Haunted by his past, Yuno Tsumuyuki struggles to find a balance of peace and struggle, good and bad. Stuck in his mind and confused of which path to take, he spends his daytime at UA as a Support Course student, but in his free time, he’s a blood red and merciless villain. Perhaps, in this pitiful life of his, he’ll find his answer. I couldn’t find the creator of the cover, but I will gladly take it off if that person happens to find this and says they don’t want me using their art.
"Yuno Tsumuyuki!" Maijima shouted from the bedroom doorway. "What do you think you're doing in uniform?"
Yuno let out a small "oh" as he turned to Maijima, blinking a few times. The boy, as said, was dressed in his school uniform, thank goodness he had a spare here, and currently was in the middle of putting his shoes on. He tilted his head as Maijima crossed his arms and wore a scowl.
Yuno raised a brow. "What do you think I'm doing?"
"Don't give me that!" Maijima, baffled, acted as if he were an upset and raging monkey. "I have eyes, and I can clearly see what you're wearing. Who said you're going to class today?"
"Well…" Yuno averted his gaze. "I did. I feel fine."
Maijima groaned, feeling the urge to bang his head against the doorframe. He mumbled to himself, "he goes from a babbling disaster to a rebellious little shit."
"I heard that." Yuno deadpanned. With a roll of his eyes he slid his shoes on, pulling them up his ankle. "Besides, I ate breakfast. Isn't that enough for you? I'm not helpless."
Maijima snorted, because, yes, Yuno isn't helpless. But you know what? He sure acts like he needs help with everything when he's in a state like he was in yesterday. Hell, the boy was desperate for Maijima to stay by his side. Which is odd, Maijima would've thought that Yuno is more "leave me alone." Guess that just goes to show how much Maijima doesn't know about him still. Even then, odd.
"It's a pain in the ass when you switch up like this." Maijima pinched the bridge of his nose.
Yuno just shrugged, nonchalance in the way he fanned a dismissive hand. "Stop worrying. I won't break like a piece of glass. Seriously, you act like everything that happens to me is catastrophic, when it's really not."
Well, when you start crying and babbling, it really is kind of catastrophic and Maijima finds it absolutely ridiculous and full of bullshittery that Yuno pretends it never happened. Wouldn't that just be a form of running? Or maybe it's a matter of protecting yourself. Maijima…isn't really sure in that area.
"Can you even participate in class without falling over?" Maijima raised a brow, a genuine question on his lips. "Last time I checked, malnutrition doesn't go away after a single meal, Yuno. If you start falling over in the halls, you only have yourself to blame for the embarrassment."
Yuno hummed, partially ignoring the lecture Maijima was giving him. He'd rather be fixing his tie around his neck instead, and he hates ties with how overly complicated the steps are to wearing one. His hands fumbled with the fabric of his tie, clearly, and he messed up a step or two, because it just didn't look right.
Yuno heard Maijima sigh, not sure if it was disappointment or not, but his large hands found the red tie and untangled it from it's mess. The brunette knew Maijima was watching him from behind hazel locks, and if it weren't for the long hair Maijima had, Yuno would probably see the irritation too. Yuno could at least feel the irritation radiating off of the other, with a hint of worry; Yuno person thought the worry part was unneeded, he's fine.
"Where did you learn to put on a tie?" Maijima asked, finding the silence a bit too underwhelming.
Yuno furrowed his brows as Maijima pushed the knot up further to fit around his neck. "Kisuma usually helps me. I hate ties."
Maijima snorted, not at the Kisuma part, but at the way Yuno said he hates ties. Go figure, a part of Maijima found it rather amusing that Yuno would hate ties and not school. Most just put the darn thing on and begin complaining about school. At least, that's what he did back when he was a student.
Then again, school was more an escape than anything for Yuno. Maijima thinks it's a load a crap when Yuno says things like school is just a place with walls for me to hide in. He assumes Yuno uses UA to protect himself from things like his parents, and he's pretty sure he's on the spot with that one. UA is a school with priorities and rules, of course it'd be one of the best places to seek protection.
