
MHA: Strongest Hero

I am not good with synopsis but just read tbe first chapter Read ahead on patre on/madtitan

itrywriting · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

In the middle of the city, stood a girl of age 14. She had short brown hair and a round face.

'I must get into UA, no matter what.....for my parent's sake.'

Thought the girl as she sprinted on the roads of the fake city.

Ochako's only reason for entering UA was so she could earn a lot of money by being a hero and help her parents with finance.


A giant robot that resembled a mecha jumped and appeared in her peripheral.

She didn't waver and instead charge forth.

"zero gravity."

She said as she touched the mecha making it float high in the sky before it fell back down and crumbled to pieces.

'That should be 2 villain points.'

Each robot defeated earned the victor a certain number of points.


Before she could move and enjoy her recent victory, a rather large robot came into her view.

It was double the size of other robots and had a different color as well.

'No! It's over 3 tons, I can't use my power on that...I must run away.'


Though Ochako turned her body in the opposite direction to flee, however, she was interjected by a piece of debris thrown in her direction.

Ochako's power was limited and anything over 3 tons, she could not levitate. She had no choice but to run.

In addition, the large robot was an arena trap which meant even by defeating it, she earned no points.

It was a lose-lose situation.


'If I can't run away, I must fight it, at least.'

The giant robot drew closer as Ochako used her ability on fallen debris which was directed at the mecha's head.

However, his attacks were ineffective to such a large enemy.


The robot stretched its arm to grab Ochako, releasing a shriek from the moving metal.


"Guess I'm a little late, but as they say, a hero always arrives late."

The robot's arm exploded and fell to the ground, and after a voice of a boy sounded.

The boy had white hair and a handsome appearance.

"It seems like Fate wants us to meet, Ochako-san."

Said William, grabbing Ochako's hand and lifting her off the ground.

"T-Thank you, William-Kun."

Ochako replied earnestly as she grabbed onto William's shirt.

She was a little frightened by the experience but she knew as a hero she would face far worse.

"Ochako-san, the fight's not over yet, as you can see the robot is still functioning, so don't thank me yet."


William pointed at the armless robot in front of him to prove his point as Ochako nodded.

Lifting his hand in the air, William activated his quirk.

The robot's head crumbled, then followed by the rest of its body, slowly turning into a ball.


A condensed ball of metal fell to the Earth.

"There you go. You can thank me now."

William smiled nonchalantly as he peered at Ochako.


"Well, this won't do, why don't you buy me food sometimes. It seems like we'll be attending the same class, so buy me lunch alright."

William said moving away from Ochako to defeat other robots and rack up points.

Before Ochako could say anything, he sprinted away.


(William POV)

I'm walking back home from the entrance exam, knowing full well I scored well.

"Deku, how did the exam go for you?"

I ask Midoriya who was next to me. He had a neutral expression on his face which I guess means he passed.

"It was a breeze, William. The training helped, also by using my quirk I was able to save many of the helpless kids."

Deku said as he smiled at me and gave me thumbs up.

"Great to hear...Well, if you ever need help controlling or practicing your quirk, I'm here." I said to him. In the future, he would get the quirk of the past OFA users, which would make it harder for him to manage his quirk. I'll help him out a little, after all, I still remember a little about what Midoriya did to control his quirk back then."

"Thanks, William."


After separating from Midoriya, I went straight home.

I opened the door to my home with a spare key and entered.

Greeting me was the sight of my sister who turned 11 recently. She was seated on the sofa, watching cartoons.

"Viola, Oni-chan is here, will you at least greet me?"

"Okay....Welcome home, Baka-chan"

She replied, with a neutral expression, stuffing her hand into a bowl filled with popcorn.

"Kya, my lovely sister calling me an idiot, it hurts to hear. Where did my cute little sister go."

I made a hurtful expression to prove my point. As Viola grew up, her personality changed as well.

"By the way, how did your entrance exam go?"

She asked as I nodded, "perfectly, I wouldn't be surprised if I created a new record," I answered honestly.

"Oh? With that pathetic quirk? You're kidding." She had a surprised face.

"We have the same quirk, idiot."

"No, mine's cooler." She replied quickly.

I turned my body away from her and went to the kitchen to cook food, "I am not participating in this conversation."


A week later,

"William-Kun, a package came by with your name on it," my mom said, handing me a package. "Thanks, mom, it's probably about UA," I said, grabbing it and opening it.

Immediately, Allmight's figure popped up and started saying.

"Young, William. I have good news, you have been accepted into UA," I sighed as I expected this, "Furthermore, you have created a new high score for the entrance exam. Congratulations."

The ranking was as expected, I was first by a mile, then followed by Midoriya and Bakugo.