
MHA: Strongest Hero

I am not good with synopsis but just read tbe first chapter Read ahead on patre on/madtitan

itrywriting · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

6 years have passed and I am no longer in preschool. However, the difficulty in my studies hasn't changed much, I'm still the top student in my class. During that time, I rejected countless proposals… I didn't think I was that popular but considering my looks and grades it should be a given.

Oh, by the way, I was extremely lucky in the looks department. I have pearl white hair and a sharp face. Matching all that with my chiseled 14-year-old body, I am confident in saying, I am the most handsome man around town.

I am sitting next to Midoriya right now and the teacher is giving out a speech. I just have a bored expression while listening.

He is talking about heroes and how important they are, but then he suddenly stopped as if remembering something, "Oh yeah, Bakugo, William, and Midoriya are planning to go to UA high school? It's the best hero school in Japan."

Everybody's eyes are turned to Midoriya and Bakugo, leaving me out. The class knows I can easily make it to UA, I have the strongest quirk in the neighborhood and my marks are top-notch. In the case of the other two, they either have no quirk or aren't that smart in their studies.

Bakugo just flares his quirk and says, "Whatcha looking at, you rabbles. I'm gonna make it to UA and pass even All might as the top hero."

Ohh, I remember this scene from the anime. Bakugo gets captured and Midoriya goes to save him, in turn getting a quirk.

It seems like I had a positive influence on Midoriya because instead of squirming under the gazes of the class, he just ignores them.


After school, I leave Midoriya in hopes he meets All might and gets a quirk. I hope I didn't change canon too much, as I remember, Midoriya only got OFA because he was bi*ching about being powerless.

Anyways, I am in a supermarket right now, buying groceries.

"That'll be 100 yen," I nod and hand money to the cashier.


Suddenly, a loud explosion rang out. I immediately activate my quirk and elevate to the sky by creating an electromagnetic field around me.

It took me 2 minutes to arrive at the location of impact where I saw the pro-hero Mirko out of control.

"Ah, what's going on? Why is a pro hero wrecking buildings?"

"Somebody inform the agency about this, we need a hero ASAP."

The people near me are confused. I look at Mirko and I can see a slimy thing enveloping her. It has eyes, and its body is green.

Well.. that explains it all. But why is the slime-villain controlling Mirko instead of Bakugo?

-BOOM! -

Mirko, under the control of the slime villain, throws a bunch of cars at the civilians. Well.. time to act like a hero.

The cars are stopped in mid-air and slowly descend to Earth.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Why didn't it fall on us?"

The civilians are confused as they don't know who saved them. I didn't bother to tell them I did it because it would raise a lot of problems in the future, as people without licenses aren't allowed to use their quirks in public.

"Time to sleep, villains," I muttered under my breath as a streak of metal makes its way to Mirko. The ground tears and splits till the metal reaches her and surrounds her, eventually caging her in solid metal.

Well, during the last 6 years, I found out I can do a lot with my quirk. One of them being I could create literal metal from thin air. It was stupid of me not to try it the first day I discovered my quirk.

Now that Mirko isn't a danger anymore, the pro heroes can take it up from here. There's nothing left for me to do.


As I am walking home, humming and rethinking the events of the day, I am interrupted by Allmight.

"Young hero, I am impressed by what you did there," oh he was there? "I think you have a bright future ahead of you. Would you like to be my disciple?"

All might says as he has his usual wide smile on his face. I can't help but wonder why is he being so forward about this. Ah well, this just means Deku wasn't able to convince All might to give him his quirk.

I bow down in front of him and say, "thank you for your consideration, but I would like to train and study alone. I have no plans to be someone's disciple. I am sorry. I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about what I did back there, or else it would arise unnecessary problems for me."

"Oh, what a pity. Don't worry, I won't tell a soul about what I saw. It's a secret between us."

I nod at him before saying, "If you are looking for someone to follow in your footsteps. I believe there is a far better candidate than me. He even has the stronger aspiration to be a hero," I tell him, hinting at Midoriya. This is the only time I can help Midoriya get a quirk. Or else, he is going to be quirk less forever. To be honest, that will botch my future plans, but I can work it without him if need be.