With Yuno's tie fixed, correctly, mind you, Maijima brought his hands up to pat both the boy's shoulders. "There. Now you don't look as much of a mess." And he smoothed a hair that was sticking out of the side of Yuno's head.
Okay, maybe Yuno forgot to brush his hair, but he had been brushing Yume's hair earlier when he woke up. Before he knew it, he forgot that he was getting ready for school. He stiffened when Maijima's hand made contact with his head, a vulnerable place on your body. Yuno spun on his heel, Maijima's hand pulled away when he turned and held the doorknob in a tight fist.
"Now hold on," Maijima said. Yuno could hear muffled footsteps as the man almost sprinted to grab his jacket. "Wait in the car, I'm going to make sure Yume is set up to be home alone."
Yuno didn't really want to wait in the car, but he didn't have a chance to deny when Maijima walked away to the spare bedroom Yume was in whilst pulling his coat on. He watched as the other disappeared in the hallway and into the room. As soon as he couldn't see Maijima anymore, Yuno opened the door and found himself outside. It was cold.
It felt a little more than just chilly, and you know what, maybe it was just him. Being so thin, Yuno didn't exactly have the body fat to keep him warm. Maijima keeps telling him, "eat more, a healthy diet is important." Yuno thinks he eats just fine, even if it happens to be convenience store foods like instant ramen and chips. He's not that responsible, Maijima has learned over the years, and perhaps it's from the lack of care he grew up with.
If he came home from school just a few minutes late, well, he'd get no dinner. If he didn't buy his mother her lip stick or his father a new pair of shoes, they'd see how long he could go without water. "Think of it as part of your endurance training," they always say. "It's not a punishment if you're learning," which is whole truckload of cow shit if Maijima has ever heard any.
Both Yuno and Maijima still remember when the boy was still younger, around 13 maybe, and Maijima had just gotten home from work when he found the boy passed out on the front porch. He was definitely malnourished, and maybe a bit dehydrated. Maijima figured he had been punishing himself for something; he soon found out that Yuno had accidentally dropped a glass while reaching for one in the cabinet, just a bit earlier before he came home.
And, wow, the boy was stubborn.
Yuno ran a hand through his hair and squatted down against the wall, pushing the memory aside. He's better now, he tries not to starve himself when he thinks he does something wrong. He tries to stuff the urge down and fill himself with greasy and d̶i̶s̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g tasty convenience foods. At least then, he's not starving, but he does later feel like throwing up just from the guilt of disobeying his parents.
The door opening caught Yuno by surprise and he almost jumped out of his skin. He lifted his head to see Maijima locking the door. Maijima looked back at him after a click sounded.
"Weren't you supposed to be waiting in the car?" Maijima shoved his keys into his coat pocket. "Aren't you cold?"
Well, yes, but the car wouldn't be any better without being heated. "I guess," Yuno answered. "It feels nice."
Maijima just deadpans, because he can see Yuno wrap his arms around his middle, trying to create a warmth instinctively. "Right, sure. Stop lying yourself and get in the car."
He's not lying to himself, but he does listen, he's good at that most of the time. He stands up and makes his way down the long row of doors. He approaches the stairs instead of the elevator, and Maijima doesn't seem to have an issue with it. Despite being on the third floor, Maijima follows Yuno down the stairs. Yuno's glad, because he's not sure if he could handle being in an elevator right now; that's too much in one morning, he doesn't need old memories to come flooding in.
The two opened the doors to the car, climbing in with a couple grunts and they each slammed the doors closed. Yuno leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. He wanted to just rest before school, but a something tapping his wrist interrupted his resting time.
Maijima held a protein bar in his hand, he was tapping Yuno with it and staring at him. "I know for a fact you did not eat breakfast. Put this in your skull cave before I do." Well, at least Yuno tried to get away with it.
Still, Yuno took the bar and began ripping the small package open. "How do you know I didn't eat breakfast? And why do you call it a skull cave?"
"Because it is the cave to your skull," satisfied that Yuno was beginning to eat the bar, Maijima started the engine and put his hands on the wheel. "And how do I know? Because the dishes weren't so much as touched. We both know that you don't touch the fridge in the morning either, so give up on lying."
