Haunted by his past, Yuno Tsumuyuki struggles to find a balance of peace and struggle, good and bad. Stuck in his mind and confused of which path to take, he spends his daytime at UA as a Support Course student, but in his free time, he’s a blood red and merciless villain. Perhaps, in this pitiful life of his, he’ll find his answer. I couldn’t find the creator of the cover, but I will gladly take it off if that person happens to find this and says they don’t want me using their art.
'What's wrong, Yuno?!'
"Nothing, I- "
Get rid of them already!
"No, wait- I mean, please-"
'They're irritating me!'
"What are you talking about?"
"Stay away, stay away!"
Use your Quirk, make him explode!
"I can't- No, no-"
"I'm getting worried, Yuno! Please!"
'Kill them.'
"Tell me what's wrong!"
'Draw your knife, boy!'
"I can't! I can't!"
"Can't what?!"
You know you can!
'No, you can't!'
'They have lives, families!'
"What's going on?!"
"No, go away! Don't come closer!"
There was a scream, and then a crash before it all went silent.
Yuno doesn't know how many times he woke up last night, but he can definitely feel it catch up to him as soon as he dragged himself out of bed. He doesn't know how many times he woke up, suffocating himself with his hand over his mouth to prevent the screams from escaping.
He doesn't want to know how many times.
Thinking about it gives him a headache as he put on his clean uniform. His fever had gone down, finally, and his burn was no longer so infected and restricting. Sure, it was still bandaged for safe measure, but he was fine with that, he was used to it. Kisu had woken up early, ready to pick up Yuno just in case he had slept in again. He was determined to wake up on time, show up for the day, see Power Loader and irritate the living hell out of him.
At least, that's what he wanted to do but…
He's been asleep for half the class already, not even bothering to hide behind anything. He's been slouched over his desk, quietly snoring, no one could hear him, for over half of homeroom. He wouldn't make it through his classes if he kept sleeping through them like this.
He slept through all of homeroom.
He rubbed his eyes, he could hear the footsteps of students leaving. One pair of feet made heavy thuds as they made their way to his desk. He put a hand up to cover his mouth as he yawned, tears forming in his eyes before he quickly wiped them away. He closed his barely touched books and put them into his bag that hung from his chair, then looked up at the person in front of him.
"Loader," he greeted with a small nod. "Can I help you?"
"Home room is over," Loader said.
"I can see that."
"You were asleep the entire class."
"So I was."
"Did you get any sleep last night?"
"No, I did not get a single wink of sleep."
Loader's shoulders dropped, as if they could fall any lower, and he sighed silently. "Do you want me to-"
"I'm not sure how your class would feel if you were peppering a single student more than the others, Mr Maijima," Yuno cut him off as he stood out of his seat, god, his legs felt like jelly. "Jealousy causes unwanted rivalries."
Loader held a hand out to stop Yuno, but hesitated. No, he didn't stop Yuno, he can't force him to do anything. He is right though, showing Yuno more affection is unfair to the rest of class, he's not above everyone else.
Yuno is not young and stupid anymore.
Yuno's legs felt like they were made of gelatin as he walked to his next class. There were so many people talking in the hallways, changing classes and gossiping about who knows what. Well, at least it will wake him up a bit, if at all. English was taught by Present Mic, and if he was correct, the classes would be mixed, so first years would be attending as well. First years are always loud, he'll definitely wake up to those moronic idiots.
When he entered the classroom, the first thing he saw was bright yellow hair, a quirky smile, and very, very active hands.
Oh, Kaminari…
As much as Kaminari seemed like a good guy, Yuno didn't want a talkative person chat chatting with him, especially when he barely had the energy to get to his classes.
Kaminari seemed distracted, so Yuno slipped passed and sat at the desk behind him, all the way in the back. Yuno let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in as sat down, successfully got passed the blond.
He closed his eyes as soon as he sat down.
"Alriiight! Let's get this party started!"
Yuno's eyes shot open, bloodshot, and slightly irritated. That's right, Present Mic teaches English. Present Mic is the one who shouts during class. Present Mic is the one who never shuts up.
Yuno came to terms he would not be sleeping at all today.
At least Yuno could eat during lunch time. He was practically running on empty, on account of skipping breakfast that morning. Yuno was famished, but the walk to the cafeteria was starting feel unusually long. Has he been walking in circles this entire time? Is he really just so tired that he's become mindless and brainless?
