
Summer camp, here we come

The morning of the summer camp came around with the cold chills of the previous night tingling on their skin, the sun peaking brightly over the trees surrounding the UA campus. It didn't take class 1-A long to pile onto their bus, along with luggage, all tired from the earlier morning start Aizawa-sensei ha required.

Between the heated argument, both he and Bakugou had shared a couple of weeks ago, it seemed Bakugou hadn't bothered to report the lies he had told to the police or mentioned the hidden trauma he still held from that day to anyone; leaving Midoriya begrudgingly grateful.

The bus ride continued on throughout the morning, giving their whole class time to socialize with one another before they arrived. Seated next to Ochako with Shouto only a row back sleeping silently, it gave Izuku the opportunity to build upon his friendship with normal conversations rather than the angsty and mentally strained one the foundations of their friendship had been built upon before.

With the feelings of joy and excitement fluttering around for what felt like the first time in forever, Izuku allowed his boundaries to droop; relaxing and enjoying the company around him for a freeing moment.

Uraraka seemed to have noticed his relaxed state too, coming out of herself as she joked playfully with him; all with minimal embarrassments.

The bus ride lasted for a good while as class 1-A traveled across the country, finally pulling over at a rest stop right into the afternoon.

The Wild Wild Pussy Cats were nothing as Izuku had first anticipated, the fact not for a moment dampening the excitement of seeing the Rescue Heroes in person. None of his classmates had expected arrival, and none of them were certainly ready to get chucked off a cliff and told to run the rest of the way to their summer camp.

Thankfully for Izukus' enhanced agility, he was able to grab ahold of Uraraka wh had been stood next to him, and land with ease on his two feet; while the majority of Class 1-A landed on their ass.

The stone monsters created by Pixie-Bobs quirk earthflow didn't take too long to defeat either, with only the use of one for alls crackling green energy to aid him, he was more than able to defeat the heavy dirt monsters sent to attack them taking virtually no damage apart from a few scrapes and bruises. The adrenalin keeping him up and lightly breathless as he reached the end, while the rest of the class panted from exhaustion.

The luxury of being able to use One-for-All without the side effects drawn from the ghoul quirk left him with the freeing feeling of exhilaration, deeply grateful, and in debt to Gran Tornio for teaching him how to utilize One-for-All without breaking any of his limbs. It felt like a gateway had opened for him, a path free from his ghoul life he would never have been able to gain before; and even if the invisible chains around his ankles around him had only extended into the distance behind him, never truly disappearing, he was still overwhelmed with the joy-filled outcome.

The Meal the Wild Wild Pussy Cats had dished up for their class after their return left him feeling less than happy, the once again putrid smell from the food turning his stomach just from the sight of the plates scattered before him.

Izuku scrunched his face up at the putrid smell, grimacing at the thought of having to stand around and eat it; his silent reaction catching the attention of Uraraka who stood besides him worriedly.

"Hey Deku? Are you feeling alright?" She asked calmly sensing his growing distress, expression laced with worry as she silently understood his reaction.

Izuku turned to her a weak and uncomfortable smile, shaking his head slightly, "No not really..."

His words trailed off and Ochako nodded with understanding, she lowered her voice as she spoke, "Maybe you could ask Aizawa-Sensei if you could go sit somewhere else..? You can tell him you're feeling a little sick or something?"

Izuku paused as he contemplated the idea, slowly nodding as he agreed with the idea; thanking her as he shifted slowly away in the direction of their sensei, "That's not a bad idea, I'll go speak with him."

Uraraka bobbed her head up and down as she gave him a small smile as he walked towards their teacher. Passing the groups of their classmates who had already begun devouring the food he walked over to Aizawa, who was already looking towards him with a questioning look as he nervously approaches him.

Aizawa lifted a brow as Midoriya stopped in front of him, voice coming out plainly as he spoke,

"Midoriya. Do you need something..?"

Izuku gulped slightly as he tried to pull himself together, fiddling with his hands as he looked anxiously at Aizawa-sensei; eyes subconsciously avoiding the healed scar which silently filled him with knowing guilt.

"I've not been feeling to great and i was wondering if i could go lay down somewhere..? I think it might be from travel sickness or from being away from home. I-"

Aizawas questioning expression softend as he continued speaking, nodding lightly as he understood what Izuku was asking.

