
30: Hosu Incident


Forgive me for not uploading a chapter.

Thank you all for the support. My father's injuries weren't that severe, thankfully.

He's recovering well, so, I'm back.

Without further ado, let's get onto the chapter!


After the whole fiasco, we had to make sure that there weren't any more bombs.

That's why we came back later than usual.


After telling my mother and my classmates about the incident, I went to sleep.


//Day 5 of the Internship//

After our patrol, we started practicing 1-finger activation.

And, like usual, my quirk's effects became even weaker.


After a few hours of repetitive usage of the 1-finger, my quirk's effects got more effective.

I eventually got used to the stamina cost and that's when Mr. Imprint told me to try actually developing my move.


I touch a cube and input some of my energy in it.

Quirk Energy enters the cube. I let go of the cube, go back a few meters, and say "Melt."

It melts a little for a second, but it stops.

This made me baffled, so I took another cube and filled it with my energy.

I release it and go back a few meters.

After a few seconds, I touch it again and I felt the energy diminish a little.

Well, this was unanticipated...

//Day 6 of the Internship//

I don't remember if the Hosu Incident happens today or tomorrow.

And speaking of the Incident, I don't think I'm going to go there. They took care of the Nomus and Stain...

But... Now that I think about it, what about the civilians?... Pro Heroes died fighting the Nomus...

If I can convince Mr. Imprint, then I'm going to go to Hosu...


Mr. Imprint was busy with a potential temporary partnership with another Pro Hero, though he didn't mention who and where...

That's why I practiced on my own today.

I took a cube and inputted some of my Quirk Energy. I inserted more than usual.

I went back a little. I waited for a few seconds and touched the cube again. The energy in the cube is still reduced, though this time, only a tiny bit.

It looks like I only need to do this repeatedly to lessen the energy diminishing.


As I was practicing my new move, Mr. Imprint walks in and says,

"Takumi, prepare your costume and some clothes. We're going to Hoodoo's Agency in Hosu."



{General POV}

After half an hour of a train ride, both Akira and Mr. Imprint arrive in Hosu City.

Coming out of the station was a dreamy raven-haired teenager in a black combat bodysuit. He was wearing blue visor glasses and a metallic mask was hanging on his neck.

Following the teen was a man with a lean body, wearing a white jacket over blue combat attire. On his face was a yellow-colored eye mask.

They were greeted by a blonde woman in a white bodysuit, a long green vertical rectangle in the middle of it, and wearing a red scarf.

"Hey hey!" she exclaimed waving her hand.

"Hello, Hoodoo-san." both of the men greet her.

"How was the trip?" she asks.

"It was alright," answered Akira.

"Alrighty then, follow me!"


The trio arrived in front of a standard building.

"Okay, you two, follow Amelia. She'll lead you to your rooms." Hoodoo tells them. She then adds with a smile, "Don't mind the chilly atmosphere. It's just that the building is filled with wraiths..."

Akira and Mr. Imprint looked at her with a blank stare.

"Really? Still no reactions!?"


After leaving their belongings in the room, they started their patrol around the city.


Meanwhile, on top of a structure...

"So this is Hosu... Livelier than I thought..." said a man walking out of a portal in a raspy voice.

"I will reform this town. But for that, sacrifices are needed..." stated a thin man, body full of weapons.

The thin man continues, "The title "Hero" is reserved for those who perform truly great feats selflessly! But there are too many "Fakes"... They're undeserving of the title "Hero"! They're just money worshipping scums! Until this society wakes up and corrects itself... I will continue my work..."

The man then unsheathes his katana and jumps down the building.

Once the man was out of their sight, a raspy voice said,

"We're too different... As much as you and Sensei want him to become my ally... Deep down... It pisses me off."

"Kurogiri... Bring out the Nomus..." he told the purple fog behind him.

"Understood." replied the purple mist.

"Which will cause more destruction? Let's see. As if I'd just let him get away with stabbing me just like that...! I'm going to crush your stupid pride and dignity, Stain!!!"


When the evening sun cast long shadows on the ground, the group began to turn back to the Agency.

Entering the Agency, Akira took out his phone and turned it on.

After turning it on, a message popped up. It was from his mother, sent on 3:00 p.m.

It read,

|Aki! I just got your text about you going to Hosu City! I and Kane-chan are on our way there too to check out the lot for the Café Branch. Maybe we'll see each other there!|

As Akira was replying to his mother's text, an explosion could be heard.

Running out of the Agency, they could see smoke rising from the central plaza.

'They're attacking now!?' thought Akira.

"Hoodoo, hold on. And Edict, when it is necessary, I give you permission to engage with the Villains," said Mr. Imprint. Hoodoo obeyed and grabbed on his shoulders.

Akira nodded, put on his metallic mask, and blasted through the air.

'Please be safe, mom.'

They zoomed through the city, approaching the plaza.

What they came across was a space full of flames, a humanoid monster flying away, and a muscular monster, fighting toe-to-toe against a well-built Pro Hero.


What did you think of the chapter?