The hallways always looked the same, they kind of were the same, white walls, large windows, gray floors, huge doors. All the same. It was peaceful, maybe he'd eat here, in the quiet and empty hallway. He did pack emergency lunches just in case. It was Yume's idea to pack backup lunches, when they were younger, pack a sandwich if you don't feel like eating with people. Yuno didn't like being with people, nor did he want to be near anyone right now. He just wanted to be left alone.
He sat on a staircase, putting his backpack next to him and pulling out a sandwich. It was a katsu sandwich, Yuno's favorite, and he especially loved the way Yume made them. Mayonnaise spread on both slabs of soft milkbread, breaded chicken, coleslaw, and tonkoktsu sauce in between.
Yuno heard murmuring down the hall as he chewed his sandwich. Of course there were those few students who skipped lunch, or they ate quickly. Said students would roam the halls for the rest of lunch, talking with friends to pass the time.
Three students walked past him, talking about arcade games of some sort, it sounded like those dance machines where you step on the arrows. DDR machines, as Yuno recalls. Those look hard to play, it takes so much energy, energy Yuno does not have.
Before he could take another bite out of his sandwich, it was roughly smacked out of his hands. It fell apart on the floor, the wrap barely keeping it stacked atop each other. Yuno didn't know exactly how to react, he just looked up at the person who smacked it out of his hands.
It was those students who just passed. Or did they pass? Yuno isn't quite sure.
"You," the student growled. "Finally found you after almost a year."
Does this boy know who he is? As far as Yuno is aware, they've never met. Or maybe it's one of those students who cause trouble everywhere they go. Yuno does have a reputation for chasing away people who cause trouble. He makes their blood stab through their own skin when he catches them doing something absolutely foul.
"I'm sorry, have we met?" Yuno asked, keeping eye contact with the student.
"You don't remember me?" The student crossed his arms. "Just last year, you stabbed me."
"I have stabbed many people, why are you seeking me out now?"
"Because I want to teach you a lesson."
I want to teach you a lesson. Something about that tone was familiar. Oh, this student was a delinquent, he remembers now. Yuno was on his way home when he happened to pass an alleyway, he heard choking and muffled sounds. Someone was trying to scream, he recognized those sounds all to well, so he decided to check what was happening. He found the student and two others, one was indeed choking someone, a girl, the other two looked soiled like they had just fought on the ground.
Yuno reacted with using his Quirk, manipulating the blood of the student choking another. The student's skin tingled as it seemed to pull taut, so he began examining it with his eyes. All in a second, his skin broke under the pull, and blood stabbed through his arm, his own blood. He screamed, it was a grim sight. Yuno had kicked the second student in the side of the head, and the other he had punched on the right side of his jaw. He then picked the girl up and escaped the alleyway. The girl paid him for saving her.
Now, here he stood, sat actually, in front of the same three people who attacked that girl.
"Hiraigi is my name, you dunce bastard." The student, Hiraigi, said as he tapped his foot on the ground irritably.
"Oh," Yuno exclaimed, looking down at his sandwich, reaching to pick it back up.
Hiraigi took notice, immediately planting his foot and squishing the food. What the fuck. "I'm talking to you!" He reached down and grabbed Yuno's collar, yanking him off the staircase. "You don't give two fucks about what you did, do you?"
"I'm not sure what you're talking about," Yuno replied. "And that was my food you stepped on."
"What makes you think I care?"
"It's my food."
Hiraigi kicked Yuno's bag and commanded. "Rei, toss that out a window."
The student named Rei picked up the bag and took a few steps toward the window. Like a baseball, he wound his arm back, aimed with his other hand and threw the bag at the glass. The bag went straight through the window, leaving the glass completely untouched. That must've been his Quirk. Yuno watched as his bag fell out of view, disappearing as gravity pulled it down.
Yuno was then dragged to the staircase that led to the lower floors. Hiraigi kept a firm grip on his collar as he pushed Yuno to the edge of the steps, Yuno had to do all he could to keep himself upright.
"Why don't you have a taste of your own medicine." Hiraigi grinned before he shoved Yuno, letting go of his collar.
Oh, Yuno thought to himself, so they want vengeance for being put in the hospital. That…that makes sense.
Yuno's body tumbled down the stairs, soiling his uniform. He could've sworn he felt something pop in his ankle, and he bit his tongue on the way down. He could hear laughs along with footsteps rushing down the stairs. Large hands picked him up by the scruff of his shirt and dragged him to the next set of stairs.
"Let's go get your backpack," Hiraigi said, throwing Yuno down the next flight. "Hopefully it's not lost!"