Yuno rolled his eyes before taking his first bite out the bar. It tasted like chocolate, it was really chewy and too sweet on his tongue. It was irritating how it got stuck in his teeth, some of it even sticking to his gums and he had to rub his tongue against the clumps to get them unstuck.
When he finally swallowed, it settled heavy in his stomach. It was like a brick was in his gut and he felt like gagging. Despite this, he took another bite. He hated every bit of eating the protein bar, each piece imitating a rock when he swallowed.
"You look like you're going to throw up." Maijima stated, ignoring how Yuno squeezed his eyes shut when he took yet another bite.
Yuno swallowed thickly before turning his head to squint at the man. "I wonder why that is." His voice leaked with sarcasm. "If I puke, it's you're fault for making me eat."
"You just need to eat more often in smaller portions. You'll get used to it the more often you eat. Which is why I gave you something small."
"Don't the nutrients and calories matter more than the portions when it comes to how much you eat."
"Don't talk to me about that," Maijima's voice was stern when he said that. "I'm not going to have you skipping meals because of something like calories and nutrients. People who eat like that, my condolences, but that's a stupid way to diet or eat in general."
Yuno deadpanned. "I never said I was on a diet. I'm just not hungry in the morning."
The car slowly came to a stop at a red light and both Yuno and Maijima leaned forward slightly before leaning back again. Waiting for the light to turn green, Maijima turned his head to Yuno, his lips tight in a thin line.
"You're never hungry, Yuno." Maijima raised his brows like he was unamused. "Which leads me to believe you're just avoiding eating altogether. Which also leads me to believe that you're actually starving but you're just stubborn. As far as I know, you eat lunch and barely anything else. You know a toddler requires 1200 calories at the minimum, to be healthy. That's a lot; and all you eat is lunch? Yeah, no, not on my watch."
With a furrow of his brows, Yuno finished his…less than edible tasting food and crumpled the wrapper. He shoved the wrapper into the cup holders and rested his elbow on the window sill while his hand cradled his chin.
"Food is just another way for people to manipulate you." Yuno mumbled more to himself than Maijima.
Maijima rolled his eyes, shaking his head as the light finally turned green and the car started moving again. "What is it with you and trusting people? The only people who make you food is me, Kisuma, and Lunch Rush. Lunch Rush doesn't even know who you are!"
"I apologize for making it seem like things have happened because I trusted people with food."
"Oh my god." With a thud sounding, Maijima smacked his palm against the wheel. Yuno tried not to flinch, he really didn't, but he couldn't help it with the way the crack filled the air. "You're impossible sometimes, and I'm sorry for saying that, but it's true. Food is not meant for people to be manipulated with. It is a substance that humans need and you will eat when your body calls for it."
Yuno lowered his head, hiding behind brown locks. He just felt more nauseated by the fact that Maijima was actively and clearly pissed off. Truthfully, he's not pissed off with Yuno specifically, but it doesn't help that the boy refuses to listen. He'll never admit it out loud, but damn, Yuno can be such a brat at times. Maijima makes a mental note to never say that unless it calls for very desperate measures.
Maijima sighed, letting himself calm down a bit. "Look, I know that food just so happens to be another thing that has been used against you, I'm aware of that. But food is good for you, even an idiot can figure this out. Don't ignore me."
"I'm not." Yuno quicker replied when Maijima flickered his eyes toward the boy. His shoulders immediately stiffened, Maijima noticed, like Yuno was being scolded by his parents. "I'm not." He repeated one more time just in case.
Maijima decided to stay on topic. "I'm not saying you should force yourself, I am saying you should try."
As much as Maijima didn't like using that tone of voice with Yuno, or with anyone really, it was the only way to actually get it through Yuno's thick skull. Mind you, Yuno doesn't have a thick skull, so he was just stubborn beyond hell and back. That just meant Maijima had to try harder and instead, ingrain it into Yuno's brain.
