strange warmth to it.

More time slowly passed by and Guy felt a strong force from below him forcing him out of the the darkenss and into a bright light. Guy was excited, he felt he had been in darkness for to long and longed for the light

As his eyes slowly adjusted to the strange light he noticed he was surrounder by people. His sight was blury but he felt they towered over him. He felt he was thrust into someones arms. as he looked up at the perosn currently holding him, and even with his blured vision, he realised she was a true beauty. the women had an almost angelic aura surrounding her. She mummered some words he didnt understand to the people in the room, he tried to make out the details and his surroundings, but even just moving his neck left him exhausted, he realised he was truly in a weak state, but despite this he kept trying to move around and show his YOUTH. After a few miniutes of wiggling around the women looked down straight into his eyes.

She murmered some more information that went straight past guy, but finally recognised as she pointed at him saying "Saiko Guy".


And thus began the new life of Saiko Guy, formely known as Might Guy from the villiage hidden in the leaf

So few things

1) Literally never wrote anything before in my life, but i was bored and thought this would make some good practice- any feedback is useful, from gramar(mines shit) to writing structure, as dont really understand my own at this point but hope to improve that

2) This will be a series about Might Guy liveing in MHA, and ive got no plan here so again, any feedback is appriciated

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