
35: I-Island


{Akira POV}

Okay. I finally told him. I hope Nezu does something...


Coming outside of the school, I could see Todoroki, Iida, and Midoriya cleaning parts of the school while getting shouted at by robots.

"See you later, Takumi-kun!" shouted Iida, which in turn, made the two boys greet me goodbye as well.

I give them a bow and continue on my way.


I finally arrive at our house and I could hear someone cooking in the kitchen.

As much as I want it to be my mother... I know that it's Kane...

"I'm home, Kane-neechan."

"Ah! Aki! I know it's still early, but I made some dinner for us." she tells me with a happy tone.

"And... I just came from the h-hospital. Ahem. Uh, the doctors told me that Aunt Minami is doing alright." she informs me with a slightly trembling voice.

She... still feels guilty about mom...

"I see... Thank you so much, neesan." I reply.

She replies as she clears her throat, "Come on. Let's eat."


{General POV}

"How was school, Aki?"

"It was good. And actually, I got invited to the I-Expo in I-Island." replied Akira.

"Really? Isn't that a really famous place?" she asks, barely containing her excitement.

But, it quickly dies down to his reply,

"No... I don't think I'm going to go. I... Mom. I want to take care of her. But, leaving to go to something that isn't mandatory, with her in a hospital bed..."

She puts her chopsticks down and turns to look at Akira with a serious face.

"Aki... You should go. Let me take care of Aunt Minami... I will take good care of her."

"Sigh. Neesan... I don't want to, especially right now. It... just seems selfish."

"Why are you thinking like that? Aki, you're a teenager! You're allowed to be selfish at times. You're still a kid, you know? You're not supposed to be thinking like that yet! Even when I first met you, you felt more mature than most children." she tells me with an expressive face.


"It's like you forget that you're still a teenager. Even at a young age, you already helped us with the cafe... Aki... Look, just for now. Just for now, have fun. Leave Aunt Minami to me. I'm going to take good care of her. Just... Please." she speaks with pleading eyes.

"Okay, neesan... And thank you," replied Akira with a warm smile.


After their interaction, they went back to eating, and surprisingly... It wasn't awkward at all.

And to Akira... The food tasted much better after their talk.


After another day of class, Akira went to talk to Aizawa about the invitation.


So, after he was let in the Faculty Room...

"Aizawa-sensei, I will be going to the I-Expo..."

"Good. Now, have you chosen your Plus Ones?" asked Aizawa.

"Kirishima and Bakugo," replied Akira, as Aizawa wrote something on a paper.

"Alright. It's done. On Saturday, the school wants you to be here by 7:00 a.m. And, you can tell them yourself that they were invited to the I-Expo." the homeless-looking man told the teen.



'I haven't seen the movies, so I don't know what happens there... I just hope that I can "have fun", as Kane-neesan said...' thought Akira silently.


The next day, Akira told Kirishima that he was invited to the I-Expo as his guest.

But in Bakugo's case, Akira told him that he was invited to the I-Expo because he was a Runner Up in the Sports Festival.

'If I told him that he was just my guest, then he wouldn't come at all...' was Akira's thinking process.


A few days pass and it's now Saturday.


In U.A., we see two students in their uniform.

"Takubro! Thank you for inviting me, really!"

"It's no problem, Kirishima-san. I couldn't think of anyone else but you to invite."


A few minutes pass and Bakugo finally arrives...

"Good, you're all here. Get in," said Aizawa, coming out from nowhere, pointing at a black car.


After an hour, they arrive at an Airport.

Aizawa and the students showed their tickets and went on the plane.

And an hour later, they could spot the island.


Once another hour passed, they landed.


"Hotels in here don't allow minors to stay without adults with them, so U.A. and the I-Expo collaborated and rented you a room to stay in. Now, let's go to the room. After that, you guys are free to do whatever you want. Just follow the rules, and don't get in trouble." informed Aizawa with a red glare, saying that last part.

"I will be back the day before your last day here," he added.

"Understood, Aizawa-sensei." replied the students.


The rooms were in a building, right beside the Expo.


They got into the rooms, and there were three separate beds, one big TV on the wall, and a telephone right beside the entrance.

And, Aizawa told them one last thing before leaving them.

"Also, All Might is coming here, so if you ever need help, just approach him."

"Though I'm not even sure if he can assist you, even though he's the Number 1 Hero, sigh..." he muttered with a sigh.


"Yes! Wanna merge our beds into one?" asked Kirishima.

"No, weirdo," replied Bakugo taking his shirt off.

"That's fine... Killjoy" muttered Kirishima.


"You, Takubro?" the spike-haired boy asked, ignoring the fuming Bakugo.

"Sure, why not," answered Akira.



"Why'd you take your shirt off, Bakubro, Takubro?" asked Kirishima, as he saw the two boys taking their top uniforms off.

"Why else? I want to wear my costume and participate in their challenges, idiot."

"I want to participate in them as well," said Akira.

"Right! Thank Kami they told us to bring our costumes!"


As they stood there shirtless, Kirishima looked at them and their toned bodies, and said...

"Man! This room just screams manliness!"


"Alright, I'm going to change in the bathroom," said Bakugo annoyed.

[A/N: Just Kirishima being Kirishima...]


After they changed into their costumes, they went outside of their rooms and started to look around the Island.

"Hey bros! Wanna get something to eat?" asked Kirishima, pointing at a restaurant.


"Yes. I hope they have noodles..."


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