He's aware that both Yume and Yuno are small, both had somewhat bad associations with things like food, rewards, anything that was good really. Some people are desperate for food, Yuno's family, however, was not. Or, more so, his parents were not.
Yume wasn't a desperate person, she could survive a couple days without food and she'd sometimes do it willingly just to rebel. Yuno, however, is a desperate person. He couldn't and still can't go on without food, unless he was willing to pass out in front of people and embarrass his family. He'd do anything for something like a cookie and milk whenever snack time at school rolled around. Except, his parents never packed him snacks in the first place, and the school he went to often saved money for the classes, so they didn't spend anything on snacks.
That was before Maijima met Yuno. Now, unfortunately for the both of them, Yuno still doesn't bring snacks to school. Sometimes, Maijima wonders why, but it always leads back to the words his parents said.
Punishment, status, endurance, looks; a bunch of lies.
"I'll try." Yuno's voice was small, meek, but it had some sort promise in it.
Maijima smiled, the corners of his lips curling up a bit. "That's good. Trust me buddy, we've all bean there."
Yuno deadpanned once again, understanding the joke a little too well. "You're unbearable."
Maijima just laughed. "Not as unbearable as you, bud."
Yuno couldn't help but think how odd it was to find his class…talking. Really odd. Not because the class is usually silemt, but they didn't do much when he opened the door to the classroom. Normally, everyone would suddenly shut up and stare at him, as if he were something new discovered, something less than fascinating and more hideous.
But, it didn't happen, and he's somewhat thankful, but he questions why that is. No matter, because he doesn't really care right now and he makes his way to his desk. Everyone else is talking about who knows what, but he thinks there's an announcement for the second and third years. Maybe that's what the class is conversing about.
Yuno can still feel the protein bar swirling in his stomach, it's unpleasant. He wishes he had gone to the bathroom to throw it all up before coming to class, at least then he wouldn't feel on the verge of gagging every five minutes. Apparently, one of the kids in the back had noticed him covering his mouth everytime he gagged.
A hand on Yuno's shoulder caught him off guard and his head snapped toward the person touching him. He opened his mouth to blurt out a quick "back off," but the person touching him spoke first.
"Sorry!" A girl's voice sounded in his ears and his jaw snapped shut, clenching harshly. The girl raised her hands up before bringing them down to fold near her skirt. She lowered her head, the round glasses on the bridge of her nose falling so she quickly pushed them back up clumsily. She stuttered,"I- I didn't mean to startle you. I'm sor- so sorry. Please forgive me!" The girl bent down, a little fast, and began to bow respectfully. Well, she would've bowed properly if it weren't for the fact that she smacked her forehead on Yuno's desk.
Yuno winced with how the girl stepped back after standing up again. She pressed her hands against her head, letting out a small groan from the pain. Bewildered, Yuno watched the scene play out, wide eyes and confused expression on his face.
Yuno shook his head a few times, getting rid of the shock he felt and he stood up out of his seat. Seeing how the girl was hurt, and how it was partially Yuno's fault, he felt a need to help her. Except, when he tried to help, the girl began bending over again to grab something. Standing up to fast and missing how she was leaning down, their heads collided and they both yelped.
"I'm sorry!" The girl stood stick straight, her glasses being thrown around on her face.
Yuno was quick to respond. "No, I apologize. You did nothing wrong."
There was definitely a bump on Yuno's head from how hard they smacked foreheads, but it's nothing a little ice can't do. Yuno looked down to the ground, looking for whatever the girl had dropped. There was a book at his feet, she must've dropped it when she accidentally startled him.
Yuno reached to grab the book, dusting the cover off. He caught a glimpse of the cover and there was slight amusement in his eyes if you looked close enough. He held it out to the girl and smiled as best as he could for her.
"Harry Potter?" He asked, the girl flinched as a pink tint filled her cheeks. "You like classics, don't you? I haven't read it yet, but I hear it's a global favorite."
The girl's shoulders pulled taut, reaching her ears as she nodded her head. She took the book, seeing how Yuno was handing it to her. Yuno took note to how her hands felt warm and soft, but also slightly moist. He wondered why, maybe it was a Quirk thing.