They kept doing that, throwing Yuno down the multiple flight of stairs. They did it four times before they finally reached their destination, the first floor. Of course no one was around, they were all still at lunch, so Hiraigi and his goons didn't have a reason to worry. They didn't have to worry about getting caught.
One thing after another, I suppose.
Hiraigi dragged Yuno to the back of the school, a hidden place on UA grounds. Few knew about it, even Yuno didn't recognize the place. He was tossed against a wall, his back making contact with the bricks, he coughed at the sudden impact.
A foot kicked his abdomen, hard, and he felt bile crawl up his throat. He was physically moved when a second kick came. Yuno propped himself on his elbows, just enough so he wouldn't puke on himself. Yet another foot pounded into his stomach, that was the last straw.
The little food Yuno had eaten that day came up in a heap of clumpy, undigested bread, yellow and smelly slime, and green bits of coleslaw. It shot out of his mouth in a disgusting and messy projectile, some of it got on his sleeves as the puddle spread across the ground.
"Come on," Hiraigi groaned. "You're not like last time, put up a fight or something. Otherwise, we would've brought you here for nothing."
Yuno heard a click of a tongue, then an agreeing hum. His vision was blurry as he saw a pair of feet, then hands lifted him up. Rei hooked his arms under Yuno's armpits, lifting him up as his head lulled. A pair of hands found their way to the sides of his head, right on top of his ears. They felt smaller then Rei's or Hiraigi's, possibly a girl's hands.
"Volume all the way up, Akiko." Hiraigi commanded.
God, Yuno wished he had resisted Rei's grip sooner.
Thundering blares filled Yuno's ears, his eyes going wide as the deafening sound caused him to scream. At least he thinks he screamed, the only reason he knows he did is because Hiraigi shoved a cloth against his mouth, covering one of his air holes.
Make it stop!
Too loud!
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
Yuno mustered enough energy to kick Akiko in the stomach, catching her off guard. Her hands left his ears as she held her middle and yelped. Yuno felt himself go limp, his head dangling.
He heard Hiraigi say something, he doesn't know, but Rei dropped him carelessly. Yuno's first instinct is to get away, he drags himself against the wall, shielding his ears as he presses himself against the brick. It scratches his back and it hurts how hard he's pinning himself.
"Why aren't you fighting back? Did you turn into a crybaby?" Hiraigi taunted and used a baby's voice.
Yuno gave Hiraigi a blank stare, even though it was supposed to be blank, there was a hint of anger in that expression, those multicolored eyes. Hiraigi felt something snap as he glared at Yuno, and he grabbed Yuno's wrist, causing him to flinch and squeeze his eyes shut.
"What's that look for? You going to try and stab me again? Little rabbit trying to attack a big bad wolf?" Hiraigi watched as Yuno's body tensed, trying to pull his wrist away. "Come on, fight like a man. You did it last time."
Hiraigi forced Yuno to stand up, yanking him by the arm. He shoved his shoulder, picking a larger fight to get a reaction. He knocked Yuno back with each shove.
"Come on, you want to fight. Come on. Come on! Come on!"
Kill him!
'No, I can't-'
Just do it, boy!
'Attack back!'
"Stop what? Fight back!"
Wring his neck!
'You cannot! He is human just like you!'
"No- It's not- Don't touch me-"
"Then hit me back, Tsumuyuki!"
'Crush his jaw! Your fist has a target right there!'
This isn't right!
Do not fight back, you'll fall into his trap!
'Make him pay! Make them all pay!'
Hiraigi recoiled, backed away in surprise when Yuno screamed. Rei and Akiko's eyes were blown wide in shock, their bodies taking defensive stances.
"Excuse me?" Hiraigi's frown turned into a smile, spread from ear to ear as he lifted an eyebrow in interest. "What did you say?"
Yuno didn't answer, he just needed to stay standing, he's less vulnerable that way.
That's what he thought before Hiraigi lunged toward him, slamming him into the wall. Yuno choked as he felt the bricks again. How many times will he be rammed into the wall? He felt fingers wrap around his throat, blocking off his air supply. He was pulled up against the wall, making it even harder to access the oxygen he so needed.
"Shut up?" Hiraigi's voice was grim and angry. "You want me to shut up?! I'm the one who should be saying that, you freak! Talking to yourself in a fight, what? Is there a ghost behind me or what?!"
Yuno let out a strangled scream, anybody, please, as he tried gasping for air. Nothing came in and he grew fearful. He saw black dots in his vision, help me, I need help, and drool began to drip down his chin. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, losing consciousness so pathetically quick, yes, I'm pathetic, his legs lost all strength and his struggle grew weaker and weaker until his eyes finally closed. What did I even do to deserve this?