"Alright, there's a separate room a little way down the hall behind those doors which you can relax in until you're feeling well enough to come join us again." Aizawa began, pointing over to the double doors to the side of the dining room they were stood in with Midoiya looking over as well.

Aizawa looked back to his student with something that Izuku thought looked almost akin to worry, "I suggest you take something with you to eat though, missing your food won't do you any good tomorrow. It might help you feel better."

Izuku internally grimaced, silently disagreeing with his senseis suggestion as he replied, leaning towards the end of the table they were stood next to and grabbing a sandwich, "…..Yea ok, Sensei. Thank You!"

Offering a small bow of gratitude to his sensei, who waved it off unworried, Izuku quickly walked out of the room and down the hall; offering Ochako a silent glance of thanks as he left. It didn't take him long to reach the small lounge room which doubled as a small kitchen, where he finally allowed himself to flop down into the closest chair he could find; sandwich still in hand.

Izuku sighed, he needed to find a way to get rid of it without leaving any evidence. He really didn't want to eat the sandwich, and as much as he used to hate wasting food and still did, he didn't plan to; he couldn't afford to either. He had noticed in the past that Aizawa always had a small eye for attention to detail and Midoriya didn't want to raise suspicions.

With that in mind, his short rest on the couch was over as he got up with a groan and silently tip-toed towards the door. The staff were expecting to stay in the lounge room, getting caught in the toilet almost immediately after saying he wanted to lay down because he felt sick would only be a cause for concern.

Wandering a little further down the corridor, away from the dining hall where he could hear both Class 1-A and the newly arrived Class 1-B conversating, he discovered a small toilet cubical; which he promptly stood inside. Wasting no time at all he began tearing up the white bread, lumps of sandwich filling falling into the toilet, into smaller pieces which Izuku hoped would go down the drain with a single flush.

Soon enough he watched the water whirl away, taking the soggy pieces of bread down with it; the smell of the sandwich which wafted through the air making him want to gag. It didn't matter how long he had been a ghoul, he doubted he would ever get over that awful smell.

Izuku stared dumbly as the toilet finished flushing, offhandedly wondering what it would have tasted and smelt like if he could actually eat it, whether he would have actually enjoyed it.

Just like the time his mother had gotten him a chocolate cake for his last birthday, it left him feeling a little sad and guilty.

It didn't take long for Izuku to sneak out of the bathroom and tiptoe down the hall back towards the lounge. Flopping back down onto the couch, he stared up at the while ceiling as his thoughts drifted off to other things; for once not wondering about his past horrors and incidents

At some point, he must have fallen asleep as the sound of Aizawa opening the door awoke him from his light nap.

His tired-looking sense watched him silently as he sat up from where he was laying, "How are you feeling now?" He asked with his usual dullness, eyes searching for something in the room and seemingly not finding it.

Izuku rubbed the weariness and sleep from the corner of his eyes, "Umm, a little better than before. I think the food helped too. Thanks, sensei." The insignificant lies spilled out easily.

Aizawa nodded easily, believing and seemingly a little please with his words, "Alright good. If you feel sick or unwell again later, just let me know." Izuku held back his surprise at his senses sudden unexpected attentiveness before nodding slowly.

Aizawa paused for a moment before leaning back out to look down the hall as he spoke, "The rest of your class are finishing up and are going to the baths if you want to join them."

Izuku hesitated at the idea, the few scars of his littering his body would definitely draw a few side-eyes; and while all the guys knew about the wide scar which stretched across his stomach, the few faded marks on his forearms from after the sports festival where noticeable. He'd never show or told anyone about those, opting to keep them while covered with his hero costume and PE uniform; he'd not ever mentioned them to Uraraka or Todoroki, he just didn't see the point.

Luckily at this point, they were pretty faint, taking a weight off Izukus mind as he slowly nodded at Aizawa suggestion.

Soon enough he found himself nose deep in the steamy waters of the baths, the boys in his class scattered around with Shouto beside him, as Mineta began hugging the wooden wall the female baths were behind.

Izuku almost saw the waves of disappointment radiating from lida as the tall blue haired boy made his way towards Mineta; thought Izuku didn't blame him for being angry for what he was saying...

"Bathe! My angels! Bathe.!'