"Are you…okay?" The girl asked, very quietly, and Yuno had to strain his ears to hear.
"I'm alright." He answered. "I apologize again for hurting you. I was surprised when you approached me. I've never seen you before. Are you from this class or…?" He drifted off.
The girl seemed to be embarrassed as the blush traveled even to her ears and she squeezed the book closed to her chest. "I'm so sorry! I didn't introduce myself and you were clearly busy but I saw you weren't looking well so I thought maybe I'd see if you were okay when you didn't even know me and-"
"Whoa, hey, it's- it's fine." Yuno raised his hands for her to slow down, because who on earth could talk that fast? Overwhelmed, Yuno tried to hide it with a small smile. "Really, it's fine."
"R- right." The girl inhaled a deep breath, calming down. She leaned forward, this time, in a proper bow and not hitting her head. She held her hand out in front of her even as she bowed at a perfect 90 degree angle. "I'm Miwa Hisami! Pleased to meet you!"
What a very…ecstatic(?) way to greet someone. Yuno was at loss for words for a moment before he pulled himself together again. He took the girls hand and shook it, to which she lifted her head to peer at him with wide eyes. They locked eyes for a moment, and Yuno could see every detail of her of those pearls.
Large and round eyes peered at him, they were a bright sea blue with a pupil that looked like a sakura blossom. In the sea of her eyes was a galaxy of sparkles that shined a pink color, or, that's what Yuno could see. Her eyes sparkles with everything Yuno didn't have.
The girl squeezing his hand brought Yuno back to the present and he realized the girl was steaming, quite literally, like a teapot. She picked herself back up and stood straight again, bringing her hand up next to her head like she just touched something squishy.
He supposed that's the reaction he would get when someone feels his flesh dip even with his gloves on. He almost forgot that he had to introduce himself as well, so he quickly replied, "I'm Yuno Tsumuyuki. It's nice to meet you, Hisami."
Hisami looked like she wanted to smile, but was too shy to do so. "Tsu- Tsumuyuki-kun, yes, it's nice to meet you." Her hands twitched with the urge to cover her face. "For your ofher question, um, this is my first day in this class. I was originally from the general studies, class 2-H."
Ah, a general studies student. But, why did she come to the Support Unit? "Your first day?"
Hisami nodded. "Y- yes. I recently transferred from general studies to the support course. I had requested a while back at the beginning of the year and, mm, here I am."
Interesting, Yuno wondered what kind of Quirk she had. You can't just transfer courses witbout good reason, he wondered why she wanted to transfer in the first place. Before he could ask, Hisami beat him to asking another question.
"Tsu- Tsumuyuki-kun?" She had a difficult time saying his name, he wondered why. "Are you alright?"
Yuno tilted his head. Hisami had asked this just minutes ago, and she seemed to understand that with how she twirled a lock of light pink hair in her fingers. Yuno noticed how her hair was long, like, really long. It reached all the way down to her waist, maybe farther since she had her hair in two low ponytails, and he prayed that no one had ever pulled on her hair before.
"Earlier," Hisami spoke again, very quiet like before. "You looked sick. You kept gagging and I wanted to see if you were okay."
Oh, she really doesn't know that people don't like Yuno. It was painfully obvious with how she just simply approached Yuno, so clear that she had no clue who he was, let alone what people say about him. Honestly, she seemed like an airhead, but Yuno was too much of a coward to say it out loud.
"Oh, that's what you're talking about." Yuno quickly pushed the thought aside. "I'm sorry if I was distracting you. I'm not sick, my recent meals just haven't been sitting with me well lately." Well, it wasn't entirely a lie.
"Ah, I see." Hisami, once again, fixed her thick, round rimmed glasses to sit farther up on her nose. "It must be hard. I didn't mean to pry."
"You're fine." Yuno waved a dismissive hand. "I was probably making a scene anyway."
"You weren't distracting me. You are okay, right?"
"Completely fine."
Hisami nodded, "that's good."