Yuno was dropped, painfully landing on the ground in a heap of limp flesh. His ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton, muffling the sounds around him. He vaguely felt hands touch him, two fingers against his neck, feeling for any severe injuries.
"Oh god…" Yuno couldn't make out the voice. "You're okay…try to…your body…he's bruised…bleeding…"
Yuno didn't quite hear the rest, all he knew was that he was tired, and the person didn't like the fact he fell asleep.
"Relax, Maijima," Aizawa, Eraserhead, said, slightly agitated by the repeated pacing his friend was doing. "He's not dead, he'll be fine."
"I know that," Maijima retorted. "What I'm worried about is how he got into that fight in the first place."
"Oh, both of you, please," Chiyo, Recovery Girl, tapped her cane on the ground. "No bickering, the poor boy could probably hear you in his sleep with how much you two argue."
Maijima and Aizawa gave apologetic looks, disregarding the talk for another time.
"Instead of worrying over what happened, worry about how he is now. The past can be discussed in private, when the youngster is in a less vurnerable state."
Maijima sighed, rubbing the back of his neck in impatience. "Can I go sit with him, Chiyo?"
"Oh!" Chiyo smiled. "I wanted to let you know he's awake."
"Why didn't you say so sooner?!"
"Hush now, his ears are still sensitive. Speak quietly when you enter, he might jump if you don't."
Maijima nodded. The last thing he wanted was to scare Yuno, so he opened the door slowly and quietly. He winced at the sound of the door creaking, there goes his chances of being quiet.
"Buddy?" Maijima called. "You awake still?"
The sight of Yuno's state was enough to put Maijima through a blind rage. There were bruises up his arms, and most definitely more under his shirt. His head was wrapped in bandages, he might be concussed, Chiyo didn't say. There was dry blood near his ears, from the blaring sounds that exploded in his ears. He looked like a mess.
"Oh, hi, Loader." Yuno greeted, blinking slowly like he had to really think to speak the right words.
"Don't call me that right now," Maijima felt upset by the formal term, not at Yuno, but at himself for not being a more close person to Yuno than he thought. "Yuno, what happened?"
Yuno rubbed his head, wincing at the touch, but he needed some sort of grip on reality to actually think.
"What else? I prefer not to rethink the incident."
"That's why I'm in here, talking to you right now." Maijima took Yuno's hand and gave him a blue and squishy ball, for him to squeeze and not bother his injuries. Oftentimes, Yuno needed something to do with his hands when he was thinking hard. "I need to know what happened, you're not in trouble, Yuno. I just want to talk."
"Talk about something I'd rather not talk about."
"What is going on with you?"
"I have no idea what you mean."
"Like hell you don't."
"Please- just stop." Maijima fell silent. "I don't-" Yuno sucked in a shaky breath. "I don't want to think about that right now."
Maijima sat down on a chair and held Yuno's arm in comfort, give him a clue of how Maijima will always be there for him. "I'm sorry. But I need to know so I can talk with the teachers. What those students did is terrible, and you know it."
"I started it."
"How on earth did you start it?"
Yuno pressed his lips together, unsure of what to say.
"Exactly. I don't think you started it, they're just assholes."
"Aren't you an adult?"
"It's still true, Yuno." I know it is. "Look, I know what you're going through, whatever it may be, is hard."
'Oh, that's rich coming from him!'
"But I need you to tell me. I'll help fix this."
'Sure, try to fix it. You can't do shit!'
Yuno looked Maijima in the eyes, his mind falling silent in curiosity. There was something in Yuno that made Maijima determined to protect this fragile boy. He squeezed Yuno's arm, not hard, but to indicate what he means.
"You're not alone anymore."
Maijima stared at Yuno for a good while, sitting silence, never breaking eye contact. Only until Yuno laughed, covering his mouth and smiling. Maijima was bewildered, what was so funny?
"I know," Yuno said when he finally stopped laughing. "You just looked so serious though, I thought it was funny."
"Funny how?"
"I don't know, something about your face made me laugh."
"Now that's just rude."
Yuno laughed again.
They didn't talk about the students who attacked Yuno, but they did have idle chit chat. Yuno had fallen asleep while Maijima sat with him on the bed, leaning on his shoulder as he breathed softly. Maijima rested his head on Yuno, savoring the moment while he rubbed Yuno's arm and held him close.
"Love you, buddy."