It only took a few minutes for the shouts of complaints and instructions from lida and Mineta's obWous disregard for them for it to start to get on

Izukus nerves.

Sitting up a little and lifting the rest of his head up out of the water, Izuku looked over to their perverted classmate with a warning.

"Hey, Mineta? You probably shouldn't be going that-"

He only heard Mineta groan with annoyance as he was cut off, his small classmate turning to face Izuku with an envious expression.

"But Midoriya! Dont you want to know what Uraraka-San looks like? Her boobies!" He exclaimed loudly, causing Izuku to freeze at his words before flushing brightly.

"Huh!?Wa-! No! Mineta-"

The small purpled hair boy just continued on egerly, "You two always seem to be hanging out all the time and act super close around her half time when your not blushing! Don't deny it!"

Izuku could only splutter out nonsense, embarrassed and blushing furiously at Mineta's rather loud words, as the rest of their classmates directed their attention towards him.

"Huu! We're Just friends! Mineta!"

Shouto stayed silent beside him, seemingly deep in thought as a flushed Izuku couldn't help but think back to the first time she had visited his house almost half a year ago. The memoried of bawling unknowing into her chest as she had hugged him, too out of it to realize what he had been touching until much later afterwards.

Izuku felt his face burn brightly as the thoughts went unfiltered through his head as he reached up to forcible shake the embarrassing and flushing thoughts away.

Mineta only folded his arms with disbelief, "I don't believe you, I know I'm right. Everyone else in the class has noticed too."

Izuku peaked out of a gap between his fingers to see some of his classmates nodding awkwardly with agreement, not helping his burning face in anyway.

He turned towards Mineta just to catch the tail end of his statement, the purple hairs boy preparing to jump at the wall.

"-Well, I'm going to go see them for myself, whether you come or not. PLUS ULTRA!"

As Mineta began sprinting up the wall, Izuku felt his embarrassed feelings drop as a new wave of annoyance and something else flooded through him. Narrowing his eyes at the culprit of his emotions as he stood up towards the wall to try and stop them, when suddenly Kota, Mandalay's nephew popped up at the top of the wall; thwacking Mineta off towards the floor.

Izuku couldn't help the feeling of relief flow over him at the sight of the Kota at the top of the wall, protecting the girl from the pervs. The thought of Mineta seeing Uraraka in such a way left him surprised at the anger and other strange emotions it brought.

He stood still for a moment, trying to figure out what he was feeling inside before Shouto grabbed his shoulder lightly; bringing him out of his small trance.

Uhh... That was a new feeling, not one he had felt before..

Izuku looked over to where Mineta was getting reprimanded by lida before facing the wall which Uraraka was stood only a little way behind.

He really didn't want anyone seeing his friend like that, and that emotion scared him a little..

A small yelp pulled him from his thoughts as he saw Kota falling backward from the top of the wall, headed fast for the ground below. Wasting no time, Izuku fired up One-for-All and caught him moments for the floor; letting out a quiet sigh of relief before noticing the small trail of blood coming from the child's nose, making Izuku scrunch up his face with distaste.

Ugh, another perverted child; not that Izuku could blame him, he'd probably have the same reaction if he ever saw anything over there.

Shaking his head to rid his thoughts, he looked over to the rest of the boys who had all started to move towards where Kota had been falling; staring with surprise at his quick action.

"I'm going to take Kota inside to Mandalay." The rest of the boys nodded with understanding as Izuku began to walk off, letting out a sigh of relief as he entered the building; he guessed he was more than a little bit grateful for the excuse to leave the baths after that conversation with Mineta.

The burn of embarrassment slowly reforming as his adrenalin slowly dripped away.

The thought of seeing Uraraka in such a way had actually left him feeling a little sick, but somehow the feeling didn't leave him wanting the throw up; it taking shape of the fluttery feeling he had felt only a few times before.

Huh..? How strange..

Mandalay had come jogging up to him as he had walked into the lounge room he had been sat in not that long ago, both Aizawa and Vlad Sensei sitting up at his entrance.

He offered them a small goodbye and left early to go to sleep. Surprisingly, even when so far from home, he fell asleep easier than he ever had over the last year.


As Kota fell backward off the wall after looking over at them, nose bleed and all, Hagakure couldn't help but grin.