The conversation drifted off from there, the white noise of the classroom making the silence between the two more awkward than it needed to be. Hisami fiddled with the bendable cover of her book, folding and unfolding it repeatedly.
"Um," Hisami exclaimed, lifting her head. "Will you…I want to ask if, um, you would-" she stuttered. "May I eat lunch with you? I haven't- I don't have many to talk to, and I- you seem…nice."
Yuno blinked, tilting his head to the side.
"Can I sit with you during lunch?"
Oh, is that it? Odd. He seems nice, she said.
Nonetheless, Yuno played along. "Oh, is that it? Sure. I don't usually get asked, so, that's fine. I suppose we'll see each other then?"
"Y- yes, that'd be wonderful. I'll- oh, um, I'll leave you alone now. Sorry for disturbing you." She bowed once more before turning on her heel and rushing to the back of the classroom. He watched her sit down and push her glasses up again, then she put her book in her bag and began fiddling with her hair.
Strange, Yuno couldn't help but think as he sat down in his seat again. His eyes drifted back to the place the girl hit her head on his desk and he smiled. There were a few drops of water on his desk, right where Hisami had hit her head. He wiped it away with his fingertips and looked at the glistening water on his hand, wondering where it came from. Honestly, it's amusing how shy she got, then proceeded to embarrass herself the way she did, like she was trying to figure out when she should walk away.
The sound of the door sliding open caught Yuno wiping his fingers on his blazer and folded his hands on his desk. Power Loader, just as always, walked in with his back hunched over as he made his way to the front desk. He looked like he just wanted to get home room over with so he could go back to the teacher's lounge. At least there, he'd be able to use any vocabulary he wanted.
"Alrigh, rascals," as always, Loader entered the classroom and stood at the front desk. The class was quick, within ten seconds were they sitting in their seats. "I have an announcement to make."
Everyone sat forward in their seats, anxious and curious. Loader had entered with such a tense aura that it was almost scary. Silence filled the room, a bead of sweat rolling down some of the student's temples.
"The UA Sports Featival is near."
The class burst into excitement, jumping from their chairs and pumping their fists into the air with loud "yeah!" Yuno just lowered his head further before propping his chin on his palm and looking out the window. Sure, the Sports Festival was…fun. But it's not like it's great either, even if it is one of the largest events held in Japan.
"Pipe down." Loader raised a hand and the class immediately shut up. "Good. Now, I'm aware you're all excited, not a lot of support course students get the same chances as the hero course, so you're ready to give it your all, and I'm glad you have that mindset."
Right, because support course students are always disqualified during the qualifier rounds. Only a select few have ever moved onto the actual main event, Yuno himself is included in that list. He won first place last year, but he suggested it was pure luck; Kisuma says it's because of how seriously he took his training back then.
"But I do have one other thing to say." Loader raised a finger that pointed to the ceiling. "As second years with a experience, one student from each class will be selected to, you could say, point our first years in the right direction."
The class groaned, their heads thumping on their desk. A couple students had raised their hands and began questioning things like "why?" or "isn't that the teachers' job?"
"I understand that you have you're own priorities," Loader continued. "Which is why you will vote on who will be teaching. I want you all to understand that because of this program, one of you will have less time to train for the festival. Choose wisely and equally. You have until homeroom ends to decide. Once you've voted, the student chosen will head to the teacher's lounge to choose the class they want to teach. From then on until the festival, you will be attending that class, and might even take part in the first year section of the main event. Again, choose wisely."
Loader then brought out a stack of papers and handed to the student in the front corner. Everyone took one sheet and passed it down to the person behind them. The student in front of Yuno quite literally smacked him when he didn't answer or take the stack. Yuno didn't appreciate it, but he rolled his eyes and took a sheet of his own before passing the stack down.
And then the class grew quiet again, save for the muttering and whispering that everyone did. Yuno could distantly hear who was suggesting who. Some students, although they tried to make it discreet, stared at Yuno. He could hear them saying if the voted student gets less time to train and they won't be in the class, then they had the perfect target.