The girls had been having a conversation about the many different kinds of shampoo when the loud voice of Mineta rang over the wall, catching all their attention. As he had continued yelling and soon brought Midoriya into the conversation, she laughed along with the rest of the girls at Midoriya's squeakily embarrassed voice and Urarakas emotionally matched face.

Mina had spent no time at all calling Uraraka out on her furious blush.

"You know, Mineta's kind of right. You and Midoriya do look really close, so what's the deal there?"

Urarakas face only burned brighter at Mina's words, "It's not like that, we're just really close friends.!"

Mina nodded excitedly, clearly not believe her words as she carried on anyway, "Oh yeah? You two also seem to walk home together too. Say have you been to his house?!"

Urarakas eyes widened slightly as she tried to stammer out a reasonable answer, " Uhh, yea u have-"

The loud gasp coming from her pink-haired classmate cut her off.

"YOU HAVE! Have you been in his bedroom!" Mina's wide eyes demanded, desperate for an answer.

Uraraka backed away with a sheepish flush when

Hagakure decided to join in.

"You know, they say a boy's bedroom secrets!

What did you see in there?!"

Uraraka slowly watched Hagakures out of the corner of her eye at the emphasis on the word secret she had placed; still unsure of what to make of her from Midoriya's words of warning and threat to eat her.

"just be wary of her. You don't need to worry, ill deal with her in time..."

"….. I never said I had been in his bedroom!" she started slowly with denial, carefully choosing her words before sighing at the sight of Minas positively desperate face, clearly in need of more info on their relationship.

"If must really know, his bedroom doesn't really hold any secrets as far as I'm aware. Apart from the hundreds of All Might things hanging around."

At that slice of information, Mina couldn't help but squeal, chanting about how cute it was. Uraraka couldn't help but feel a little guilty for outting him like that. As they all started to settle down from that piece of information, it was Asui's turn to speak as she turned to Hagakures direction.

"Say, Hagakure? I always thought you and Midoriya had something going on for a while. I remembered you saying something about hanging out with him after the sports festival. What was that all about.

Hagakure sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, laughing awkwardly "Well, we went out together for one day after the sports festival, but that was about it." The invisible girl lowered her hand as the rest of the girls looked at her, Uraraka watching her with caution out the corner of her eye, "But I think I scared him off, haha."

"If that's what it takes to deal with her, then so be it. I won't have her causing any more trouble..."

Her words mixing with Midoriyas only left her wondering, knowing full well that he would never threaten to eat anyone without good reason, what the hell had happened that night...

A little later into their bathing time, Hagakure exclaimed how she felt tired before getting up and quietly leaving the rest of the girls in the baths behind.

Izuku couldn't have been asleep for very long, as the sounds of someone's feet pattering quietly on the cold floor outside the door awoke him to an empty room.

Yawning, he sluggishly slumped up from his sleeping bag; leaning back to peer down the corridor.

Where the rest of the boys finally coming from the baths..?

As he looked down the corridor, fatigue still lingering in his eye, there was nothing to see but the dark expanse of the sky through the window at its end.

Hu..?He was sure he had heard someone walk past...

Letting out a low groan. he got up and started walking back through the dark corridor; slowly approaching the corner. As he rounded the edge, he suddenly bumped into someone who let out a small oof.

jumping back slightly at the small figure, zuku widened his eyes as he saw Mineta rubbing the top of his head.

"Oh! Mineta! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to walk into you.

With a small sigh, the purple-haired boy only shrugged his shoulders, "It's ok, I'm used to it.."

Griming at his passive-aggressive remark, Izuku looked up down the empty corridor in front of him.

"Hey, Mineta? Did you walk past anyone on your way here.?"

The small pervert only shook his head with a quizzical look, "Uhh, no..? I didn't see anyone, I was just coming back from the lounge Aizawa-Sensei was in. He banned me from going into the baths again-"

As Mineta carried on complaining about his ban on the baths, Izuku could only wonder if it was Mineta's steps he had heard coming down the corridor.

"Hagakure, have you got a location?'

Her invisible grin widened darkly at the static voice ringing down the line.

"yep, we arrived at Wild Wild pussy cats mountain agency this afternoon..

A low menacing chuckle could be heard vibrating through the speaker,

"…..good, I'll send Shiggaraki word, they should be with you tomorrow."