Yuno sighed. This program was more like test, and Yuno saw through it. The teachers can be slick if they wanted to, sometimes even sly. This was supposed to check how the students' mindsets worked. What did they think about others and how do they treat such a situation? This was most likely only for third and second years. Since the first years always get the most attention, the teachers have to find ways to also check up on the seniors.
Yuno just wished they would make this test more easy to understand for dimwits like his classmates.
By the time homeroom was almost finished, everyone had handed their papers back to Loader, folded so that no one would see their votes. Everyone had finished their piece, except Yuno. He hadn't written anything in his paper, only frowning at it and spinning the pencil between his fingers.
This is so stupid. Admittedly, Yuno didn't fill it out, simply because, he didn't want to. This was not worth his time and even if he did vote for someone, said person would probably come after no matter who it is. So he handed his blank paper to Loader and decided to let whatever happens, happen.
As Loader sorted out the papers, his frown deepened and his brows furrowed, pinched together to form a crease. Almost every single paper had Yuno's name on it and of course, no one in the class like Yuno, even the girls who would normally be asking him to accept their love letters. Perhaps, most of them had figured Yuno out and decided that he was bad news.
With a total of 14 votes for Yuno, Loader didn't even bother to look at the rest of the votes. He set the papers aside, Yuno could see the barely masked disappointment in the teacher's eyes. Truly, it was ridiculous how some students were treated fairly while others were just shat on.
"Well, that was faster than I thought." Loader rubbed the back of his head. "All right, after counting all the votes, the decided student is Tsumuyuki." He finished with a grimace.
Yuno…he expected as much, but it didn't make it any less irritating. He remembered to keep an impassive expression as he stared at Maijima, nodding mechanically. He could've been mistaken for a robot if people hadn't seen him bleed before.
"Make sure you head to the teacher's office later today and you'll decide which class to choose there." Loader reminded. "And then you'll head to the classroom you chose at the end of the day, just to bring your things there. You'll have an assigned seat ready for you and you will be able to put all your things there. I think you'll be able to teach them a great amount of things."
Yuno didn't like the sound of the class snickering at him, but really, there was nothing he could do about it. At least, he couldn't throw any of them through the wall. Weird, because the moment he thought of bringing harm upon his classmates, his stomach felt less twisted.
In the back of the classroom, Yuno could hear Hisami talking to another student, one with a smooth voice that was almost watery, like calm waves, but it held a sort of optimism and joy that could be found in the splashes of a pool. Yuno turned his head just a bit, only enough to get barely a glimpse of who she may have been talking to. She sounded much more at ease than when she was talking to him earlier.
The boy she was talking to was one with hair that was almost an ocean blue, and his eyes were yellow like the sun. He had some looks to him, a small half tail on the back of his head pulling some of his blue locks up. He had earrings too, one in the cartilage of his left ear and two on his left that had a chain connecting them together. The most prominent feature on his face, despite how little of it there was, it was the red eyeliner that popped in contrast to his eyes.
The two must be friends, because Hisami didn't so much as flinch when the boy waved his hands around and gestured to the things he was talking about. Hisami rubbed her cheek when what seemed to be a drop of water splashed her, and the other apologize with a smile when she did so.
When Hisami turned her head, feeling that someone was looking at her, her eyes immediately met Yuno's and he stiffened for a moment. As her friend kept going on and on about whatever the topic was, Hisami lowered her gaze before shooting her eyes back up while tapping her pointer fingers together.
And then she waved at him. Waved at him. Yuno could've sworn he felt his chest warm and he clenched his hands into fist at the odd feeling. He didn't want to feel it, but he didn't push it away.
And then she turned back to pay attention to her friend, her shyness completely fading as she quietly giggled at a joke her friend had blurted out. Yuno then felt something in his chest chill, like the feeling from before just dimmed. Almost as if her gaze was an ember and lit up a fire with just a touch, and as soon as she turned away, water was splashed down onto that small flame.
She looked at him with such kindness, and he wondered if that was just because she was clueless about him. But one things was for sure, he didn't…dislike this feeling. He honestly…sort of liked the feeling.
We back and I’m tired. How was your Thanksgiving? You ready for Christmas? Cause I am!